mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 11:31:51 +01:00
them sorted by file position. Firstly a new value is stored in indexes to know if they are sorted, preventing to do the sorting when it is not needed. Secondly, almost all in now done in connect instead of being done by the different file access method classes. This pepares the future use of temporary files for all table types and also fix the bug that was occuring when partially using a multi-column index because of false MRR like call of position followed by unsorted rnd_pos no more using indexing. modified: storage/connect/connect.cc storage/connect/filamap.cpp storage/connect/filamap.h storage/connect/filamdbf.cpp storage/connect/filamdbf.h storage/connect/filamfix.cpp storage/connect/filamfix.h storage/connect/filamtxt.cpp storage/connect/filamtxt.h storage/connect/filamvct.cpp storage/connect/filamvct.h storage/connect/tabdos.cpp storage/connect/tabdos.h storage/connect/tabfix.h storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp storage/connect/tabfmt.h storage/connect/xindex.cpp storage/connect/xindex.h storage/connect/xtable.h
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505 lines
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/*************** Xindex H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
/* Name: XINDEX.H Version 3.5 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2004 - 2013 */
/* */
/* This file contains the XINDEX class declares. */
#ifndef __XINDEX_H__
#define __XINDEX_H__
#include "block.h"
#include "csort.h" /* Base class declares */
#include "xtable.h"
#include "valblk.h"
#if defined(XMAP)
#include "maputil.h"
#endif // XMAP
enum IDT {TYPE_IDX_ERROR = 0, /* Type not defined */
TYPE_IDX_INDX = 4, /* Permanent standard index */
TYPE_IDX_XROW = 5}; /* Permanent row index */
#if defined(XMAP)
typedef MEMMAP *MMP;
#endif // XMAP
typedef class INDEXDEF *PIXDEF;
typedef class KPARTDEF *PKPDEF;
typedef class XINDEX *PXINDEX;
typedef class XLOAD *PXLOAD;
typedef class KXYCOL *PXCOL;
/* Structures used when checking for possible indexing */
typedef struct index_col *PICOL;
typedef struct index_val *PIVAL;
typedef struct index_def *PINDX;
typedef struct indx_used *PXUSED;
typedef struct index_val : public BLOCK {
index_val(PXOB xp) {Next = NULL; Xval = xp; Kp = NULL;}
PIVAL Next; // Next value
PXOB Xval; // To value or array
int *Kp; // The coordonates in a LSTBLK
typedef struct index_col : public BLOCK {
index_col(PCOL cp)
{Next = Nxtgrp = NULL; Colp = cp; Ngrp = N = 0; Vals = NULL;}
PICOL Next; // Next column
PICOL Nxtgrp; // Next group
PCOL Colp; // The column
PIVAL Vals; // To column values
int Ngrp; // Group number of values
int N; // Column number of values
typedef struct index_def : public BLOCK {
index_def(PIXDEF xdp)
{Next = NULL; Pxdf = xdp; Cols = NULL; Alloc = false;}
bool Alloc; // Must allocate values
typedef struct index_off {
union {
struct {int Low; int High;};
longlong Val; // File position
}; // end of union
/* Index definition block. */
class DllExport INDEXDEF : public BLOCK { /* Index description block */
friend class PLUGCAT;
friend class DOSDEF;
friend class ha_connect;
friend int PlgMakeIndex(PGLOBAL g, PSZ name, PIXDEF pxdf, bool add);
// Constructor
INDEXDEF(char *name, bool uniq = false, int n = 0);
// Implementation
PIXDEF GetNext(void) {return Next;}
void SetNext(PIXDEF pxdf) {Next = pxdf;}
PSZ GetName(void) {return (PSZ)Name;}
bool IsUnique(void) {return Unique;}
bool IsDynamic(void) {return Dynamic;}
bool IsAuto(void) {return AutoInc;}
bool IsValid(void) {return !Invalid;}
void SetAuto(bool b) {AutoInc = b;}
void SetInvalid(bool b) {Invalid = b;}
int GetNparts(void) {return Nparts;}
int GetID(void) {return ID;}
void SetID(int n) {ID = n;}
PKPDEF GetToKeyParts(void) {return ToKeyParts;}
void SetToKeyParts(PKPDEF kp) {ToKeyParts = kp;}
void SetNParts(uint np) {Nparts = (signed)np;}
void SetMaxSame(int mxs) {MaxSame = mxs;}
