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synced 2025-03-08 04:03:30 +01:00
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201 lines
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drop procedure if exists empty;
drop procedure if exists code_sample;
create procedure empty()
show procedure code empty;
Pos Instruction
drop procedure empty;
create function almost_empty()
returns int
return 0;
show function code almost_empty;
Pos Instruction
0 freturn 3 0
drop function almost_empty;
create procedure code_sample(x int, out err int, out nulls int)
declare count int default 0;
set nulls = 0;
declare c cursor for select name from t1;
declare exit handler for not found close c;
open c;
declare n varchar(20);
declare continue handler for sqlexception set err=1;
fetch c into n;
if isnull(n) then
set nulls = nulls + 1;
set count = count + 1;
update t2 set idx = count where name=n;
end if;
end loop;
select t.name, t.idx from t2 t order by idx asc;
show procedure code code_sample;
Pos Instruction
0 set count@3 0
1 set nulls@2 0
2 cpush c@0
3 hpush_jump 6 4 EXIT
4 cclose c@0
5 hreturn 0 19
6 copen c@0
7 set n@4 NULL
8 hpush_jump 11 5 CONTINUE
9 set err@1 1
10 hreturn 5
11 cfetch c@0 n@4
12 jump_if_not 15(17) isnull(n@4)
13 set nulls@2 (nulls@2 + 1)
14 jump 17
15 set count@3 (count@3 + 1)
16 stmt 4 "update t2 set idx = count where name=n"
17 hpop 1
18 jump 7
19 hpop 1
20 cpop 1
21 stmt 0 "select t.name, t.idx from t2 t order ..."
drop procedure code_sample;
drop procedure if exists sudoku_solve;
create procedure sudoku_solve(p_naive boolean, p_all boolean)
modifies sql data
drop temporary table if exists sudoku_work, sudoku_schedule;
create temporary table sudoku_work
row smallint not null,
col smallint not null,
dig smallint not null,
cnt smallint,
key using btree (cnt),
key using btree (row),
key using btree (col),
unique key using hash (row,col)
create temporary table sudoku_schedule
idx int not null auto_increment primary key,
row smallint not null,
col smallint not null
call sudoku_init();
if p_naive then
update sudoku_work set cnt = 0 where dig = 0;
call sudoku_count();
end if;
insert into sudoku_schedule (row,col)
select row,col from sudoku_work where cnt is not null order by cnt desc;
declare v_scounter bigint default 0;
declare v_i smallint default 1;
declare v_dig smallint;
declare v_schedmax smallint;
select count(*) into v_schedmax from sudoku_schedule;
declare v_tcounter bigint default 0;
while v_i <= v_schedmax do
declare v_row, v_col smallint;
select row,col into v_row,v_col from sudoku_schedule where v_i = idx;
select dig into v_dig from sudoku_work
where v_row = row and v_col = col;
case v_dig
when 0 then
set v_dig = 1;
update sudoku_work set dig = 1
where v_row = row and v_col = col;
when 9 then
if v_i > 0 then
update sudoku_work set dig = 0
where v_row = row and v_col = col;
set v_i = v_i - 1;
iterate sched;
select v_scounter as 'Solutions';
leave more;
end if;
set v_dig = v_dig + 1;
update sudoku_work set dig = v_dig
where v_row = row and v_col = col;
end case;
set v_tcounter = v_tcounter + 1;
if not sudoku_digit_ok(v_row, v_col, v_dig) then
iterate sched;
end if;
set v_i = v_i + 1;
end while sched;
select dig from sudoku_work;
select v_tcounter as 'Tests';
set v_scounter = v_scounter + 1;
if p_all and v_i > 0 then
set v_i = v_i - 1;
leave more;
end if;
end loop more;
drop temporary table sudoku_work, sudoku_schedule;
show procedure code sudoku_solve;
Pos Instruction
0 stmt 9 "drop temporary table if exists sudoku..."
1 stmt 1 "create temporary table sudoku_work ( ..."
2 stmt 1 "create temporary table sudoku_schedul..."
3 stmt 95 "call sudoku_init("
4 jump_if_not 7(8) p_naive@0
5 stmt 4 "update sudoku_work set cnt = 0 where ..."
6 jump 8
7 stmt 95 "call sudoku_count("
8 stmt 6 "insert into sudoku_schedule (row,col)..."
9 set v_scounter@2 0
10 set v_i@3 1
11 set v_dig@4 NULL
12 set v_schedmax@5 NULL
13 stmt 0 "select count(*) into v_schedmax from ..."
14 set v_tcounter@6 0
15 jump_if_not 39(39) (v_i@3 <= v_schedmax@5)
16 set v_row@7 NULL
17 set v_col@8 NULL
18 stmt 0 "select row,col into v_row,v_col from ..."
19 stmt 0 "select dig into v_dig from sudoku_wor..."
20 set_case_expr (34) 0 v_dig@4
21 jump_if_not 25(34) (case_expr@0 = 0)
22 set v_dig@4 1
23 stmt 4 "update sudoku_work set dig = 1 where ..."
24 jump 34
25 jump_if_not 32(34) (case_expr@0 = 9)
26 jump_if_not 30(34) (v_i@3 > 0)
27 stmt 4 "update sudoku_work set dig = 0 where ..."
28 set v_i@3 (v_i@3 - 1)
29 jump 15
30 stmt 0 "select v_scounter as 'Solutions'"
31 jump 45
32 set v_dig@4 (v_dig@4 + 1)
33 stmt 4 "update sudoku_work set dig = v_dig wh..."
34 set v_tcounter@6 (v_tcounter@6 + 1)
35 jump_if_not 37(37) not(`test`.`sudoku_digit_ok`(v_row@7,v_col@8,v_dig@4))
36 jump 15
37 set v_i@3 (v_i@3 + 1)
38 jump 15
39 stmt 0 "select dig from sudoku_work"
40 stmt 0 "select v_tcounter as 'Tests'"
41 set v_scounter@2 (v_scounter@2 + 1)
42 jump_if_not 45(14) (p_all@1 and (v_i@3 > 0))
43 set v_i@3 (v_i@3 - 1)
44 jump 14
45 stmt 9 "drop temporary table sudoku_work, sud..."
drop procedure sudoku_solve;