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synced 2025-03-11 09:38:38 +01:00

according to the standard. The idea is to use Field-classes to implement stored routines variables. Also, we should provide facade to Item-hierarchy by Item_field class (it is necessary, since SRVs take part in expressions). The patch fixes the following bugs: - BUG#8702: Stored Procedures: No Error/Warning shown for inappropriate data type matching; - BUG#8768: Functions: For any unsigned data type, -ve values can be passed and returned; - BUG#8769: Functions: For Int datatypes, out of range values can be passed and returned; - BUG#9078: STORED PROCDURE: Decimal digits are not displayed when we use DECIMAL datatype; - BUG#9572: Stored procedures: variable type declarations ignored; - BUG#12903: upper function does not work inside a function; - BUG#13705: parameters to stored procedures are not verified; - BUG#13808: ENUM type stored procedure parameter accepts non-enumerated data; - BUG#13909: Varchar Stored Procedure Parameter always BINARY string (ignores CHARACTER SET); - BUG#14161: Stored procedure cannot retrieve bigint unsigned; - BUG#14188: BINARY variables have no 0x00 padding; - BUG#15148: Stored procedure variables accept non-scalar values;
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drop procedure if exists p1|
drop procedure if exists p2|
# Test Dynamic SQL in stored procedures. #############################
# A. Basics
create procedure p1()
prepare stmt from "select 1";
execute stmt;
execute stmt;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
call p1()|
call p1()|
call p1()|
drop procedure p1|
# B. Recursion. Recusion is disabled in SP, and recursive use of PS is not
# possible as well.
create procedure p1()
execute stmt;
prepare stmt from "call p1()"|
# Allow SP resursion to be show that it has not influence here
set @SAVE_SP_RECURSION_LEVELS=@@max_sp_recursion_depth|
set @@max_sp_recursion_depth=100|
execute stmt|
execute stmt|
execute stmt|
call p1()|
call p1()|
call p1()|
set @@max_sp_recursion_depth=@SAVE_SP_RECURSION_LEVELS|
call p1()|
call p1()|
call p1()|
drop procedure p1|
# C. Create/drop a stored procedure in Dynamic SQL.
# One cannot create stored procedure from a stored procedure because of
# the way MySQL SP cache works: it's important that this limitation is not
# possible to circumvent by means of Dynamic SQL.
create procedure p1()
prepare stmt from "create procedure p2() begin select 1; end";
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
call p1()|
call p1()|
drop procedure p1|
create procedure p1()
prepare stmt from "drop procedure p2";
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
call p1()|
call p1()|
drop procedure p1|
# D. Create/Drop a table (a DDL that issues a commit) in Dynamic SQL.
# (should work ok).
create procedure p1()
prepare stmt_drop from "drop table if exists t1";
execute stmt_drop;
prepare stmt from "create table t1 (a int)";
execute stmt;
insert into t1 (a) values (1);
select * from t1;
deallocate prepare stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt_drop;
call p1()|
call p1()|
drop procedure p1|
# A more real example (a case similar to submitted by 24/7).
create procedure p1()
set @tab_name=concat("tab_", replace(curdate(), '-', '_'));
set @drop_sql=concat("drop table if exists ", @tab_name);
set @create_sql=concat("create table ", @tab_name, " (a int)");
set @insert_sql=concat("insert into ", @tab_name, " values (1), (2), (3)");
set @select_sql=concat("select * from ", @tab_name);
select @tab_name;
select @drop_sql;
select @create_sql;
select @insert_sql;
select @select_sql;
prepare stmt_drop from @drop_sql;
execute stmt_drop;
prepare stmt from @create_sql;
execute stmt;
prepare stmt from @insert_sql;
execute stmt;
prepare stmt from @select_sql;
execute stmt;
execute stmt_drop;
deallocate prepare stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt_drop;
call p1()|
call p1()|
drop procedure p1|
# E. Calling a stored procedure with Dynamic SQL
# from a stored function (currently disabled).
create procedure p1()
prepare stmt_drop from "drop table if exists t1";
execute stmt_drop;
prepare stmt from "create table t1 (a int)";
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt_drop;
drop function if exists f1|
create function f1(a int) returns int
call p1();
return 1;