void SetMxsame(PXINDEX x);
int GetMaxSame(void) {return MaxSame;}
bool Define(PGLOBAL g, void *memp, PTABDEF dfp, LPCSTR p);
PIXDEF GetIndexOf(PCOL colp, bool hd = false);
int IsIndexOf(PCOL colp);
PKXBASE CheckIndexing(PGLOBAL g, PTDBDOS tdbp);
PINDX CheckEQ(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, PXOB *arg, int op, int *kp = NULL);
bool TestEQ(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, PXOB *arg, int op, bool b = false);
PIXDEF Next; /* To next block */
PKPDEF ToKeyParts; /* To the key part definitions */
char *Name; /* Index name */
bool Unique; /* true if defined as unique */
bool Invalid; /* true if marked as Invalid */
bool AutoInc; /* true if unique key in auto increment */
bool Dynamic; /* KINDEX style */
bool Mapped; /* Use file mapping */
int Nparts; /* Number of key parts */
int ID; /* Index ID number */
int MaxSame; /* Max number of same values */
}; // end of INDEXDEF
typedef struct indx_used : public BLOCK {
indx_used(PTDB tp, PIXDEF xdp, PCOL *cp, int k)
{Tname = (char*)tp->GetName(); Xname = xdp->GetName(); Cp = cp; K = k;}
char *Tname;
PSZ Xname;
int K;
/* Index Key Part definition block. */
class DllExport KPARTDEF : public BLOCK { /* Index Key Part desc block */
friend class INDEXDEF;
friend class XINDEX;
friend class PLUGCAT;
friend class DOSDEF;
friend class ha_connect;
friend int PlgMakeIndex(PGLOBAL g, PSZ name, PIXDEF pxdf, bool add);
KPARTDEF(PSZ name, int n); // Constructor
// Implementation
PKPDEF GetNext(void) {return Next;}
PSZ GetName(void) {return (PSZ)Name;}
int GetNcol(void) {return Ncol;}
void SetNext(PKPDEF pkdf) {Next = pkdf;}
void SetKlen(int len) {Klen = len;}
void SetMxsame(int mxs) {Mxsame = mxs;}
PKPDEF Next; /* To next block */
PSZ Name; /* Field name */
int Mxsame; /* Field max same values */
int Ncol; /* Field number */
int Klen; /* Key length */
}; // end of KPARTDEF
/* This is the XDB Index virtual base class declaration. */
class DllExport XXBASE : public CSORT, public BLOCK {
friend class INDEXDEF;
friend class KXYCOL;
// Constructor
XXBASE(PTDBDOS tbxp, bool b);
// Implementation
virtual IDT GetType(void) = 0;
virtual void Reset(void) = 0;
virtual bool IsMul(void) {return false;}
virtual bool IsRandom(void) {return true;}
virtual bool IsDynamic(void) {return Dynamic;}
virtual void SetDynamic(bool dyn) {Dynamic = dyn;}
virtual bool HaveSame(void) {return false;}
virtual int GetCurPos(void) {return Cur_K;}
virtual void SetNval(int n) {assert(n == 1);}
virtual void SetOp(OPVAL op) {Op = op;}
int GetNdif(void) {return Ndif;}
int GetNum_K(void) {return Num_K;}
int GetCur_K(void) {return Cur_K;}
int GetID(void) {return ID;}
void SetID(int id) {ID = id;}
void SetNth(int n) {Nth = n;}
int *GetPof(void) {return Pof;}
int *GetPex(void) {return Pex;}
bool IsSorted(void) {return Srtd;}
void FreeIndex(void) {PlgDBfree(Index);}
// Methods
virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, FILE *f, uint n);
virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, char *ps, uint z);
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g) = 0;
virtual bool Make(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF sxp) = 0;
#if defined(XMAP)
virtual bool MapInit(PGLOBAL g) = 0;
#endif // XMAP
virtual int MaxRange(void) {return 1;}
virtual int Fetch(PGLOBAL g) = 0;
virtual bool NextVal(bool eq) {return true;}
virtual bool PrevVal(void) {return true;}
virtual int FastFind(int nk) = 0;
virtual bool Reorder(PGLOBAL g) {return true;}
virtual int Range(PGLOBAL g, int limit = 0, bool incl = true)
{return -1;} // Means error
virtual int Qcompare(int *, int *) = 0;
virtual int GroupSize(void) {return 1;}
virtual void Close(void) = 0;
// Members
PTDBASE Tbxp; // Points to calling table TDB
PXCOL To_KeyCol; // To KeyCol class list
MBLOCK Record; // Record allocation block
int* &To_Rec; // We are using ftell, fseek
int Cur_K; // Index of current record
int Old_K; // Index of last record
