unknown 38b4ccf5d3 Fix for BUG : [Patch]es x86 Assembler and text relocations
Changed assembler functions to not access global variables or variables in text segement
Added wrapper function in C to longlong2str() to pass _dig_vec_upper as an argument

  More tests for parsing of bigint's
  More tests for different values to conv()
  More tests for parsing of bigint's
  More tests for different values to conv()
  Added longlong2str_asm.c
  Changed functions to not access variables in text segment
  Fixed this by adding global variable '_dig_vec_upper' as an argument to longlong2str_with_dig_vector()
  Removd array lfactor by calculating the value in code
  (this is to to make the code position independent)
  New BitKeeper file ``strings/longlong2str_asm.c''
2005-08-08 13:18:18 +03:00

418 lines
9.3 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
# This program is free software; you can resistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Implemention of my_strtoll(): Converting a string to a 64 bit integer.
# For documentation, check my_strtoll.c
.file "my_strtoll10-x86.s"
.version "01.02"
.align 4
.globl my_strtoll10
.type my_strtoll10,@function
# Used stack variables
# ebp-4 dummy for storing endptr if endptr = 0
# ebp-8 First 9 digits of return values
# ebp-12 Pointer to first digit of second part
# ebp-16 Store lowest 2 digits
# ebp-20 != 0 if value was negative
# ebp-24 High max value
# ebp-28 Middle max value
# ebp-32 Low max value
# ebp-36 Temp value
# esi Pointer to input string
# ebx End of string
pushl %ebp
movl %esp,%ebp
subl $48,%esp
pushl %esi
pushl %edi
pushl %ebx
movl 8(%ebp),%esi # esi= nptr
movl 16(%ebp),%ecx # ecx= error (Will be overwritten later)
movl 12(%ebp),%eax # eax= endptr
cmpl $0,%eax # if (endptr)
je .L110
# Fixed length string
movl (%eax),%ebx # bx= end-of-string
.p2align 4,,7
cmpl %ebx,%esi
je .Lno_conv
movb (%esi), %al # al= next byte
incl %esi
cmpb $32,%al # Skip space
je .L100
cmpb $9,%al # Skip tab
je .L100
jmp .L130
# String that ends with \0
leal -4(%ebp),%edi
movl %edi,12(%ebp) # endptr= &dummy, for easier end check
.p2align 4,,7
movb (%esi), %al # al= next byte
incl %esi
cmpb $32,%al
je .L120
cmpb $9,%al
je .L120
testb %al,%al # Test if we found end \0
je .Lno_conv
leal 65535(%esi),%ebx # ebx = end-of-string
cmpb $45,%al # Test if '-'
jne .Lpositive
# negative number
movl $-1,(%ecx) # error = -1 (mark that number is negative)
movl $1,-20(%ebp) # negative= 1
movl $92233720,-24(%ebp)
movl $368547758,-28(%ebp)
movl $8,-32(%ebp)
jmp .L460
.p2align 4,,7
movl $0,(%ecx) # error=0
movl $0,-20(%ebp) # negative= 0
movl $184467440,-24(%ebp)
movl $737095516,-28(%ebp)
movl $15,-32(%ebp)
cmpb $43,%al # Check if '+'
jne .L462
cmpl %ebx,%esi # Check if overflow
je .Lno_conv
movb (%esi), %al # al= next byte after sign
incl %esi
# Remove pre zero to be able to handle a lot of pre-zero
cmpb $48,%al
jne .L475 # Number doesn't start with 0
decl %esi
.p2align 4,,7
# Skip pre zeros
incl %esi # Skip processed byte
