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* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
* Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
* Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
* $Id: db_int.src,v 11.42 2001/01/11 17:49:17 krinsky Exp $
#ifndef _DB_INTERNAL_H_
#define _DB_INTERNAL_H_
* General includes.
#include "db.h"
#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <varargs.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "queue.h"
#include "shqueue.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
* General purpose constants and macros.
#define UINT16_T_MAX 0xffff /* Maximum 16 bit unsigned. */
#define UINT32_T_MAX 0xffffffff /* Maximum 32 bit unsigned. */
#define MEGABYTE 1048576
#define GIGABYTE 1073741824
#define MS_PER_SEC 1000 /* Milliseconds in a second. */
#define USEC_PER_MS 1000 /* Microseconds in a millisecond. */
#define DB_MIN_PGSIZE 0x000200 /* Minimum page size (512). */
#define DB_MAX_PGSIZE 0x010000 /* Maximum page size (65536). */
#define RECNO_OOB 0 /* Illegal record number. */
* If we are unable to determine the underlying filesystem block size, use
* 8K on the grounds that most OS's use less than 8K for a VM page size.
#define DB_DEF_IOSIZE (8 * 1024)
* Aligning items to particular sizes or in pages or memory.
* db_align_t --
* Largest integral type, used to align structures in memory. We don't store
* floating point types in structures, so integral types should be sufficient
* (and we don't have to worry about systems that store floats in other than
* power-of-2 numbers of bytes). Additionally this fixes compiler that rewrite
* structure assignments and ANSI C memcpy calls to be in-line instructions
* that happen to require alignment. Note: this alignment isn't sufficient for
* mutexes, which depend on things like cache line alignment. Mutex alignment
* is handled separately, in mutex.h.
* db_alignp_t --
* Integral type that's the same size as a pointer. There are places where
* DB modifies pointers by discarding the bottom bits to guarantee alignment.
* We can't use db_align_t, it may be larger than the pointer, and compilers
* get upset about that. So far we haven't run on any machine where there
* isn't an integral type the same size as a pointer -- here's hoping.
/* Align an integer to a specific boundary. */
#undef ALIGN
#define ALIGN(value, bound) \
(((value) + (bound) - 1) & ~(((u_int)bound) - 1))
/* Align a pointer to a specific boundary. */
#undef ALIGNP
#define ALIGNP(value, bound) ALIGN((db_alignp_t)value, bound)
* There are several on-page structures that are declared to have a number of
* fields followed by a variable length array of items. The structure size
* without including the variable length array or the address of the first of
* those elements can be found using SSZ.
* This macro can also be used to find the offset of a structure element in a
* structure. This is used in various places to copy structure elements from
* unaligned memory references, e.g., pointers into a packed page.
* There are two versions because compilers object if you take the address of
* an array.
#undef SSZ
#define SSZ(name, field) ((int)&(((name *)0)->field))
#undef SSZA
#define SSZA(name, field) ((int)&(((name *)0)->field[0]))
* Print an address as a u_long (a u_long is the largest type we can print
* portably). Most 64-bit systems have made longs 64-bits, so this should
* work.
#define P_TO_ULONG(p) ((u_long)(db_alignp_t)(p))
/* Structure used to print flag values. */
typedef struct __fn {
u_int32_t mask; /* Flag value. */
const char *name; /* Flag name. */
} FN;
/* Set, clear and test flags. */
#define FLD_CLR(fld, f) (fld) &= ~(f)
#define FLD_ISSET(fld, f) ((fld) & (f))
#define FLD_SET(fld, f) (fld) |= (f)
#define F_CLR(p, f) (p)->flags &= ~(f)
#define F_ISSET(p, f) ((p)->flags & (f))
#define F_SET(p, f) (p)->flags |= (f)
#define LF_CLR(f) (flags &= ~(f))
#define LF_ISSET(f) (flags & (f))
#define LF_SET(f) (flags |= (f))
/* Display separator string. */
#undef DB_LINE
#define DB_LINE "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="
/* Unused, or not-used-yet variable. "Shut that bloody compiler up!" */
#define COMPQUIET(n, v) (n) = (v)
* Files.
* We use 1024 as the maximum path length. It's too hard to figure out what
* the real path length is, as it was traditionally stored in <sys/param.h>,
* and that file isn't always available.
