mariadb/mysql-test/t/sp-security.test a84c7e1c29 Added new test case for BUG#14533: 'desc tbl' in stored procedure causes error 1142
which is no longer repeatable. (Unclear when this was fixed.)
2006-02-01 14:46:30 +01:00

528 lines
12 KiB

# Testing SQL SECURITY of stored procedures
# Can't test with embedded server that doesn't support grants
-- source include/
connect (con1root,localhost,root,,);
connection con1root;
use test;
# Create user user1 with no particular access rights
grant usage on *.* to user1@localhost;
flush privileges;
drop table if exists t1;
drop database if exists db1_secret;
# Create our secret database
create database db1_secret;
# Can create a procedure in other db
create procedure db1_secret.dummy() begin end;
drop procedure db1_secret.dummy;
use db1_secret;
create table t1 ( u varchar(64), i int );
# A test procedure and function
create procedure stamp(i int)
insert into db1_secret.t1 values (user(), i);
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show procedure status like 'stamp';
create function db() returns varchar(64) return database();
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show function status like 'db';
# root can, of course
call stamp(1);
select * from t1;
select db();
grant execute on procedure db1_secret.stamp to user1@'%';
grant execute on function db1_secret.db to user1@'%';
grant execute on procedure db1_secret.stamp to ''@'%';
grant execute on function db1_secret.db to ''@'%';
connect (con2user1,localhost,user1,,);
connect (con3anon,localhost,anon,,);
# User1 can
connection con2user1;
# This should work...
call db1_secret.stamp(2);
select db1_secret.db();
# ...but not this
--error 1142
select * from db1_secret.t1;
# ...and not this
--error 1044
create procedure db1_secret.dummy() begin end;
--error 1305
drop procedure db1_secret.dummy;
# Anonymous can
connection con3anon;
# This should work...
call db1_secret.stamp(3);
select db1_secret.db();
# ...but not this
--error 1142
select * from db1_secret.t1;
# ...and not this
--error 1044
create procedure db1_secret.dummy() begin end;
--error 1305
drop procedure db1_secret.dummy;
# Check it out
connection con1root;
select * from t1;
# Change to invoker's rights
alter procedure stamp sql security invoker;
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show procedure status like 'stamp';
alter function db sql security invoker;
--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
show function status like 'db';
# root still can
call stamp(4);
select * from t1;
select db();
# User1 cannot
connection con2user1;
# This should not work
--error 1044
call db1_secret.stamp(5);
--error 1044
select db1_secret.db();
# Anonymous cannot
connection con3anon;
# This should not work
--error 1044
call db1_secret.stamp(6);
--error 1044
select db1_secret.db();
# BUG#2777
connection con1root;
drop database if exists db2;
create database db2;
use db2;
create table t2 (s1 int);
insert into t2 values (0);
grant usage on db2.* to user1@localhost;
grant select on db2.* to user1@localhost;
grant usage on db2.* to user2@localhost;
grant select,insert,update,delete,create routine on db2.* to user2@localhost;
grant create routine on db2.* to user1@localhost;
flush privileges;
connection con2user1;
use db2;
create procedure p () insert into t2 values (1);
# Check that this doesn't work.
--error 1142
call p();
connect (con4user2,localhost,user2,,);
connection con4user2;
use db2;
