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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1996-2002
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
# $Id: test014.tcl,v 11.24 2002/05/22 15:42:46 sue Exp $
# TEST test014
# TEST Exercise partial puts on short data
# TEST Run 5 combinations of numbers of characters to replace,
# TEST and number of times to increase the size by.
# TEST Partial put test, small data, replacing with same size. The data set
# TEST consists of the first nentries of the dictionary. We will insert them
# TEST (and retrieve them) as we do in test 1 (equal key/data pairs). Then
# TEST we'll try to perform partial puts of some characters at the beginning,
# TEST some at the end, and some at the middle.
proc test014 { method {nentries 10000} args } {
set fixed 0
set args [convert_args $method $args]
if { [is_fixed_length $method] == 1 } {
set fixed 1
puts "Test014: $method ($args) $nentries equal key/data pairs, put test"
# flagp indicates whether this is a postpend or a
# normal partial put
set flagp 0
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 1 1 $nentries} $args
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 1 4 $nentries} $args
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 2 4 $nentries} $args
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 1 128 $nentries} $args
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 2 16 $nentries} $args
if { $fixed == 0 } {
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 0 1 $nentries} $args
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 0 4 $nentries} $args
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 0 128 $nentries} $args
# partial put data after the end of the existent record
# chars: number of empty spaces that will be padded with null
# increase: is the length of the str to be appended (after pad)
set flagp 1
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 1 1 $nentries} $args
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 4 1 $nentries} $args
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 128 1 $nentries} $args
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 1 4 $nentries} $args
eval {test014_body $method $flagp 1 128 $nentries} $args
puts "Test014 complete."
proc test014_body { method flagp chars increase {nentries 10000} args } {
source ./include.tcl
set omethod [convert_method $method]
if { [is_fixed_length $method] == 1 && $chars != $increase } {
puts "Test014: $method: skipping replace\
$chars chars with string $increase times larger."
if { $flagp == 1} {
puts "Test014: Postpending string of len $increase with \
gap $chars."
} else {
puts "Test014: Replace $chars chars with string \
$increase times larger"
# Create the database and open the dictionary
set txnenv 0
set eindex [lsearch -exact $args "-env"]
# If we are using an env, then testfile should just be the db name.
# Otherwise it is the test directory and the name.
if { $eindex == -1 } {
set testfile $testdir/test014.db
set env NULL
} else {
set testfile test014.db
incr eindex
set env [lindex $args $eindex]
set txnenv [is_txnenv $env]
if { $txnenv == 1 } {
append args " -auto_commit "
# If we are using txns and running with the
# default, set the default down a bit.
if { $nentries == 10000 } {
set nentries 100
set testdir [get_home $env]
set t1 $testdir/t1
set t2 $testdir/t2
set t3 $testdir/t3
cleanup $testdir $env
set db [eval {berkdb_open \
-create -mode 0644} $args {$omethod $testfile}]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set gflags ""
set pflags ""
set txn ""
set count 0
if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } {
append gflags " -recno"
puts "\tTest014.a: put/get loop"
# Here is the loop where we put and get each key/data pair
# We will do the initial put and then three Partial Puts
# for the beginning, middle and end of the string.
set did [open $dict]
while { [gets $did str] != -1 && $count < $nentries } {
if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } {
set key [expr $count + 1]
} else {
set key $str
if { $flagp == 1 } {
# this is for postpend only
global dvals
# initial put
if { $txnenv == 1 } {
set t [$env txn]
error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE
set txn "-txn $t"
set ret [eval {$db put} $txn {$key $str}]
if { $txnenv == 1 } {
error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0
error_check_good dbput $ret 0
set offset [string length $str]
# increase is the actual number of new bytes
# to be postpended (besides the null padding)
set data [repeat "P" $increase]
# chars is the amount of padding in between
# the old data and the new
set len [expr $offset + $chars + $increase]
set dvals($key) [binary format \
a[set offset]x[set chars]a[set increase] \
$str $data]
set offset [expr $offset + $chars]
if { $txnenv == 1 } {
set t [$env txn]
error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE
set txn "-txn $t"
set ret [eval {$db put -partial [list $offset 0]} \
$txn {$key $data}]
error_check_good dbput:post $ret 0
if { $txnenv == 1 } {
error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0
} else {
if { $txnenv == 1 } {
set t [$env txn]
error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE
set txn "-txn $t"
partial_put $method $db $txn \
$gflags $key $str $chars $increase
if { $txnenv == 1 } {
error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0
incr count
close $did
# Now make sure that everything looks OK
puts "\tTest014.b: check entire file contents"
if { $txnenv == 1 } {
set t [$env txn]
error_check_good txn [is_valid_txn $t $env] TRUE
set txn "-txn $t"
dump_file $db $txn $t1 test014.check
if { $txnenv == 1 } {
error_check_good txn [$t commit] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
# Now compare the keys to see if they match the dictionary (or ints)
if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } {
set oid [open $t2 w]
for {set i 1} {$i <= $nentries} {set i [incr i]} {
puts $oid $i
close $oid
file rename -force $t1 $t3
} else {
set q q
filehead $nentries $dict $t3
filesort $t3 $t2
filesort $t1 $t3
error_check_good \
Test014:diff($t3,$t2) [filecmp $t3 $t2] 0
puts "\tTest014.c: close, open, and dump file"
# Now, reopen the file and run the last test again.
open_and_dump_file $testfile $env \
$t1 test014.check dump_file_direction "-first" "-next"
if { [string compare $omethod "-recno"] != 0 } {
filesort $t2 $t3
file rename -force $t3 $t2
filesort $t1 $t3
error_check_good \
Test014:diff($t3,$t2) [filecmp $t3 $t2] 0
# Now, reopen the file and run the last test again in the
# reverse direction.
puts "\tTest014.d: close, open, and dump file in reverse direction"
open_and_dump_file $testfile $env $t1 \
test014.check dump_file_direction "-last" "-prev"
if { [string compare $omethod "-recno"] != 0 } {
filesort $t2 $t3
file rename -force $t3 $t2
filesort $t1 $t3
error_check_good \
Test014:diff($t3,$t2) [filecmp $t3 $t2] 0
# Check function for test014; keys and data are identical
proc test014.check { key data } {
global dvals
error_check_good key"$key"_exists [info exists dvals($key)] 1
error_check_good "data mismatch for key $key" $data $dvals($key)