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1142 lines
29 KiB
The page cursor
(c) 1994-1996 Innobase Oy
Created 10/4/1994 Heikki Tuuri
#include "page0cur.h"
#include "page0cur.ic"
#include "rem0cmp.h"
#include "mtr0log.h"
#include "log0recv.h"
ulint page_cur_short_succ = 0;
ulint page_rnd = 976722341;
Tries a search shortcut based on the last insert. */
page_t* page, /* in: index page */
dtuple_t* tuple, /* in: data tuple */
ulint* iup_matched_fields,
/* in/out: already matched fields in upper
limit record */
ulint* iup_matched_bytes,
/* in/out: already matched bytes in a field
not yet completely matched */
ulint* ilow_matched_fields,
/* in/out: already matched fields in lower
limit record */
ulint* ilow_matched_bytes,
/* in/out: already matched bytes in a field
not yet completely matched */
page_cur_t* cursor) /* out: page cursor */
int cmp;
rec_t* rec;
rec_t* next_rec;
ulint low_match;
ulint low_bytes;
ulint up_match;
ulint up_bytes;
page_cur_t cursor2;
rec = page_header_get_ptr(page, PAGE_LAST_INSERT);
ut_pair_min(&low_match, &low_bytes,
*ilow_matched_fields, *ilow_matched_bytes,
*iup_matched_fields, *iup_matched_bytes);
up_match = low_match;
up_bytes = low_bytes;
cmp = page_cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match(tuple, rec, &low_match,
if (cmp == -1) {
next_rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
cmp = page_cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match(tuple, next_rec, &up_match,
if (cmp != -1) {
cursor->rec = rec;
page_cur_search_with_match(page, tuple, PAGE_CUR_DBG,
ut_a(cursor2.rec == cursor->rec);
if (next_rec != page_get_supremum_rec(page)) {
ut_a(*iup_matched_fields == up_match);
ut_a(*iup_matched_bytes == up_bytes);
ut_a(*ilow_matched_fields == low_match);
ut_a(*ilow_matched_bytes == low_bytes);
if (next_rec != page_get_supremum_rec(page)) {
*iup_matched_fields = up_match;
*iup_matched_bytes = up_bytes;
*ilow_matched_fields = low_match;
*ilow_matched_bytes = low_bytes;
Searches the right position for a page cursor. */
page_t* page, /* in: index page */
dtuple_t* tuple, /* in: data tuple */
ulint mode, /* in: PAGE_CUR_L, PAGE_CUR_LE, PAGE_CUR_G,
ulint* iup_matched_fields,
/* in/out: already matched fields in upper
limit record */
ulint* iup_matched_bytes,
/* in/out: already matched bytes in a field
not yet completely matched */
ulint* ilow_matched_fields,
/* in/out: already matched fields in lower
limit record */
ulint* ilow_matched_bytes,
/* in/out: already matched bytes in a field
not yet completely matched */
page_cur_t* cursor) /* out: page cursor */
ulint up;
ulint low;
ulint mid;
page_dir_slot_t* slot;
rec_t* up_rec;
rec_t* low_rec;
rec_t* mid_rec;
ulint up_matched_fields;
ulint up_matched_bytes;
ulint low_matched_fields;
ulint low_matched_bytes;
ulint cur_matched_fields;
ulint cur_matched_bytes;
int cmp;
int dbg_cmp;
ulint dbg_matched_fields;
ulint dbg_matched_bytes;
ut_ad(page && tuple && iup_matched_fields && iup_matched_bytes
&& ilow_matched_fields && ilow_matched_bytes && cursor);
ut_ad((mode == PAGE_CUR_L) || (mode == PAGE_CUR_LE)
|| (mode == PAGE_CUR_G) || (mode == PAGE_CUR_GE)
|| (mode == PAGE_CUR_DBG));
if ((page_header_get_field(page, PAGE_LEVEL) == 0)
&& (mode == PAGE_CUR_LE)
&& (page_header_get_field(page, PAGE_N_DIRECTION) > 3)
&& (page_header_get_ptr(page, PAGE_LAST_INSERT))
&& (page_header_get_field(page, PAGE_DIRECTION) == PAGE_RIGHT)) {
if (page_cur_try_search_shortcut(page, tuple,
cursor)) {
if (mode == PAGE_CUR_DBG) {
