guilhem@gbichot2 d6d6c5e1bb Don't show Slave_IO_State in the testsuite (replace it with #) because it can't be predicted.
I manually edited rpl_openssl.result because the test is skipped on my
machine. Hope it's correct.
2003-10-09 18:16:15 +02:00

15 lines
1 KiB

stop slave;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
reset master;
reset slave;
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
start slave;
create table t1 (a int primary key);
insert into t1 values (1),(1);
ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
show slave status;
Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_do_db Replicate_ignore_db Replicate_do_table Replicate_ignore_table Replicate_wild_do_table Replicate_wild_ignore_table Last_errno Last_error Skip_counter Exec_master_log_pos Relay_log_space Until_condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_behind_master
# root MASTER_PORT 1 master-bin.000001 213 slave-relay-bin.000002 257 master-bin.000001 Yes Yes test.t1 0 0 213 257 None 0 No #
show tables like 't1';
Tables_in_test (t1)
drop table t1;