Bradley C. Kuszmaul 682405a0f6 Fixes . logformat now only runs once.
git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@10417 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
2013-04-16 23:57:45 -04:00

533 lines
22 KiB

/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
/* This file defines the logformat in an executable fashion.
* This code is used to generate
* The code that writes into the log.
* The code that reads the log and prints it to stdout (the log_print utility)
* The code that reads the log for recovery.
* The struct definitions.
* The Latex documentation.
#include "toku_portability.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
typedef struct field {
char *type;
char *name;
char *format; // optional format string
} F;
#define NULLFIELD {0,0,0}
#define FA (F[])
struct logtype {
char *name;
unsigned int command_and_flags;
struct field *fields;
// In the fields, don't mention the command, the LSN, the CRC or the trailing LEN.
int logformat_version_number = 0;
const struct logtype rollbacks[] = {
{"fcreate", 'F', FA{{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0},
// cmdinsert is used to insert a key-value pair into a NODUP DB. For rollback we don't need the data.
{"cmdinsert", 'i', FA{{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"cmdinsertboth", 'I', FA{{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
{"cmddeleteboth", 'D', FA{{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
{"cmddelete", 'd', FA{{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"rollinclude", 'r', FA{{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0},
{"tablelock_on_empty_table", 'L', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
// {"fclose", 'c', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
// {"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0},
// {"deleteatleaf", 'd', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0}, // Note a delete for rollback. The delete takes place in a leaf.
// {"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
// {"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
// {"insertatleaf", 'i', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0}, // Note an insert for rollback. The insert takes place in a leaf.
// {"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
// {"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
// {"xactiontouchednonleaf", 'n', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
// {"DISKOFFARRAY", "parents", 0},
// {"DISKOFF", "diskoff", 0},
const struct logtype logtypes[] = {
{"checkpoint", 'x', FA{NULLFIELD}},
{"commit", 'C', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0},NULLFIELD}},
{"xabort", 'q', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0},NULLFIELD}},
{"xbegin", 'b', FA{{"TXNID", "parenttxnid", 0},NULLFIELD}},
#if 0
{"tl_delete", 'D', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0}, // tl logentries can be used, by themselves, to rebuild the whole DB from scratch.
{"BLOCKNUM", "blocknum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
{"fcreate", 'F', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0},
{"u_int32_t", "mode", "0%o"},
{"fheader", 'H', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"LOGGEDBRTHEADER", "header", 0},
{"changeunnamedroot", 'u', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BLOCKNUM", "oldroot", 0},
{"BLOCKNUM", "newroot", 0},
{"changenamedroot", 'n', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "name", 0},
{"BLOCKNUM", "oldroot", 0},
{"BLOCKNUM", "newroot", 0},
{"fopen", 'O', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"brtclose", 'e', FA{{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0}, // brtclose is logged when a particular brt is closed
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"cfclose", 'o', FA{{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0}, // cfclose is logged when a cachefile actually closes ("cfclose" means cache file close)
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"enqrootentry", 'a', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"u_int32_t", "typ", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
{"deqrootentry", 'A', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
#define DO_STRUCTS(lt, array, body) do { \
const struct logtype *lt; \
for (lt=&array[0]; lt->name; lt++) { \
body; \
} } while (0)
#define DO_ROLLBACKS(lt, body) DO_STRUCTS(lt, rollbacks, body)