int Num_K; // Size of Rec_K pointer array
int Ndif; // Number of distinct values
int Bot; // Bottom of research index
int Top; // Top of research index
int Inf, Sup; // Used for block optimization
OPVAL Op; // Search operator
bool Mul; // true if multiple
bool Srtd; // true for sorted column
bool Dynamic; // true when dynamically made
int Val_K; // Index of current value
int Nblk; // Number of blocks
int Sblk; // Block size
int Thresh; // Thresh for sorting join indexes
int ID; // Index ID number
int Nth; // Nth constant to fetch
}; // end of class XXBASE
/* This is the standard (multicolumn) Index class declaration. */
class DllExport XINDEX : public XXBASE {
friend class KXYCOL;
// Constructor
PCOL *cp, PXOB *xp = NULL, int k = 0);
// Implementation
virtual IDT GetType(void) {return TYPE_IDX_INDX;}
virtual bool IsMul(void) {return (Nval < Nk) ? true : Mul;}
virtual bool HaveSame(void) {return Op == OP_SAME;}
virtual int GetCurPos(void) {return (Pex) ? Pex[Cur_K] : Cur_K;}
virtual void SetNval(int n) {Nval = n;}
int GetMaxSame(void) {return MaxSame;}
// Methods
virtual void Reset(void);
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g);
#if defined(XMAP)
virtual bool MapInit(PGLOBAL g);
#endif // XMAP
virtual int Qcompare(int *, int *);
virtual int Fetch(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int FastFind(int nk);
virtual int GroupSize(void);
virtual int Range(PGLOBAL g, int limit = 0, bool incl = true);
virtual int MaxRange(void) {return MaxSame;}
virtual int ColMaxSame(PXCOL kp);
virtual void Close(void);
virtual bool NextVal(bool eq);
virtual bool PrevVal(void);
virtual bool Make(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF sxp);
virtual bool SaveIndex(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF sxp);
virtual bool Reorder(PGLOBAL g);
bool GetAllSizes(PGLOBAL g,/* int &ndif,*/ int &numk);
bool AddColumns(PIXDEF xdp);
bool NextValDif(void);
// Members
PIXDEF Xdp; // To index definition
PTDBDOS Tdbp; // Points to calling table TDB
PXLOAD X; // To XLOAD class
PXCOL To_LastCol; // To the last key part block
PXCOL To_LastVal; // To the last used key part block
PCOL *To_Cols; // To array of indexed columns
PXOB *To_Vals; // To array of column values
int Nk; // The number of indexed columns
int Nval; // The number of used columns
int Incr; // Increment of record position
int MaxSame; // Max number of same values
}; // end of class XINDEX
/* This is the fast single column index class declaration. */
class DllExport XINDXS : public XINDEX {
friend class KXYCOL;
// Constructor
// Implementation
virtual void SetNval(int n) {assert(n == 1);}
// Methods
virtual int Qcompare(int *, int *);
virtual int Fetch(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int FastFind(int nk);
virtual bool NextVal(bool eq);
virtual bool PrevVal(void);
virtual int Range(PGLOBAL g, int limit = 0, bool incl = true);
virtual int GroupSize(void);
// Members
}; // end of class XINDXS
/* This is the saving/loading index utility base class. */
class DllExport XLOAD : public BLOCK {
friend class XINDEX;
friend class XBIGEX;
friend class XBIGXS;
// Constructor
// Methods
virtual bool Open(PGLOBAL g, char *filename, int id, MODE mode) = 0;
virtual bool Seek(PGLOBAL g, int low, int high, int origin) = 0;
virtual bool Read(PGLOBAL g, void *buf, int n, int size) = 0;
virtual int Write(PGLOBAL g, void *buf, int n,
int size, bool& rc) = 0;
virtual void Close(char *fn, int id) = 0;
virtual void Close(void);
#if defined(XMAP)
virtual void *FileView(PGLOBAL g, char *fn) = 0;
#endif // XMAP
// Members
#if defined(WIN32)
HANDLE Hfile; // Handle to file or map
#else // UNIX
int Hfile; // Descriptor to file or map
#endif // UNIX
IOFF NewOff; // New offset
}; // end of class XLOAD
/* This is the saving/loading indexes utility class. */
class DllExport XFILE : public XLOAD {
// Constructor
// Methods
virtual bool Open(PGLOBAL g, char *filename, int id, MODE mode);