mode = PAGE_CUR_LE;
/*#endif */
/* If mode PAGE_CUR_G is specified, we are trying to position the
cursor to answer a query of the form "tuple < X", where tuple is
the input parameter, and X denotes an arbitrary physical record on
the page. We want to position the cursor on the first X which
satisfies the condition. */
up_matched_fields = *iup_matched_fields;
up_matched_bytes = *iup_matched_bytes;
low_matched_fields = *ilow_matched_fields;
low_matched_bytes = *ilow_matched_bytes;
/* Perform binary search. First the search is done through the page
directory, after that as a linear search in the list of records
owned by the upper limit directory slot. */
low = 0;
up = page_dir_get_n_slots(page) - 1;
/* Perform binary search until the lower and upper limit directory
slots come to the distance 1 of each other */
while (up - low > 1) {
mid = (low + up) / 2;
slot = page_dir_get_nth_slot(page, mid);
mid_rec = page_dir_slot_get_rec(slot);
ut_pair_min(&cur_matched_fields, &cur_matched_bytes,
low_matched_fields, low_matched_bytes,
up_matched_fields, up_matched_bytes);
cmp = cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match(tuple, mid_rec,
if (cmp == 1) {
low = mid;
low_matched_fields = cur_matched_fields;
low_matched_bytes = cur_matched_bytes;
} else if (cmp == -1) {
up = mid;
up_matched_fields = cur_matched_fields;
up_matched_bytes = cur_matched_bytes;
} else if ((mode == PAGE_CUR_G) || (mode == PAGE_CUR_LE)) {
low = mid;
low_matched_fields = cur_matched_fields;
low_matched_bytes = cur_matched_bytes;
} else {
up = mid;
up_matched_fields = cur_matched_fields;
up_matched_bytes = cur_matched_bytes;
slot = page_dir_get_nth_slot(page, low);
low_rec = page_dir_slot_get_rec(slot);
slot = page_dir_get_nth_slot(page, up);
up_rec = page_dir_slot_get_rec(slot);
/* Perform linear search until the upper and lower records
come to distance 1 of each other. */
while (page_rec_get_next(low_rec) != up_rec) {
mid_rec = page_rec_get_next(low_rec);
ut_pair_min(&cur_matched_fields, &cur_matched_bytes,
low_matched_fields, low_matched_bytes,
up_matched_fields, up_matched_bytes);
cmp = cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match(tuple, mid_rec,
if (cmp == 1) {
low_rec = mid_rec;
low_matched_fields = cur_matched_fields;
low_matched_bytes = cur_matched_bytes;
} else if (cmp == -1) {
up_rec = mid_rec;
up_matched_fields = cur_matched_fields;
up_matched_bytes = cur_matched_bytes;
} else if ((mode == PAGE_CUR_G) || (mode == PAGE_CUR_LE)) {
low_rec = mid_rec;
low_matched_fields = cur_matched_fields;
low_matched_bytes = cur_matched_bytes;
} else {
up_rec = mid_rec;
up_matched_fields = cur_matched_fields;
up_matched_bytes = cur_matched_bytes;
/* Check that the lower and upper limit records have the
right alphabetical order compared to tuple. */
dbg_matched_fields = 0;
dbg_matched_bytes = 0;
dbg_cmp = page_cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match(tuple, low_rec,
if (mode == PAGE_CUR_G) {
ut_a(dbg_cmp >= 0);
} else if (mode == PAGE_CUR_GE) {
ut_a(dbg_cmp == 1);
} else if (mode == PAGE_CUR_L) {
ut_a(dbg_cmp == 1);
} else if (mode == PAGE_CUR_LE) {
ut_a(dbg_cmp >= 0);
if (low_rec != page_get_infimum_rec(page)) {
ut_a(low_matched_fields == dbg_matched_fields);
ut_a(low_matched_bytes == dbg_matched_bytes);
dbg_matched_fields = 0;
dbg_matched_bytes = 0;
dbg_cmp = page_cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match(tuple, up_rec,
if (mode == PAGE_CUR_G) {
ut_a(dbg_cmp == -1);