#define DO_LOGTYPES(lt, body) DO_STRUCTS(lt, logtypes, body)
#define DO_LOGTYPES_AND_ROLLBACKS(lt, body) (DO_ROLLBACKS(lt,body), DO_LOGTYPES(lt, body))
#define DO_FIELDS(fld, lt, body) do { \
struct field *fld; \
for (fld=lt->fields; fld->type; fld++) { \
body; \
} } while (0)
static void __attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4))) fprintf2 (FILE *f1, FILE *f2, const char *format, ...) {
va_list ap;
int r;
va_start(ap, format);
r=vfprintf(f1, format, ap); assert(r>=0);
va_start(ap, format);
r=vfprintf(f2, format, ap); assert(r>=0);
FILE *hf=0, *cf=0;
static void
generate_enum_internal (char *enum_name, char *enum_prefix, const struct logtype *lts) {
char used_cmds[256];
int count=0;
memset(used_cmds, 0, 256);
fprintf(hf, "enum %s {", enum_name);
DO_STRUCTS(lt, lts,
unsigned char cmd = (unsigned char)(lt->command_and_flags&0xff);
if (count!=0) fprintf(hf, ",");
fprintf(hf, "\n");
fprintf(hf," %s_%-16s = '%c'", enum_prefix, lt->name, cmd);
if (used_cmds[cmd]!=0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: error: Command %d (%c) was used twice (second time for %s)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, cmd, cmd, lt->name); abort(); }
fprintf(hf, "\n};\n\n");
static void
generate_enum (void) {
generate_enum_internal("lt_cmd", "LT", logtypes);
generate_enum_internal("rt_cmd", "RT", rollbacks);
static void
generate_log_struct (void) {
{ fprintf(hf, "struct logtype_%s {\n", lt->name);
fprintf(hf, " %-16s lsn;\n", "LSN");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(hf, " %-16s %s;\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, " %-16s crc;\n", "u_int32_t");
fprintf(hf, " %-16s len;\n", "u_int32_t");
fprintf(hf, "};\n");
//fprintf(hf, "void toku_recover_%s (LSN lsn", lt->name);
//DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(hf, ", %s %s", ft->type, ft->name));
//fprintf(hf, ");\n");
{ fprintf(hf, "struct rolltype_%s {\n", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(hf, " %-16s %s;\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, "};\n");
fprintf(hf, "int toku_rollback_%s (", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(hf, "%s %s,", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, "TOKUTXN txn, void(*yield)(void*yield_v), void*yield_v);\n");
fprintf(hf, "int toku_commit_%s (", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(hf, "%s %s,", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, "TOKUTXN txn, void(*yield)(void*yield_v), void*yield_v);\n");
fprintf(hf, "struct log_entry {\n");
fprintf(hf, " enum lt_cmd cmd;\n");
fprintf(hf, " union {\n");
DO_LOGTYPES(lt, fprintf(hf," struct logtype_%s %s;\n", lt->name, lt->name));
fprintf(hf, " } u;\n");
fprintf(hf, "};\n");
fprintf(hf, "struct roll_entry {\n");
fprintf(hf, " enum rt_cmd cmd;\n");
fprintf(hf, " union {\n");
DO_ROLLBACKS(lt, fprintf(hf," struct rolltype_%s %s;\n", lt->name, lt->name));
fprintf(hf, " } u;\n");
fprintf(hf, " struct roll_entry *prev; /* for in-memory list of log entries. Threads from newest to oldest. */\n");
fprintf(hf, " struct roll_entry *next; /* Points to a newer logentry. Needed for flushing to disk, since we want to write the oldest one first. */\n");
fprintf(hf, "};\n");
static void
generate_dispatch (void) {
fprintf(hf, "#define rolltype_dispatch(s, funprefix) ({ switch((s)->cmd) {\\\n");
DO_ROLLBACKS(lt, fprintf(hf, " case RT_%s: funprefix ## %s (&(s)->u.%s); break;\\\n", lt->name, lt->name, lt->name));
fprintf(hf, " }})\n");
fprintf(hf, "#define logtype_dispatch_assign(s, funprefix, var, ...) do { switch((s)->cmd) {\\\n");
DO_LOGTYPES(lt, fprintf(hf, " case LT_%s: var = funprefix ## %s (&(s)->u.%s, __VA_ARGS__); break;\\\n", lt->name, lt->name, lt->name));
fprintf(hf, " }} while (0)\n");
fprintf(hf, "#define rolltype_dispatch_assign(s, funprefix, var, ...) do { \\\n");
fprintf(hf, " switch((s)->cmd) {\\\n");
fprintf(hf, " case RT_%s: var = funprefix ## %s (", lt->name, lt->name);
int fieldcount=0;
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, {
if (fieldcount>0) fprintf(hf, ",");
fprintf(hf, "(s)->u.%s.%s", lt->name, ft->name);
fprintf(hf, ", __VA_ARGS__); break;\\\n");
fprintf(hf, " default: assert(0);} } while (0)\n");
fprintf(hf, "#define logtype_dispatch_args(s, funprefix) do { switch((s)->cmd) {\\\n");
