mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 12:01:42 +01:00
ndb/include/mgmapi/mgmapi.h: ndb_mgm_convert_to_transporter may destroy the handle, now takes a pointer. ndb/include/mgmcommon/ConfigRetriever.hpp: If outside code is going to manipulate the NdbMgmHandle, allow it to do it via a get_mgmHandlePtr() call ndb/include/transporter/TransporterRegistry.hpp: connect_client and connect_ndb_mgmd may destroy the handle, now they take a pointer. ndb/src/common/transporter/TransporterRegistry.cpp: When start_service is binding to ports, report back the port numbers. We need this here now, as we re-use the initial mgm connection as a transporter, which is connected *before* start_service has allocated the dynamic port numbers. So the creation of this early transporter cannot be used to send the dynamic ports to the mgmd. We connect to the mgm server (using the handle that will be used in the client_Connect thread) if needed. This is thread safe as start_service is only ever called once, before the client connect thread starts. connect_client,connect_ndb_mgmd may destroy the NdbMgmHandle. It now accepts a pointer to it. ndb/src/kernel/vm/Configuration.cpp: Copy the m_mgmd_host string from the config_retreiver as the NdbMgmHandle in the ConfigRetreiver will be destroyed later (along with the host string). globalTransporterRegistry.connect_client will destroy the mgm handle, use a pointer to the handle. ndb/src/kernel/vm/Configuration.hpp: allow the dynamic allocation of m_mgmd_host. ndb/src/mgmapi/mgmapi.cpp: accept a pointer for ndb_mgm_convert_to_transporter as we destroy the handle.
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357 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
// TransporterRegistry
// TransporterRegistry (singelton) is the interface to the
// transporter layer. It handles transporter states and
// holds the transporter arrays.
#ifndef TransporterRegistry_H
#define TransporterRegistry_H
#include "TransporterDefinitions.hpp"
#include <SocketServer.hpp>
#include <SocketClient.hpp>
#include <NdbTCP.h>
#include <mgmapi/mgmapi.h>
// A transporter is always in an IOState.
// NoHalt is used initially and as long as it is no restrictions on
// sending or receiving.
enum IOState {
NoHalt = 0,
HaltInput = 1,
HaltOutput = 2,
HaltIO = 3
enum TransporterType {
static const char *performStateString[] =
{ "is connected",
"is trying to connect",
"does nothing",
"is trying to disconnect" };
class Transporter;
class TCP_Transporter;
class SCI_Transporter;
class SHM_Transporter;
class OSE_Transporter;
class TransporterRegistry;
class SocketAuthenticator;
class TransporterService : public SocketServer::Service {
SocketAuthenticator * m_auth;
TransporterRegistry * m_transporter_registry;
TransporterService(SocketAuthenticator *auth= 0)
m_auth= auth;
m_transporter_registry= 0;
void setTransporterRegistry(TransporterRegistry *t)
m_transporter_registry= t;
SocketServer::Session * newSession(NDB_SOCKET_TYPE socket);
* @class TransporterRegistry
* @brief ...
class TransporterRegistry {
friend class OSE_Receiver;
friend class SHM_Transporter;
friend class Transporter;
friend class TransporterService;
* Constructor
TransporterRegistry(void * callback = 0 ,
unsigned maxTransporters = MAX_NTRANSPORTERS,
unsigned sizeOfLongSignalMemory = 100);
* this handle will be used in the client connect thread
* to fetch information on dynamic ports. The old handle
* (if set) is destroyed, and this is destroyed by the destructor
void set_mgm_handle(NdbMgmHandle h);
NdbMgmHandle get_mgm_handle(void) { return m_mgm_handle; };
bool init(NodeId localNodeId);
* after a connect from client, perform connection using correct transporter
bool connect_server(NDB_SOCKET_TYPE sockfd);
bool connect_client(NdbMgmHandle *h);
* Given a SocketClient, creates a NdbMgmHandle, turns it into a transporter
* and returns the socket.
NDB_SOCKET_TYPE connect_ndb_mgmd(SocketClient *sc);
* Given a connected NdbMgmHandle, turns it into a transporter
* and returns the socket.
NDB_SOCKET_TYPE connect_ndb_mgmd(NdbMgmHandle *h);
* Remove all transporters
void removeAll();
* Disconnect all transporters
void disconnectAll();
* Stops the server, disconnects all the transporter
* and deletes them and remove it from the transporter arrays
bool start_service(SocketServer& server);
bool start_clients();
bool stop_clients();
void start_clients_thread();
void update_connections();
* Start/Stop receiving
void startReceiving();
void stopReceiving();
* Start/Stop sending
void startSending();
void stopSending();
// A transporter is always in a PerformState.
