mariadb/sql/share/spanish/errmsg.txt 9d120741d2 Portability fixes
Changed TRUNCATE table_name -> TRUNCATE TABLE table_name
2001-02-02 03:47:06 +02:00

207 lines
11 KiB

/* Copyright Abandoned 1997 TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB
This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind
Traduccion por Miguel Angel Fernandez Roiz -- LoboCom Sistemas, s.l. */
"No puedo crear archivo '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"No puedo crear tabla '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"No puedo crear base de datos '%-.64s'. Error %d",
"No puedo crear base de datos '%-.64s'. La base de datos ya existe",
"No puedo eliminar base de datos '%-.64s'. La base de datos no existe",
"Error eliminando la base de datos(no puedo borrar '%-.64s', error %d)",
"Error eliminando la base de datos (No puedo borrar directorio '%-.64s', error %d)",
"Error en el borrado de '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"No puedo leer el registro en la tabla del sistema",
"No puedo obtener el estado de '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"No puedo acceder al directorio (Error: %d)",
"No puedo bloquear archivo: (Error: %d)",
"No puedo abrir archivo: '%-.64s'. (Error: %d)",
"No puedo encontrar archivo: '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"No puedo leer el directorio de '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"No puedo cambiar al directorio de '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"El registro ha cambiado desde la ultima lectura de la tabla '%-.64s'",
"Disco lleno (%s). Esperando para que se libere algo de espacio....",
"No puedo escribir, clave duplicada en la tabla '%-.64s'",
"Error en el cierre de '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"Error leyendo el fichero '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"Error en el renombrado de '%-.64s' a '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"Error escribiendo el archivo '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"'%-.64s' esta bloqueado contra cambios",
"Ordeancion cancelada",
"La vista '%-.64s' no existe para '%-.64s'",
"Error %d desde el manejador de la tabla",
"El manejador de la tabla de '%-.64s' no tiene esta opcion",
"No puedo encontrar el registro en '%-.64s'",
"Informacion erronea en el archivo: '%-.64s'",
"Clave de archivo erronea para la tabla: '%-.64s'. Intente repararlo",
"Clave de archivo antigua para la tabla '%-.64s'; Reparelo!",
"'%-.64s' es de solo lectura",
"Memoria insuficiente. Reinicie el demonio e intentelo otra vez (necesita %d bytes)",
"Memoria de ordenacion insuficiente. Incremente el tamano del buffer de ordenacion",
"Inesperado fin de ficheroU mientras leiamos el archivo '%-.64s' (Error: %d)",
"Demasiadas conexiones",
"Memoria/espacio de tranpaso insuficiente",
"No puedo obtener el nombre de maquina de tu direccion",
"Protocolo erroneo",
"Access denied for user: '%-.32s@%-.64s' to database '%-.64s'",
"Access denied for user: '%-.32s@%-.64s' (Using password: %s)",
"Base de datos no seleccionada",
"Comando desconocido",
"La columna '%-.64s' no puede ser nula",
"Base de datos desconocida '%-.64s'",
"La tabla '%-.64s' ya existe",
"Tabla '%-.64s' desconocida",
"La columna: '%-.64s' en %s es ambigua",
"Desconexion de servidor en proceso",
"La columna '%-.64s' en %s es desconocida",
"Usado '%-.64s' el cual no esta group by",
"No puedo agrupar por '%-.64s'",
"El estamento tiene funciones de suma y columnas en el mismo estamento",
"La columna con count no tiene valores para contar",
"El nombre del identificador '%-.64s' es demasiado grande",
"Nombre de columna duplicado '%-.64s'",
"Nombre de clave duplicado '%-.64s'",
"Entrada duplicada '%-.64s' para la clave %d",
"Especificador de columna erroneo para la columna '%-.64s'",
"%s cerca '%-.64s' en la linea %d",
"La query estaba vacia",
"Tabla/alias: '%-.64s' es no unica",
"Valor por defecto invalido para '%-.64s'",
"Multiples claves primarias definidas",
"Demasiadas claves primarias declaradas. Un maximo de %d claves son permitidas",
"Demasiadas partes de clave declaradas. Un maximo de %d partes son permitidas",
"Declaracion de clave demasiado larga. La maxima longitud de clave es %d",
"La columna clave '%-.64s' no existe en la tabla",
"La columna Blob '%-.64s' no puede ser usada en una declaracion de clave",
"Longitud de columna demasiado grande para la columna '%-.64s' (maximo = %d).Usar BLOB en su lugar",
"Puede ser solamente un campo automatico y este debe ser definido como una clave",
"%s: preparado para conexiones\n",
"%s: Apagado normal\n",
"%s: Recibiendo signal %d. Abortando!\n",
"%s: Apagado completado\n",
"%s: Forzando a cerrar el thread %ld usuario: '%-.64s'\n",
"No puedo crear IP socket",
"La tabla '%-.64s' no tiene indice como el usado en CREATE INDEX. Crea de nuevo la table",
"Los separadores de argumentos del campo no son los especificados. Comprueba el manual",
"No puedes usar longitudes de filas fijos con BLOBs. Por favor usa 'campos terminados por '.",
"El archivo '%-.64s' debe estar en el directorio de la base de datos o ser de lectura por todos",
"El archivo '%-.64s' ya existe",
"Registros: %ld Borrados: %ld Saltados: %ld Peligros: %ld",
"Registros: %ld Duplicados: %ld",
"Parte de la calve es erronea. Una parte de la calve no es una cadena o la longitud usada es tan grandecomo la parte de la clave",
"No puede borrar todos los campos con ALTER TABLE. Usa DROP TABLE para hacerlo",
"No puedo ELIMINAR '%-.64s'. compuebe que el campo/clave existe",
"Registros: %ld Duplicados: %ld Peligros: %ld",
"INSERT TABLE '%-.64s' no esta permitido en FROM tabla lista",
"Identificador del thread: %lu desconocido",
"Tu no eres el propietario del thread%lu",
"No ha tablas usadas",
"Too many strings for column %s and SET",
"Can't generate a unique logfilename %s.(1-999)\n",
"Table '%-.64s' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated",
"Table '%-.64s' was not locked with LOCK TABLES",