} else if (mode == PAGE_CUR_GE) {
ut_a(dbg_cmp <= 0);
} else if (mode == PAGE_CUR_L) {
ut_a(dbg_cmp <= 0);
} else if (mode == PAGE_CUR_LE) {
ut_a(dbg_cmp == -1);
if (up_rec != page_get_supremum_rec(page)) {
ut_a(up_matched_fields == dbg_matched_fields);
ut_a(up_matched_bytes == dbg_matched_bytes);
if (mode <= PAGE_CUR_GE) {
cursor->rec = up_rec;
} else {
cursor->rec = low_rec;
*iup_matched_fields = up_matched_fields;
*iup_matched_bytes = up_matched_bytes;
*ilow_matched_fields = low_matched_fields;
*ilow_matched_bytes = low_matched_bytes;
Positions a page cursor on a randomly chosen user record on a page. If there
are no user records, sets the cursor on the infimum record. */
page_t* page, /* in: page */
page_cur_t* cursor) /* in/out: page cursor */
ulint rnd;
rec_t* rec;
if (page_get_n_recs(page) == 0) {
page_cur_position(page_get_infimum_rec(page), cursor);
page_rnd += 87584577;
rnd = page_rnd % page_get_n_recs(page);
rec = page_get_infimum_rec(page);
rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
while (rnd > 0) {
rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
page_cur_position(rec, cursor);
Writes the log record of a record insert on a page. */
rec_t* insert_rec, /* in: inserted physical record */
ulint rec_size, /* in: insert_rec size */
rec_t* cursor_rec, /* in: record the cursor is pointing to */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */
ulint cur_rec_size;
ulint extra_size;
ulint cur_extra_size;
ulint min_rec_size;
byte* ins_ptr;
byte* cur_ptr;
ulint extra_info_yes;
byte* log_ptr;
ulint i;
ut_a(rec_size < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
log_ptr = mlog_open(mtr, 30 + MLOG_BUF_MARGIN);
if (log_ptr == NULL) {
extra_size = rec_get_extra_size(insert_rec);
cur_extra_size = rec_get_extra_size(cursor_rec);
cur_rec_size = rec_get_size(cursor_rec);
ins_ptr = insert_rec - extra_size;
i = 0;
if (cur_extra_size == extra_size) {
min_rec_size = ut_min(cur_rec_size, rec_size);
cur_ptr = cursor_rec - cur_extra_size;
/* Find out the first byte in insert_rec which differs from
cursor_rec; skip the bytes in the record info */
for (;;) {
if (i >= min_rec_size) {
} else if (*ins_ptr == *cur_ptr) {
} else if ((i < extra_size)
&& (i >= extra_size - REC_N_EXTRA_BYTES)) {
i = extra_size;
ins_ptr = insert_rec;
cur_ptr = cursor_rec;
} else {
if (mtr_get_log_mode(mtr) != MTR_LOG_SHORT_INSERTS) {
log_ptr = mlog_write_initial_log_record_fast(insert_rec,
MLOG_REC_INSERT, log_ptr, mtr);
/* Write the cursor rec offset as a 2-byte ulint */
mach_write_to_2(log_ptr, cursor_rec
- buf_frame_align(cursor_rec));
log_ptr += 2;
if ((rec_get_info_bits(insert_rec) != rec_get_info_bits(cursor_rec))
|| (extra_size != cur_extra_size)
|| (rec_size != cur_rec_size)) {
extra_info_yes = 1;
} else {
extra_info_yes = 0;
/* Write the record end segment length and the extra info storage
flag */
log_ptr += mach_write_compressed(log_ptr, 2 * (rec_size - i)
+ extra_info_yes);
if (extra_info_yes) {
/* Write the info bits */
mach_write_to_1(log_ptr, rec_get_info_bits(insert_rec));
/* Write the record origin offset */
log_ptr += mach_write_compressed(log_ptr, extra_size);
/* Write the mismatch index */
log_ptr += mach_write_compressed(log_ptr, i);
ut_a(i < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
ut_a(extra_size < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
/* Write to the log the inserted index record end segment which
differs from the cursor record */
if (rec_size - i < MLOG_BUF_MARGIN) {