virtual bool Seek(PGLOBAL g, int low, int high, int origin);
virtual bool Read(PGLOBAL g, void *buf, int n, int size);
virtual int Write(PGLOBAL g, void *buf, int n, int size, bool& rc);
virtual void Close(char *fn, int id);
virtual void Close(void);
#if defined(XMAP)
virtual void *FileView(PGLOBAL g, char *fn);
#endif // XMAP
// Members
FILE *Xfile; // Index stream file
#if defined(XMAP)
MMP Mmp; // Mapped view base address and length
#endif // XMAP
}; // end of class XFILE
/* This is the saving/loading huge indexes utility class. */
class DllExport XHUGE : public XLOAD {
// Constructor
XHUGE(void) : XLOAD() {}
// Methods
virtual bool Open(PGLOBAL g, char *filename, int id, MODE mode);
virtual bool Seek(PGLOBAL g, int low, int high, int origin);
virtual bool Read(PGLOBAL g, void *buf, int n, int size);
virtual int Write(PGLOBAL g, void *buf, int n, int size, bool& rc);
virtual void Close(char *fn, int id);
#if defined(XMAP)
virtual void *FileView(PGLOBAL g, char *fn);
#endif // XMAP
// Members
}; // end of class XHUGE
/* This is the XDB index for columns containing ROWID values. */
class DllExport XXROW : public XXBASE {
friend class KXYCOL;
// Constructor
// Implementation
virtual IDT GetType(void) {return TYPE_IDX_XROW;}
virtual void Reset(void);
// Methods
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g);
#if defined(XMAP)
virtual bool MapInit(PGLOBAL g) {return true;}
#endif // XMAP
virtual int Fetch(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int FastFind(int nk);
virtual int MaxRange(void) {return 1;}
virtual int Range(PGLOBAL g, int limit = 0, bool incl = true);
virtual int Qcompare(int *, int *) {assert(false); return 0;}
virtual bool Make(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF sxp) {return false;}
virtual void Close(void) {}
// Members
PTDBDOS Tdbp; // Points to calling table TDB
PVAL Valp; // The value to match in index
}; // end of class XXROW
/* Definition of class KXYCOL used to store values of indexed columns */
class KXYCOL: public BLOCK {
friend class INDEXDEF;
friend class XINDEX;
friend class XINDXS;
friend class XBIGEX;
friend class XBIGXS;
friend class TDBDOS;
// Constructors
// Implementation
int GetType(void) {return Type;}
void SetValue(PCOL colp, int i);
// Methods
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int n, bool sm, int kln);
virtual bool InitFind(PGLOBAL g, PXOB xp);
virtual void ReAlloc(PGLOBAL g, int n);
virtual void FreeData(void);
virtual void FillValue(PVAL valp);
virtual int CompVal(int i);
void InitBinFind(void *vp);
bool MakeBlockArray(PGLOBAL g, int nb, int size);
int Compare(int i1, int i2);
int CompBval(int i);
void Save(int i) {Valp->SetBinValue(Kblp->GetValPtr(i));}
void Restore(int j) {Kblp->SetValue(Valp, j);}
void Move(int j, int k) {Kblp->Move(k, j);}
// Specific functions
#if defined(XMAP)
BYTE *MapInit(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int *n, BYTE *m);
#endif // XMAP
int *MakeOffset(PGLOBAL g, int n);
// Members
PXCOL Next; // To next in the key part list
PXCOL Previous; // To previous in the key part list
PKXBASE Kxp; // To the INDEX class block
PCOL Colp; // To matching object if a column
bool IsSorted; // true if column is already sorted
bool Asc; // true for ascending sort, false for Desc
MBLOCK Keys; // Data array allocation block
void* &To_Keys; // To data array
PVBLK Kblp; // To Valblock of the data array
MBLOCK Bkeys; // Block array allocation block
void* &To_Bkeys; // To block array
PVBLK Blkp; // To Valblock of the block array
PVAL Valp; // Value use by Find
int Klen; // Length of character string or num value
int Kprec; // The Value(s) precision or CI
int Type; // The Value(s) type
bool Prefix; // Key on CHAR column prefix
MBLOCK Koff; // Offset allocation block
CPINT &Kof; // Reference to offset array
int Val_K; // Index of current column value
int Ndf; // Number of stored values
int Mxs; // Max same for this column
}; // end of class KXYCOL
#endif // __XINDEX_H__