# Every stored procedure that contains Dynamic SQL is marked as
# such. Stored procedures that contain Dynamic SQL are not
# allowed in a stored function or trigger, and here we get the
# corresponding error message.
select f1(0)|
select f1(f1(0))|
select f1(f1(f1(0)))|
drop function f1|
drop procedure p1|
# F. Rollback and cleanup lists management in Dynamic SQL.
create procedure p1()
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (id integer not null primary key,
name varchar(20) not null);
insert into t1 (id, name) values (1, 'aaa'), (2, 'bbb'), (3, 'ccc');
prepare stmt from "select name from t1";
execute stmt;
select name from t1;
execute stmt;
prepare stmt from
"select name from t1 where name=(select name from t1 where id=2)";
execute stmt;
select name from t1 where name=(select name from t1 where id=2);
execute stmt;
call p1()|
call p1()|
drop procedure p1|
# H. Executing a statement prepared externally in SP.
prepare stmt from "select * from t1"|
create procedure p1()
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
call p1()|
call p1()|
drop procedure p1|
# I. Use of an SP variable in Dynamic SQL is not possible and
# this limitation is necessary for correct binary logging: prepared
# statements do not substitute SP variables with their values for binlog, so
# SP variables must be not accessible in Dynamic SQL.
create procedure p1()
declare a char(10);
set a="sp-variable";
set @a="mysql-variable";
prepare stmt from "select 'dynamic sql:', @a, a";
execute stmt;
call p1()|
call p1()|
drop procedure p1|
# J. Use of placeholders in Dynamic SQL.
create procedure p1()
prepare stmt from 'select ? as a';
execute stmt using @a;
set @a=1|
call p1()|
call p1()|
drop procedure p1|
# K. Use of continue handlers with Dynamic SQL.
drop table if exists t1|
create table t1 (id integer primary key auto_increment,
stmt_text char(35), status varchar(20))|
insert into t1 (stmt_text) values
("select 1"), ("flush tables"), ("handler t1 open as ha"),
("analyze table t1"), ("check table t1"), ("checksum table t1"),
("check table t1"), ("optimize table t1"), ("repair table t1"),
("describe extended select * from t1"),
("help help"), ("show databases"), ("show tables"),
("show table status"), ("show open tables"), ("show storage engines"),
("insert into t1 (id) values (1)"), ("update t1 set status=''"),
("delete from t1"), ("truncate t1"), ("call p1()"), ("foo bar")|
create procedure p1()
declare v_stmt_text varchar(255);
declare v_id integer;
declare done int default 0;
declare c cursor for select id, stmt_text from t1;
declare continue handler for 1295 -- ER_UNSUPPORTED_PS
set @status='not supported';
declare continue handler for 1064 -- ER_SYNTAX_ERROR
set @status='syntax error';
declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1;
prepare update_stmt from "update t1 set status=? where id=?";
open c;
if not done then
fetch c into v_id, v_stmt_text;
set @id=v_id, @stmt_text=v_stmt_text;
set @status="supported";
prepare stmt from @stmt_text;
execute update_stmt using @status, @id;
end if;
until done end repeat;
deallocate prepare update_stmt;
call p1()|
select * from t1|
drop procedure p1|
drop table t1|
# Bug#7115 "Prepared Statements: packet error if execution within stored
# procedure".
prepare stmt from 'select 1'|
create procedure p1() execute stmt|
call p1()|
call p1()|
drop procedure p1|
# Bug#10975 "Prepared statements: crash if function deallocates"
# Check that a prepared statement that is currently in use
# can't be deallocated.
# a) Prepared statements and stored procedure cache:
# TODO: add when the corresponding bug (Bug #12093 "SP not found on second
# PS execution if another thread drops other SP in between") is fixed.
# b) attempt to deallocate a prepared statement that is being executed
create function f1() returns int
deallocate prepare stmt;
return 1;
# b)-2 a crash (#1) spotted by Sergey Petrunia during code review
create procedure p1()
prepare stmt from 'select 1 A';
execute stmt;
prepare stmt from 'call p1()'|
execute stmt|
execute stmt|
drop procedure p1|
# Bug#10605 "Stored procedure with multiple SQL prepared statements
# disconnects client"
drop table if exists t1, t2|
create procedure p1 (a int) language sql deterministic
declare rsql varchar(100);
drop table if exists t1, t2;
set @rsql= "create table t1 (a int)";
select @rsql;
prepare pst from @rsql;
execute pst;
set @rsql= null;
set @rsql= "create table t2 (a int)";
select @rsql;
prepare pst from @rsql;
execute pst;
drop table if exists t1, t2;
set @a:=0|
call p1(@a)|
select @a|
call p1(@a)|
select @a|
drop procedure if exists p1|
# End of the test
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