ut_memcpy(log_ptr, ins_ptr, rec_size - i);
log_ptr += rec_size - i;
mlog_close(mtr, log_ptr);
ut_a(rec_size - i < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
if (rec_size - i >= MLOG_BUF_MARGIN) {
mlog_catenate_string(mtr, ins_ptr, rec_size - i);
Parses a log record of a record insert on a page. */
/* out: end of log record or NULL */
ibool is_short,/* in: TRUE if short inserts */
byte* ptr, /* in: buffer */
byte* end_ptr,/* in: buffer end */
page_t* page, /* in: page or NULL */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr or NULL */
ulint extra_info_yes;
ulint offset = 0; /* remove warning */
ulint origin_offset;
ulint end_seg_len;
ulint mismatch_index;
rec_t* cursor_rec;
byte buf1[1024];
byte* buf;
ulint info_bits = 0; /* remove warning */
page_cur_t cursor;
if (!is_short) {
/* Read the cursor rec offset as a 2-byte ulint */
if (end_ptr < ptr + 2) {
offset = mach_read_from_2(ptr);
if (offset >= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) {
recv_sys->found_corrupt_log = TRUE;
ptr += 2;
ptr = mach_parse_compressed(ptr, end_ptr, &end_seg_len);
if (ptr == NULL) {
extra_info_yes = end_seg_len & 0x1;
end_seg_len = end_seg_len / 2;
if (end_seg_len >= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) {
recv_sys->found_corrupt_log = TRUE;
if (extra_info_yes) {
/* Read the info bits */
if (end_ptr < ptr + 1) {
info_bits = mach_read_from_1(ptr);
ptr = mach_parse_compressed(ptr, end_ptr, &origin_offset);
if (ptr == NULL) {
ut_a(origin_offset < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
ptr = mach_parse_compressed(ptr, end_ptr, &mismatch_index);
if (ptr == NULL) {
ut_a(mismatch_index < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
if (end_ptr < ptr + end_seg_len) {
if (page == NULL) {
return(ptr + end_seg_len);
/* Read from the log the inserted index record end segment which
differs from the cursor record */
if (is_short) {
cursor_rec = page_rec_get_prev(page_get_supremum_rec(page));
} else {
cursor_rec = page + offset;
if (extra_info_yes == 0) {
info_bits = rec_get_info_bits(cursor_rec);
origin_offset = rec_get_extra_size(cursor_rec);
mismatch_index = rec_get_size(cursor_rec) - end_seg_len;
if (mismatch_index + end_seg_len < 1024) {
buf = buf1;
} else {
buf = mem_alloc(mismatch_index + end_seg_len);
/* Build the inserted record to buf */
ut_a(mismatch_index < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
ut_memcpy(buf, rec_get_start(cursor_rec), mismatch_index);
ut_memcpy(buf + mismatch_index, ptr, end_seg_len);
rec_set_info_bits(buf + origin_offset, info_bits);
page_cur_position(cursor_rec, &cursor);
page_cur_rec_insert(&cursor, buf + origin_offset, mtr);
if (mismatch_index + end_seg_len >= 1024) {
return(ptr + end_seg_len);
Inserts a record next to page cursor. Returns pointer to inserted record if
succeed, i.e., enough space available, NULL otherwise. The record to be
inserted can be in a data tuple or as a physical record. The other parameter
must then be NULL. The cursor stays at the same position. */
/* out: pointer to record if succeed, NULL
otherwise */
page_cur_t* cursor, /* in: a page cursor */
dtuple_t* tuple, /* in: pointer to a data tuple or NULL */
ulint data_size,/* in: data size of tuple */
rec_t* rec, /* in: pointer to a physical record or NULL */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */
byte* insert_buf = NULL;
ulint rec_size;
byte* page; /* the relevant page */
rec_t* last_insert; /* cursor position at previous insert */
