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832 lines
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use Getopt::Long;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
$opt_config_file = undef();
$opt_example = 0;
$opt_help = 0;
$opt_log = undef();
$opt_mysqladmin = "@bindir@/mysqladmin";
$opt_mysqld = "@libexecdir@/mysqld";
$opt_no_log = 0;
$opt_password = undef();
$opt_tcp_ip = 0;
$opt_user = "root";
$opt_version = 0;
$opt_silent = 0;
$opt_verbose = 0;
my $my_print_defaults_exists= 1;
my $logdir= undef();
my ($mysqld, $mysqladmin, $groupids, $homedir, $my_progname);
$homedir = $ENV{HOME};
$my_progname = $0;
$my_progname =~ s/.*[\/]//;
#### main sub routine
sub main
my $flag_exit= 0;
if (!defined(my_which(my_print_defaults)))
# We can't throw out yet, since --version, --help, or --example may
# have been given
print "WARNING: my_print_defaults command not found.\n";
print "Please make sure you have this command available and\n";
print "in your path. The command is available from the latest\n";
print "MySQL distribution.\n";
$my_print_defaults_exists= 0;
if ($my_print_defaults_exists)
foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
if ($arg =~ m/^--config-file=(.*)/)
if (!length($1))
die "Option config-file requires an argument\n";
elsif (!( -e $1 && -r $1))
die "Option file '$1' doesn't exists, or is not readable\n";
$opt_config_file= $1;
if (!($opt_config_file =~ m/\//))
# No path. Use current working directory
$opt_config_file= "./" . $opt_config_file;
my $com= "my_print_defaults ";
$com.= "--config-file=$opt_config_file " if (defined($opt_config_file));
$com.= "mysqld_multi";
my @defops = `$com`;
chop @defops;
splice @ARGV, 0, 0, @defops;
if (!GetOptions("help","example","version","mysqld=s","mysqladmin=s",
"tcp-ip", "silent","verbose"))
$flag_exit= 1;
if (defined($opt_config_file) && !($opt_config_file =~ m/\//))
# No path. Use current working directory
$opt_config_file= "./" . $opt_config_file;
usage() if ($opt_help);
if ($opt_verbose && $opt_silent)
print "Both --verbose and --silent has been given. Some of the warnings ";
print "will be disabled\nand some will be enabled.\n\n";
init_log() if (!defined($opt_log));
$groupids = $ARGV[1];
if ($opt_version)
print "$my_progname version $VER by Jani Tolonen\n";
example() if ($opt_example);
if ($flag_exit)
print "Error with an option, see $my_progname --help for more info.\n";
if (!defined(my_which(my_print_defaults)))
print "ABORT: Can't find command 'my_print_defaults'.\n";
print "This command is available from the latest MySQL\n";
print "distribution. Please make sure you have the command\n";
print "in your PATH.\n";
usage() if (!defined($ARGV[0]) ||
(!($ARGV[0] =~ m/^start$/i) &&
!($ARGV[0] =~ m/^stop$/i) &&
!($ARGV[0] =~ m/^report$/i)));
if (!$opt_no_log)
w2log("$my_progname log file version $VER; run: ",
"$opt_log", 1, 0);
print "$my_progname log file version $VER; run: ";
print strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime;
print "\n";
if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^start$/i)
if (!defined(($mysqld= my_which($opt_mysqld))) && $opt_verbose)
print "WARNING: Couldn't find the default mysqld binary.\n";
print "Tried: $opt_mysqld\n";
print "This is OK, if you are using option \"mysqld=...\" in ";
print "groups [mysqldN] separately for each.\n\n";
if (!defined(($mysqladmin= my_which($opt_mysqladmin))) && $opt_verbose)
print "WARNING: Couldn't find the default mysqladmin binary.\n";
print "Tried: $opt_mysqladmin\n";
print "This is OK, if you are using option \"mysqladmin=...\" in ";
print "groups [mysqldN] separately for each.\n\n";
if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^report$/i)
#### Quote option argument. Add double quotes around the argument
#### and escape the following: $, \, "
#### This function is needed, because my_print_defaults drops possible
#### quotes, single or double, from in front of an argument and from
#### the end.
sub quote_opt_arg
my ($option)= @_;
if ($option =~ m/(\-\-[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+)=(.*)/)
$option= $1;
$arg= $2;
$arg=~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # Escape escape character first to avoid doubling.
