unknown 8a9422bd2a Made FUNCTIONs work in insert and select queries, as well as nested function invocations.
Had to add a cahing mechanism which is in parts an ugly kludge, but it will be
reworked once the real SP caching is implemented.

  New function tests.
  New function tests.
  Big rehack of mysql.proc table usage strategy and adding a function cache
  mechanism, since we need to read used functions from the db before doing anything else
  when executing a query. (This cache is temporary and will probably be replaced by
  the real thing later.)
  New (temporary) FUNCTION caching functions.
  Fixed some bugs in the function and procedure execution.
  Disabled some data collections that's not used at the moment.
  Fixed some bugs in the function and procedure execution.
  Disabled some data collections that's not used at the moment.
  Added SP function cache list to thd.
  Added SP function name list to lex.
  Added SP function name list to lex.
  Read used FUNCTIONs from db and cache them in thd before doing anything else
  in a query execution. (This is necessary since we can't open mysql.proc during
  query execution.)
  Collect used function names in lex.
2003-03-02 19:17:41 +01:00

518 lines
10 KiB

# Basic stored PROCEDURE tests
use test;
drop table if exists t1;
drop table if exists t2;
create table t1 (
id char(16) not null,
data int not null
create table t2 (
s char(16) not null,
i int not null,
d double not null
# Single statement, no params.
create procedure foo42()
insert into test.t1 values ("foo", 42);
call foo42();
select * from t1;
delete from t1;
drop procedure foo42;
# Single statement, two IN params.
create procedure bar(x char(16), y int)
insert into test.t1 values (x, y);
call bar("bar", 666);
select * from t1;
delete from t1;
# Don't drop procedure yet...
# Now for multiple statements...
delimiter |;
# Two statements.
create procedure two(x1 char(16), x2 char(16), y int)
insert into test.t1 values (x1, y);
insert into test.t1 values (x2, y);
call two("one", "two", 3)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure two|
# Simple test of local variables and SET.
create procedure locset(x char(16), y int)
declare z1, z2 int;
set z1 = y;
set z2 = z1+2;
insert into test.t1 values (x, z2);
call locset("locset", 19)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure locset|
# The peculiar (non-standard) mixture of variables types in SET.
create procedure mixset(x char(16), y int)
declare z int;
set @z = y, z = 666, max_join_size = 100;
insert into test.t1 values (x, z);
call mixset("mixset", 19)|
show variables like 'max_join_size'|
select id,data,@z from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure mixset|
# Multiple CALL statements, one with OUT parameter.
create procedure zip(x char(16), y int)
declare z int;
call zap(y, z);
call bar(x, z);
# SET local variables and OUT parameter.
create procedure zap(x int, out y int)
declare z int;
set z = x+1, y = z;
call zip("zip", 99)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure zip|
drop procedure zap|
drop procedure bar|
# INOUT test
create procedure iotest(x1 char(16), x2 char(16), y int)
call inc2(x2, y);
insert into test.t1 values (x1, y);
create procedure inc2(x char(16), y int)
call inc(y);
insert into test.t1 values (x, y);
create procedure inc(inout io int)
set io = io + 1|
call iotest("io1", "io2", 1)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure iotest|
drop procedure inc2|
drop procedure inc|
# Call-by-value test
# The expected result is:
# ("cbv2", 4)
# ("cbv1", 4711)
create procedure cbv1()
declare y int;
set y = 3;
call cbv2(y+1, y);
insert into test.t1 values ("cbv1", y);
create procedure cbv2(y1 int, inout y2 int)
set y2 = 4711;
insert into test.t1 values ("cbv2", y1);
call cbv1()|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure cbv1|
drop procedure cbv2|
# Basic tests of the flow control constructs
# Just test on 'x'...
create procedure a0(x int)
while x do
set x = x-1;
insert into test.t1 values ("a0", x);
end while|
call a0(3)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure a0|
# The same, but with a more traditional test.
create procedure a(x int)
while x > 0 do
set x = x-1;
insert into test.t1 values ("a", x);
end while|
call a(3)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure a|
create procedure b(x int)
insert into test.t1 values (repeat("b",3), x);
set x = x-1;
until x = 0 end repeat|
call b(3)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure b|
# Check that repeat isn't parsed the wrong way
create procedure b2(x int)
repeat(select 1 into outfile 'b2');
insert into test.t1 values (repeat("b2",3), x);
set x = x-1;
until x = 0 end repeat|
# We don't actually want to call it.
drop procedure b2|
# Btw, this should generate an error (for now; this might change in the future)
--error 1259
create procedure b3(x int)
select * from test.t1; # No INTO!
insert into test.t1 values (repeat("b3",3), x);
set x = x-1;
until x = 0 end repeat|
# Labelled WHILE with ITERATE (pointless really)
create procedure c(x int)
hmm: while x > 0 do
insert into test.t1 values ("c", x);
set x = x-1;
iterate hmm;
insert into test.t1 values ("x", x);
end while hmm|
call c(3)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure c|
# Labelled WHILE with LEAVE
create procedure d(x int)
hmm: while x > 0 do
insert into test.t1 values ("d", x);
set x = x-1;
leave hmm;
insert into test.t1 values ("x", x);
end while hmm|
