unknown 6a46b6d6e6 Bug#12204
"CONNECTION is a reserved keyword"
  Allow connection to be used as an ordinary identifier
  Tests included.

  test that CONNECTION may be used as ordinary identifier
  test that CONNECTION may be used in stored procedure.
  test that CONNECTION may be used as ordinary identifier
  test that CONNECTION may be used in stored procedure.
  Set CONNECTION as an unreserved keyword
2007-02-07 14:22:19 -08:00

43 lines
990 B

# Test keywords as fields
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (time time, date date, timestamp timestamp,
quarter int, week int, year int, timestampadd int, timestampdiff int);
insert into t1 values ("12:22:22","97:02:03","1997-01-02",1,2,3,4,5);
select * from t1;
select t1.time+0,,t1.timestamp+0,concat(date," ",time),
t1.quarter+t1.week, t1.year+timestampadd, timestampdiff from t1;
drop table t1;
create table events(binlog int);
insert into events values(1);
select events.binlog from events;
drop table events;
# End of 4.1 tests
# Bug#12204 - CONNECTION should not be a reserved word
create table t1 (connection int, b int);
delimiter |;
create procedure p1()
declare connection int;
select max(t1.connection) into connection from t1;
select concat("max=",connection) 'p1';
delimiter ;|
insert into t1 (connection) values (1);
call p1();
drop procedure p1;
drop table t1;
# End of 5.0 tests