// PerformIO is used initially and as long as any of the events
// PerformConnect, ...
enum PerformState {
const char *getPerformStateString(NodeId nodeId) const
{ return performStateString[(unsigned)performStates[nodeId]]; };
* Get and set methods for PerformState
void do_connect(NodeId node_id);
void do_disconnect(NodeId node_id);
bool is_connected(NodeId node_id) { return performStates[node_id] == CONNECTED; };
void report_connect(NodeId node_id);
void report_disconnect(NodeId node_id, int errnum);
* Get and set methods for IOState
IOState ioState(NodeId nodeId);
void setIOState(NodeId nodeId, IOState state);
* createTransporter
* If the config object indicates that the transporter
* to be created will act as a server and no server is
* started, startServer is called. A transporter of the selected kind
* is created and it is put in the transporter arrays.
bool createTCPTransporter(struct TransporterConfiguration * config);
bool createSCITransporter(struct TransporterConfiguration * config);
bool createSHMTransporter(struct TransporterConfiguration * config);
bool createOSETransporter(struct TransporterConfiguration * config);
* prepareSend
* When IOState is HaltOutput or HaltIO do not send or insert any
* signals in the SendBuffer, unless it is intended for the remote
* CMVMI block (blockno 252)
* Perform prepareSend on the transporter.
* NOTE signalHeader->xxxBlockRef should contain block numbers and
* not references
SendStatus prepareSend(const SignalHeader * const signalHeader, Uint8 prio,
const Uint32 * const signalData,
NodeId nodeId,
const LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]);
SendStatus prepareSend(const SignalHeader * const signalHeader, Uint8 prio,
const Uint32 * const signalData,
NodeId nodeId,
class SectionSegmentPool & pool,
const SegmentedSectionPtr ptr[3]);
* external_IO
* Equal to: poll(...); perform_IO()
void external_IO(Uint32 timeOutMillis);
Uint32 pollReceive(Uint32 timeOutMillis);
void performReceive();
void performSend();
* Force sending if more than or equal to sendLimit
* number have asked for send. Returns 0 if not sending
* and 1 if sending.
int forceSendCheck(int sendLimit);
void printState();
class Transporter_interface {
NodeId m_remote_nodeId;
int m_s_service_port; // signed port number
const char *m_interface;
Vector<Transporter_interface> m_transporter_interface;
void add_transporter_interface(NodeId remoteNodeId, const char *interf,
int s_port); // signed port. <0 is dynamic
Transporter* get_transporter(NodeId nodeId);
NodeId get_localNodeId() { return localNodeId; };
void * callbackObj;
NdbMgmHandle m_mgm_handle;
struct NdbThread *m_start_clients_thread;
bool m_run_start_clients_thread;
int sendCounter;
NodeId localNodeId;
bool nodeIdSpecified;
unsigned maxTransporters;
int nTransporters;
int nTCPTransporters;
int nSCITransporters;
int nSHMTransporters;
int nOSETransporters;
* Arrays holding all transporters in the order they are created
TCP_Transporter** theTCPTransporters;
SCI_Transporter** theSCITransporters;
SHM_Transporter** theSHMTransporters;
OSE_Transporter** theOSETransporters;
* Array, indexed by nodeId, holding all transporters
TransporterType* theTransporterTypes;
Transporter** theTransporters;
* OSE Receiver
class OSE_Receiver * theOSEReceiver;
* In OSE you for some bizar reason needs to create a socket
* the first thing you do when using inet functions.
* Furthermore a process doing select has to "own" a socket
int theOSEJunkSocketSend;
int theOSEJunkSocketRecv;
#if defined NDB_OSE || defined NDB_SOFTOSE
PROCESS theReceiverPid;
* State arrays, index by host id
PerformState* performStates;
IOState* ioStates;
* Unpack signal data
Uint32 unpack(Uint32 * readPtr,
Uint32 bufferSize,
NodeId remoteNodeId,
IOState state);
Uint32 * unpack(Uint32 * readPtr,
Uint32 * eodPtr,
NodeId remoteNodeId,
IOState state);
* Disconnect the transporter and remove it from
* theTransporters array. Do not allow any holes
* in theTransporters. Delete the transporter
* and remove it from theIndexedTransporters array
void removeTransporter(NodeId nodeId);
* Used in polling if exists TCP_Transporter
int tcpReadSelectReply;
fd_set tcpReadset;
Uint32 poll_OSE(Uint32 timeOutMillis);
Uint32 poll_TCP(Uint32 timeOutMillis);
Uint32 poll_SCI(Uint32 timeOutMillis);
Uint32 poll_SHM(Uint32 timeOutMillis);
int m_shm_own_pid;
#endif // Define of TransporterRegistry_H