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synced 2025-01-16 12:02:42 +01:00
Adjust test after fixing the C/C. On Windows, use --host= to fake "insecure" transport with TCP connection for test purposes. is loopback address, that can be used instead of usual Unfortunately, this technique does not work on all *nixes the same, notably neither on BSDs nor Solaris. Thus default --host=localhost remains "insecure" transport,when TCP is used. but it is not that critical, the "self-signed" is not nearly as annoying on *nixes as it is on Windows.
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38 lines
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# MDEV-7937: Enforce SSL when --ssl client option is used
source include/have_ssl_crypto_functs.inc;
# create a procedure instead of SHOW STATUS LIKE 'ssl_cipher'
# because the cipher depends on openssl (or yassl) version,
# and it's actual value doesn't matter here anyway
create procedure have_ssl()
select if(variable_value > '','yes','no') as 'have_ssl'
from information_schema.session_status
where variable_name='ssl_cipher';
--echo mysql --ssl-ca=cacert.pem -e "call test.have_ssl()"
--exec $MYSQL --protocol tcp --ssl-ca=$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/cacert.pem -e "call test.have_ssl()" 2>&1
--echo mysql --ssl -e "call test.have_ssl()"
--exec $MYSQL --protocol tcp --ssl -e "call test.have_ssl()" 2>&1
--echo mysql --ssl-ca=cacert.pem --ssl-verify-server-cert -e "call test.have_ssl()"
--exec $MYSQL --protocol tcp --ssl-ca=$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/cacert.pem --ssl-verify-server-cert -e "call test.have_ssl()" 2>&1
let $is_win = `select convert(@@version_compile_os using latin1) IN ("Win32","Win64","Windows")`;
let $host=;
let $host=--host=;
--echo mysql --ssl --ssl-verify-server-cert -e "call test.have_ssl()"
--replace_regex /TLS\/SSL error.*certificate[^\n]*/TLS\/SSL error: Failed to verify the server certificate/
--exec $MYSQL --protocol tcp $host --ssl --ssl-verify-server-cert -e "call test.have_ssl()" 2>&1
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-27105 --ssl option set as default for mariadb CLI
--echo #
--echo mysql -e "call test.have_ssl()"
--exec $MYSQL -e "call test.have_ssl()"
drop procedure have_ssl;