mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 17:48:36 +01:00

Fixed branding problem. Many files: Fixed branding problem changelog: Upgraded to 5.0.42 defs.mk.in: Fixed branding and variable persiting problem. debian/changelog: Upgraded to 5.0.42 debian/control.in: Fixed branding problem. debian/defs.mk.in: Fixed branding and variable persiting problem. debian/mysql-client-BASE.files.in: Fixed branding problem debian/mysql-client-BASE.lintian-overrides.in: Fixed branding problem debian/mysql-server-BASE.config.in: Fixed branding problem debian/mysql-server-BASE.files.in: Fixed branding problem debian/mysql-server-BASE.lintian-overrides.in: Fixed branding problem debian/mysql-server-BASE.postinst.in: Fixed branding problem debian/mysql-server-BASE.postrm.in: Fixed branding problem debian/mysql-server-BASE.templates.in: Fixed branding problem debian/rules: Fixed branding problem debian/source.lintian-overrides.in: Fixed branding problem debian/po/POTFILES.in.in: Fixed branding problem
276 lines
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276 lines
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#!/bin/bash -e
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
if [ -n "$DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -v -x; DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE=1; fi
${DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE:+ echo "#42#DEBUG# RUNNING $0 $*" 1>&2 }
export PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
# This command can be used as pipe to syslog. With "-s" it also logs to stderr.
ERR_LOGGER="logger -p daemon.err -t mysqld_safe -i"
invoke() {
if [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]; then
invoke-rc.d mysql $1
/etc/init.d/mysql $1
MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP="/usr/sbin/mysqld --bootstrap --user=mysql --skip-grant-tables --skip-bdb --skip-innodb "
test_mysql_access() {
mysql --no-defaults -u root -h localhost </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1
# call with $1 = "online" to connect to the server, otherwise it bootstraps
set_mysql_rootpw() {
# forget we ever saw the password. don't use reset to keep the seen status
db_set mysql-server/root_password ""
if [ ! -f "$tfile" ]; then
return 1
# this avoids us having to call "test" or "[" on $rootpw
cat << EOF > $tfile
USE mysql;
UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD("$rootpw") WHERE user='root';
if grep -q 'PASSWORD("")' $tfile; then
elif [ "$1" = "online" ]; then
mysql --no-defaults -u root -h localhost <$tfile >/dev/null
rm -f $tfile
return $retval
# This is necessary because mysql_install_db removes the pid file in /var/run
# and because changed configuration options should take effect immediately.
# In case the server wasn't running at all it should be ok if the stop
# script fails. I can't tell at this point because of the cleaned /var/run.
set +e; invoke stop; set -e
case "$1" in
# first things first, if the following symlink exists, it is a preserved
# copy the old data dir from a mysql upgrade that would have otherwise
# been replaced by an empty mysql dir. this should restore it.
for dir in DATADIR LOGDIR; do
if [ "$dir" = "DATADIR" ]; then targetdir=$mysql_statedir; else targetdir=$mysql_newlogdir; fi
if [ -L "$savelink" ]; then
# If the targetdir was a symlink before we upgraded it is supposed
# to be either still be present or not existing anymore now.
if [ -L "$targetdir" ]; then
rm "$savelink"
elif [ ! -d "$targetdir" ]; then
mv "$savelink" "$targetdir"
# this should never even happen, but just in case...
mysql_tmp=`mktemp -d -t mysql-symlink-restore-XXXXXX`
echo "this is very strange! see $mysql_tmp/README..." >&2
mv "$targetdir" "$mysql_tmp"
cat << EOF > "$mysql_tmp/README"
if you're reading this, it's most likely because you had replaced /var/lib/mysql
with a symlink, then upgraded to a new version of mysql, and then dpkg
removed your symlink (see #182747 and others). the mysql packages noticed
that this happened, and as a workaround have restored it. however, because
/var/lib/mysql seems to have been re-created in the meantime, and because
we don't want to rm -rf something we don't know as much about, we're going
to leave this unexpected directory here. if your database looks normal,
and this is not a symlink to your database, you should be able to blow
this all away.
rmdir $mysql_upgradedir 2>/dev/null || true
# Ensure the existence and right permissions for the database and
# log files.
if [ ! -d "$mysql_statedir" -a ! -L "$mysql_statedir" ]; then mkdir "$mysql_statedir"; fi
if [ ! -d "$mysql_statedir/mysql" -a ! -L "$mysql_statedir/mysql" ]; then mkdir "$mysql_statedir/mysql"; fi
if [ ! -d "$mysql_newlogdir" -a ! -L "$mysql_newlogdir" ]; then mkdir "$mysql_newlogdir"; fi
# When creating an ext3 jounal on an already mounted filesystem like e.g.
# /var/lib/mysql, you get a .journal file that is not modifyable by chown.
# The mysql_datadir must not be writable by the mysql user under any
# circumstances as it contains scripts that are executed by root.
set +e
chown -R 0.0 $mysql_datadir
chown -R mysql $mysql_statedir
chown -R mysql $mysql_rundir
chown -R mysql:adm $mysql_newlogdir; chmod 2750 $mysql_newlogdir;
for i in log err; do
touch $mysql_logdir/mysql.$i
chown mysql:adm $mysql_logdir/mysql.$i
chmod 0640 $mysql_logdir/mysql.$i
set -e
# This is important to avoid dataloss when there is a removed
# mysql-server version from Woody lying around which used the same
# data directory and then somewhen gets purged by the admin.
db_set mysql-server/postrm_remove_database false || true
# So that mysql-server (4.0) can check if it's safe to install.
touch $mysql_statedir/debian-@VER@.flag
# On dist-upgrades, we ensure that the old_password setting is updated
# before passwords are changed. Except for that config files are taboo!
db_get mysql-server-@MYSQL_BRANDED_BASE_VERSION@/need_sarge_compat_done || true
if [ "$RET" = "false" ]; then
db_get mysql-server-@MYSQL_BRANDED_BASE_VERSION@/need_sarge_compat
echo -e "# created by debconf but save to be edited\n[mysqld]\nold_passwords = $RET" > /etc/mysql/conf.d/old_passwords.cnf