#define MAXPATHLEN 1024
#define PATH_DOT "." /* Current working directory. */
#define PATH_SEPARATOR "/" /* Path separator character. */
* Flags understood by __os_open.
#define DB_OSO_CREATE 0x001 /* POSIX: O_CREAT */
#define DB_OSO_EXCL 0x002 /* POSIX: O_EXCL */
#define DB_OSO_LOG 0x004 /* Opening a log file. */
#define DB_OSO_RDONLY 0x008 /* POSIX: O_RDONLY */
#define DB_OSO_REGION 0x010 /* Opening a region file. */
#define DB_OSO_SEQ 0x020 /* Expected sequential access. */
#define DB_OSO_TEMP 0x040 /* Remove after last close. */
#define DB_OSO_TRUNC 0x080 /* POSIX: O_TRUNC */
* Seek options understood by __os_seek.
typedef enum {
* Environment.
/* Type passed to __db_appname(). */
typedef enum {
DB_APP_NONE=0, /* No type (region). */
DB_APP_DATA, /* Data file. */
DB_APP_LOG, /* Log file. */
DB_APP_TMP /* Temporary file. */
* CDB_LOCKING CDB product locking.
* LOCKING_ON Locking has been configured.
* LOGGING_ON Logging has been configured.
* MPOOL_ON Memory pool has been configured.
* TXN_ON Transactions have been configured.
#define CDB_LOCKING(dbenv) F_ISSET(dbenv, DB_ENV_CDB)
#define LOCKING_ON(dbenv) ((dbenv)->lk_handle != NULL)
#define LOGGING_ON(dbenv) ((dbenv)->lg_handle != NULL)
#define MPOOL_ON(dbenv) ((dbenv)->mp_handle != NULL)
#define TXN_ON(dbenv) ((dbenv)->tx_handle != NULL)
* STD_LOCKING Standard locking, that is, locking was configured and CDB
* was not. We do not do locking in off-page duplicate trees,
* so we check for that in the cursor first.
#define STD_LOCKING(dbc) \
(!F_ISSET(dbc, DBC_OPD) && \
!CDB_LOCKING((dbc)->dbp->dbenv) && LOCKING_ON((dbc)->dbp->dbenv))
* IS_RECOVERING The system is running recovery.
#define IS_RECOVERING(dbenv) \
(LOGGING_ON(dbenv) && \
F_ISSET((DB_LOG *)(dbenv)->lg_handle, DBLOG_RECOVER))
/* Most initialization methods cannot be called after open is called. */
#define ENV_ILLEGAL_AFTER_OPEN(dbenv, name) \
if (F_ISSET((dbenv), DB_ENV_OPEN_CALLED)) \
return (__db_mi_open(dbenv, name, 1));
/* We're not actually user hostile, honest. */
#define ENV_REQUIRES_CONFIG(dbenv, handle, subsystem) \
if (handle == NULL) \
return (__db_env_config(dbenv, subsystem));
* Database Access Methods.
* The database handle is free-threaded (was opened with DB_THREAD).
#define DB_IS_THREADED(dbp) \
((dbp)->mutexp != NULL)
/* Initialization methods are often illegal before/after open is called. */
#define DB_ILLEGAL_AFTER_OPEN(dbp, name) \
if (F_ISSET((dbp), DB_OPEN_CALLED)) \
return (__db_mi_open(dbp->dbenv, name, 1));
#define DB_ILLEGAL_BEFORE_OPEN(dbp, name) \
if (!F_ISSET((dbp), DB_OPEN_CALLED)) \
return (__db_mi_open(dbp->dbenv, name, 0));
/* Some initialization methods are illegal if environment isn't local. */
#define DB_ILLEGAL_IN_ENV(dbp, name) \
if (!F_ISSET(dbp->dbenv, DB_ENV_DBLOCAL)) \
return (__db_mi_env(dbp->dbenv, name));
#define DB_ILLEGAL_METHOD(dbp, flags) { \
int __ret; \
if ((__ret = __dbh_am_chk(dbp, flags)) != 0) \
return (__ret); \
* Common DBC->internal fields. Each access method adds additional fields
* to this list, but the initial fields are common.
