mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 11:43:08 +01:00

------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 2476.784.3 committer: davi@moksha.local timestamp: Tue 2007-10-02 21:27:31 -0300 message: Bug#25858 Some DROP TABLE under LOCK TABLES can cause deadlocks When a client (connection) holds a lock on a table and attempts to drop (obtain a exclusive lock) on a second table that is already held by a second client and the second client then attempts to drop the table that is held by the first client, leads to a circular wait deadlock. This scenario is very similar to trying to drop (or rename) a table while holding read locks and are correctly forbidden. The solution is to allow a drop table operation to continue only if the table being dropped is write (exclusively) locked, or if the table is temporary, or if the client is not holding any locks. Using this scheme prevents the creation of a circular chain in which each client is waiting for one table that the next client in the chain is holding. This is incompatible change, as can be seen by number of tests cases that needed to be fixed, but is consistent with respect to behavior of the different scenarios in which the circular wait might happen.
127 lines
5.7 KiB
127 lines
5.7 KiB
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (n int);
create view v1 as select * from t1;
insert delayed into v1 values (1);
ERROR HY000: 'test.v1' is not BASE TABLE
drop table t1;
drop view v1;
CREATE TABLE table_target ( mexs_id CHAR(8), messzeit TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (mexs_id));
CREATE TABLE table_target2 ( mexs_id CHAR(8), messzeit TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (mexs_id));
CREATE TABLE table_target3 ( mexs_id CHAR(8), messzeit TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (mexs_id));
CREATE VIEW view_target2 AS SELECT mexs_id,messzeit FROM table_target2;
CREATE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW view_target3 AS SELECT mexs_id,messzeit FROM table_target3;
CREATE TABLE table_stations ( mexs_id VARCHAR(8), icao VARCHAR(4), country CHAR(2), PRIMARY KEY (mexs_id), UNIQUE KEY icao (icao), KEY country (country), CONSTRAINT stations_ibfk_8 FOREIGN KEY (country) REFERENCES countries (country) ON UPDATE CASCADE);
INSERT INTO table_stations VALUES ('87654321','XXXX','YY');
CREATE TABLE table_countries ( country CHAR(2), iso_short_en VARCHAR(64), PRIMARY KEY (country));
INSERT INTO table_countries VALUES ('YY','Entenhausen');
CREATE ALGORITHM=MERGE SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW view_stations AS select table_stations.mexs_id AS mexs_id, table_stations.icao AS icao, table_stations.country AS landescode from (table_stations join table_countries on((table_stations.country = table_countries.country)));
CREATE TABLE table_source ( id varchar(4), datetime TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id));
INSERT INTO table_source VALUES ('XXXX','2006-07-12 07:50:00');
GRANT SELECT ON table_source TO user20989@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON table_countries TO user20989@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON table_stations TO user20989@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON view_stations TO user20989@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON table_target TO user20989@localhost;
GRANT SELECT ON table_target2 TO user20989@localhost;
GRANT INSERT,DELETE,SELECT ON view_target3 TO user20989@localhost;
REPLACE INTO table_target
SELECT stations.mexs_id AS mexs_id, datetime AS messzeit
FROM table_source
INNER JOIN view_stations AS stations
ON table_source.id = stations.icao
LEFT JOIN table_target AS old
USING (mexs_id);
ERROR 42000: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'user20989'@'localhost' for table 'table_target'
REPLACE INTO view_target2
SELECT stations.mexs_id AS mexs_id, datetime AS messzeit
FROM table_source
INNER JOIN view_stations AS stations
ON table_source.id = stations.icao
LEFT JOIN view_target2 AS old
USING (mexs_id);
ERROR 42000: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'user20989'@'localhost' for table 'view_target2'
REPLACE INTO view_target3
SELECT stations.mexs_id AS mexs_id, datetime AS messzeit
FROM table_source
INNER JOIN view_stations AS stations
ON table_source.id = stations.icao
LEFT JOIN view_target3 AS old
USING (mexs_id);
ERROR HY000: View 'meow.view_target3' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
GRANT INSERT,DELETE ON table_target TO user20989@localhost;
GRANT INSERT,DELETE,SELECT ON view_target2 TO user20989@localhost;
GRANT INSERT,DELETE,SELECT ON table_target3 TO user20989@localhost;
REPLACE INTO table_target
SELECT stations.mexs_id AS mexs_id, datetime AS messzeit
FROM table_source
INNER JOIN view_stations AS stations
ON table_source.id = stations.icao
LEFT JOIN table_target AS old
USING (mexs_id);
REPLACE INTO table_target2 VALUES ('00X45Y78','2006-07-12 07:50:00');
ERROR 42000: INSERT,DELETE command denied to user 'user20989'@'localhost' for table 'table_target2'
REPLACE INTO view_target2 VALUES ('12X45Y78','2006-07-12 07:50:00');
SELECT stations.mexs_id AS mexs_id, datetime AS messzeit
FROM table_source
INNER JOIN view_stations AS stations
ON table_source.id = stations.icao
LEFT JOIN view_target2 AS old
USING (mexs_id);
mexs_id messzeit
87654321 2006-07-12 07:50:00
REPLACE INTO view_target2
SELECT stations.mexs_id AS mexs_id, datetime AS messzeit
FROM table_source
INNER JOIN view_stations AS stations
ON table_source.id = stations.icao
LEFT JOIN view_target2 AS old
USING (mexs_id);
REPLACE INTO view_target3
SELECT stations.mexs_id AS mexs_id, datetime AS messzeit
FROM table_source
INNER JOIN view_stations AS stations
ON table_source.id = stations.icao
LEFT JOIN view_target3 AS old
USING (mexs_id);
SELECT * FROM table_target;
mexs_id messzeit
87654321 2006-07-12 07:50:00
SELECT * FROM view_target2;
mexs_id messzeit
12X45Y78 2006-07-12 07:50:00
87654321 2006-07-12 07:50:00
SELECT * FROM view_target3;
mexs_id messzeit
87654321 2006-07-12 07:50:00
DROP VIEW view_stations;
DROP TABLE table_source;
DROP TABLE table_countries;
DROP TABLE table_stations;
DROP TABLE table_target;
DROP TABLE table_target2;
DROP TABLE table_target3;
DROP VIEW view_target2;
DROP VIEW view_target3;
DROP USER user20989@localhost;
connection: default
set low_priority_updates=1;
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (a int, b int, unique key t1$a (a));
lock table t1 read;
connection: update
set low_priority_updates=1;
show variables like 'low_priority_updates';
Variable_name Value
low_priority_updates ON
insert into t1 values (1, 2) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE b = 2;;
connection: select
select * from t1;
a b
connection: default
select * from t1;
a b
unlock tables;
drop table t1;
set low_priority_updates=default;