"Blob field '%-.64s' can't have a default value",
"Illegal database name '%-.64s'",
"Illegal table name '%-.64s'",
"The SELECT would examine too many records and probably take very long time. Check your WHERE and use SET OPTION SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 if the SELECT is ok",
"Unknown error",
"Unkown procedure %s",
"Wrong parameter count to procedure %s",
"Wrong parameters to procedure %s",
"Unknown table '%-.64s' in %s",
"Field '%-.64s' specified twice",
"Invalid use of group function",
"Table '%-.64s' uses a extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL version",
"A table must have at least 1 column",
"The table '%-.64s' is full",
"Unknown character set: '%-.64s'",
"Too many tables. MySQL can only use %d tables in a join",
"Too many fields",
"Too big row size. The maximum row size, not counting blobs, is %d. You have to change some fields to blobs",
"Thread stack overrun: Used: %ld of a %ld stack. Use 'mysqld -O thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack if needed",
"Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN. Examine your ON conditions",
"Column '%-.32s' is used with UNIQUE or INDEX but is not defined as NOT NULL",
"Can't load function '%-.64s'",
"Can't initialize function '%-.64s'; %-.80s",
"No paths allowed for shared library",
"Function '%-.64s' already exist",
"Can't open shared library '%-.64s' (errno: %d %s)",
"Can't find function '%-.64s' in library'",
"Function '%-.64s' is not defined",
"Host '%-.64s' is blocked because of many connection errors. Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'",
"Host '%-.64s' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server",
"You are using MySQL as an anonymous users and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwords",
"You must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for others",
"Can't find any matching row in the user table",
"Rows matched: %ld Changed: %ld Warnings: %ld",
"Can't create a new thread (errno %d). If you are not out of available memory you can consult the manual for any possible OS dependent bug",
"Column count doesn't match value count at row %ld",
"Can't reopen table: '%-.64s',
"Invalid use of NULL value",
"Got error '%-.64s' from regexp",
"Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT()...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause",
"There is no such grant defined for user '%-.32s' on host '%-.64s'",
"%-.16s command denied to user: '%-.32s@%-.64s' for table '%-.64s'",
"%-.16s command denied to user: '%-.32s@%-.64s' for column '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'",
"Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command. Please consult the manual which privleges can be used.",
"The host or user argument to GRANT is too long",
"Table '%-64s.%s' doesn't exist",
"There is no such grant defined for user '%-.32s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.64s'",
"The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version",
"Something is wrong in your syntax",
"Delayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.64s",
"Too many delayed threads in use",
"Aborted connection %ld to db: '%-.64s' user: '%-.64s' (%s)",
"Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet'",
"Got a read error from the connection pipe",
"Got an error from fcntl()",
"Got packets out of order",
"Couldn't uncompress communication packet",
"Got an error reading communication packets"
"Got timeout reading communication packets",
"Got an error writing communication packets",
"Got timeout writing communication packets",
"Result string is longer than max_allowed_packet",
"The used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns",
"The used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columns",
"INSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.64s', because it is locked with LOCK TABLES",
"Incorrect column name '%-.100s'",
"The used table handler can't index column '%-.64s'",
"All tables in the MERGE table are not defined identically",
"Can't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.64s'",
"BLOB column '%-.64s' used in key specification without a key length",
"All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead",
"Result consisted of more than one row",
"This table type requires a primary key",
"This version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID support",
"You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column",
"Key '%-.64s' doesn't exist in table '%-.64s'",
"Can't open table",
"The handler for the table doesn't support check/repair",
"You are not allowed to execute this command in a transaction",
"Got error %d during COMMIT",
"Got error %d during ROLLBACK",
"Got error %d during FLUSH_LOGS",
"Got error %d during CHECKPOINT",
"Aborted connection %ld to db: '%-.64s' user: '%-.32s' host: `%-.64s' (%-.64s)",
"The handler for the table does not support binary table dump",
"Binlog closed while trying to FLUSH MASTER",
"Failed rebuilding the index of dumped table '%-.64s'",
"Error from master: '%-.64s'",
"Net error reading from master",
"Net error writing to master",
"Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list",
"Can't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction",
"Unknown system variable '%-.64'",
"Table '%-.64s' is marked as crashed and should be repaired",
"Table '%-.64s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed",
"Warning: Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back",
"Multi-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage. Increase this mysqld variable and try again',
"This operation cannot be performed with a running slave, run SLAVE STOP first",
"This operation requires a running slave, configure slave and do SLAVE START",
"The server is not configured as slave, fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TO",
"Could not initialize master info structure, check permisions on",
"Could not create slave thread, check system resources",