rec_t* insert_rec; /* inserted record */
ulint heap_no; /* heap number of the inserted record */
rec_t* current_rec; /* current record after which the
new record is inserted */
rec_t* next_rec; /* next record after current before
the insertion */
ulint owner_slot; /* the slot which owns the inserted record */
rec_t* owner_rec;
ulint n_owned;
ut_ad(cursor && mtr);
ut_ad(tuple || rec);
ut_ad(!(tuple && rec));
ut_ad(rec || dtuple_check_typed(tuple));
ut_ad(rec || (dtuple_get_data_size(tuple) == data_size));
page = page_cur_get_page(cursor);
ut_ad(cursor->rec != page_get_supremum_rec(page));
/* 1. Get the size of the physical record in the page */
if (tuple != NULL) {
rec_size = data_size + rec_get_converted_extra_size(
} else {
rec_size = rec_get_size(rec);
/* 2. Try to find suitable space from page memory management */
insert_buf = page_mem_alloc(page, rec_size, &heap_no);
if (insert_buf == NULL) {
/* 3. Create the record */
if (tuple != NULL) {
insert_rec = rec_convert_dtuple_to_rec_low(insert_buf, tuple,
} else {
insert_rec = rec_copy(insert_buf, rec);
ut_ad(rec_size == rec_get_size(insert_rec));
/* 4. Insert the record in the linked list of records */
current_rec = cursor->rec;
next_rec = page_rec_get_next(current_rec);
page_rec_set_next(insert_rec, next_rec);
page_rec_set_next(current_rec, insert_rec);
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_N_RECS, 1 + page_get_n_recs(page));
/* 5. Set the n_owned field in the inserted record to zero,
and set the heap_no field */
rec_set_n_owned(insert_rec, 0);
rec_set_heap_no(insert_rec, heap_no);
/* 6. Update the last insertion info in page header */
last_insert = page_header_get_ptr(page, PAGE_LAST_INSERT);
if (last_insert == NULL) {
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_DIRECTION, PAGE_NO_DIRECTION);
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_N_DIRECTION, 0);
} else if ((last_insert == current_rec)
&& (page_header_get_field(page, PAGE_DIRECTION) != PAGE_LEFT)) {
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_DIRECTION, PAGE_RIGHT);
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_N_DIRECTION,
page_header_get_field(page, PAGE_N_DIRECTION) + 1);
} else if ((page_rec_get_next(insert_rec) == last_insert)
&& (page_header_get_field(page, PAGE_DIRECTION) != PAGE_RIGHT)) {
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_DIRECTION, PAGE_LEFT);
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_N_DIRECTION,
page_header_get_field(page, PAGE_N_DIRECTION) + 1);
} else {
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_DIRECTION, PAGE_NO_DIRECTION);
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_N_DIRECTION, 0);
page_header_set_ptr(page, PAGE_LAST_INSERT, insert_rec);
/* 7. It remains to update the owner record. */
owner_rec = page_rec_find_owner_rec(insert_rec);
n_owned = rec_get_n_owned(owner_rec);
rec_set_n_owned(owner_rec, n_owned + 1);
/* 8. Now we have incremented the n_owned field of the owner
record. If the number exceeds PAGE_DIR_SLOT_MAX_N_OWNED,
we have to split the corresponding directory slot in two. */
if (n_owned == PAGE_DIR_SLOT_MAX_N_OWNED) {
owner_slot = page_dir_find_owner_slot(owner_rec);
page_dir_split_slot(page, owner_slot);
/* 9. Write log record of the insert */
page_cur_insert_rec_write_log(insert_rec, rec_size, current_rec, mtr);
Writes a log record of copying a record list end to a new created page. */
/* out: 4-byte field where to write the log data
length */