cmpl %ebx,%esi
je .Lms_return_zero
cmpb (%esi),%al # Test if next byte is also zero
je .L481
leal 9(%esi),%ecx # ecx = end-of-current-part
xorl %edi,%edi # Store first 9 digits in edi
jmp .L482
.p2align 4,,7
# Check if first char is a valid number
addb $-48,%al
cmpb $9,%al
ja .Lno_conv
movzbl %al,%edi # edi = first digit
leal 8(%esi),%ecx # ecx = end-of-current-part
# Handle first 8/9 digits and store them in edi
cmpl %ebx,%ecx
jbe .L522
movl %ebx,%ecx # ecx = min(end-of-current-part, end-of-string)
jmp .L522
.p2align 4,,7
movb (%esi), %al # al= next byte
incl %esi
addb $-48,%al
cmpb $9,%al
ja .Lend_i_dec_esi
# Calculate edi= edi*10 + al
leal (%edi,%edi,4),%edx
movzbl %al,%eax
leal (%eax,%edx,2),%edi
cmpl %ecx,%esi # If more digits at this level
jne .L488
cmpl %ebx,%esi # If end of string
je .Lend_i
movl %edi,-8(%ebp) # Store first 9 digits
movl %esi,-12(%ebp) # store pos to first digit of second part
# Calculate next 9 digits and store them in edi
xorl %edi,%edi
leal 9(%esi),%ecx # ecx= end-of-current-part
movl %ecx,-36(%ebp) # Store max length
cmpl %ebx,%ecx
jbe .L498
movl %ebx,%ecx # ecx = min(end-of-current-part, end-of-string)
.p2align 4,,7
movb (%esi), %al # al= next byte
incl %esi
addb $-48,%al
cmpb $9,%al
ja .Lend_i_and_j_decl_esi
# Calculate edi= edi*10 + al
leal (%edi,%edi,4),%edx
movzbl %al,%eax
leal (%eax,%edx,2),%edi
cmpl %ecx,%esi # If end of current part
jne .L498
cmpl %ebx,%esi # If end of string
jne .L500
cmpl -36(%ebp),%esi # Test if string is less than 18 digits
jne .Lend_i_and_j
movl $1000000000,%eax
jmp .Lgot_factor # 18 digit string
# Handle the possible next to last digit and store in ecx
movb (%esi),%al
addb $-48,%al
cmpb $9,%al
ja .L499 # 18 digit string
incl %esi
movzbl %al,%ecx
cmpl %ebx,%esi # If end of string
je .Lend4
movb (%esi),%al # Read last digit
addb $-48,%al
cmpb $9,%al
ja .Lend4
# ecx= ecx*10 + al
leal (%ecx,%ecx,4),%edx
movzbl %al,%eax
leal (%eax,%edx,2),%ecx
movl 12(%ebp),%eax # eax = endptr
incl %esi
movl %esi,(%eax) # *endptr = end-of-string
cmpl %ebx,%esi
je .L505 # At end of string
movb (%esi),%al # check if extra digits
addb $-48,%al
cmpb $9,%al
jbe .Loverflow
# At this point we have:
# -8(%ebp) First 9 digits
# edi Next 9 digits
# ecx Last 2 digits
# *endpos end-of-string
.L505: # Check that we are not going to get overflow for unsigned long long
movl -8(%ebp),%eax # First 9 digits
cmpl -24(%ebp),%eax
ja .Loverflow
jne .L507
cmpl -28(%ebp),%edi
ja .Loverflow
jne .L507
cmpl -32(%ebp),%ecx
ja .Loverflow
movl %edi,-4(%ebp) # Save middle bytes
movl %ecx,%esi # esi = 2 last digits
movl $1215752192,%ecx # %ecx= lower_32_bits(100000000000)
mull %ecx
imull $23,-8(%ebp),%ecx
movl $0,-36(%ebp)
movl %eax,%ebx
imull $1215752192,-36(%ebp),%eax
movl %edx,%edi
addl %ecx,%edi
addl %eax,%edi # Temp in edi:ebx
movl $100,%eax # j= j*100
mull -4(%ebp)
addl %ebx,%eax # edx:eax+= edi:ebx
adcl %edi,%edx
addl %esi,%eax
adcl $0,%edx
jmp .Lms_return