fprintf(hf, " case LT_%s: funprefix ## %s ((s)->u.%s.lsn", lt->name, lt->name, lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(hf, ",(s)->u.%s.%s", lt->name, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, "); break;\\\n");
fprintf(hf, " }} while (0)\n");
static void
generate_log_writer (void) {
fprintf(cf, "static u_int64_t toku_lsn_increment=1;\nvoid toku_set_lsn_increment (uint64_t incr) { assert(incr>0 && incr< (16LL<<32)); toku_lsn_increment=incr; }\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "int toku_log_%s (TOKULOGGER logger, LSN *lsnp, int do_fsync", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf2(cf, hf, ", %s %s", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, ");\n");
fprintf(cf, ") {\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (logger==0) return 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " const unsigned int buflen= (+4 // len at the beginning\n");
fprintf(cf, " +1 // log command\n");
fprintf(cf, " +8 // lsn\n");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(cf, " +toku_logsizeof_%s(%s)\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " +8 // crc + len\n");
fprintf(cf, " );\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct wbuf wbuf;\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct logbytes *lbytes = MALLOC_LOGBYTES(buflen);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (lbytes==0) return errno;\n");
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_init(&wbuf, &lbytes->bytes[0], buflen);\n");
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_int(&wbuf, buflen);\n");
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_char(&wbuf, '%c');\n", (char)(0xff&lt->command_and_flags));
fprintf(cf, " ml_lock(&logger->input_lock);\n");
fprintf(cf, " logger->lsn.lsn += toku_lsn_increment;\n");
fprintf(cf, " LSN lsn = logger->lsn;\n");
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_LSN(&wbuf, lsn);\n");
fprintf(cf, " lbytes->lsn = lsn;\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (lsnp) *lsnp=logger->lsn;\n");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_%s(&wbuf, %s);\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " int r= toku_logger_finish(logger, lbytes, &wbuf, do_fsync);\n");
fprintf(cf, " assert(wbuf.ndone==buflen);\n");
fprintf(cf, " return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n\n");
static void
generate_log_reader (void) {
fprintf(cf, "static int toku_log_fread_%s (FILE *infile, struct logtype_%s *data, struct x1764 *checksum)", lt->name, lt->name);
fprintf(cf, " {\n");
fprintf(cf, " int r=0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t actual_len=5; // 1 for the command, 4 for the first len.\n");
fprintf(cf, " r=toku_fread_%-16s(infile, &data->%-16s, checksum, &actual_len); if (r!=0) return r;\n", "LSN", "lsn");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(cf, " r=toku_fread_%-16s(infile, &data->%-16s, checksum, &actual_len); if (r!=0) return r;\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t checksum_in_file, len_in_file;\n");
fprintf(cf, " r=toku_fread_u_int32_t_nocrclen(infile, &checksum_in_file); actual_len+=4; if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " r=toku_fread_u_int32_t_nocrclen(infile, &len_in_file); actual_len+=4; if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (checksum_in_file!=x1764_finish(checksum) || len_in_file!=actual_len) return DB_BADFORMAT;\n");
fprintf(cf, " return 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "int toku_log_fread (FILE *infile, struct log_entry *le)");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t len1; int r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t ignorelen=0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct x1764 checksum;\n");
fprintf(cf, " x1764_init(&checksum);\n");
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_fread_u_int32_t(infile, &len1, &checksum, &ignorelen); if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " int cmd=fgetc(infile);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (cmd==EOF) return EOF;\n");
fprintf(cf, " char cmdchar = (char)cmd;\n");
fprintf(cf, " x1764_add(&checksum, &cmdchar, 1);\n");
fprintf(cf, " le->cmd=(enum lt_cmd)cmd;\n");
fprintf(cf, " switch ((enum lt_cmd)cmd) {\n");
fprintf(cf, " case LT_%s:\n", lt->name);
fprintf(cf, " return toku_log_fread_%s (infile, &le->u.%s, &checksum);\n", lt->name, lt->name);
fprintf(cf, " };\n");
fprintf(cf, " return DB_BADFORMAT;\n"); // Should read past the record using the len field.
