unknown f22517e4ec Enable warnings by default for single value list inserts also when the client protocol is >= 4.1
  test for timestamp bug (BR #819)
  Enable warnings by default for single value list
  Updated test for single value list insert warning
  Updated warnings results
2003-07-21 00:13:22 -07:00

81 lines
1.8 KiB

# Test some warnings
drop table if exists t1, t2;
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (1);
insert into t1 values ("hej");
insert into t1 values ("hej"),("då");
insert into t1 values ("hej");
insert into t1 values ("hej"),("då");
drop table t1;
# Test other warnings
drop temporary table if exists not_exists;
drop table if exists not_exists_table;
show warnings limit 1;
drop database if exists not_exists_db;
show count(*) warnings;
create table t1(id int);
create table if not exists t1(id int);
select @@warning_count;
drop table t1;
# Test warnings for LOAD DATA INFILE
create table t1(a tinyint, b int not null, c date, d char(5));
load data infile '../../std_data/warnings_loaddata.dat' into table t1 fields terminated by ',';
select @@warning_count;
drop table t1;
# Warnings from basic INSERT, UPDATE and ALTER commands
create table t1(a tinyint NOT NULL, b tinyint unsigned, c char(5));
insert into t1 values(NULL,100,'mysql'),(10,-1,'mysql ab'),(500,256,'open source'),(20,NULL,'test');
alter table t1 modify c char(4);
alter table t1 add d char(2);
update t1 set a=NULL where a=10;
update t1 set c='mysql ab' where c='test';
update t1 set d=c;
create table t2(a tinyint NOT NULL, b char(3));
insert into t2 select b,c from t1;
insert into t2(b) values('mysqlab');
drop table t1, t2;
# Test for max_error_count
create table t1(a char(10));
let $1=50;
while ($1)
eval insert into t1 values('mysql ab');
dec $1;
alter table t1 add b char;
set max_error_count=10;
update t1 set b=a;
select @@warning_count;
# Test for handler type
drop table t1;
create table t1 (id int) type=isam;
alter table t1 type=isam;
drop table t1;