Dmitry Lenev 1fbdf160b4 Patch that addresses bug "ALTER TABLE RENAME
is allowed on views (not documented, broken)".

Remove support of ALTER TABLE RENAME for views as:
a) this feature was not documented,
c) does not add any compatibility with other databases,
b) its implementation doesn't follow metadata locking
   protocol by accessing .FRM without holding any
   metadata lock,
c) its implementation complicates ALTER TABLE's code
   by introducing  yet another separate branch to it.

After this patch one can rename a view by using the
documented way - RENAME TABLE statement.
2010-05-28 09:25:11 +04:00

69 lines
1.6 KiB

drop table if exists t0,t1,t2,t3,t4;
drop table if exists t0,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t1_1,t1_2,t9_1,t9_2;
create table t0 SELECT 1,"table 1";
create table t2 SELECT 2,"table 2";
create table t3 SELECT 3,"table 3";
rename table t0 to t1;
rename table t3 to t4, t2 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t1;
select * from t1;
3 table 3
3 table 3
rename table t3 to t4, t2 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t1;
rename table t3 to t4, t2 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t1;
select * from t1;
1 table 1
1 table 1
rename table t1 to t2;
Got one of the listed errors
rename table t1 to t1;
Got one of the listed errors
rename table t3 to t4, t2 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t2;
Got one of the listed errors
show tables like "t_";
Tables_in_test (t_)
rename table t3 to t1, t2 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t1;
Got one of the listed errors
rename table t3 to t4, t5 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t1;
Got one of the listed errors
select * from t1;
1 table 1
1 table 1
select * from t2;
2 table 2
2 table 2
select * from t3;
3 table 3
3 table 3
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4;
Note 1051 Unknown table 't4'
CREATE TABLE t1 (a int);
CREATE TABLE t3 (a int);
RENAME TABLE t1 TO t2, t3 to t4;
show tables;
show tables;
drop table t2, t4;
End of 4.1 tests
# Bug#14959: "ALTER TABLE isn't able to rename a view"
# Bug#53976: "ALTER TABLE RENAME is allowed on views
# (not documented, broken)"
create table t1(f1 int);
create view v1 as select * from t1;
alter table v1 rename to v2;
ERROR HY000: 'test.v1' is not BASE TABLE
drop view v1;
drop table t1;
End of 5.0 tests