Konstantin Osipov 3b311f399d Apply and review:
3655 Jon Olav Hauglid   2009-10-19
Bug  Concurrent statement using stored function and DROP FUNCTION 
           breaks SBR
Bug  assert in close_thread_table

Implement a fix for:
Bug  purge stored procedure cache causes mysterious hang for many
Bug  Crash in prepared statements

The problem was that concurrent execution of DML statements that
use stored functions and DDL statements that drop/modify the same
function might result in incorrect binary log in statement (and
mixed) mode and therefore break replication.

This patch fixes the problem by introducing metadata locking for
stored procedures and functions. This is similar to what is done
in Bug#25144 for views. Procedures and functions now are
locked using metadata locks until the transaction is either
committed or rolled back. This prevents other statements from
modifying the procedure/function while it is being executed. This
provides commit ordering - guaranteeing serializability across
multiple transactions and thus fixes the reported binlog problem.

Note that we do not take locks for top-level CALLs. This means
that procedures called directly are not protected from changes by
simultaneous DDL operations so they are executed at the state they
had at the time of the CALL. By not taking locks for top-level
CALLs, we still allow transactions to be started inside

This patch also changes stored procedure cache invalidation.
Upon a change of cache version, we no longer invalidate the entire
cache, but only those routines which we use, only when a statement
is executed that uses them.

This patch also changes the logic of prepared statement validation.
A stored procedure used by a prepared statement is now validated
only once a metadata lock has been acquired. A version mismatch
causes a flush of the obsolete routine from the cache and
statement reprepare.
Incompatible changes:
1) ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK is reported for a transaction trying to access
   a procedure/function that is locked by a DDL operation in
   another connection.

2) Procedure/function DDL operations are now prohibited in LOCK
   TABLES mode as exclusive locks must be taken all at once and
   LOCK TABLES provides no way to specifiy procedures/functions to
   be locked.

Test cases have been added to sp-lock.test and rpl_sp.test.

Work on this bug has very much been a team effort and this patch
includes and is based on contributions from Davi Arnaut, Dmitry
Lenev, Magne Mæhre and Konstantin Osipov.
2009-12-29 15:19:05 +03:00

