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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
# $Id: mutex.tcl,v 11.18 2000/09/01 19:24:59 krinsky Exp $
# Exercise mutex functionality.
# Options are:
# -dir <directory in which to store mpool>
# -iter <iterations>
# -mdegree <number of mutexes per iteration>
# -nmutex <number of mutexes>
# -procs <number of processes to run>
# -wait <wait interval after getting locks>
proc mutex_usage {} {
puts stderr "mutex\n\t-dir <dir>\n\t-iter <iterations>"
puts stderr "\t-mdegree <locks per iteration>\n\t-nmutex <n>"
puts stderr "\t-procs <nprocs>"
puts stderr "\n\t-wait <max wait interval>"
proc mutex { args } {
source ./include.tcl
set dir db
set iter 500
set mdegree 3
set nmutex 20
set procs 5
set wait 2
for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $args] } {incr i} {
switch -regexp -- [lindex $args $i] {
-d.* { incr i; set testdir [lindex $args $i] }
-i.* { incr i; set iter [lindex $args $i] }
-m.* { incr i; set mdegree [lindex $args $i] }
-n.* { incr i; set nmutex [lindex $args $i] }
-p.* { incr i; set procs [lindex $args $i] }
-w.* { incr i; set wait [lindex $args $i] }
default {
puts -nonewline "FAIL:[timestamp] Usage: "
if { [file exists $testdir/$dir] != 1 } {
file mkdir $testdir/$dir
} elseif { [file isdirectory $testdir/$dir ] != 1 } {
error "$testdir/$dir is not a directory"
# Basic sanity tests
mutex001 $testdir $nmutex
# Basic synchronization tests
mutex002 $testdir $nmutex
# Multiprocess tests
mutex003 $testdir $iter $nmutex $procs $mdegree $wait
proc mutex001 { dir nlocks } {
source ./include.tcl
puts "Mutex001: Basic functionality"
env_cleanup $dir
# Test open w/out create; should fail
error_check_bad \
env_open [catch {berkdb env -lock -home $dir} env] 0
# Now open for real
set env [berkdb env -create -mode 0644 -lock -home $dir]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
set m [$env mutex 0644 $nlocks]
error_check_good mutex_init [is_valid_mutex $m $env] TRUE
# Get, set each mutex; sleep, then get Release
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nlocks } { incr i } {
set r [$m get $i ]
error_check_good mutex_get $r 0
set r [$m setval $i $i]
error_check_good mutex_setval $r 0
tclsleep 5
for { set i 0 } { $i < $nlocks } { incr i } {
set r [$m getval $i]
error_check_good mutex_getval $r $i
set r [$m release $i ]
error_check_good mutex_get $r 0
error_check_good mutex_close [$m close] 0
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
puts "Mutex001: completed successfully."
# Test basic synchronization
proc mutex002 { dir nlocks } {
source ./include.tcl
puts "Mutex002: Basic synchronization"
env_cleanup $dir
# Fork off child before we open any files.
set f1 [open |$tclsh_path r+]
puts $f1 "source $test_path/test.tcl"
flush $f1
# Open the environment and the mutex locally
set local_env [berkdb env -create -mode 0644 -lock -home $dir]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $local_env] TRUE
set local_mutex [$local_env mutex 0644 $nlocks]
error_check_good \
mutex_init [is_valid_mutex $local_mutex $local_env] TRUE
# Open the environment and the mutex remotely
set remote_env [send_cmd $f1 "berkdb env -lock -home $dir"]
error_check_good remote:env_open [is_valid_env $remote_env] TRUE
set remote_mutex [send_cmd $f1 "$remote_env mutex 0644 $nlocks"]
error_check_good \
mutex_init [is_valid_mutex $remote_mutex $remote_env] TRUE
# Do a get here, then set the value to be pid.
# On the remote side fire off a get and getval.
set r [$local_mutex get 1]
error_check_good lock_get $r 0
set r [$local_mutex setval 1 [pid]]
error_check_good lock_get $r 0
# Now have the remote side request the lock and check its
# value. Then wait 5 seconds, release the mutex and see
# what the remote side returned.
send_timed_cmd $f1 1 "$remote_mutex get 1"
send_timed_cmd $f1 1 "set ret \[$remote_mutex getval 1\]"
# Now sleep before resetting and releasing lock
tclsleep 5
set newv [expr [pid] - 1]
set r [$local_mutex setval 1 $newv]
error_check_good mutex_setval $r 0
set r [$local_mutex release 1]
error_check_good mutex_release $r 0
# Now get the result from the other script
# Timestamp
set result [rcv_result $f1]
error_check_good lock_get:remote_time [expr $result > 4] 1
# Timestamp
set result [rcv_result $f1]
# Mutex value
set result [send_cmd $f1 "puts \$ret"]
error_check_good lock_get:remote_getval $result $newv
# Close down the remote
set ret [send_cmd $f1 "$remote_mutex close" 5]
# Not sure why we need this, but we do... an extra blank line
# someone gets output somewhere
gets $f1 ret
error_check_good remote:mutex_close $ret 0
set ret [send_cmd $f1 "$remote_env close"]
error_check_good remote:env_close $ret 0
catch { close $f1 } result
set ret [$local_mutex close]
error_check_good local:mutex_close $ret 0
set ret [$local_env close]
error_check_good local:env_close $ret 0
puts "Mutex002: completed successfully."
# Generate a bunch of parallel
# testers that try to randomly obtain locks.
proc mutex003 { dir iter nmutex procs mdegree wait } {
source ./include.tcl
puts "Mutex003: Multi-process random mutex test ($procs processes)"
env_cleanup $dir
# Now open the region we'll use for multiprocess testing.
set env [berkdb env -create -mode 0644 -lock -home $dir]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
set mutex [$env mutex 0644 $nmutex]
error_check_good mutex_init [is_valid_mutex $mutex $env] TRUE
error_check_good mutex_close [$mutex close] 0
# Now spawn off processes
set proclist {}
for { set i 0 } {$i < $procs} {incr i} {
puts "$tclsh_path\
$test_path/mutexscript.tcl $dir\
$iter $nmutex $wait $mdegree > $testdir/$i.mutexout &"
set p [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl \
mutexscript.tcl $testdir/$i.mutexout $dir\
$iter $nmutex $wait $mdegree &]
lappend proclist $p
puts "Mutex003: $procs independent processes now running"
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
# Remove output files
for { set i 0 } {$i < $procs} {incr i} {
fileremove -f $dir/$i.mutexout