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synced 2025-03-06 11:13:09 +01:00

- Added suppressions for dlopen to make plugin test pass. - Do not pass empty string to mysqld, since my_getopt is not capable to handle it. - Re-enabled trailing UNINSTALL PLUGIN statement of plugin.test. The memory leak described in the bug report happens in libdl, not in mysqld. On some valgrind installations this error is suppressed by default, no idea why it isn't suppressed on pb-valgrind. <observation> If library remains open after thread has finished, and is closed by another thread, we get memory leak. But in case library is opened and closed by the same thread no leak occurs. </observation>
218 lines
5.6 KiB
218 lines
5.6 KiB
# -*- cperl -*-
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 MySQL AB
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# This is a library file used by the Perl version of mysql-test-run,
# and is part of the translation of the Bourne shell script with the
# same name.
use strict;
sub mtr_get_pid_from_file ($);
sub mtr_get_opts_from_file ($);
sub mtr_fromfile ($);
sub mtr_tofile ($@);
sub mtr_tonewfile($@);
sub mtr_lastlinefromfile($);
sub mtr_appendfile_to_file ($$);
sub mtr_grab_file($);
sub mtr_get_pid_from_file ($) {
my $pid_file_path= shift;
my $timeout= 1;
# We should read from the file until we get correct pid. As it is
# stated in BUG#21884, pid file can be empty at some moment. So, we should
# read it until we get valid data.
for (my $cur_attempt= 1; $cur_attempt <= $TOTAL_ATTEMPTS; ++$cur_attempt)
mtr_debug("Reading pid file '$pid_file_path' " .
"($cur_attempt of $TOTAL_ATTEMPTS)...");
open(FILE, '<', $pid_file_path)
or mtr_error("can't open file \"$pid_file_path\": $!");
# Read pid number from file
my $pid= <FILE>;
chomp $pid;
close FILE;
return $pid if $pid=~ /^(\d+)/;
mtr_debug("Pid file '$pid_file_path' does not yet contain pid number.\n" .
"Sleeping $timeout second(s) more...");
mtr_error("Pid file '$pid_file_path' is corrupted. " .
"Can not retrieve PID in " .
($timeout * $TOTAL_ATTEMPTS) . " seconds.");
sub mtr_get_opts_from_file ($) {
my $file= shift;
open(FILE,"<",$file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
my @args;
while ( <FILE> )
# --set-variable=init_connect=set @a='a\\0c'
s/^\s+//; # Remove leading space
s/\s+$//; # Remove ending space
# This is strange, but we need to fill whitespace inside
# quotes with something, to remove later. We do this to
# be able to split on space. Else, we have trouble with
# options like
# --someopt="--insideopt1 --insideopt2"
# But still with this, we are not 100% sure it is right,
# we need a shell to do it right.
# print STDERR "\n";
# print STDERR "AAA: $_\n";
# print STDERR "BBB: $_\n";
# foreach my $arg (/(--?\w.*?)(?=\s+--?\w|$)/)
# FIXME ENV vars should be expanded!!!!
foreach my $arg (split(/[ \t]+/))
$arg =~ tr/\x11\x0a\x0b/ \'\"/; # Put back real chars
# The outermost quotes has to go
$arg =~ s/^([^\'\"]*)\'(.*)\'([^\'\"]*)$/$1$2$3/
or $arg =~ s/^([^\'\"]*)\"(.*)\"([^\'\"]*)$/$1$2$3/;
$arg =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
$arg =~ s/\$\{(\w+)\}/envsubst($1)/ge;
$arg =~ s/\$(\w+)/envsubst($1)/ge;
# print STDERR "ARG: $arg\n";
# Do not pass empty string since my_getopt is not capable to handle it.
if (length($arg))
push(@args, $arg)
close FILE;
return \@args;
sub envsubst {
my $string= shift;
if ( ! defined $ENV{$string} )
mtr_error("opt file referense \$$string that is unknown");
return $ENV{$string};
sub unspace {
my $string= shift;
my $quote= shift;
$string =~ s/[ \t]/\x11/g;
return "$quote$string$quote";
# Read a whole file, stripping leading and trailing whitespace.
sub mtr_fromfile ($) {
my $file= shift;
open(FILE,"<",$file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
my $text= join('', <FILE>);
close FILE;
$text =~ s/^\s+//; # Remove starting space, incl newlines
$text =~ s/\s+$//; # Remove ending space, incl newlines
return $text;
sub mtr_lastlinefromfile ($) {
my $file= shift;
my $text;
open(FILE,"<",$file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
while (my $line= <FILE>)
$text= $line;
close FILE;
return $text;
sub mtr_tofile ($@) {
my $file= shift;
open(FILE,">>",$file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
print FILE join("", @_);
close FILE;
sub mtr_tonewfile ($@) {
my $file= shift;
open(FILE,">",$file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$file\": $!");
print FILE join("", @_);
close FILE;
sub mtr_appendfile_to_file ($$) {
my $from_file= shift;
my $to_file= shift;
open(TOFILE,">>",$to_file) or mtr_error("can't open file \"$to_file\": $!");
or mtr_error("can't open file \"$from_file\": $!");
print TOFILE while (<FROMFILE>);
close TOFILE;
# Read a whole file verbatim.
sub mtr_grab_file($) {
my $file= shift;
open(FILE, '<', $file)
or return undef;
local $/= undef;
my $data= scalar(<FILE>);
close FILE;
return $data;