$arg=~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
$arg=~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
$arg= "\"" . $arg . "\"";
$option= $option . "=" . $arg;
return $option;
#### Init log file. Check for appropriate place for log file, in the following
#### order my_print_defaults mysqld datadir, @datadir@, /var/log, /tmp
sub init_log
if ($my_print_defaults_exists)
@mysqld_opts= `my_print_defaults mysqld`;
chomp @mysqld_opts;
foreach my $opt (@mysqld_opts)
if ($opt =~ m/^\-\-datadir[=](.*)/)
if (-d "$1" && -w "$1")
$logdir= $1;
if (!defined($logdir))
$logdir= "@datadir@" if (-d "@datadir@" && -w "@datadir@");
if (!defined($logdir))
# Log file was not specified and we could not log to a standard place,
# so log file be disabled for now.
if (!$opt_silent)
print "WARNING: Log file disabled. Maybe directory or file isn't writable?\n";
$opt_no_log= 1;
$opt_log= "$logdir/mysqld_multi.log";
#### Report living and not running MySQL servers
sub report_mysqlds
my (@groups, $com, $i, @options, $pec);
print "Reporting MySQL servers\n";
if (!$opt_no_log)
w2log("\nReporting MySQL servers","$opt_log",0,0);
@groups = &find_groups($groupids);
for ($i = 0; defined($groups[$i]); $i++)
$com= get_mysqladmin_options($i, @groups);
$com.= " ping >> /dev/null 2>&1";
$pec = $? >> 8;
if ($pec)
print "MySQL server from group: $groups[$i] is not running\n";
if (!$opt_no_log)
w2log("MySQL server from group: $groups[$i] is not running",
"$opt_log", 0, 0);
print "MySQL server from group: $groups[$i] is running\n";
if (!$opt_no_log)
w2log("MySQL server from group: $groups[$i] is running",
"$opt_log", 0, 0);
if (!$i)
print "No groups to be reported (check your GNRs)\n";
if (!$opt_no_log)
w2log("No groups to be reported (check your GNRs)", "$opt_log", 0, 0);
#### start multiple servers
sub start_mysqlds()
my (@groups, $com, $tmp, $i, @options, $j, $mysqld_found, $info_sent);
if (!$opt_no_log)
w2log("\nStarting MySQL servers\n","$opt_log",0,0);
print "\nStarting MySQL servers\n";
@groups = &find_groups($groupids);
for ($i = 0; defined($groups[$i]); $i++)
$com = "my_print_defaults";
$com.= defined($opt_config_file) ? " --config-file=$opt_config_file" : "";
$com.= " $groups[$i]";
@options = `$com`;
chop @options;
$mysqld_found= 1; # The default
$mysqld_found= 0 if (!length($mysqld));
$com= "$mysqld";
for ($j = 0, $tmp= ""; defined($options[$j]); $j++)
if ("--mysqladmin=" eq substr($options[$j], 0, 13))
# catch this and ignore
elsif ("--mysqld=" eq substr($options[$j], 0, 9))
$options[$j]=~ s/\-\-mysqld\=//;
$com= $options[$j];
$mysqld_found= 1;
$options[$j]= quote_opt_arg($options[$j]);
$tmp.= " $options[$j]";
if ($opt_verbose && $com =~ m/\/safe_mysqld$/ && !$info_sent)
print "WARNING: safe_mysqld is being used to start mysqld. In this case you ";
print "may need to pass\n\"ledir=...\" under groups [mysqldN] to ";
print "safe_mysqld in order to find the actual mysqld binary.\n";
print "ledir (library executable directory) should be the path to the ";
print "wanted mysqld binary.\n\n";
$info_sent= 1;
$com.= $tmp;
$com.= " >> $opt_log 2>&1" if (!$opt_no_log);
$com.= " &";
if (!$mysqld_found)
print "\n";
print "FATAL ERROR: Tried to start mysqld under group [$groups[$i]], ";
print "but no mysqld binary was found.\n";
print "Please add \"mysqld=...\" in group [mysqld_multi], or add it to ";
print "group [$groups[$i]] separately.\n";
if (!$i && !$opt_no_log)
w2log("No MySQL servers to be started (check your GNRs)",
"$opt_log", 0, 0);
#### stop multiple servers
sub stop_mysqlds()
my (@groups, $com, $i, @options);
if (!$opt_no_log)
