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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1996-2001
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
# $Id: lock005.tcl,v 1.7 2002/08/08 15:38:07 bostic Exp $
# TEST lock005
# TEST Check that page locks are being released properly.
proc lock005 { } {
source ./include.tcl
puts "Lock005: Page lock release test"
# Clean up after previous runs
env_cleanup $testdir
# Open/create the lock region
set e [berkdb_env -create -lock -home $testdir -txn -log]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $e] TRUE
# Open/create the database
set db [berkdb open -create -auto_commit -env $e -len 10 -queue q.db]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
# Check that records are locking by trying to
# fetch a record on the wrong transaction.
puts "\tLock005.a: Verify that we are locking"
# Start the first transaction
set txn1 [$e txn -nowait]
error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $txn1 $e] TRUE
set ret [catch {$db put -txn $txn1 -append record1} recno1]
error_check_good dbput_txn1 $ret 0
# Start second txn while the first is still running ...
set txn2 [$e txn -nowait]
error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $txn2 $e] TRUE
# ... and try to get a record from the first txn (should fail)
set ret [catch {$db get -txn $txn2 $recno1} res]
error_check_good dbget_wrong_record \
[is_substr $res "Lock not granted"] 1
# End transactions
error_check_good txn1commit [$txn1 commit] 0
how_many_locks 1 $e
error_check_good txn2commit [$txn2 commit] 0
# The number of locks stays the same here because the first
# lock is released and the second lock was never granted.
how_many_locks 1 $e
# Test lock behavior for both abort and commit
puts "\tLock005.b: Verify locks after abort or commit"
foreach endorder {forward reverse} {
end_order_test $db $e commit abort $endorder
end_order_test $db $e abort commit $endorder
end_order_test $db $e commit commit $endorder
end_order_test $db $e abort abort $endorder
# Clean up
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
error_check_good env_close [$e close] 0
proc end_order_test { db e txn1end txn2end endorder } {
# Start one transaction
set txn1 [$e txn -nowait]
error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $txn1 $e] TRUE
set ret [catch {$db put -txn $txn1 -append record1} recno1]
error_check_good dbput_txn1 $ret 0
# Check number of locks
how_many_locks 2 $e
# Start a second transaction while first is still running
set txn2 [$e txn -nowait]
error_check_good txn_begin [is_valid_txn $txn2 $e] TRUE
set ret [catch {$db put -txn $txn2 -append record2} recno2]
error_check_good dbput_txn2 $ret 0
how_many_locks 3 $e
# Now commit or abort one txn and make sure the other is okay
if {$endorder == "forward"} {
# End transaction 1 first
puts "\tLock005.b.1: $txn1end txn1 then $txn2end txn2"
error_check_good txn_$txn1end [$txn1 $txn1end] 0
how_many_locks 2 $e
# txn1 is now ended, but txn2 is still running
set ret1 [catch {$db get -txn $txn2 $recno1} res1]
set ret2 [catch {$db get -txn $txn2 $recno2} res2]
if { $txn1end == "commit" } {
error_check_good txn2_sees_txn1 $ret1 0
error_check_good txn2_sees_txn2 $ret2 0
} else {
# transaction 1 was aborted
error_check_good txn2_cantsee_txn1 [llength $res1] 0
# End transaction 2 second
error_check_good txn_$txn2end [$txn2 $txn2end] 0
how_many_locks 1 $e
# txn1 and txn2 should both now be invalid
# The get no longer needs to be transactional
set ret3 [catch {$db get $recno1} res3]
set ret4 [catch {$db get $recno2} res4]
if { $txn2end == "commit" } {
error_check_good txn2_sees_txn1 $ret3 0
error_check_good txn2_sees_txn2 $ret4 0
error_check_good txn2_has_record2 \
[is_substr $res4 "record2"] 1
} else {
# transaction 2 was aborted
error_check_good txn2_cantsee_txn1 $ret3 0
error_check_good txn2_aborted [llength $res4] 0
} elseif { $endorder == "reverse" } {
# End transaction 2 first
puts "\tLock005.b.2: $txn2end txn2 then $txn1end txn1"
error_check_good txn_$txn2end [$txn2 $txn2end] 0
how_many_locks 2 $e
# txn2 is ended, but txn1 is still running
set ret1 [catch {$db get -txn $txn1 $recno1} res1]
set ret2 [catch {$db get -txn $txn1 $recno2} res2]
if { $txn2end == "commit" } {
error_check_good txn1_sees_txn1 $ret1 0
error_check_good txn1_sees_txn2 $ret2 0
} else {
# transaction 2 was aborted
error_check_good txn1_cantsee_txn2 [llength $res2] 0
# End transaction 1 second
error_check_good txn_$txn1end [$txn1 $txn1end] 0
how_many_locks 1 $e
# txn1 and txn2 should both now be invalid
# The get no longer needs to be transactional
set ret3 [catch {$db get $recno1} res3]
set ret4 [catch {$db get $recno2} res4]
if { $txn1end == "commit" } {
error_check_good txn1_sees_txn1 $ret3 0
error_check_good txn1_sees_txn2 $ret4 0
error_check_good txn1_has_record1 \
[is_substr $res3 "record1"] 1
} else {
# transaction 1 was aborted
error_check_good txn1_cantsee_txn2 $ret4 0
error_check_good txn1_aborted [llength $res3] 0
proc how_many_locks { expected env } {
set stat [$env lock_stat]
set str "Current number of locks"
set checked 0
foreach statpair $stat {
if { $checked == 1 } {
if { [is_substr [lindex $statpair 0] $str] != 0} {
set checked 1
set nlocks [lindex $statpair 1]
error_check_good expected_nlocks $nlocks $expected
error_check_good checked $checked 1