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# This test should work in embedded server after we fix mysqltest
-- source include/not_embedded.inc
# Testing the MySQL command line client(mysql)
drop table if exists t1;
# Test the "delimiter" functionality
# Bug#9879
create table t1(a int);
insert into t1 values(1);
# Test delimiters
--exec $MYSQL test 2>&1 < "./t/mysql_delimiter.sql"
# Test delimiter : supplied on the command line
select "Test delimiter : from command line" as "_";
--exec $MYSQL test --delimiter=":" -e "select * from t1:"
# Test delimiter :; supplied on the command line
select "Test delimiter :; from command line" as "_";
--exec $MYSQL test --delimiter=":;" -e "select * from t1:;"
# Test 'go' command (vertical output) \G
select "Test 'go' command(vertical output) \G" as "_";
--exec $MYSQL test -e "select * from t1\G"
# Test 'go' command \g
select "Test 'go' command \g" as "_";
--exec $MYSQL test -e "select * from t1\g"
drop table t1;
# BUG9998 - MySQL client hangs on USE "database"
create table t1(a int);
lock tables t1 write;
--exec $MYSQL -e "use test; select database();"
unlock tables;
drop table t1;
# BUG#16217 - MySQL client misinterpretes multi-byte char as escape `\'
# new command \C or charset
--exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 test -e "\C cp932 \g"
--exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=cp932 test -e "charset utf8;"
# its usage to switch internally in mysql to requested charset
--exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 test -e "charset cp932; select 'ƒ\'; create table t1 (c_cp932 TEXT CHARACTER SET cp932); insert into t1 values('ƒ\'); select * from t1; drop table t1;"
--exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 test -e "charset cp932; select 'ƒ\'"
--exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 test -e "/*charset cp932 */; set character_set_client= cp932; select 'ƒ\'"
--exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 test -e "/*!\C cp932 */; set character_set_client= cp932; select 'ƒ\'"
# Bug#16859 -- NULLs in columns must not truncate data as if a C-language "string".
--exec $MYSQL -t test -e "create table t1 (col1 binary(4), col2 varchar(10), col3 int); insert into t1 values ('a', 'b', 123421),('a ', '0123456789', 4), ('abcd', '', 4); select concat('>',col1,'<'), col2, col3 from t1; drop table t1;" 2>&1
# Bug#17939 Wrong table format when using UTF8 strings
--exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 --table -e "SELECT 'John Doe' as '__tañgè Ñãmé'" 2>&1
--exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 --table -e "SELECT '__tañgè Ñãmé' as 'John Doe'" 2>&1
# Bug#18265 -- mysql client: No longer right-justifies numeric columns
--exec $MYSQL -t --default-character-set utf8 test -e "create table t1 (i int, j int, k char(25) charset utf8); insert into t1 (i) values (1); insert into t1 (k) values ('<----------------------->'); insert into t1 (k) values ('<-----'); insert into t1 (k) values ('Τη γλώσσα'); insert into t1 (k) values ('á›–áš´ áš·á›–á›<C3A1>'); select * from t1; DROP TABLE t1;"