398 lines
11 KiB

# Testing the behavior of 'PREPARE', 'DDL', 'EXECUTE' scenarios
# There are several subtests which are probably "superfluous" because a DDL
# statement before the EXECUTE <prepared stmt handle> contained a keyword
# or action (Example: Alter) which causes that all prepared statements using
# the modified object are reprepared before execution.
# Please do not delete these subtests if they disturb. Just disable them by
# if (0)
# {
# <tests to disable>
# }.
# There might be future optimisations of the server which decrease the amount
# of unneeded reprepares or skip unneeded prepare steps and than these subtests
# might become valuable.
# Example:
# Every preceding ALTER TABLE seems to cause a reprepare.
# But if the ALTER only changed the table comment ...
# Created: 2008-04-18 mleich
drop temporary table if exists t1;
drop table if exists t1, t2;
drop procedure if exists p_verify_reprepare_count;
drop procedure if exists p1;
drop function if exists f1;
drop view if exists t1;
drop schema if exists mysqltest;
delimiter |;
create procedure p_verify_reprepare_count(expected int)
declare old_reprepare_count int default @reprepare_count;
select variable_value from
information_schema.session_status where
into @reprepare_count;
if old_reprepare_count + expected <> @reprepare_count then
select concat("Expected: ", expected,
", actual: ", @reprepare_count - old_reprepare_count)
as "ERROR";
select '' as "SUCCESS";
end if;
delimiter ;|
set @reprepare_count= 0;
flush status;
drop table if exists t1;
--echo # Column added or dropped is not within the list of selected columns
--echo # or table comment has changed.
--echo # A reprepare is probably not needed.
create table t1 (a int, b int);
prepare stmt from "select a from t1";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
alter table t1 add column c int;
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(1);
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
alter table t1 drop column b;
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(1);
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
alter table t1 comment "My best table";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(1);
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
drop table t1;
deallocate prepare stmt;
--echo # Selects using the table at various positions, inser,update ...
--echo # + the table disappears
create table t1 (a int);
# Attention:
# "truncate" must have the first position (= executed as last prepared
# statement), because it recreates the table which has leads to reprepare
# (is this really needed) of all statements.
prepare stmt1 from "truncate t1";
prepare stmt2 from "select 1 as my_column from t1";
prepare stmt3 from "select 1 as my_column from (select * from t1) as t2";
prepare stmt4 from
"select 1 as my_column from (select 1) as t2 where exists (select 1 from t1)";
prepare stmt5 from "select * from (select 1 as b) as t2, t1";
prepare stmt6 from "select * from t1 union all select 1.5";
prepare stmt7 from "select 1 as my_column union all select 1 from t1";
prepare stmt8 from "insert into t1 values(1),(2)";
prepare stmt9 from "update t1 set a = 3 where a = 2";
prepare stmt10 from "delete from t1 where a = 1";
let ps_stmt_count= 10;
--echo # Attention: Result logging is disabled.
# Checks of correct results of statements are not the goal of this test.
let $num= $ps_stmt_count;
while ($num)
eval execute stmt$num;
dec $num;
# There was no reprepare needed, because none of the objects has changed.
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
drop table t1;
let $num= $ps_stmt_count;
while ($num)
eval execute stmt$num;
dec $num;
# There was no reprepare needed, because the statement is no more applicable.
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
let $num= $ps_stmt_count;
while ($num)
eval deallocate prepare stmt$num;
dec $num;
--echo # Selects using the table at various positions, inser,update ...
--echo # + layout change (drop column) which must cause a reprepare
create table t1 (a int, b int);
insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,2),(3,3);
create table t2 like t1;
insert into t1 values(2,2);
prepare stmt1 from "select a,b from t1";
prepare stmt2 from "select a,b from (select * from t1) as t1";
prepare stmt3 from "select * from t1 where a = 2 and b = 2";
prepare stmt4 from "select * from t2 where (a,b) in (select * from t1)";
prepare stmt5 from "select * from t1 union select * from t2";
prepare stmt6 from "select * from t1 union all select * from t2";
prepare stmt7 from "insert into t1 set a = 4, b = 4";
prepare stmt8 from "insert into t1 select * from t2";
let ps_stmt_count= 8;
--echo # Attention: Result logging is disabled.
# Checks of correct results of statements are not the goal of this test.
let $num= $ps_stmt_count;
while ($num)
eval execute stmt$num;
dec $num;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
alter table t1 drop column b;
let $num= $ps_stmt_count;
while ($num)
eval execute stmt$num;
# A reprepare is needed, because layout change of t1 affects statement.
call p_verify_reprepare_count(1);
dec $num;
let $num= $ps_stmt_count;
while ($num)
eval execute stmt$num;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(1);
dec $num;
--echo # Why does the INSERT ... SELECT does not get a reprepare or is
--echo # only the counter not incremented?
eval execute stmt8;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(1);
alter table t2 add column c int;
eval execute stmt8;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(1);
let $num= $ps_stmt_count;
while ($num)
eval deallocate prepare stmt$num;
dec $num;
drop table t1;
drop table t2;
--echo # select AVG(<col>) + optimizer uses index meets loss of the index
create table t1 (a int, b int, primary key(b),unique index t1_unq_idx(a));
# We need an index which is not converted to PRIMARY KEY (becomes in
# case of InnoDB the key used for table clustering).
insert into t1 set a = 0, b = 0;
insert into t1 select a + 1, b + 1 from t1;
insert into t1 select a + 2, b + 2 from t1;
insert into t1 select a + 4, b + 4 from t1;
insert into t1 select a + 8, b + 8 from t1;
# "using index" optimizer strategy is intended
let $possible_keys=
query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, possible_keys, 1);
let $extra=
query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, Extra, 1);
--echo # Optimizer strategy: Possible keys = $possible_keys , Extra = $extra
prepare stmt from "select avg(a) from t1";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
alter table t1 drop index t1_unq_idx;
let $possible_keys=
query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, possible_keys, 1);
let $extra=
query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, Extra, 1);
--echo # Optimizer strategy: Possible keys = $possible_keys , Extra = $extra
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(1);
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
--echo # select AVG(<col>) + optimizer uses table scan meets a new index
alter table t1 add unique index t1_unq_idx(a);
let $possible_keys=
query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, possible_keys, 1);
let $extra=
query_get_value(explain select avg(a) from t1, Extra, 1);
--echo # Optimizer strategy: Possible keys = $possible_keys , Extra = $extra
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(1);
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
deallocate prepare stmt;
drop table t1;
--echo # table replaced by not updatable view - Insert
create table t1 (a int);
prepare stmt from "insert into t1 values(1)";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
drop table t1;
create view t1 as select 1;
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(1);
drop view t1;
create table t2 (a int);
create view t1 as select * from t2 with check option;
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(1);
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
select * from t1;
deallocate prepare stmt;
drop view t1;
drop table t2;
--echo =====================================================================
--echo Some freestyle tests
--echo =====================================================================
create temporary table t1 as select 1 as a;
delimiter |;
create procedure p1()
drop temporary table t1;
create function f1() returns int
call p1();
return 1;
delimiter ;|
prepare stmt from "select f1() as my_column, a from t1";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
select * from t1;
prepare stmt from "select a, f1() as my_column from t1";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
select * from t1;
prepare stmt from "select f1() as my_column, count(*) from t1";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
select * from t1;
prepare stmt from "select count(*), f1() as my_column from t1";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
select * from t1;
--echo # Execute fails, no drop of temporary table
prepare stmt from "select 1 as my_column from (select 1) as t2
where exists (select f1() from t1)";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
select * from t1;
--echo # Execute drops temporary table
prepare stmt from "select f1()";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
drop function f1;
drop procedure p1;
deallocate prepare stmt;
--echo # Execute fails, temporary table is not replaced by another
create temporary table t1 as select 1 as a;
delimiter |;
create procedure p1()
drop temporary table t1;
create temporary table t1 as select 'abc' as a;
create function f1() returns int
call p1();
return 1;
delimiter ;|
prepare stmt from "select count(*), f1() as my_column from t1";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
select * from t1;
deallocate prepare stmt;
prepare stmt from "call p1";
execute stmt;
drop procedure p1;
create schema mysqltest;
delimiter |;
create procedure mysqltest.p1()
drop schema mysqltest;
create schema mysqltest;
delimiter ;|
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
deallocate prepare stmt;
drop schema mysqltest;
drop temporary table t1;
# Bug#36089 drop temp table in SP called by function, crash
# Note: A non prepared "select 1 from t1 having count(*) = f1();" is sufficient.
if (0)
create temporary table t1 as select 1 as a;
prepare stmt from "select 1 from t1 having count(*) = f1()";
execute stmt;
call p_verify_reprepare_count(0);
deallocate prepare stmt;
drop temporary table t1;
--echo # Cleanup
--echo #
drop temporary table if exists t1;
drop table if exists t1, t2;
drop procedure if exists p_verify_reprepare_count;
drop procedure if exists p1;
drop function if exists f1;
drop view if exists t1;
drop schema if exists mysqltest;