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synced 2025-03-08 04:03:30 +01:00

1) BUG#25507 "multi-row insert delayed + auto increment causes duplicate key entries on slave" (two concurrrent connections doing multi-row INSERT DELAYED to insert into an auto_increment column, caused replication slave to stop with "duplicate key error" (and binlog was wrong), and BUG#26116 "If multi-row INSERT DELAYED has errors, statement-based binlogging breaks" (the binlog was not accounting for all rows inserted, or slave could stop). The fix is that: in statement-based binlogging, a multi-row INSERT DELAYED is silently converted to a non-delayed INSERT. This is supposed to not affect many 5.1 users as in 5.1, the default binlog format is "mixed", which does not have the bug (the bug is only with binlog_format=STATEMENT). We should document how the system delayed_insert thread decides of its binlog format (which is not modified by this patch): this decision is taken when the thread is created and holds until it is terminated (is not affected by any later change via SET GLOBAL BINLOG_FORMAT). It is also not affected by the binlog format of the connection which issues INSERT DELAYED (this binlog format does not affect how the row will be binlogged). If one wants to change the binlog format of its server with SET GLOBAL BINLOG_FORMAT, it should do FLUSH TABLES to be sure all delayed_insert threads terminate and thus new threads are created, taking into account the new format. 2) BUG#24432 "INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE skips auto_increment values". When in an INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, using an autoincrement column, we inserted some autogenerated values and also updated some rows, some autogenerated values were not used (for example, even if 10 was the largest autoinc value in the table at the start of the statement, 12 could be the first autogenerated value inserted by the statement, instead of 11). One autogenerated value was lost per updated row. Led to exhausting the range of the autoincrement column faster. Bug introduced by fix of BUG#20188; present since 5.0.24 and 5.1.12. This bug breaks replication from a pre-5.0.24/pre-5.1.12 master. But the present bugfix, as it makes INSERT ON DUP KEY UPDATE behave like pre-5.0.24/pre-5.1.12, breaks replication from a [5.0.24,5.0.34]/[5.1.12,5.1.15] master to a fixed (5.0.36/5.1.16) slave! To warn users against this when they upgrade their slave, as agreed with the support team, we add code for a fixed slave to detect that it is connected to a buggy master in a situation (INSERT ON DUP KEY UPDATE into autoinc column) likely to break replication, in which case it cannot replicate so stops and prints a message to the slave's error log and to SHOW SLAVE STATUS. For 5.0.36->[5.0.24,5.0.34] replication or 5.1.16->[5.1.12,5.1.15] replication we cannot warn as master does not know the slave's version (but we always recommended to users to have slave at least as new as master). As agreed with support, I have asked for an alert to be put into the MySQL Network Monitoring and Advisory Service. 3) note that I'll re-enable rpl_insert_id as soon as 5.1-rpl gets the changes from the main 5.1.
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# we run first in statement-based then in mixed binlogging
--source include/have_binlog_format_mixed_or_statement.inc
--source include/master-slave.inc
--source include/not_embedded.inc
--source include/not_windows.inc
connection master;
set @old_global_binlog_format = @@global.binlog_format;
let $binlog_format_statement=1;
set @@global.binlog_format = statement;
--source extra/rpl_tests/rpl_insert_delayed.test
let $binlog_format_statement=0;
set @@global.binlog_format = mixed;
--source extra/rpl_tests/rpl_insert_delayed.test
connection master;
set @@global.binlog_format = @old_global_binlog_format;