fprintf(cf, "}\n\n");
static void
generate_logprint (void) {
unsigned maxnamelen=0;
fprintf2(cf, hf, "int toku_logprint_one_record(FILE *outf, FILE *f)");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n");
fprintf(cf, " int cmd, r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t len1, crc_in_file;\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t ignorelen=0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct x1764 checksum;\n");
fprintf(cf, " x1764_init(&checksum);\n");
fprintf(cf, " r=toku_fread_u_int32_t(f, &len1, &checksum, &ignorelen);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (r==EOF) return EOF;\n");
fprintf(cf, " cmd=fgetc(f);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (cmd==EOF) return DB_BADFORMAT;\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t len_in_file, len=1+4; // cmd + len1\n");
fprintf(cf, " char charcmd = (char)cmd;\n");
fprintf(cf, " x1764_add(&checksum, &charcmd, 1);\n");
fprintf(cf, " switch ((enum lt_cmd)cmd) {\n");
DO_LOGTYPES(lt, { if (strlen(lt->name)>maxnamelen) maxnamelen=strlen(lt->name); });
unsigned char cmd = (unsigned char)(0xff&lt->command_and_flags);
fprintf(cf, " case LT_%s: \n", lt->name);
// We aren't using the log reader here because we want better diagnostics as soon as things go wrong.
fprintf(cf, " fprintf(outf, \"%%-%us \", \"%s\");\n", maxnamelen, lt->name);
if (isprint(cmd)) fprintf(cf," fprintf(outf, \" '%c':\");\n", cmd);
else fprintf(cf," fprintf(outf, \"0%03o:\");\n", cmd);
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_logprint_%-16s(outf, f, \"lsn\", &checksum, &len, 0); if (r!=0) return r;\n", "LSN");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, {
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_logprint_%-16s(outf, f, \"%s\", &checksum, &len,", ft->type, ft->name);
if (ft->format) fprintf(cf, "\"%s\"", ft->format);
else fprintf(cf, "0");
fprintf(cf, "); if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t actual_murmur = x1764_finish(&checksum);\n");
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_fread_u_int32_t_nocrclen (f, &crc_in_file); len+=4; if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " fprintf(outf, \" crc=%%08x\", crc_in_file);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (crc_in_file!=actual_murmur) fprintf(outf, \" actual_fingerprint=%%08x\", actual_murmur);\n");
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_fread_u_int32_t_nocrclen (f, &len_in_file); len+=4; if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " fprintf(outf, \" len=%%u\", len_in_file);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (len_in_file!=len) fprintf(outf, \" actual_len=%%u\", len);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (len_in_file!=len || crc_in_file!=actual_murmur) return DB_BADFORMAT;\n");
fprintf(cf, " };\n");
fprintf(cf, " fprintf(outf, \"\\n\");\n");
fprintf(cf, " return 0;;\n\n");
fprintf(cf, " }\n");
fprintf(cf, " fprintf(outf, \"Unknown command %%d ('%%c')\", cmd, cmd);\n");
fprintf(cf, " return DB_BADFORMAT;\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n\n");
static void
generate_rollbacks (void) {
fprintf2(cf, hf, "int toku_logger_save_rollback_%s (TOKUTXN txn", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf2(cf, hf, ", %s %s", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, ");\n");
fprintf(cf, ") {\n");
int count=0;
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t rollback_fsize = toku_logger_rollback_fsize_%s(", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, "%s%s", (count++>0)?", ":"", ft->name));
fprintf(cf, ");\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct roll_entry *v = toku_malloc_in_rollback(txn, sizeof(*v));\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (v==0) return errno;\n");
fprintf(cf, " v->cmd = (enum rt_cmd)%u;\n", lt->command_and_flags&0xff);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, " v->u.%s.%s = %s;\n", lt->name, ft->name, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " v->prev = txn->newest_logentry;\n");
fprintf(cf, " v->next = 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (txn->oldest_logentry==0) txn->oldest_logentry=v;\n");
fprintf(cf, " else txn->newest_logentry->next = v;\n");
fprintf(cf, " txn->newest_logentry = v;\n");
fprintf(cf, " txn->rollentry_resident_bytecount += rollback_fsize;\n");
