kostja@bodhi.(none) 198b97a625 Add a test case for Bug#22427 create table if not exists + stored
function results in inconsistent behavior.

The bug itself was fixed by the patch for bug 20662.
2007-07-18 17:09:03 +04:00

359 lines
6.8 KiB

# Tests of prelocking-free execution of stored procedures.
# Currently two properties of prelocking-free SP execution are checked:
# - It is possible to execute DDL statements in prelocking-free stored
# procedure
# - The same procedure can be called in prelocking-free mode and
# in prelocked mode (from within a function).
drop database if exists mysqltest;
drop table if exists t1, t2, t3, t4;
drop procedure if exists sp1;
drop procedure if exists sp2;
drop procedure if exists sp3;
drop procedure if exists sp4;
drop function if exists f1;
drop function if exists f2;
drop function if exists f3;
# BUG#8072
create database mysqltest;
delimiter //;
use mysqltest//
create procedure sp1 ()
drop table if exists t1;
select 1 as "my-col";
delimiter ;//
select database();
call sp1();
select database();
use test;
select database();
call mysqltest.sp1();
select database();
drop procedure mysqltest.sp1;
drop database mysqltest;
# BUG#8766
delimiter //;
create procedure sp1()
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (10);
create procedure sp2()
create table t2(a int);
insert into t2 values(1);
call sp1();
create function f1() returns int
return (select max(a) from t1);
create procedure sp3()
call sp1();
select 'func', f1();
delimiter ;//
call sp1();
select 't1',a from t1;
drop table t1;
call sp2();
select 't1',a from t1;
select 't2',a from t2;
drop table t1, t2;
call sp3();
select 't1',a from t1;
drop table t1;
drop procedure sp1;
drop procedure sp2;
drop procedure sp3;
drop function f1;
delimiter //;
create procedure sp1()
create temporary table t2(a int);
insert into t2 select * from t1;
create procedure sp2()
create temporary table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values(1);
call sp1();
select 't1', a from t1;
select 't2', a from t2;
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
delimiter ;//
call sp2();
drop procedure sp1;
drop procedure sp2;
# Miscelaneous tests
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values(1),(2);
create table t2 as select * from t1;
create table t3 as select * from t1;
create table t4 as select * from t1;
delimiter //;
create procedure sp1(a int)
select a;
end //
create function f1() returns int
return (select max(a) from t1);
end //
delimiter ;//
CALL sp1(f1());
delimiter //;
create procedure sp2(a int)
select * from t3;
select a;
end //
create procedure sp3()
select * from t1;
call sp2(5);
end //
create procedure sp4()
select * from t2;
call sp3();
end //
delimiter ;//
call sp4();
drop procedure sp1;
drop procedure sp2;
drop procedure sp3;
drop procedure sp4;
drop function f1;
# Test that prelocking state restoration works with cursors
drop view if exists v1;
delimiter //;
create function f1(ab int) returns int
declare i int;
set i= (select max(a) from t1 where a < ab) ;
return i;
end //
create function f2(ab int) returns int
declare i int;
set i= (select max(a) from t2 where a < ab) ;
return i;
end //
create view v1 as
select t3.a as x, t4.a as y, f2(3) as z
from t3, t4 where t3.a = t4.a //
create procedure sp1()
declare a int;
set a= (select f1(4) + count(*) A from t1, v1);
end //
create function f3() returns int
call sp1();
return 1;
end //
call sp1() //
select f3() //
select f3() //
call sp1() //
# ---------------
drop procedure sp1//
drop function f3//
create procedure sp1()
declare x int;
declare c cursor for select f1(3) + count(*) from v1;
open c;
fetch c into x;
create function f3() returns int
call sp1();
return 1;
end //
call sp1() //
call sp1() //
select f3() //
call sp1() //
delimiter ;//
drop view v1;
drop table t1,t2,t3,t4;
drop function f1;
drop function f2;
drop function f3;
drop procedure sp1;
# Bug#15683 "crash, Function on nested VIEWs, Prepared statement"
# Check that when creating the prelocking list a nested view
# is not merged until it's used.
drop table if exists t1;
drop view if exists v1, v2, v3;
drop function if exists bug15683;
create table t1 (f1 bigint, f2 varchar(20), f3 bigint);
insert into t1 set f1 = 1, f2 = 'schoenenbourg', f3 = 1;
create view v1 as select 1 from t1 union all select 1;
create view v2 as select 1 from v1;
create view v3 as select 1 as f1 from v2;
delimiter |;
create function bug15683() returns bigint
return (select count(*) from v3);
delimiter ;|
prepare stmt from "select bug15683()";
execute stmt;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
drop table t1;
drop view v1, v2, v3;
drop function bug15683;
# Bug#19634 "Re-execution of multi-delete which involve trigger/stored
# function crashes server"
drop table if exists t1, t2, t3;
drop function if exists bug19634;
create table t1 (id int, data int);
create table t2 (id int);
create table t3 (data int);
create function bug19634() returns int return (select count(*) from t3);
prepare stmt from "delete t1 from t1, t2 where = and bug19634()";
# This should not crash server
execute stmt;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
create trigger t1_bi before delete on t1 for each row insert into t3 values (;
prepare stmt from "delete t1 from t1, t2 where =";
execute stmt;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
drop function bug19634;
drop table t1, t2, t3;
# Bug #27907 Misleading error message when opening/locking tables
drop table if exists bug_27907_logs;
drop table if exists bug_27907_t1;
create table bug_27907_logs (a int);
create table bug_27907_t1 (a int);
delimiter |;
create trigger bug_27907_t1_ai after insert on bug_27907_t1
for each row
insert into bug_27907_logs (a) values (1);
delimiter ;|
drop table bug_27907_logs;
# was failing before with error ER_NOT_LOCKED
insert into bug_27907_t1(a) values (1);
drop table bug_27907_t1;
--echo Bug#22427 create table if not exists + stored function results in
--echo inconsistent behavior
--echo Add a test case, the bug itself was fixed by the patch for
--echo Bug#20662
drop table if exists t1;
drop function if exists f_bug22427;
create table t1 (i int);
insert into t1 values (1);
create function f_bug22427() returns int return (select max(i) from t1);
select f_bug22427();
# Until this bug was fixed, the following emitted error
# ERROR 1213: Deadlock found when trying to get lock
create table if not exists t1 select f_bug22427() as i;
create table t1 select f_bug22427() as i;
drop table t1;
drop function f_bug22427;
--echo End of 5.0 tests