# "DESCRIBE" commands may return strange NULLness flags.
--exec $MYSQL --default-character-set utf8 test -e "create table t1 (i int, j int not null, k int); insert into t1 values (null, 1, null); select * from t1; describe t1; drop table t1;"
--exec $MYSQL -t --default-character-set utf8 test -e "create table t1 (i int, j int not null, k int); insert into t1 values (null, 1, null); select * from t1; describe t1; drop table t1;"
# Bug#19564: mysql displays NULL instead of space
--exec $MYSQL test -e "create table b19564 (i int, s1 char(1)); insert into b19564 values (1, 'x'); insert into b19564 values (2, NULL); insert into b19564 values (3, ' '); select * from b19564 order by i; drop table b19564;"
--exec $MYSQL -t test -e "create table b19564 (i int, s1 char(1)); insert into b19564 values (1, 'x'); insert into b19564 values (2, NULL); insert into b19564 values (3, ' '); select * from b19564 order by i; drop table b19564;"
# Bug#21618: NULL shown as empty string in client
--exec $MYSQL test -e "select unhex('zz');"
--exec $MYSQL -t test -e "select unhex('zz');"
# Bug#19265 describe command does not work from mysql prompt
create table t1(a int, b varchar(255), c int);
--exec $MYSQL test -e "desc t1"
--exec $MYSQL test -e "desc t1\g"
drop table t1;
# Bug#21042 mysql client segfaults on importing a mysqldump export
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL test -e "connect verylongdatabasenamethatshouldblowthe256byteslongbufferincom_connectfunctionxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxendcccccccdxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkskskskskkskskskskskskskskskskkskskskskkskskskskskskskskskend" 2>&1
# Bug #20432: mysql client interprets commands in comments
# if the client sees the 'use' within the comment, we haven't fixed
--exec echo "/*" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql
--exec echo "use" >> $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql
--exec echo "*/" >> $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql
--exec $MYSQL < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql 2>&1
# SQL can have embedded comments => workie
--exec echo "select /*" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql
--exec echo "use" >> $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql
--exec echo "*/ 1" >> $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql
--exec $MYSQL < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql 2>&1
# client commands on the other hand must be at BOL => error
--exec echo "/*" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql
--exec echo "xxx" >> $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql
--exec echo "*/ use" >> $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql 2>&1
# client comment recognized, but parameter missing => error
--exec echo "use" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql
--exec $MYSQL < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20432.sql 2>&1
# Bug #20328: mysql client interprets commands in comments
--exec $MYSQL -e 'help' > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20328_1.result
--exec $MYSQL -e 'help ' > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20328_2.result
--exec diff $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20328_1.result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20328_2.result
# Bug #20103: Escaping with backslash does not work
--exec echo "SET SQL_MODE = 'NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES';" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20103.sql
--exec echo "SELECT '\';" >> $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20103.sql
--exec $MYSQL < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20103.sql 2>&1
--exec echo "SET SQL_MODE = '';" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20103.sql
--exec echo "SELECT '\';';" >> $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20103.sql
--exec $MYSQL < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug20103.sql 2>&1
# Bug#17583: mysql drops connection when stdout is not writable
create table t17583 (a int);
insert into t17583 (a) values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
insert into t17583 select a from t17583;
insert into t17583 select a from t17583;
insert into t17583 select a from t17583;
insert into t17583 select a from t17583;
insert into t17583 select a from t17583;
insert into t17583 select a from t17583;
insert into t17583 select a from t17583;
# Close to the minimal data needed to exercise bug.
select count(*) from t17583;
--exec echo "select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; select count(*) from t17583; " |$MYSQL test >&-
drop table t17583;
# Bug#20984: Reproducible MySQL client segmentation fault
# + additional tests for the "com_connect" function in mysql
--echo Test connect without db- or host-name => reconnect
--exec $MYSQL test -e "\r" 2>&1
--exec $MYSQL test -e "connect" 2>&1
--echo Test connect with dbname only => new dbname, old hostname
--exec $MYSQL test -e "\r test" 2>&1
--exec $MYSQL test -e "connect test" 2>&1
--exec $MYSQL test -e "\rtest" 2>&1
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL test -e "connecttest" 2>&1
--echo Test connect with _invalid_ dbname only => new invalid dbname, old hostname
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL test -e "\r invalid" 2>&1
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL test -e "connect invalid" 2>&1
--echo Test connect with dbname + hostname
--exec $MYSQL test -e "\r test localhost" 2>&1
--exec $MYSQL test -e "connect test localhost" 2>&1
--echo Test connect with dbname + _invalid_ hostname
# Mask the errno of the error message
--replace_regex /\([0-9]*\)/(errno)/
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL test -e "\r test invalid_hostname" 2>&1
--replace_regex /\([0-9]*\)/(errno)/
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL test -e "connect test invalid_hostname" 2>&1
--echo The commands reported in the bug report
--replace_regex /\([0-9]*\)/(errno)/
--error 1
#--replace_regex /\([0-9]*\)/(errno)/
#--error 1
--echo Too long dbname
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL test -e "\r test_really_long_dbnamexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx localhost" 2>&1
--echo Too long hostname
--replace_regex /\([0-9]*\)/(errno)/
--error 1
--echo End of 5.0 tests