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synced 2025-03-08 04:03:30 +01:00

Had attempted to disable this test on Windows only, but the nature of this bug does not allow for this. The master.opt file is processed before anything in in the actual test. As a result, we must use disabled.def files to ensure these tests are skipped on the problematic platforms. Removed Windows-only code and updated the proper disabled.def files accordingly.
254 lines
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254 lines
5.1 KiB
# Test of init_connect variable
# should work with embedded server after mysqltest is fixed
--source include/not_embedded.inc
# Save the initial number of concurrent sessions
--source include/count_sessions.inc
--source include/add_anonymous_users.inc
connect (con0,localhost,root,,);
connection con0;
select hex(@a);
connect (con1,localhost,user_1,,);
connection con1;
select hex(@a);
connection con0;
set global init_connect="set @a=2;set @b=3";
connect (con2,localhost,user_1,,);
connection con2;
select @a, @b;
connection con0;
set GLOBAL init_connect=DEFAULT;
connect (con3,localhost,user_1,,);
connection con3;
select @a;
connection con0;
set global init_connect="drop table if exists t1; create table t1(a char(10));\
insert into t1 values ('\0');insert into t1 values('abc')";
connect (con4,localhost,user_1,,);
connection con4;
select hex(a) from t1;
connection con0;
set GLOBAL init_connect="adsfsdfsdfs";
connect (con5,localhost,user_1,,);
connection con5;
--error 2013,2006
select @a;
connection con0;
drop table t1;
disconnect con1;
disconnect con2;
disconnect con3;
disconnect con4;
disconnect con5;
--source include/delete_anonymous_users.inc
--echo End of 4.1 tests
# Test 5.* features
create table t1 (x int);
insert into t1 values (3), (5), (7);
create table t2 (y int);
create user mysqltest1@localhost;
grant all privileges on test.* to mysqltest1@localhost;
# Create a simple procedure
set global init_connect="create procedure p1() select * from t1";
connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest1,,);
connection con1;
call p1();
drop procedure p1;
connection con0;
disconnect con1;
# Create a multi-result set procedure
set global init_connect="create procedure p1(x int)\
select count(*) from t1;\
select * from t1;\
set @x = x;
connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest1,,);
connection con1;
call p1(42);
select @x;
connection con0;
disconnect con1;
# Just call it - this will not generate any output
set global init_connect="call p1(4711)";
connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest1,,);
connection con1;
select @x;
connection con0;
disconnect con1;
# Drop the procedure
set global init_connect="drop procedure if exists p1";
connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest1,,);
connection con1;
call p1();
connection con0;
disconnect con1;
# Execution of a more complex procedure
delimiter |;
create procedure p1(out sum int)
declare n int default 0;
declare c cursor for select * from t1;
declare exit handler for not found
close c;
set sum = n;
open c;
declare x int;
fetch c into x;
if x > 3 then
set n = n + x;
end if;
end loop;
delimiter ;|
# Call the procedure with a cursor
set global init_connect="call p1(@sum)";
connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest1,,);
connection con1;
select @sum;
connection con0;
disconnect con1;
drop procedure p1;
# Test Dynamic SQL
delimiter |;
create procedure p1(tbl char(10), v int)
set @s = concat('insert into ', tbl, ' values (?)');
set @v = v;
prepare stmt1 from @s;
execute stmt1 using @v;
deallocate prepare stmt1;
delimiter ;|
# Call the procedure with prepared statements
set global init_connect="call p1('t1', 11)";
connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest1,,);
connection con1;
select * from t1;
connection con0;
disconnect con1;
drop procedure p1;
# Stored functions
delimiter |;
create function f1() returns int
declare n int;
select count(*) into n from t1;
return n;
delimiter ;|
# Invoke a function
set global init_connect="set @x = f1()";
connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest1,,);
connection con1;
select @x;
connection con0;
disconnect con1;
# Create a view
set global init_connect="create view v1 as select f1()";
connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest1,,);
connection con1;
select * from v1;
connection con0;
disconnect con1;
# Drop the view
set global init_connect="drop view v1";
connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest1,,);
connection con1;
select * from v1;
connection con0;
disconnect con1;
drop function f1;
# We can't test "create trigger", since this requires super privileges
# in 5.0, but with super privileges, init_connect is not executed.
# (However, this can be tested in 5.1)
#set global init_connect="create trigger trg1\
# after insert on t2\
# for each row\
# insert into t1 values (new.y)";
#connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest1,,);
#connection con1;
#insert into t2 values (2), (4);
#select * from t1;
#connection con0;
#disconnect con1;
create trigger trg1
after insert on t2
for each row
insert into t1 values (new.y);
# Invoke trigger
set global init_connect="insert into t2 values (13), (17), (19)";
connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest1,,);
connection con1;
select * from t1;
connection default;
disconnect con0;
disconnect con1;
drop trigger trg1;
# Set init connect back to the value provided in init_connect-master.opt
# doesn't matter as server will be restarted
set global init_connect="set @a='a\\0c'";
revoke all privileges, grant option from mysqltest1@localhost;
drop user mysqltest1@localhost;
drop table t1, t2;
# Wait till all disconnects are completed
--source include/wait_until_count_sessions.inc