page_t* page, /* in: index page */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */
byte* log_ptr;
mlog_write_initial_log_record(page, MLOG_LIST_END_COPY_CREATED, mtr);
log_ptr = mlog_open(mtr, 4);
mlog_close(mtr, log_ptr + 4);
Parses a log record of copying a record list end to a new created page. */
/* out: end of log record or NULL */
byte* ptr, /* in: buffer */
byte* end_ptr,/* in: buffer end */
page_t* page, /* in: page or NULL */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr or NULL */
byte* rec_end;
ulint log_data_len;
if (ptr + 4 > end_ptr) {
log_data_len = mach_read_from_4(ptr);
ptr += 4;
rec_end = ptr + log_data_len;
if (rec_end > end_ptr) {
if (!page) {
while (ptr < rec_end) {
ptr = page_cur_parse_insert_rec(TRUE, ptr, end_ptr, page, mtr);
ut_a(ptr == rec_end);
page_header_set_ptr(page, PAGE_LAST_INSERT, NULL);
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_DIRECTION, PAGE_NO_DIRECTION);
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_N_DIRECTION, 0);
Copies records from page to a newly created page, from a given record onward,
including that record. Infimum and supremum records are not copied. */
page_t* new_page, /* in: index page to copy to */
page_t* page, /* in: index page */
rec_t* rec, /* in: first record to copy */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr */
page_dir_slot_t* slot = 0; /* remove warning */
byte* heap_top;
rec_t* insert_rec = 0; /* remove warning */
rec_t* prev_rec;
ulint count;
ulint n_recs;
ulint slot_index;
ulint rec_size;
ulint log_mode;
byte* log_ptr;
ulint log_data_len;
ut_ad(page_header_get_field(new_page, PAGE_N_HEAP) == 2);
ut_ad(page != new_page);
if (rec == page_get_infimum_rec(page)) {
rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
if (rec == page_get_supremum_rec(page)) {
/* To pass the debug tests we have to set these dummy values
in the debug version */
page_header_set_field(new_page, PAGE_N_DIR_SLOTS, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / 2);
page_header_set_ptr(new_page, PAGE_HEAP_TOP,
new_page + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
log_ptr = page_copy_rec_list_to_created_page_write_log(new_page, mtr);
log_data_len = dyn_array_get_data_size(&(mtr->log));
/* Individual inserts are logged in a shorter form */
log_mode = mtr_set_log_mode(mtr, MTR_LOG_SHORT_INSERTS);
prev_rec = page_get_infimum_rec(new_page);
heap_top = new_page + PAGE_SUPREMUM_END;
count = 0;
slot_index = 0;
n_recs = 0;
/* should be do ... until, comment by Jani */
while (rec != page_get_supremum_rec(page)) {
insert_rec = rec_copy(heap_top, rec);
rec_set_next_offs(prev_rec, insert_rec - new_page);
rec_set_n_owned(insert_rec, 0);
rec_set_heap_no(insert_rec, 2 + n_recs);
rec_size = rec_get_size(insert_rec);
heap_top = heap_top + rec_size;
ut_ad(heap_top < new_page + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
if (count == (PAGE_DIR_SLOT_MAX_N_OWNED + 1) / 2) {
slot = page_dir_get_nth_slot(new_page, slot_index);
page_dir_slot_set_rec(slot, insert_rec);
page_dir_slot_set_n_owned(slot, count);
count = 0;
page_cur_insert_rec_write_log(insert_rec, rec_size, prev_rec,
prev_rec = insert_rec;
rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
if ((slot_index > 0) && (count + 1
/* We can merge the two last dir slots. This operation is
here to make this function imitate exactly the equivalent
task made using page_cur_insert_rec, which we use in database
recovery to reproduce the task performed by this function.