# This should not work, since p is executed with definer's (user1's) rights.
--error 1370
call p();
select * from t2;
create procedure q () insert into t2 values (2);
call q();
select * from t2;
connection con1root;
grant usage on procedure db2.q to user2@localhost with grant option;
connection con4user2;
grant execute on procedure db2.q to user1@localhost;
connection con2user1;
use db2;
# This should work
call q();
select * from t2;
# BUG#6030: Stored procedure has no appropriate DROP privilege
# (or ALTER for that matter)
# still connection con2user1 in db2
# This should work:
alter procedure p modifies sql data;
drop procedure p;
# This should NOT work
--error 1370
alter procedure q modifies sql data;
--error 1370
drop procedure q;
connection con1root;
use db2;
# But root always can
alter procedure q modifies sql data;
drop procedure q;
# Clean up
#Still connection con1root;
disconnect con2user1;
disconnect con3anon;
disconnect con4user2;
use test;
select type,db,name from mysql.proc;
drop database db1_secret;
drop database db2;
# Make sure the routines are gone
select type,db,name from mysql.proc;
# Get rid of the users
delete from mysql.user where user='user1' or user='user2';
delete from mysql.user where user='' and host='%';
# And any routine privileges
delete from mysql.procs_priv where user='user1' or user='user2';
# Delete the grants to user ''@'%' that was created above
delete from mysql.procs_priv where user='' and host='%';
delete from mysql.db where user='user2';
flush privileges;
# Test the new security acls
grant usage on *.* to usera@localhost;
grant usage on *.* to userb@localhost;
grant usage on *.* to userc@localhost;
create database sptest;
create table t1 ( u varchar(64), i int );
create procedure sptest.p1(i int) insert into test.t1 values (user(), i);
grant insert on t1 to usera@localhost;
grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to usera@localhost;
show grants for usera@localhost;
grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to userc@localhost with grant option;
show grants for userc@localhost;
connect (con2usera,localhost,usera,,);
connect (con3userb,localhost,userb,,);
connect (con4userc,localhost,userc,,);
connection con2usera;
call sptest.p1(1);
--error 1370
grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to userb@localhost;
--error 1370
drop procedure sptest.p1;
connection con3userb;
--error 1370
call sptest.p1(2);
--error 1370
grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to userb@localhost;
--error 1370
drop procedure sptest.p1;
connection con4userc;
call sptest.p1(3);
grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to userb@localhost;
--error 1370
drop procedure sptest.p1;
connection con3userb;
call sptest.p1(4);
--error 1370
grant execute on procedure sptest.p1 to userb@localhost;
--error 1370
drop procedure sptest.p1;
connection con1root;
select * from t1;
grant all privileges on procedure sptest.p1 to userc@localhost;
show grants for userc@localhost;
show grants for userb@localhost;
connection con4userc;
revoke all privileges on procedure sptest.p1 from userb@localhost;
connection con1root;
show grants for userb@localhost;
disconnect con4userc;
disconnect con3userb;
disconnect con2usera;
use test;
drop database sptest;
delete from mysql.user where user='usera' or user='userb' or user='userc';
delete from mysql.procs_priv where user='usera' or user='userb' or user='userc';
delete from mysql.tables_priv where user='usera';
flush privileges;
drop table t1;
# BUG#9503: reseting correct parameters of thread after error in SP function
connect (root,localhost,root,,test);
connection root;
drop function if exists bug_9503;
delimiter //;
create database mysqltest//
use mysqltest//
create table t1 (s1 int)//
grant select on t1 to user1@localhost//
create function bug_9503 () returns int sql security invoker begin declare v int;
select min(s1) into v from t1; return v; end//
delimiter ;//
connect (user1,localhost,user1,,test);
connection user1;
use mysqltest;
-- error 1370
select bug_9503();
connection root;
grant execute on function bug_9503 to user1@localhost;
connection user1;
do 1;
use test;
disconnect user1;
connection root;
drop function bug_9503;
use test;
drop database mysqltest;
# correct value from current_user() in function run from "security definer"
# (BUG#7291)
connection con1root;
use test;
select current_user();
select user();
create procedure bug7291_0 () sql security invoker select current_user(), user();
create procedure bug7291_1 () sql security definer call bug7291_0();
create procedure bug7291_2 () sql security invoker call bug7291_0();
grant execute on procedure bug7291_0 to user1@localhost;
grant execute on procedure bug7291_1 to user1@localhost;
grant execute on procedure bug7291_2 to user1@localhost;
connect (user1,localhost,user1,,);
connection user1;
call bug7291_2();
call bug7291_1();
connection con1root;
drop procedure bug7291_1;
drop procedure bug7291_2;
drop procedure bug7291_0;
disconnect user1;
drop user user1@localhost;
