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synced 2025-02-01 11:31:51 +01:00
BUG#4335 - one name can be handler open'ed many times. Reworked the HANDLER functions and interface. Using a HASH to store information on open tables that survives FLUSH TABLE. HANDLER tables alias names must now be unique, though it is allowed in 4.0 to qualify them with the database name of the base table.
341 lines
7.3 KiB
341 lines
7.3 KiB
# test of HANDLER ...
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (a int, b char(10), key a(a), key b(a,b));
insert into t1 values
handler t1 open as t2;
handler t2 read a first;
handler t2 read a next;
handler t2 read a next;
handler t2 read a prev;
handler t2 read a last;
handler t2 read a prev;
handler t2 read a prev;
handler t2 read a first;
handler t2 read a prev;
handler t2 read a last;
handler t2 read a prev;
handler t2 read a next;
handler t2 read a next;
handler t2 read a=(15);
handler t2 read a=(16);
--error 1070
handler t2 read a=(19,"fff");
handler t2 read b=(19,"fff");
handler t2 read b=(19,"yyy");
handler t2 read b=(19);
--error 1109
handler t1 read a last;
handler t2 read a=(11);
handler t2 read a>=(11);
handler t2 read a=(18);
handler t2 read a>=(18);
handler t2 read a>(18);
handler t2 read a<=(18);
handler t2 read a<(18);
handler t2 read a first limit 5;
handler t2 read a next limit 3;
handler t2 read a prev limit 10;
handler t2 read a>=(16) limit 4;
handler t2 read a>=(16) limit 2,2;
handler t2 read a last limit 3;
handler t2 read a=(19);
handler t2 read a=(19) where b="yyy";
handler t2 read first;
handler t2 read next;
handler t2 read next;
--error 1064
handler t2 read last;
handler t2 close;
handler t1 open as t2;
drop table t1;
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (17);
--error 1109
handler t2 read first;
handler t1 open as t2;
alter table t1 engine=MyISAM;
--error 1109
handler t2 read first;
drop table t1;
# test case for the bug #787
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6);
delete from t1 limit 2;
handler t1 open;
handler t1 read first;
handler t1 read first limit 1,1;
handler t1 read first limit 2,2;
delete from t1 limit 3;
handler t1 read first;
drop table t1;
#test for #751
create table t1(a int, index(a));
insert into t1 values (1), (2), (3);
handler t1 open;
--error 1054
handler t1 read a=(W);
--error 1210
handler t1 read a=(a);
drop table t1;
# BUG#2304
create table t1 (a char(5));
insert into t1 values ("Ok");
handler t1 open as t;
handler t read first;
use mysql;
handler t read first;
handler t close;
handler test.t1 open as t;
handler t read first;
handler t close;
use test;
drop table t1;
# BUG#3649
create table t1 ( a int, b int, INDEX a (a) );
insert into t1 values (1,2), (2,1);
handler t1 open;
handler t1 read a=(1) where b=2;
handler t1 read a=(1) where b=3;
handler t1 read a=(1) where b=1;
handler t1 close;
drop table t1;
# Check if two database names beginning the same are seen as different.
# This database begins like the usual 'test' database.
drop database if exists test_test;
create database test_test;
use test_test;
create table t1(table_id char(20) primary key);
insert into t1 values ('test_test.t1');
insert into t1 values ('');
handler t1 open;
handler t1 read first limit 9;
create table t2(table_id char(20) primary key);
insert into t2 values ('test_test.t2');
insert into t2 values ('');
handler t2 open;
handler t2 read first limit 9;
# This is the usual 'test' database.
use test;
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1(table_id char(20) primary key);
insert into t1 values ('test.t1');
insert into t1 values ('');
--error 1066
handler t1 open;
# Check accesibility of all the tables.
use test;
--error 1109;
handler test.t1 read first limit 9;
handler test_test.t1 read first limit 9;
handler t1 read first limit 9;
handler test_test.t2 read first limit 9;
handler t2 read first limit 9;