# When we come here, *endptr is already updated
movl 16(%ebp),%edx # edx= error
movl $34,(%edx) # *error = 34
movl $-1,%eax
movl %eax,%edx
cmpl $0,-20(%ebp) # If negative
je .Lms_return
xor %eax,%eax # edx:eax = LONGLONG_LMIN
movl $-2147483648,%edx
jmp .Lms_return
# Return value that is in %edi as long long
.p2align 4,,7
decl %esi # Fix so that it points at last digit
xorl %edx,%edx
movl %edi,%eax
cmpl $0,-20(%ebp)
je .Lreturn_save_endptr # Positive number
negl %eax
cltd # Neg result in edx:eax
jmp .Lreturn_save_endptr
# Return value (%ebp-8) * lfactor[(uint) (edx-start)] + edi
.p2align 4,,7
decl %esi # Fix so that it points at last digit
movl %esi,%ecx
subl -12(%ebp),%ecx # ecx= number of digits in second part
# Calculate %eax= 10 ** %cl, where %cl <= 8
# With an array one could do this with:
# movl 10_factor_table(,%ecx,4),%eax
# We calculate the table here to avoid problems in
# position independent code (gcc -pic)
cmpb $3,%cl
ja .L4_to_8
movl $1000, %eax
je .Lgot_factor # %cl=3, eax= 1000
movl $10, %eax
cmpb $1,%cl # %cl is here 0 - 2
je .Lgot_factor # %cl=1, eax= 10
movl $100, %eax
ja .Lgot_factor # %cl=2, eax=100
movl $1, %eax
jmp .Lgot_factor # %cl=0, eax=1
.L4_to_8: # %cl is here 4-8
cmpb $5,%cl
movl $100000, %eax
je .Lgot_factor # %cl=5, eax=100000
movl $10000, %eax
jbe .Lgot_factor # %cl=4, eax=10000
movl $10000000, %eax
cmpb $7,%cl
je .Lgot_factor # %cl=7, eax=10000000
movl $100000000, %eax
ja .Lgot_factor # %cl=8, eax=100000000
movl $1000000, %eax # %cl=6, eax=1000000
# Return -8(%ebp) * %eax + edi
.p2align 4,,7
mull -8(%ebp)
addl %edi,%eax
adcl $0,%edx
cmpl $0,-20(%ebp) # if negative
je .Lreturn_save_endptr
negl %eax # Neg edx:%eax
adcl $0,%edx
negl %edx
jmp .Lreturn_save_endptr
# Return -8(%ebp) * $10000000000 + edi*10 + ecx
.p2align 4,,7
movl %ecx,-16(%ebp) # store lowest digits
movl 12(%ebp),%ebx
movl %esi,(%ebx) # *endpos = end-of-string
movl -8(%ebp),%eax # First 9 digits
movl $1410065408,%ecx # ecx= lower_32_bits(10000000000)
mull %ecx
movl $0,-36(%ebp)
movl %eax,%ebx # Store lowest 32 byte from multiplication
imull $1410065408,-36(%ebp),%eax
movl -8(%ebp),%ecx # First 9 digits
movl %edx,%esi
addl %ecx,%ecx
addl %ecx,%esi
addl %eax,%esi # %esi:%ebx now has -8(%ebp) * $10000000000
movl $10,%eax # Calc edi*10
mull %edi
addl %ebx,%eax # And add to result
adcl %esi,%edx
addl -16(%ebp),%eax # Add lowest digit
adcl $0,%edx
cmpl $0,-20(%ebp) # if negative
je .Lms_return
cmpl $-2147483648,%edx # Test if too big signed integer
ja .Loverflow
jne .L516
testl %eax,%eax
ja .Loverflow
negl %eax
adcl $0,%edx
negl %edx
jmp .Lms_return
.p2align 4,,7
.Lno_conv: # Not a legal number
movl 16(%ebp),%eax
movl $33,(%eax) # error= edom
xorl %eax,%eax # Return zero
xorl %edx,%edx
.p2align 4,,7
movl 12(%ebp),%ecx # endptr= end-of-string
movl %esi,(%ecx) # *endptr= end-of-string
popl %ebx
popl %edi
popl %esi
movl %ebp,%esp
popl %ebp
.size my_strtoll10,.my_strtoll10_end-my_strtoll10
.comm res,240,32
.comm end_ptr,120,32
.comm error,120,32
.ident "Monty"