w2log("\nStopping MySQL servers\n","$opt_log",0,0);
print "\nStopping MySQL servers\n";
@groups = &find_groups($groupids);
for ($i = 0; defined($groups[$i]); $i++)
$com= get_mysqladmin_options($i, @groups);
$com.= " shutdown";
$com.= " >> $opt_log 2>&1" if (!$opt_no_log);
$com.= " &";
if (!$i && !$opt_no_log)
w2log("No MySQL servers to be stopped (check your GNRs)",
"$opt_log", 0, 0);
#### Sub function for mysqladmin option parsing
sub get_mysqladmin_options
my ($i, @groups)= @_;
my ($mysqladmin_found, $com, $tmp, $j);
$com = "my_print_defaults";
$com.= defined($opt_config_file) ? " --config-file=$opt_config_file" : "";
$com.= " $groups[$i]";
@options = `$com`;
chop @options;
$mysqladmin_found= 1; # The default
$mysqladmin_found= 0 if (!length($mysqladmin));
$com = "$mysqladmin";
$tmp = " -u $opt_user";
if (defined($opt_password)) {
my $pw= $opt_password;
# Protect single quotes in password
$pw =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
$tmp.= " -p'$pw'";
$tmp.= $opt_tcp_ip ? " -h" : "";
for ($j = 0; defined($options[$j]); $j++)
if ("--mysqladmin=" eq substr($options[$j], 0, 13))
$options[$j]=~ s/\-\-mysqladmin\=//;
$com= $options[$j];
$mysqladmin_found= 1;
elsif ((($options[$j] =~ m/^(\-\-socket\=)(.*)$/) && !$opt_tcp_ip) ||
($options[$j] =~ m/^(\-\-port\=)(.*)$/))
$tmp.= " $options[$j]";
if (!$mysqladmin_found)
print "\n";
print "FATAL ERROR: Tried to use mysqladmin in group [$groups[$i]], ";
print "but no mysqladmin binary was found.\n";
print "Please add \"mysqladmin=...\" in group [mysqld_multi], or ";
print "in group [$groups[$i]].\n";
$com.= $tmp;
return $com;
#### Find groups. Takes the valid group numbers as an argument, parses
#### them, puts them in the ascending order, removes duplicates and
#### returns the wanted groups accordingly.
sub find_groups
my ($raw_gids) = @_;
my (@groups, @data, @tmp, $line, $i, $k, @pre_gids, @gids, @tmp2,
# Read the lines from the config file to variable 'data'
if (defined($opt_config_file))
open(MY_CNF, "<$opt_config_file") && (@data=<MY_CNF>) && close(MY_CNF);
if (-f "/etc/my.cnf" && -r "/etc/my.cnf")
open(MY_CNF, "</etc/my.cnf") && (@tmp=<MY_CNF>) && close(MY_CNF);
for ($i = 0; ($line = shift @tmp); $i++)
$data[$i] = $line;
if (defined($ENV{MYSQL_HOME}) && -f "$ENV{MYSQL_HOME}/my.cnf" &&
-r "$ENV{MYSQL_HOME}/my.cnf")
open(MY_CNF, "<$ENV{MYSQL_HOME}/my.cnf") && (@tmp=<MY_CNF>) &&
for (; ($line = shift @tmp); $i++)
$data[$i] = $line;
if (-f "$homedir/.my.cnf" && -r "$homedir/.my.cnf")
open(MY_CNF, "<$homedir/.my.cnf") && (@tmp=<MY_CNF>) && close(MY_CNF);
for (; ($line = shift @tmp); $i++)
$data[$i] = $line;
chop @data;
# Make a list of the wanted group ids
if (defined($raw_gids))
@pre_gids = split(',', $raw_gids);
if (defined($raw_gids))
for ($i = 0, $j = 0; defined($pre_gids[$i]); $i++)
if ($pre_gids[$i] =~ m/^(\d+)$/)
$gids[$j] = $1;
elsif ($pre_gids[$i] =~ m/^(\d+)(\-)(\d+)$/)
for ($k = $1; $k <= $3; $k++)
$gids[$j] = $k;
print "ABORT: Bad GNR: $pre_gids[$i] See $my_progname --help\n";
# Sort the list of gids numerically in ascending order
@gids = sort {$a <=> $b} @gids;
# Remove non-positive integers and duplicates
for ($i = 0, $j = 0; defined($gids[$i]); $i++)
next if ($gids[$i] <= 0);
if (!$i || $prev_value != $gids[$i])
$tmp2[$j] = $gids[$i];
$prev_value = $gids[$i];
@gids = @tmp2;
# Find and return the wanted groups
for ($i = 0, $j = 0; defined($data[$i]); $i++)
if ($data[$i] =~ m/^(\s*\[\s*)(mysqld)(\d+)(\s*\]\s*)$/)
if (defined($raw_gids))
for ($k = 0; defined($gids[$k]); $k++)
if ($gids[$k] == $3)
$groups[$j] = $2 . $3;
$groups[$j] = $2 . $3;
return @groups;
