unknown 3d2ac023a0 added building without query cache
  new configure parameter (now only for embeded server)
  now query cache always included in server, because of problrms with test suit
  removed double testing
  removed double testing
  now it is only memo about query cache
  now it is only memo about query cache
2002-03-22 22:55:08 +02:00

104 lines
3.1 KiB

-- source include/
# Test grants with query cache
drop table if exists test.t1,mysqltest.t1,mysqltest.t2;
reset query cache;
flush status;
connect (root,localhost,root,,test,0,master.sock);
connection root;
create database if not exists mysqltest;
create table mysqltest.t1 (a int,b int,c int);
create table mysqltest.t2 (a int,b int,c int);
insert into mysqltest.t1 values (1,1,1),(2,2,2);
insert into mysqltest.t2 values (3,3,3);
create table test.t1 (a char (10));
insert into test.t1 values ("test.t1");
select * from t1;
connect (root2,localhost,root,,mysqltest,0,master.sock);
connection root2;
# put queries in cache
select * from t1;
select a from t1;
select c from t1;
select * from t2;
select * from mysqltest.t1,test.t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_hits%";
# Create the test users
grant SELECT on mysqltest.* to mysqltest_1@localhost;
grant SELECT on mysqltest.t1 to mysqltest_2@localhost;
grant SELECT on test.t1 to mysqltest_2@localhost;
grant SELECT(a) on mysqltest.t1 to mysqltest_3@localhost;
# The following queries should be fetched from cache
connect (user1,localhost,mysqltest_1,,mysqltest,0,master.sock);
connection user1;
select "user1";
select * from t1;
# The pre and end space are intentional
select a from t1 ;
select c from t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
show status like "Qcache_not_cached";
# The following queries should be fetched from cache
connect (user2,localhost,mysqltest_2,,mysqltest,0,master.sock);
connection user2;
select "user2";
select * from t1;
select a from t1;
select c from t1;
select * from mysqltest.t1,test.t1;
--error 1142
select * from t2;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
show status like "Qcache_not_cached";
# The following queries should not be fetched from cache
connect (user3,localhost,mysqltest_3,,mysqltest,0,master.sock);
connection user3;
select "user3";
--error 1143
select * from t1;
select a from t1;
--error 1143
select c from t1;
--error 1142
select * from t2;
--error 1143
select mysqltest.t1.c from test.t1,mysqltest.t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
show status like "Qcache_not_cached";
# Connect without a database
connect (user4,localhost,mysqltest_1,,*NO-ONE*,0,master.sock);
connection user4;
select "user4";
--error 1046
select a from t1;
# The following query is not cached before (different database)
select * from mysqltest.t1,test.t1;
# Cache a query with 'no database'
select a from mysqltest.t1;
select a from mysqltest.t1;
show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache";
show status like "Qcache_hits";
show status like "Qcache_not_cached";
# Cleanup
connection root;
delete from mysql.user where user in ("mysqltest_1","mysqltest_2","mysqltest_3");
delete from mysql.db where user in ("mysqltest_1","mysqltest_2","mysqltest_3");
delete from mysql.tables_priv where user in ("mysqltest_1","mysqltest_2","mysqltest_3");
delete from mysql.columns_priv where user in ("mysqltest_1","mysqltest_2","mysqltest_3");
flush privileges;
drop table test.t1,mysqltest.t1,mysqltest.t2;
drop database mysqltest;