
124 lines
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# functional change user tests
grant select on test.* to test_nopw;
grant select on test.* to test_oldpw identified by password "09301740536db389";
grant select on test.* to test_newpw identified by "newpw";
select user(), current_user(), database();
# massaging the data for tests to pass in the embedded server,
# that has authentication completely disabled.
--replace_result <@> <test_nopw@%> @> @localhost>
select concat('<', user(), '>'), concat('<', current_user(), '>'), database();
change_user test_nopw;
--replace_result <@> <test_nopw@%> @> @localhost>
select concat('<', user(), '>'), concat('<', current_user(), '>'), database();
change_user test_oldpw, oldpw;
--replace_result <@> <test_oldpw@%> @> @localhost>
select concat('<', user(), '>'), concat('<', current_user(), '>'), database();
change_user test_newpw, newpw;
--replace_result <@> <test_newpw@%> @> @localhost>
select concat('<', user(), '>'), concat('<', current_user(), '>'), database();
change_user root;
--replace_result <@> <root@localhost> @> @localhost>
select concat('<', user(), '>'), concat('<', current_user(), '>'), database();
change_user test_nopw,,test;
--replace_result <@> <test_nopw@%> @> @localhost>
select concat('<', user(), '>'), concat('<', current_user(), '>'), database();
change_user test_oldpw,oldpw,test;
--replace_result <@> <test_oldpw@%> @> @localhost>
select concat('<', user(), '>'), concat('<', current_user(), '>'), database();
change_user test_newpw,newpw,test;
--replace_result <@> <test_newpw@%> @> @localhost>
select concat('<', user(), '>'), concat('<', current_user(), '>'), database();
change_user root,,test;
--replace_result <@> <root@localhost> @> @localhost>
select concat('<', user(), '>'), concat('<', current_user(), '>'), database();
drop user test_nopw;
drop user test_oldpw;
drop user test_newpw;
# Bug#20023 mysql_change_user() resets the value of SQL_BIG_SELECTS
--echo Bug#20023
SELECT @@session.sql_big_selects;
# The exact value depends on the server build flags
--replace_result 18446744073709551615 HA_POS_ERROR 4294967295 HA_POS_ERROR
SELECT @@global.max_join_size;
--echo change_user
SELECT @@session.sql_big_selects;
# The exact value depends on the server build flags
--replace_result 18446744073709551615 HA_POS_ERROR 4294967295 HA_POS_ERROR
SELECT @@global.max_join_size;
SET @@global.max_join_size = 10000;
SET @@session.max_join_size = default;
--echo change_user
SELECT @@session.sql_big_selects;
# On some machines the following will result into a warning
SET @@global.max_join_size = 18446744073709551615;
SET @@session.max_join_size = default;
--echo change_user
SELECT @@session.sql_big_selects;
# Bug#31418 User locks misfunctioning after mysql_change_user()
--echo Bug#31418
SELECT IS_FREE_LOCK('bug31418');
SELECT IS_USED_LOCK('bug31418');
SELECT GET_LOCK('bug31418', 1);
--echo change_user
SELECT IS_FREE_LOCK('bug31418');
SELECT IS_USED_LOCK('bug31418');
# Bug#31222: com_% global status counters behave randomly with
# mysql_change_user.
let $i = 100;
while ($i)
dec $i;
let $before= query_get_value(SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'com_select',Value,1);
let $after= query_get_value(SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'com_select',Value,1);
if ($after != $before){
die The value of com_select changed during change_user;
echo Value of com_select did not change;