#### w2log: Write to a logfile.
#### 1.arg: append to the log file (given string, or from a file. if a file,
#### file will be read from $opt_logdir)
#### 2.arg: logfile -name (w2log assumes that the logfile is in $opt_logdir).
#### 3.arg. 0 | 1, if true, print current date to the logfile. 3. arg will
#### be ignored, if 1. arg is a file.
#### 4.arg. 0 | 1, if true, first argument is a file, else a string
sub w2log
my ($msg, $file, $date_flag, $is_file)= @_;
my (@data);
open (LOGFILE, ">>$opt_log")
or die "FATAL: w2log: Couldn't open log file: $opt_log\n";
if ($is_file)
open (FROMFILE, "<$msg") && (@data=<FROMFILE>) &&
or die "FATAL: w2log: Couldn't open file: $msg\n";
foreach my $line (@data)
print LOGFILE "$line";
print LOGFILE "$msg";
print LOGFILE strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime if ($date_flag);
print LOGFILE "\n";
close (LOGFILE);
#### my_which is used, because we can't assume that every system has the
#### which -command. my_which can take only one argument at a time.
#### Return values: requested system command with the first found path,
#### or undefined, if not found.
sub my_which
my ($command) = @_;
my (@paths, $path);
return $command if (-f $command && -x $command);
@paths = split(':', $ENV{'PATH'});
foreach $path (@paths)
$path .= "/$command";
return $path if (-f $path && -x $path);
return undef();
#### example
sub example
print <<EOF;