# Cleanup.
handler test_test.t1 close;
--error 1109;
handler t1 close;
drop table test_test.t1;
handler test_test.t2 close;
--error 1109;
handler t2 close;
drop table test_test.t2;
drop database test_test;
use test;
--error 1109;
handler test.t1 close;
--error 1109;
handler t1 close;
drop table test.t1;
# BUG#4335
drop database if exists test_test;
drop table if exists t1;
drop table if exists t2;
drop table if exists t3;
create database test_test;
use test_test;
create table t1 (c1 char(20));
insert into t1 values ('test_test.t1');
create table t3 (c1 char(20));
insert into t3 values ('test_test.t3');
handler t1 open;
handler t1 read first limit 9;
handler t1 open h1;
handler h1 read first limit 9;
use test;
create table t1 (c1 char(20));
create table t2 (c1 char(20));
create table t3 (c1 char(20));
insert into t1 values ('t1');
insert into t2 values ('t2');
insert into t3 values ('t3');
--error 1066
handler t1 open;
--error 1066
handler t2 open t1;
--error 1066
handler t3 open t1;
handler t1 read first limit 9;
--error 1109
handler test.t1 close;
--error 1066
handler test.t1 open h1;
--error 1066
handler test_test.t1 open h1;
handler test_test.t3 open h3;
handler test.t1 open h2;
handler t1 read first limit 9;
handler h1 read first limit 9;
handler h2 read first limit 9;
handler h3 read first limit 9;
handler test.h2 read first limit 9;
--error 1109
handler test.h1 close;
handler test_test.t1 close;
handler test_test.h1 close;
handler h2 close;
--error 1109
handler t1 read first limit 9;
--error 1109
handler h1 read first limit 9;
--error 1109
handler h2 read first limit 9;
handler h3 read first limit 9;
handler test_test.h3 read first limit 9;
use test_test;
handler h3 read first limit 9;
--error 1109
handler test.h3 read first limit 9;
handler test_test.h3 close;
use test;
drop table t3;
drop table t2;
drop table t1;
drop database test_test;
# Test if fix for BUG#4286 correctly closes handler tables.
create table t1 (c1 char(20));
insert into t1 values ("t1");
handler t1 open as h1;
handler h1 read first limit 9;
create table t2 (c1 char(20));
insert into t2 values ("t2");
handler t2 open as h2;
handler h2 read first limit 9;
create table t3 (c1 char(20));
insert into t3 values ("t3");
handler t3 open as h3;
handler h3 read first limit 9;
create table t4 (c1 char(20));
insert into t4 values ("t4");
handler t4 open as h4;
handler h4 read first limit 9;
create table t5 (c1 char(20));
insert into t5 values ("t5");
handler t5 open as h5;
handler h5 read first limit 9;
# close first
alter table t1 engine=MyISAM;
--error 1109;
handler h1 read first limit 9;
handler h2 read first limit 9;
handler h3 read first limit 9;
handler h4 read first limit 9;
handler h5 read first limit 9;
# close last
alter table t5 engine=MyISAM;
--error 1109;
handler h1 read first limit 9;
handler h2 read first limit 9;
handler h3 read first limit 9;
handler h4 read first limit 9;
--error 1109;
handler h5 read first limit 9;
# close middle
alter table t3 engine=MyISAM;
--error 1109;
handler h1 read first limit 9;
handler h2 read first limit 9;
--error 1109;
handler h3 read first limit 9;
handler h4 read first limit 9;
--error 1109;
handler h5 read first limit 9;
handler h2 close;
handler h4 close;
# close all depending handler tables
handler t1 open as h1_1;
handler t1 open as h1_2;
handler t1 open as h1_3;
handler h1_1 read first limit 9;
handler h1_2 read first limit 9;
handler h1_3 read first limit 9;
alter table t1 engine=MyISAM;
--error 1109;
handler h1_1 read first limit 9;
--error 1109;
handler h1_2 read first limit 9;
--error 1109;
handler h1_3 read first limit 9;
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
drop table t3;
drop table t4;
drop table t5;