2017-07-03 14:04:34 +03:00

92 lines
2.7 KiB

delimiter ~~;
create or replace procedure drop_archives (in vtmd_name varchar(64))
declare archive_name varchar(64);
declare cur_done bool default false;
declare cur cursor for
select cur_tmp.archive_name from cur_tmp;
declare continue handler for not found set cur_done = true;
set @tmp= concat('
create or replace temporary table
cur_tmp as
select vtmd.archive_name from ', vtmd_name, ' as vtmd
for system_time all
where vtmd.archive_name is not null
group by vtmd.archive_name');
prepare stmt from @tmp; execute stmt; drop prepare stmt;
open cur;
fetch_loop: loop
fetch cur into archive_name;
if cur_done then
leave fetch_loop;
end if;
set @tmp= concat('drop table ', archive_name);
prepare stmt from @tmp; execute stmt; drop prepare stmt;
end loop;
drop table cur_tmp;
delimiter ;~~
delimiter ~~;
create procedure test_01(in engine varchar(64))
set @tmp = concat('create table t (a int) with system versioning engine ', engine);
prepare stmt from @tmp; execute stmt; drop prepare stmt;
set @tm1 = now(6);
alter table t add column b int;
set @tm2 = now(6);
alter table t add column c int;
show create table t for system_time as of timestamp @tm1;
show create table t for system_time as of timestamp @tm2;
show create table t for system_time as of now;
show create table t for system_time as of timestamp now(6);
show create table t;
set @tm3 = now(6);
rename table t to tt;
show create table tt for system_time as of timestamp @tm3;
set @tm4 = now(6);
alter table tt add column d int;
show create table tt for system_time as of timestamp @tm3;
show create table tt for system_time as of timestamp @tm4;
show create table tt;
drop table tt;
call drop_archives('tt_vtmd');
drop table tt_vtmd;
delimiter ;~~
create table t (a int) with system versioning;
show create table t for system_time as of now;
set versioning_ddl_survival=on;
create or replace table t (a int) with system versioning;
show create table t for system_time between timestamp @tm1 and timestamp @tm1;
show create table t for system_time from timestamp @tm1 to timestamp @tm1;
show create table t for system_time before timestamp @tm1;
show create table t for system_time as of timestamp '01-01-1990';
show create table t for system_time as of timestamp '01-01-2020';
drop table t;
call drop_archives('t_vtmd');
drop table t_vtmd;
call test_01('myisam');
call test_01('innodb');
drop procedure test_01;
drop procedure drop_archives;