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synced 2025-03-04 10:13:48 +01:00

Details: Most tests mentioned within the bug report were already fixed. The test modified here failed in stability (high parallel load) tests. Details: 1. Take care that disconnects are finished before the test terminates. 2. Correct wrong handling of send/reap in events_stress which caused random garbled output 3. Minor beautifying of script code
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67 lines
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# Tests that require transactions
-- source include/not_embedded.inc
-- source include/have_innodb.inc
drop database if exists events_test;
drop database if exists mysqltest_db2;
create database events_test;
use events_test;
# Privilege checks
grant create, insert, select, delete on mysqltest_db2.*
to mysqltest_user1@localhost;
create database mysqltest_db2;
connect (conn1,localhost,mysqltest_user1,,mysqltest_db2);
set autocommit=off;
# Sanity check
select @@autocommit;
create table t1 (a varchar(255)) engine=innodb;
# Not enough privileges to CREATE EVENT
begin work;
insert into t1 (a) values ("OK: create event: insufficient privileges");
create event e1 on schedule every 1 day do select 1;
rollback work;
select * from t1;
delete from t1;
commit work;
# Not enough privileges to ALTER EVENT
begin work;
insert into t1 (a) values ("OK: alter event: insufficient privileges");
alter event e1 on schedule every 1 day do select 1;
rollback work;
select * from t1;
delete from t1;
commit work;
# Not enough privileges to DROP EVENT
begin work;
insert into t1 (a) values ("OK: drop event: insufficient privileges");
drop event e1;
rollback work;
select * from t1;
delete from t1;
commit work;
# Cleanup
disconnect conn1;
--source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc
connection default;
drop user mysqltest_user1@localhost;
drop database mysqltest_db2;
# Cleanup
let $wait_condition=
select count(*) = 0 from information_schema.processlist
where db='events_test' and command = 'Connect' and user=current_user();
--source include/wait_condition.inc
drop database events_test;