#define __DBC_INTERNAL \
DBC *opd; /* Off-page duplicate cursor. */\
void *page; /* Referenced page. */ \
db_pgno_t root; /* Tree root. */ \
db_pgno_t pgno; /* Referenced page number. */ \
db_indx_t indx; /* Referenced key item index. */\
DB_LOCK lock; /* Cursor lock. */ \
db_lockmode_t lock_mode; /* Lock mode. */
struct __dbc_internal {
* Access-method-common macro for determining whether a cursor
* has been initialized.
#define IS_INITIALIZED(dbc) ((dbc)->internal->pgno != PGNO_INVALID)
* Mpool.
* File types for DB access methods. Negative numbers are reserved to DB.
#define DB_FTYPE_SET -1 /* Call pgin/pgout functions. */
#define DB_FTYPE_NOTSET 0 /* Don't call... */
/* Structure used as the DB pgin/pgout pgcookie. */
typedef struct __dbpginfo {
size_t db_pagesize; /* Underlying page size. */
int needswap; /* If swapping required. */
* Log.
/* Initialize an LSN to 'zero'. */
#define ZERO_LSN(LSN) do { \
(LSN).file = 0; \
(LSN).offset = 0; \
} while (0)
/* Return 1 if LSN is a 'zero' lsn, otherwise return 0. */
#define IS_ZERO_LSN(LSN) ((LSN).file == 0)
/* Test if we need to log a change. */
#define DB_LOGGING(dbc) \
(LOGGING_ON((dbc)->dbp->dbenv) && !F_ISSET(dbc, DBC_RECOVER))
/* Internal flag for use with internal __log_unregister. */
#define DB_LOGONLY 0x01
* Txn.
#define DB_NONBLOCK(C) ((C)->txn != NULL && F_ISSET((C)->txn, TXN_NOWAIT))
#define IS_SUBTRANSACTION(txn) \
((txn) != NULL && (txn)->parent != NULL)
* Global variables.
#include "semLib.h"
* DB global variables. Done in a single structure to minimize the name-space
* pollution.
typedef struct __db_globals {
u_int32_t db_pageyield; /* db_set_pageyield */
u_int32_t db_panic; /* db_set_panic */
u_int32_t db_region_init; /* db_set_region_init */
u_int32_t db_tas_spins; /* db_set_tas_spins */
u_int32_t db_global_init; /* VxWorks: inited */
SEM_ID db_global_lock; /* VxWorks: global semaphore */
/* XA: list of opened environments. */
TAILQ_HEAD(__db_envq, __db_env) db_envq;
DB_GLOBALS __db_global_values = {
0, /* db_set_pageyield */
1, /* db_set_panic */
0, /* db_set_region_init */
0, /* db_set_tas_spins */
0, /* db_global_init */
NULL, /* db_global_lock */
/* XA environment queue */
{NULL, &__db_global_values.db_envq.tqh_first}
extern DB_GLOBALS __db_global_values;
#define DB_GLOBAL(v) __db_global_values.v
/* Forward structure declarations. */
struct __db_reginfo_t; typedef struct __db_reginfo_t REGINFO;
struct __mutex_t; typedef struct __mutex_t MUTEX;
struct __vrfy_childinfo; typedef struct __vrfy_childinfo VRFY_CHILDINFO;
struct __vrfy_dbinfo; typedef struct __vrfy_dbinfo VRFY_DBINFO;
struct __vrfy_pageinfo; typedef struct __vrfy_pageinfo VRFY_PAGEINFO;
struct __db_txnlist; typedef struct __db_txnlist DB_TXNLIST;
struct __db_txnhead; typedef struct __db_txnhead DB_TXNHEAD;
typedef enum {
} db_txnlist_type;
* Currently, region offsets are limited to 32-bits. I expect that's going
* to have to be fixed in the not-too-distant future, since we won't want to
* split 100Gb memory pools into that many different regions. It's typedef'd
* so it won't be too painful to upgrade.
typedef u_int32_t roff_t;
#if defined(__cplusplus)
* More general includes.
#include "debug.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "region.h"
#include "mutex_ext.h"
#include "env_ext.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "os_ext.h"
#include "common_ext.h"
#endif /* !_DB_INTERNAL_H_ */