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#ifndef PMA_H
#define PMA_H
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
#include "brttypes.h"
#include "ybt.h"
#include "yerror.h"
#include "../include/db.h"
#include "log.h"
/* An in-memory Packed Memory Array dictionary. */
/* There is a built-in-cursor. */
/* All functions return 0 on success. */
typedef struct pma *PMA;
typedef struct pma_cursor *PMA_CURSOR;
/* compare 2 DBT's
return a value < 0, = 0, > 0 if a < b, a == b, a > b respectively */
typedef int (*pma_compare_fun_t)(DB *, const DBT *a, const DBT *b);
int toku_pma_create(PMA *, pma_compare_fun_t compare_fun, DB *, FILENUM filenum, int maxsize);
int toku_pma_set_compare(PMA pma, pma_compare_fun_t compare_fun);
/* set the duplicate mode
0 -> no duplications, TOKU_DB_DUP, TOKU_DB_DUPSORT */
int toku_pma_set_dup_mode(PMA pma, int mode);
/* set the duplicate compare function */
int toku_pma_set_dup_compare(PMA pma, pma_compare_fun_t dup_compare_fun);
/* verify the integrity of a pma */
void toku_pma_verify(PMA pma);
/* returns 0 if OK.
* You must have freed all the cursors, otherwise returns nonzero and does nothing. */
int toku_pma_free (PMA *);
int toku_pma_n_entries (PMA);
/* Returns an error if the key is already present. */
/* The values returned should not be modified.by the caller. */
/* Any cursors should be updated. */
/* Duplicates the key and keylen. */
//enum pma_errors toku_pma_insert (PMA, bytevec key, ITEMLEN keylen, bytevec data, ITEMLEN datalen);
// The DB pointer is there so that the comparison function can be called.
enum pma_errors toku_pma_insert (PMA, DBT*, DBT*, TOKUTXN, FILENUM, DISKOFF, u_int32_t /*random for fingerprint */, u_int32_t */*fingerprint*/);
/* This returns an error if the key is NOT present. */
int pma_replace (PMA, bytevec key, ITEMLEN keylen, bytevec data, ITEMLEN datalen);
/* This returns an error if the key is NOT present. */
int toku_pma_delete (PMA, DBT *, u_int32_t /*random for fingerprint*/, u_int32_t */*fingerprint*/, u_int32_t *deleted_size);
int toku_pma_insert_or_replace (PMA /*pma*/, DBT */*k*/, DBT */*v*/,
int */*replaced_v_size*/, /* If it is a replacement, set to the size of the old value, otherwise set to -1. */
u_int32_t /*random for fingerprint*/, u_int32_t */*fingerprint*/);
/* Exposes internals of the PMA by returning a pointer to the guts.
* Don't modify the returned data. Don't free it. */
enum pma_errors toku_pma_lookup (PMA, DBT*, DBT*);
* The kv pairs in the original pma are split into 2 equal sized sets
* and moved to the leftpma and rightpma. The size is determined by
* the sum of the keys and values. the left and right pma's must be
* empty.
* origpma - the pma to be split
* leftpma - the pma assigned keys <= pivot key
* rightpma - the pma assigned keys > pivot key
int toku_pma_split(TOKUTXN, FILENUM,
PMA /*origpma*/, unsigned int */*origpma_size*/, DBT */*splitk*/,
DISKOFF /*leftdiskoff*/, PMA /*leftpma*/, unsigned int */*leftpma_size*/, u_int32_t /*leftrand4sum*/, u_int32_t */*leftfingerprint*/,
DISKOFF /*rightdiskoff*/, PMA /*rightpma*/, unsigned int */*rightpma_size*/, u_int32_t /*rightrand4sum*/, u_int32_t */*rightfingerprint*/);
* Insert several key value pairs into an empty pma.
* Doesn't delete any existing keys (even if they are duplicates)
* Requires: The keys are sorted
* pma - the pma that the key value pairs will be inserted into.
* must be empty with no cursors.
