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synced 2025-03-06 11:13:09 +01:00

and small collateral changes mysql-test/lib/My/Test.pm: somehow with "print" we get truncated writes sometimes mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/digest_table_full.result: md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/dml_handler.result: host table is not ported over yet mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/information_schema.result: host table is not ported over yet mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/nesting.result: this differs, because we don't rewrite general log queries, and multi-statement packets are logged as a one entry. this result file is identical to what mysql-5.6.5 produces with the --log-raw option. mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/relaylog.result: MariaDB modifies the binlog index file directly, while MySQL 5.6 has a feature "crash-safe binlog index" and modifies a special "crash-safe" shadow copy of the index file and then moves it over. That's why this test shows "NONE" index file writes in MySQL and "MANY" in MariaDB. mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/server_init.result: MariaDB initializes the "manager" resources from the "manager" thread, and starts this thread only when --flush-time is not 0. MySQL 5.6 initializes "manager" resources unconditionally on server startup. mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/stage_mdl_global.result: this differs, because MariaDB disables query cache when query_cache_size=0. MySQL does not do that, and this causes useless mutex locks and waits. mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/statement_digest.result: md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/statement_digest_consumers.result: md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb mysql-test/suite/perfschema/r/statement_digest_long_query.result: md5 hashes of statement digests differ, because yacc token codes are different in mariadb mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_mixed_drop_create_temp_table.result: will be updated to match 5.6 when alfranio.correia@oracle.com-20110512172919-c1b5kmum4h52g0ni and anders.song@greatopensource.com-20110105052107-zoab0bsf5a6xxk2y are merged mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_non_direct_mixed_mixing_engines.result: will be updated to match 5.6 when anders.song@greatopensource.com-20110105052107-zoab0bsf5a6xxk2y is merged
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# This test is executed once after each test to check the servers
# for unexpected warnings found in the servers error log
# NOTE! mysql-test-run.pl has already done a rough filtering
# of the file and written any suspicious lines
# to $error_log.warnings file
# Don't write these queries to binlog
set SQL_LOG_BIN=0;
# Turn off any debug crashes, allow the variable to be
# non existent in release builds
--error 0,1193
set debug_dbug="";
use mtr;
# Allow this session to read-write even if server is started
# with --transaction-read-only
set session transaction read write;
create temporary table error_log (
row int auto_increment primary key,
suspicious int default 1,
file_name varchar(255),
line varchar(1024) default null
) engine=myisam;
# Get the name of servers error log
let $log_error= $MTR_LOG_ERROR;
let $log_warning= $log_error.warnings;
# Try tload the warnings into a temporary table,
# it might fail with error saying "The MySQL server is
# running with the --secure-file-priv" in which case
# an attempt to load the file using LOAD DATA LOCAL is made
--error 0,1290
eval load data infile '$log_warning' into table error_log
fields terminated by 'xykls37' escaped by ''
ignore 1 lines
set file_name='$log_error';
if ($mysql_errno)
eval load data local infile '$log_warning' into table error_log
fields terminated by 'xykls37' escaped by ''
ignore 1 lines
set file_name='$log_error';
# Call check_warnings to filter out any warning in
# the error_log table
call mtr.check_warnings(@result);
if (`select @result = 0`){
skip OK;
echo ^ Found warnings in $log_error;