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synced 2025-03-08 04:03:30 +01:00

Also, remove empty .ic files that were not removed by my MySQL commit. Problem: InnoDB used to support a compilation mode that allowed to choose whether the function definitions in .ic files are to be inlined or not. This stopped making sense when InnoDB moved to C++ in MySQL 5.6 (and ha_innodb.cc started to #include .ic files), and more so in MySQL 5.7 when inline methods and functions were introduced in .h files. Solution: Remove all references to UNIV_NONINL and UNIV_MUST_NOT_INLINE from all files, assuming that the symbols are never defined. Remove the files fut0fut.cc and ut0byte.cc which only mattered when UNIV_NONINL was defined.
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225 lines
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Copyright (c) 1996, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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@file include/trx0roll.h
Transaction rollback
Created 3/26/1996 Heikki Tuuri
#ifndef trx0roll_h
#define trx0roll_h
#include "univ.i"
#include "trx0trx.h"
#include "trx0types.h"
#include "mtr0mtr.h"
#include "trx0sys.h"
extern bool trx_rollback_or_clean_is_active;
Determines if this transaction is rolling back an incomplete transaction
in crash recovery.
@return TRUE if trx is an incomplete transaction that is being rolled
back in crash recovery */
const trx_t* trx); /*!< in: transaction */
Returns a transaction savepoint taken at this point in time.
@return savepoint */
trx_t* trx); /*!< in: transaction */
/** Get the last undo log record of a transaction (for rollback).
@param[in,out] trx transaction
@param[out] roll_ptr DB_ROLL_PTR to the undo record
@param[in,out] heap memory heap for allocation
@return undo log record copied to heap
@retval NULL if none left or the roll_limit (savepoint) was reached */
trx_roll_pop_top_rec_of_trx(trx_t* trx, roll_ptr_t* roll_ptr, mem_heap_t* heap)
MY_ATTRIBUTE((nonnull, warn_unused_result));
Rollback or clean up any incomplete transactions which were
encountered in crash recovery. If the transaction already was
committed, then we clean up a possible insert undo log. If the
transaction was not yet committed, then we roll it back. */
ibool all); /*!< in: FALSE=roll back dictionary transactions;
TRUE=roll back all non-PREPARED transactions */
Rollback or clean up any incomplete transactions which were
encountered in crash recovery. If the transaction already was
committed, then we clean up a possible insert undo log. If the
transaction was not yet committed, then we roll it back.
Note: this is done in a background thread.
@return a dummy parameter */
extern "C"
void* arg MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)));
/*!< in: a dummy parameter required by
os_thread_create */
Creates a rollback command node struct.
@return own: rollback node struct */
mem_heap_t* heap); /*!< in: mem heap where created */
Performs an execution step for a rollback command node in a query graph.
@return query thread to run next, or NULL */
que_thr_t* thr); /*!< in: query thread */
Rollback a transaction used in MySQL.
@return error code or DB_SUCCESS */
trx_t* trx) /*!< in/out: transaction */
Rollback the latest SQL statement for MySQL.
@return error code or DB_SUCCESS */
trx_t* trx) /*!< in/out: transaction */
Rollback a transaction to a given savepoint or do a complete rollback.
@return error code or DB_SUCCESS */
trx_t* trx, /*!< in: transaction handle */
trx_savept_t* savept) /*!< in: pointer to savepoint undo number, if
partial rollback requested, or NULL for
complete rollback */
Rolls back a transaction back to a named savepoint. Modifications after the
savepoint are undone but InnoDB does NOT release the corresponding locks
which are stored in memory. If a lock is 'implicit', that is, a new inserted
row holds a lock where the lock information is carried by the trx id stored in
the row, these locks are naturally released in the rollback. Savepoints which
were set after this savepoint are deleted.
@return if no savepoint of the name found then DB_NO_SAVEPOINT,
otherwise DB_SUCCESS */
trx_t* trx, /*!< in: transaction handle */
const char* savepoint_name, /*!< in: savepoint name */
int64_t* mysql_binlog_cache_pos) /*!< out: the MySQL binlog cache
position corresponding to this
savepoint; MySQL needs this
information to remove the
binlog entries of the queries
executed after the savepoint */
MY_ATTRIBUTE((nonnull, warn_unused_result));
Creates a named savepoint. If the transaction is not yet started, starts it.
If there is already a savepoint of the same name, this call erases that old
savepoint and replaces it with a new. Savepoints are deleted in a transaction
commit or rollback.
@return always DB_SUCCESS */
trx_t* trx, /*!< in: transaction handle */
const char* savepoint_name, /*!< in: savepoint name */
int64_t binlog_cache_pos) /*!< in: MySQL binlog cache
position corresponding to this
connection at the time of the
savepoint */
Releases a named savepoint. Savepoints which
were set after this savepoint are deleted.
@return if no savepoint of the name found then DB_NO_SAVEPOINT,
otherwise DB_SUCCESS */
trx_t* trx, /*!< in: transaction handle */
const char* savepoint_name) /*!< in: savepoint name */
MY_ATTRIBUTE((nonnull, warn_unused_result));
Frees savepoint structs starting from savep. */
trx_t* trx, /*!< in: transaction handle */
trx_named_savept_t* savep); /*!< in: free all savepoints > this one;
if this is NULL, free all savepoints
of trx */
/** Rollback node states */
enum roll_node_state {
ROLL_NODE_NONE = 0, /*!< Unknown state */
ROLL_NODE_SEND, /*!< about to send a rollback signal to
the transaction */
ROLL_NODE_WAIT /*!< rollback signal sent to the
transaction, waiting for completion */
/** Rollback command node in a query graph */
struct roll_node_t{
que_common_t common; /*!< node type: QUE_NODE_ROLLBACK */
enum roll_node_state state; /*!< node execution state */
bool partial;/*!< TRUE if we want a partial
rollback */
trx_savept_t savept; /*!< savepoint to which to
roll back, in the case of a
partial rollback */
que_thr_t* undo_thr;/*!< undo query graph */
/** A savepoint set with SQL's "SAVEPOINT savepoint_id" command */
struct trx_named_savept_t{
char* name; /*!< savepoint name */
trx_savept_t savept; /*!< the undo number corresponding to
the savepoint */
int64_t mysql_binlog_cache_pos;
/*!< the MySQL binlog cache position
corresponding to this savepoint, not
defined if the MySQL binlogging is not
enabled */
trx_savepoints; /*!< the list of savepoints of a
transaction */
#include "trx0roll.ic"