* keys - an array of keys
* vals - an array of values
* n_newpairs - the number of key value pairs
int toku_pma_bulk_insert(TOKUTXN, FILENUM, DISKOFF, PMA pma, DBT *keys, DBT *vals, int n_newpairs, u_int32_t rand4sem, u_int32_t *fingerprint);
/* Move the cursor to the beginning or the end or to a key */
int toku_pma_cursor (PMA, PMA_CURSOR *, void** /*sskey*/, void ** /*ssval*/); // the sskey and ssval point to variables that hold blocks that can be used to return values for zero'd DBTS.
int toku_pma_cursor_free (PMA_CURSOR*);
/* get the pma that a pma cursor is bound to */
int toku_pma_cursor_get_pma(PMA_CURSOR c, PMA *pma);
int toku_pma_cursor_set_position_last (PMA_CURSOR c);
int toku_pma_cursor_set_position_first (PMA_CURSOR c);
int toku_pma_cursor_set_position_next (PMA_CURSOR c); /* Requires the cursor is init'd. Returns DB_NOTFOUND if we fall off the end. */
int toku_pma_cursor_set_position_prev (PMA_CURSOR c);
/* get the key and data under the cursor
if even_deleted is 1 then the key and val under the cursor are returned even if
it has been deleted previously */
int toku_pma_cursor_get_current(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DBT *val, int even_deleted);
/* set the cursor to the matching key and value pair */
int toku_pma_cursor_set_both(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key, DBT *val);
/* move the cursor to the kv pair matching the key */
int toku_pma_cursor_set_key(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key);
/* set the cursor to the smallest key in the pma >= key */
int toku_pma_cursor_set_range(PMA_CURSOR c, DBT *key);
/* delete the key value pair under the cursor, return the size of the pair */
int toku_pma_cursor_delete_under(PMA_CURSOR /*c*/, int */*kvsize*/, u_int32_t /*rand4sem*/, u_int32_t */*fingerprint*/);
int toku_pma_random_pick(PMA, bytevec *key, ITEMLEN *keylen, bytevec *data, ITEMLEN *datalen);
unsigned int toku_pma_index_limit(PMA); // How many slots are in the PMA right now?
int toku_pmanode_valid(PMA, unsigned int);
bytevec toku_pmanode_key(PMA, unsigned int);
ITEMLEN toku_pmanode_keylen(PMA, unsigned int);
bytevec toku_pmanode_val(PMA, unsigned int);
ITEMLEN toku_pmanode_vallen(PMA, unsigned int);
void toku_pma_iterate (PMA, void(*)(bytevec,ITEMLEN,bytevec,ITEMLEN, void*), void*);
#define PMA_ITERATE_IDX(table,idx,keyvar,keylenvar,datavar,datalenvar,body) ({ \
unsigned int idx; \
for (idx=0; idx<toku_pma_index_limit(table); idx++) { \
if (toku_pmanode_valid(table,idx)) { \
bytevec keyvar = toku_pmanode_key(table,idx); \
ITEMLEN keylenvar = toku_pmanode_keylen(table,idx); \
bytevec datavar = toku_pmanode_val(table, idx); \
ITEMLEN datalenvar = toku_pmanode_vallen(table, idx); \
body; \
} } })
#define PMA_ITERATE(table,keyvar,keylenvar,datavar,datalenvar,body) PMA_ITERATE_IDX(table, __i, keyvar, keylenvar, datavar, datalenvar, body)
void toku_pma_verify_fingerprint (PMA pma, u_int32_t rand4fingerprint, u_int32_t fingerprint);
// Set the PMA's size, without moving anything.
int toku_resize_pma_exactly (PMA pma, int oldsize, int newsize);
int toku_pma_set_at_index (PMA, unsigned int /*index*/, DBT */*key*/, DBT */*value*/); // If the index is wrong or there is a value already, return nonzero
// Requires: No open cursors on the pma.
int toku_pma_move_indices (PMA pma, INTPAIRARRAY fromto); // Return nonzero if the indices are somehow wrong.
void toku_pma_show_stats (void);