call d(3)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure d|
# LOOP, with simple IF statement
create procedure e(x int)
foo: loop
if x = 0 then
leave foo;
end if;
insert into test.t1 values ("e", x);
set x = x-1;
end loop foo|
call e(3)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure e|
# A full IF statement
create procedure f(x int)
if x < 0 then
insert into test.t1 values ("f", 0);
elseif x = 0 then
insert into test.t1 values ("f", 1);
insert into test.t1 values ("f", 2);
end if|
call f(-2)|
call f(0)|
call f(4)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure f|
# This form of CASE is really just syntactic sugar for IF-ELSEIF-...
create procedure g(x int)
when x < 0 then
insert into test.t1 values ("g", 0);
when x = 0 then
insert into test.t1 values ("g", 1);
insert into test.t1 values ("g", 2);
end case|
call g(-42)|
call g(0)|
call g(1)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure g|
# The "simple CASE"
create procedure h(x int)
case x
when 0 then
insert into test.t1 values ("h0", x);
when 1 then
insert into test.t1 values ("h1", x);
insert into test.t1 values ("h?", x);
end case|
call h(0)|
call h(1)|
call h(17)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure h|
# A "real" procedure example
drop table if exists fac|
create table fac (n int unsigned not null primary key, f bigint unsigned)|
create procedure ifac(n int unsigned)
declare i int unsigned;
set i = 1;
if n > 20 then
set n = 20;
end if;
while i <= n do
declare f bigint unsigned;
set f = 0; # Temp. fix, this should not be needed in the future.
call fac(i, f);
insert into test.fac values (i, f);
set i = i + 1;
end while;
create procedure fac(n int unsigned, out f bigint unsigned)
set f = 1;
while n > 1 do
set f = f * n;
set n = n - 1;
end while;
call ifac(20)|
select * from fac|
drop table fac|
drop procedure ifac|
drop procedure fac|
# SELECT INTO local variables
create procedure into_test(x char(16), y int)
insert into test.t1 values (x, y);
select id,data into x,y from test.t1 limit 1;
insert into test.t1 values (concat(x, "2"), y+2);
call into_test("into", 100)|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure into_test|
# SELECT INTO with a mix of local and global variables
create procedure into_test2(x char(16), y int)
insert into test.t1 values (x, y);
select id,data into x,@z from test.t1 limit 1;
insert into test.t1 values (concat(x, "2"), y+2);
call into_test2("into", 100)|
select id,data,@z from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure into_test2|
# These two (and the two procedures above) caused an assert() to fail in
# at some point.
create procedure into_outfile(x char(16), y int)
insert into test.t1 values (x, y);
select * into outfile "/tmp/spout" from test.t1;
insert into test.t1 values (concat(x, "2"), y+2);
system rm -f /tmp/spout|
call into_outfile("ofile", 1)|
system rm -f /tmp/spout|
delete from t1|
drop procedure into_outfile|
create procedure into_dumpfile(x char(16), y int)
insert into test.t1 values (x, y);
select * into dumpfile "/tmp/spdump" from test.t1 limit 1;
insert into test.t1 values (concat(x, "2"), y+2);
system rm -f /tmp/spdump|
call into_dumpfile("dfile", 1)|
system rm -f /tmp/spdump|
delete from t1|
drop procedure into_dumpfile|
create procedure create_select(x char(16), y int)
insert into test.t1 values (x, y);
create table test.t2 select * from test.t1;
insert into test.t2 values (concat(x, "2"), y+2);
# This doesn't work right now. It suffers from the same problem as the ones
# above, but the fix caused create.test to hang. :-(
#call create_select("cs", 90)|
#select * from t1, t2|
#delete from t1|
#drop table t2|
drop procedure create_select|
# Check that we get the right error, i.e. UDF declaration parses correctly,
# but doesn't exist.
# QQ This generates an error message containing a misleading errno which
# might vary between systems (it usually doesn't have anything to do with
# the actual failing dlopen()).
#--error 1126
#create function foo returns real soname ""|
# A minimal, constant FUNCTION.
create function e() returns double
return 2.7182818284590452354|
set @e = e()|
select e(), @e|
# A minimal function with one argument
create function inc(i int) returns int
return i+1|
select inc(1), inc(99), inc(-71)|
# A minimal function with two arguments
create function mul(x int, y int) returns int
return x*y|
select mul(1,1), mul(3,5), mul(4711, 666)|
# A minimal string function
create function append(s1 char(8), s2 char(8)) returns char(16)
return concat(s1, s2)|
select append("foo", "bar")|
# A function with flow control
create function fac(n int unsigned) returns bigint unsigned
declare f bigint unsigned;
set f = 1;
while n > 1 do
set f = f * n;
set n = n - 1;
end while;
return f;
select fac(1), fac(2), fac(5), fac(10)|
# Nested calls
create function fun(d double, i int, u int unsigned) returns double
return mul(inc(i), fac(u)) / e()|
select fun(2.3, 3, 5)|
# Various function calls in differen statements
insert into t2 values (append("xxx", "yyy"), mul(4,3), e())|
insert into t2 values (append("a", "b"), mul(2,mul(3,4)), fun(1.7, 4, 6))|
# These don't work yet.
select * from t2 where s = append("a", "b")|
select * from t2 where i = mul(4,3) or i = mul(mul(3,4),2)|
select * from t2 where d = e()|
select * from t2|
delete from t2|
drop function e|
drop function inc|
drop function mul|
drop function append|
drop function fac|
drop function fun|
delimiter ;|
drop table t1;
drop table t2;