To be able to check the correctness of recovery, it is good
that it imitates exactly. */
count += (PAGE_DIR_SLOT_MAX_N_OWNED + 1) / 2;
page_dir_slot_set_n_owned(slot, 0);
log_data_len = dyn_array_get_data_size(&(mtr->log)) - log_data_len;
ut_a(log_data_len < 100 * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
mach_write_to_4(log_ptr, log_data_len);
rec_set_next_offs(insert_rec, PAGE_SUPREMUM);
slot = page_dir_get_nth_slot(new_page, 1 + slot_index);
page_dir_slot_set_rec(slot, page_get_supremum_rec(new_page));
page_dir_slot_set_n_owned(slot, count + 1);
page_header_set_field(new_page, PAGE_N_DIR_SLOTS, 2 + slot_index);
page_header_set_ptr(new_page, PAGE_HEAP_TOP, heap_top);
page_header_set_field(new_page, PAGE_N_HEAP, 2 + n_recs);
page_header_set_field(new_page, PAGE_N_RECS, n_recs);
page_header_set_ptr(new_page, PAGE_LAST_INSERT, NULL);
page_header_set_field(new_page, PAGE_DIRECTION, PAGE_NO_DIRECTION);
page_header_set_field(new_page, PAGE_N_DIRECTION, 0);
/* Restore the log mode */
mtr_set_log_mode(mtr, log_mode);
Writes log record of a record delete on a page. */
rec_t* cursor_rec, /* in: record to be deleted */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */
mlog_write_initial_log_record(cursor_rec, MLOG_REC_DELETE, mtr);
/* Write the cursor rec offset as a 2-byte ulint */
mlog_catenate_ulint(mtr, cursor_rec - buf_frame_align(cursor_rec),
Parses log record of a record delete on a page. */
/* out: pointer to record end or NULL */
byte* ptr, /* in: buffer */
byte* end_ptr,/* in: buffer end */
page_t* page, /* in: page or NULL */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mtr or NULL */
ulint offset;
page_cur_t cursor;
if (end_ptr < ptr + 2) {
/* Read the cursor rec offset as a 2-byte ulint */
offset = mach_read_from_2(ptr);
ptr += 2;
ut_a(offset <= UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
if (page) {
page_cur_position(page + offset, &cursor);
page_cur_delete_rec(&cursor, mtr);
Deletes a record at the page cursor. The cursor is moved to the next
record after the deleted one. */
page_cur_t* cursor, /* in: a page cursor */
mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */
page_dir_slot_t* cur_dir_slot;
page_dir_slot_t* prev_slot;
page_t* page;
rec_t* current_rec;
rec_t* prev_rec = NULL;
rec_t* next_rec;
ulint cur_slot_no;
ulint cur_n_owned;
rec_t* rec;
ut_ad(cursor && mtr);
page = page_cur_get_page(cursor);
current_rec = cursor->rec;
/* The record must not be the supremum or infimum record. */
ut_ad(current_rec != page_get_supremum_rec(page));
ut_ad(current_rec != page_get_infimum_rec(page));
/* Save to local variables some data associated with current_rec */
cur_slot_no = page_dir_find_owner_slot(current_rec);
cur_dir_slot = page_dir_get_nth_slot(page, cur_slot_no);
cur_n_owned = page_dir_slot_get_n_owned(cur_dir_slot);
/* 0. Write the log record */
page_cur_delete_rec_write_log(current_rec, mtr);
/* 1. Reset the last insert info in the page header and increment
the modify clock for the frame */
page_header_set_ptr(page, PAGE_LAST_INSERT, NULL);
/* The page gets invalid for optimistic searches: increment the
frame modify clock */
/* 2. Find the next and the previous record. Note that the cursor is
left at the next record. */
ut_ad(cur_slot_no > 0);
prev_slot = page_dir_get_nth_slot(page, cur_slot_no - 1);
rec = page_dir_slot_get_rec(prev_slot);
/* rec now points to the record of the previous directory slot. Look
for the immediate predecessor of current_rec in a loop. */
while(current_rec != rec) {
prev_rec = rec;
rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
next_rec = cursor->rec;
/* 3. Remove the record from the linked list of records */
page_rec_set_next(prev_rec, next_rec);
page_header_set_field(page, PAGE_N_RECS,
(ulint)(page_get_n_recs(page) - 1));
/* 4. If the deleted record is pointed to by a dir slot, update the
record pointer in slot. In the following if-clause we assume that
prev_rec is owned by the same slot, i.e., PAGE_DIR_SLOT_MIN_N_OWNED
>= 2. */
ut_ad(cur_n_owned > 1);
if (current_rec == page_dir_slot_get_rec(cur_dir_slot)) {
page_dir_slot_set_rec(cur_dir_slot, prev_rec);
/* 5. Update the number of owned records of the slot */
page_dir_slot_set_n_owned(cur_dir_slot, cur_n_owned - 1);
/* 6. Free the memory occupied by the record */
page_mem_free(page, current_rec);
/* 7. Now we have decremented the number of owned records of the slot.
If the number drops below PAGE_DIR_SLOT_MIN_N_OWNED, we balance the
slots. */
if (cur_n_owned <= PAGE_DIR_SLOT_MIN_N_OWNED) {
page_dir_balance_slot(page, cur_slot_no);