db_set mysql-server-@MYSQL_BRANDED_BASE_VERSION@/need_sarge_compat_done true
# initiate databases. Output is not allowed by debconf :-(
# Debian: beware of the bashisms...
# Debian: can safely run on upgrades with existing databases
set +e
/bin/bash /usr/bin/mysql_install_db --rpm 2>&1 | $ERR_LOGGER
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
echo "ATTENTION: An error has occured. More info is in the syslog!"
set -e
## On every reconfiguration the maintenance user is recreated.
# - It is easier to regenerate the password every time but as people
# use fancy rsync scripts and file alteration monitors, the existing
# password is used and existing files not touched.
# - The mysqld statement is like that in mysql_install_db because the
# server is not already running. This has some implications:
# - The amount of newlines and semicolons in the query is important!
# - GRANT is not possible with --skipt-grant-tables and "INSERT
# (user,host..) VALUES" is not --ansi compliant
# - The echo is just for readability. ash's buildin has no "-e" so use /bin/echo.
# - The Super_priv, Show_db_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv and Lock_tables_priv
# may not be present as old Woody 3.23 databases did not have it and the
# admin might not already have run mysql_upgrade which adds them.
# As the binlog cron scripts to need at least the Super_priv, I do first
# the old query which always succeeds and then the new which may or may not.
# recreate the credentials file if not present or without mysql_upgrade stanza
if [ -e "$dc" -a -n "`fgrep mysql_upgrade $dc 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
pass="`sed -n 's/password *= *// p' $dc | head -n 1`"
pass=`perl -e 'print map{("a".."z","A".."Z",0..9)[int(rand(62))]}(1..16)'`;
if [ ! -d "$mysql_cfgdir" ]; then install -o 0 -g 0 -m 0755 -d $mysql_cfgdir; fi
cat /dev/null > $dc
echo "# Automatically generated for Debian scripts. DO NOT TOUCH!" >>$dc
echo "[client]" >>$dc
echo "host = localhost" >>$dc
echo "user = debian-sys-maint" >>$dc
echo "password = $pass" >>$dc
echo "socket = $mysql_rundir/mysqld.sock" >>$dc
echo "[mysql_upgrade]" >>$dc
echo "user = debian-sys-maint" >>$dc
echo "password = $pass" >>$dc
echo "socket = $mysql_rundir/mysqld.sock" >>$dc
echo "basedir = /usr" >>$dc
# If this dir chmod go+w then the admin did it. But this file should not.
chown 0:0 $dc
chmod 0600 $dc
# update privilege and timezone tables
password_column_fix_query=`/bin/echo -e \
"USE mysql\n" \
"ALTER TABLE user CHANGE password Password varchar(41) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default ''"`;
replace_query=`/bin/echo -e \
"USE mysql\n" \
" host='localhost', user='debian-sys-maint', password=password('$pass'), " \
" Select_priv='Y', Insert_priv='Y', Update_priv='Y', Delete_priv='Y', " \
" Create_priv='Y', Drop_priv='Y', Reload_priv='Y', Shutdown_priv='Y', " \
" Process_priv='Y', File_priv='Y', Grant_priv='Y', References_priv='Y', " \
" Index_priv='Y', Alter_priv='Y' __EXTRA_PRIVS__"`;
extra_privs=`/bin/echo -e \
", Show_db_priv='Y' " \
", Super_priv='Y' " \
", Create_tmp_table_priv='Y' " \
", Lock_tables_priv='Y' " \
", Execute_priv='Y' " \
", Repl_slave_priv='Y' " \
", Repl_client_priv='Y' "`;
# Upgrade password column format before the root password gets set.
echo "$password_column_fix_query" | $MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP 2>&1 | $ERR_LOGGER
db_get mysql-server/root_password && rootpw="$RET"
if ! set_mysql_rootpw; then
echo "$replace_query" | sed "s/__EXTRA_PRIVS__//" | $MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP 2>&1 | $ERR_LOGGER
set +e
echo "$replace_query" | sed "s/__EXTRA_PRIVS__/$extra_privs/" | $MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP 2>&1 | $ERR_LOGGER
set -e
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo/ 2>&1 | egrep -v 'Skipping it.$' | $MYSQL_BOOTSTRAP 2>&1 | $ERR_LOGGER
# The Sarge package "mysql-server" which used to include the mysqld daemon
# may still be in unselected-configured state (i.e. after a remove but not
# purge) in which case its now obsolete cronscript has to be moved away.
for i in /etc/cron.daily/mysql-server /etc/cron.daily/mysql-server-41 /etc/mysql/debian-log-rotate.conf; do
if [ -f $i ]; then mv $i $i.dpkg-old; fi
echo "postinst called with unknown argument '$1'" 1>&2
exit 1
# here we check to see if we can connect as root without a password
# this should catch upgrades from previous verisons where the root
# password wasn't set. if there is a password, or if the connection
# fails for any other reason, nothing happens.
if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then
if test_mysql_access; then
db_input medium mysql-server/root_password || true
db_get mysql-server/root_password && rootpw="$RET"
if ! set_mysql_rootpw "online"; then
if [ "$password_error" = "yes" ]; then
db_input high mysql-server/error_setting_password || true
db_stop # in case invoke failes
exit 0