Luis Soares 081a3726dd BUG#50473: rpl_sync fails on windows debug enabled binaries
The test case was failing because it contained instructions
to close/reopen files, when they were in use. This raises
problems in windows. Example of such instruction:

---exec echo "failure" > $MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR/$file

The test also contains commands that are not platform 
agnostic. Example:

--exec cat $MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR/master.backup > \

We fix this by just truncating the necessary file and write
"failure" into it (ie, without closing the file). The
platform specific instruction is removed from the test
case as it seems redundant.
2010-01-20 18:39:29 +00:00

152 lines
5 KiB

# This test verifies the options --sync-relay-log-info and --relay-log-recovery by
# crashing the slave in two different situations:
# (case-1) - Corrupt the relay log with changes which were not processed by
# the SQL Thread and crashes it.
# (case-2) - Corrupt the with wrong coordinates and crashes it.
# Case 1:
# 1 - Stops the SQL Thread
# 2 - Inserts new records into the master.
# 3 - Corrupts the relay-log.bin* which most likely has such changes.
# 4 - Crashes the slave
# 5 - Verifies if the slave is sync with the master which means that the information
# loss was circumvented by the recovery process.
# Case 2:
# 1 - Stops the SQL/IO Threads
# 2 - Inserts new records into the master.
# 3 - Corrupts the with wrong coordinates.
# 4 - Crashes the slave
# 5 - Verifies if the slave is sync with the master which means that the information
# loss was circumvented by the recovery process.
# Configuring the environment
--echo =====Configuring the enviroment=======;
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
call mtr.add_suppression('Attempting backtrace');
call mtr.add_suppression("Recovery from master pos .* and file master-bin.000001");
CREATE TABLE t1(a INT, PRIMARY KEY(a)) engine=innodb;
insert into t1(a) values(1);
insert into t1(a) values(2);
insert into t1(a) values(3);
# Case 1: Corrupt a relay-log.bin*
--echo =====Inserting data on the master but without the SQL Thread being running=======;
connection slave;
let $MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR= `select @@datadir`;
stop slave SQL_THREAD;
source include/;
connection master;
insert into t1(a) values(4);
insert into t1(a) values(5);
insert into t1(a) values(6);
--echo =====Removing relay log files and crashing/recoverying the slave=======;
connection slave;
stop slave IO_THREAD;
source include/;
let $file= query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Relay_Log_File, 1);
open(FILE, ">$file") || die "Unable to open $file.";
print FILE "failure";
close ($file);
--exec echo "restart" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect
SET SESSION debug="d,crash_before_rotate_relaylog";
--error 2013
--source include/
--echo =====Dumping and comparing tables=======;
start slave;
source include/;
connection master;
let $diff_table_1=master:test.t1;
let $diff_table_2=slave:test.t1;
source include/;
# Case 2: Corrupt a
--echo =====Corrupting the;
connection slave;
stop slave;
source include/;
connection master;
insert into t1(a) values(7);
insert into t1(a) values(8);
insert into t1(a) values(9);
connection slave;
let MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR=`select @@datadir`;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $src= "$ENV{'MYSQLD_SLAVE_DATADIR'}/master.backup";
open(FILE, "<", $src) or die;
my @content= <FILE>;
close FILE;
open(FILE, ">", $dst) or die;
binmode FILE;
print FILE @content;
close FILE;
--exec echo "restart" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect
SET SESSION debug="d,crash_before_rotate_relaylog";
--error 2013
--source include/
--echo =====Dumping and comparing tables=======;
start slave;
source include/;
connection master;
let $diff_table_1=master:test.t1;
let $diff_table_2=slave:test.t1;
source include/;
# Clean up
--echo =====Clean up=======;
connection master;
drop table t1;