# This is an example of a my.cnf file for $my_progname.
# Usually this file is located in home dir ~/.my.cnf or /etc/my.cnf
# Make sure that the MySQL user, who is stopping the mysqld services, has
# the same password to all MySQL servers being accessed by $my_progname.
# This user needs to have the 'Shutdown_priv' -privilege, but for security
# reasons should have no other privileges. It is advised that you create a
# common 'multi_admin' user for all MySQL servers being controlled by
# $my_progname. Here is an example how to do it:
# GRANT SHUTDOWN ON *.* TO multi_admin\@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password'
# You will need to apply the above to all MySQL servers that are being
# controlled by $my_progname. 'multi_admin' will shutdown the servers
# using 'mysqladmin' -binary, when '$my_progname stop' is being called.
# If you are using mysqld_safe to start mysqld, make sure that every
# MySQL server has a separate pid-file. In order to use mysqld_safe
# via $my_progname, you need to use two options:
# mysqld=/path/to/mysqld_safe
# ledir=/path/to/mysqld-binary/
# ledir (library executable directory), is an option that only mysqld_safe
# accepts, so you will get an error if you try to pass it to mysqld directly.
# For this reason you might want to use the above options within [mysqld#]
# group directly.
# It is NOT advised to run many MySQL servers within the same data directory.
# You can do so, but please make sure to understand and deal with the
# underlying caveats. In short they are:
# - Speed penalty
# - Risk of table/data corruption
# - Data synchronising problems between the running servers
# - Heavily media (disk) bound
# - Relies on the system (external) file locking
# - Is not applicable with all table types. (Such as InnoDB)
# Trying so will end up with undesirable results.
# 4.TCP/IP Port
# Every server requires one and it must be unique.
# 5.[mysqld#] Groups
# In the example below the first and the fifth mysqld group was
# intentionally left out. You may have 'gaps' in the config file. This
# gives you more flexibility.
# 6.MySQL Server User
# You can pass the user=... option inside [mysqld#] groups. This
# can be very handy in some cases, but then you need to run $my_progname
# as UNIX root.
# 7.A Start-up Manage Script for $my_progname
# In the recent MySQL distributions you can find a file called
# mysqld_multi.server.sh. It is a wrapper for $my_progname. This can
# be used to start and stop multiple servers during boot and shutdown.
# You can place the file in /etc/init.d/mysqld_multi.server.sh and
# make the needed symbolic links to it from various run levels
# (as per Linux/Unix standard). You may even replace the
# /etc/init.d/mysql.server script with it.
# Before using, you must create a my.cnf file either in /etc/my.cnf
# or /root/.my.cnf and add the [mysqld_multi] and [mysqld#] groups.
# The script can be found from support-files/mysqld_multi.server.sh
# in MySQL distribution. (Verify the script before using)
mysqld = @bindir@/mysqld_safe
mysqladmin = @bindir@/mysqladmin
user = multi_admin
password = my_password
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock2
port = 3307
pid-file = @localstatedir@2/hostname.pid2
datadir = @localstatedir@2
language = @datadir@/mysql/english
user = unix_user1
mysqld = /path/to/safe_mysqld/safe_mysqld
ledir = /path/to/mysqld-binary/
mysqladmin = /path/to/mysqladmin/mysqladmin
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock3
port = 3308
pid-file = @localstatedir@3/hostname.pid3
datadir = @localstatedir@3
language = @datadir@/mysql/swedish
user = unix_user2
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock4
port = 3309
pid-file = @localstatedir@4/hostname.pid4
datadir = @localstatedir@4
language = @datadir@/mysql/estonia
user = unix_user3
socket = /tmp/mysql.sock6
port = 3311
pid-file = @localstatedir@6/hostname.pid6
datadir = @localstatedir@6
language = @datadir@/mysql/japanese
user = unix_user4
#### usage
sub usage
print <<EOF;
$my_progname version $VER by Jani Tolonen
$my_progname can be used to start, or stop any number of separate
mysqld processes running in different TCP/IP ports and UNIX sockets.
$my_progname can read group [mysqld_multi] from my.cnf file. You may
want to put options mysqld=... and mysqladmin=... there. Since
version 2.10 these options can also be given under groups [mysqld#],
which gives more control over different versions. One can have the
default mysqld and mysqladmin under group [mysqld_multi], but this is
not mandatory. Please note that if mysqld or mysqladmin is missing
from both [mysqld_multi] and [mysqld#], a group that is tried to be
used, $my_progname will abort with an error.
$my_progname will search for groups named [mysqld#] from my.cnf (or
the given --config-file=...), where '#' can be any positive integer
starting from 1. These groups should be the same as the regular
[mysqld] group, but with those port, socket and any other options
that are to be used with each separate mysqld process. The number
in the group name has another function; it can be used for starting,
stopping, or reporting any specific mysqld server.
Usage: $my_progname [OPTIONS] {start|stop|report} [GNR,GNR,GNR...]
or $my_progname [OPTIONS] {start|stop|report} [GNR-GNR,GNR,GNR-GNR,...]
The GNR means the group number. You can start, stop or report any GNR,
or several of them at the same time. (See --example) The GNRs list can
be comma separated or a dash combined. The latter means that all the
GNRs between GNR1-GNR2 will be affected. Without GNR argument all the
groups found will either be started, stopped, or reported. Note that
syntax for specifying GNRs must appear without spaces.
--config-file=... Alternative config file.
Using: $opt_config_file
--example Give an example of a config file with extra information.
--help Print this help and exit.
--log=... Log file. Full path to and the name for the log file. NOTE:
If the file exists, everything will be appended.
Using: $opt_log
--mysqladmin=... mysqladmin binary to be used for a server shutdown.
Since version 2.10 this can be given within groups [mysqld#]
Using: $mysqladmin
--mysqld=... mysqld binary to be used. Note that you can give mysqld_safe
to this option also. The options are passed to mysqld. Just
make sure you have mysqld in your PATH or fix mysqld_safe.
Using: $mysqld
Please note: Since mysqld_multi version 2.3 you can also
give this option inside groups [mysqld#] in ~/.my.cnf,
where '#' stands for an integer (number) of the group in
question. This will be recognised as a special option and
will not be passed to the mysqld. This will allow one to
start different mysqld versions with mysqld_multi.
--no-log Print to stdout instead of the log file. By default the log
file is turned on.
--password=... Password for mysqladmin user.
--silent Disable warnings.
--tcp-ip Connect to the MySQL server(s) via the TCP/IP port instead
of the UNIX socket. This affects stopping and reporting.
If a socket file is missing, the server may still be
running, but can be accessed only via the TCP/IP port.
By default connecting is done via the UNIX socket.
--user=... mysqladmin user. Using: $opt_user
--verbose Be more verbose.
--version Print the version number and exit.