fprintf(cf, " txn->rollentry_raw_count += rollback_fsize;\n");
fprintf(cf, " return toku_maybe_spill_rollbacks(txn);\n}\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "void toku_logger_rollback_wbufwrite_%s (struct wbuf *wbuf", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf2(cf, hf, ", %s %s", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf2(cf, hf, ")");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t ndone_at_start = wbuf->ndone;\n");
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_char(wbuf, '%c');\n", (char)(0xff&lt->command_and_flags));
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, " wbuf_%s(wbuf, %s);\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_int(wbuf, 4+wbuf->ndone - ndone_at_start);\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "void toku_logger_rollback_wbufwrite (struct wbuf *wbuf, struct roll_entry *r)");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n switch (r->cmd) {\n");
fprintf(cf, " case RT_%s: toku_logger_rollback_wbufwrite_%s(wbuf", lt->name, lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, ", r->u.%s.%s", lt->name, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, "); return;\n");
fprintf(cf, " }\n assert(0);\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "u_int32_t toku_logger_rollback_fsize_%s (", lt->name);
int count=0;
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf2(cf, hf, "%s%s %s", (count++>0)?", ":"", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, ");\n");
fprintf(cf, ") {\n");
fprintf(cf, " return 1 /* the cmd*/\n");
fprintf(cf, " + 4 /* the int at the end saying the size */");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(cf, "\n + toku_logsizeof_%s(%s)", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, ";\n}\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "u_int32_t toku_logger_rollback_fsize(struct roll_entry *item)");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, "{\n switch(item->cmd) {\n");
fprintf(cf, " case RT_%s: return toku_logger_rollback_fsize_%s(", lt->name, lt->name);
int count=0;
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, "%sitem->u.%s.%s", (count++>0)?", ":"", lt->name, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, ");\n");
fprintf(cf, " }\n assert(0);\n return 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "int toku_parse_rollback(unsigned char *buf, u_int32_t n_bytes, struct roll_entry **itemp, MEMARENA ma)");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n assert(n_bytes>0);\n struct roll_entry *item = malloc_in_memarena(ma, sizeof(*item));\n item->cmd=(enum rt_cmd)(buf[0]);\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct rbuf rc = {buf, n_bytes, 1};\n");
fprintf(cf, " switch(item->cmd) {\n");
fprintf(cf, " case RT_%s:\n", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, " rbuf_ma_%s(&rc, ma, &item->u.%s.%s);\n", ft->type, lt->name, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " *itemp = item;\n");
fprintf(cf, " return 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " }\n return EINVAL;\n}\n");
const char *codepath = "log_code.c";
const char *headerpath = "log_header.h";
int main (int argc __attribute__((__unused__)), char *argv[] __attribute__((__unused__))) {
chmod(codepath, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
chmod(headerpath, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
cf = fopen(codepath, "w");
if (cf==0) { int r = errno; printf("fopen of %s failed because of errno=%d (%s)\n", codepath, r, strerror(r)); } // sometimes this is failing, so let's make a better diagnostic
hf = fopen(headerpath, "w"); assert(hf!=0);
fprintf(hf, "#ifndef LOG_HEADER_H\n");
fprintf(hf, "#define LOG_HEADER_H\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "/* Do not edit this file. This code generated by logformat.c. Copyright 2007, 2008 Tokutek. */\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "#ident \"Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved.\"\n");
fprintf(cf, "#include \"includes.h\"\n");
fprintf(hf, "#include \"brt-internal.h\"\n");
fprintf(hf, "#include \"memarena.h\"\n");
fprintf(hf, "#endif\n");
int r=fclose(hf);
// Make it tougher to modify by mistake
chmod(codepath, S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
chmod(headerpath, S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
return 0;