# Bug #12318: Wrong error message when accessing an inaccessible stored
# procedure in another database when the current database is
# information_schema.
drop database if exists mysqltest_1;
create database mysqltest_1;
delimiter //;
create procedure mysqltest_1.p1()
select 1 from dual;
delimiter ;//
grant usage on *.* to mysqltest_1@localhost;
connect (n1,localhost,mysqltest_1,,information_schema,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK);
connection n1;
--error 1370
call mysqltest_1.p1();
disconnect n1;
# Test also without a current database
connect (n2,localhost,mysqltest_1,,*NO-ONE*,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK);
connection n2;
--error 1370
call mysqltest_1.p1();
disconnect n2;
connection default;
drop procedure mysqltest_1.p1;
drop database mysqltest_1;
revoke usage on *.* from mysqltest_1@localhost;
drop user mysqltest_1@localhost;
# BUG#12812 create view calling a function works without execute right
# on function
delimiter |;
drop function if exists bug12812|
create function bug12812() returns char(2)
return 'ok';
create user user_bug12812@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'ABC'|
connect (test_user_12812,localhost,user_bug12812,ABC,test)|
--error 1370
SELECT test.bug12812()|
--error 1370
CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT test.bug12812()|
# Cleanup
connection default|
disconnect test_user_12812|
DROP USER user_bug12812@localhost|
drop function bug12812|
delimiter ;|
# BUG#14834: Server denies to execute Stored Procedure
# The problem here was with '_' in the database name.
create database db_bug14834;
create user user1_bug14834@localhost identified by '';
# The exact name of the database (no wildcard)
grant all on `db\_bug14834`.* to user1_bug14834@localhost;
create user user2_bug14834@localhost identified by '';
# The exact name of the database (no wildcard)
grant all on `db\_bug14834`.* to user2_bug14834@localhost;
create user user3_bug14834@localhost identified by '';
# Wildcards in the database name
grant all on `db__ug14834`.* to user3_bug14834@localhost;
connect (user1_bug14834,localhost,user1_bug14834,,db_bug14834);
# Create the procedure and check that we can call it
create procedure p_bug14834() select user(), current_user();
call p_bug14834();
connect (user2_bug14834,localhost,user2_bug14834,,db_bug14834);
# This didn't work before
call p_bug14834();
connect (user3_bug14834,localhost,user3_bug14834,,db_bug14834);
# Should also work
call p_bug14834();
# Cleanup
connection default;
disconnect user1_bug14834;
disconnect user2_bug14834;
disconnect user3_bug14834;
drop user user1_bug14834@localhost;
drop user user2_bug14834@localhost;
drop user user3_bug14834@localhost;
drop database db_bug14834;
# BUG#14533: 'desc tbl' in stored procedure causes error 1142
create database db_bug14533;
use db_bug14533;
create table t1 (id int);
create user user_bug14533@localhost identified by '';
create procedure bug14533_1()
sql security definer
desc db_bug14533.t1;
create procedure bug14533_2()
sql security definer
select * from db_bug14533.t1;
grant execute on procedure db_bug14533.bug14533_1 to user_bug14533@localhost;
grant execute on procedure db_bug14533.bug14533_2 to user_bug14533@localhost;
connect (user_bug14533,localhost,user_bug14533,,test);
# These should work
call db_bug14533.bug14533_1();
call db_bug14533.bug14533_2();
# For reference, these should not work
desc db_bug14533.t1;
select * from db_bug14533.t1;
# Cleanup
connection default;
disconnect user_bug14533;
drop user user_bug14533@localhost;
drop database db_bug14533;
# End of 5.0 bugs.