mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 11:13:09 +01:00

Problem: ======== During checkpoint, we are writing all MLOG_FILE_NAME records in one mtr and parse buffer can't be processed till MLOG_MULTI_REC_END. Eventually parse buffer exceeds the RECV_PARSING_BUF_SIZE and eventually it overflows. Fix: === 1) Break the large mtr if it exceeds LOG_CHECKPOINT_FREE_PER_THREAD into multiple mtr during checkpoint. 2) Move the parsing buffer if we are encountering only MLOG_FILE_NAME records. So that it will never exceed the RECV_PARSING_BUF_SIZE. Reviewed-by: Debarun Bannerjee <debarun.bannerjee@oracle.com> Reviewed-by: Rahul M Malik <rahul.m.malik@oracle.com> RB: 14743
621 lines
17 KiB
621 lines
17 KiB
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@file include/mtr0mtr.h
Mini-transaction buffer
Created 11/26/1995 Heikki Tuuri
#ifndef mtr0mtr_h
#define mtr0mtr_h
#include "univ.i"
#include "log0types.h"
#include "mtr0types.h"
#include "buf0types.h"
#include "trx0types.h"
#include "dyn0buf.h"
/** Start a mini-transaction. */
#define mtr_start(m) (m)->start()
/** Start a mini-transaction. */
#define mtr_start_trx(m, t) (m)->start((t))
/** Start a synchronous mini-transaction */
#define mtr_start_sync(m) (m)->start(true)
/** Start an asynchronous read-only mini-transaction */
#define mtr_start_ro(m) (m)->start(true, true)
/** Commit a mini-transaction. */
#define mtr_commit(m) (m)->commit()
/** Set and return a savepoint in mtr.
@return savepoint */
#define mtr_set_savepoint(m) (m)->get_savepoint()
/** Release the (index tree) s-latch stored in an mtr memo after a
savepoint. */
#define mtr_release_s_latch_at_savepoint(m, s, l) \
(m)->release_s_latch_at_savepoint((s), (l))
/** Get the logging mode of a mini-transaction.
@return logging mode: MTR_LOG_NONE, ... */
#define mtr_get_log_mode(m) (m)->get_log_mode()
/** Change the logging mode of a mini-transaction.
@return old mode */
#define mtr_set_log_mode(m, d) (m)->set_log_mode((d))
/** Get the flush observer of a mini-transaction.
@return flush observer object */
#define mtr_get_flush_observer(m) (m)->get_flush_observer()
/** Set the flush observer of a mini-transaction. */
#define mtr_set_flush_observer(m, d) (m)->set_flush_observer((d))
/** Read 1 - 4 bytes from a file page buffered in the buffer pool.
@return value read */
#define mtr_read_ulint(p, t, m) (m)->read_ulint((p), (t))
/** Release an object in the memo stack.
@return true if released */
#define mtr_memo_release(m, o, t) \
(m)->memo_release((o), (t))
/** Check if memo contains the given item. */
#define mtr_is_block_fix(m, o, t, table) mtr_memo_contains(m, o, t)
/** Check if memo contains the given page. */
#define mtr_is_page_fix(m, p, t, table) mtr_memo_contains_page(m, p, t)
/** Check if memo contains the given item.
@return TRUE if contains */
#define mtr_memo_contains(m, o, t) \
(m)->memo_contains((m)->get_memo(), (o), (t))
/** Check if memo contains the given page.
@return TRUE if contains */
#define mtr_memo_contains_page(m, p, t) \
(m)->memo_contains_page_flagged((p), (t))
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
/** Print info of an mtr handle. */
#define mtr_print(m) (m)->print()
/** Return the log object of a mini-transaction buffer.
@return log */
#define mtr_get_log(m) (m)->get_log()
/** Push an object to an mtr memo stack. */
#define mtr_memo_push(m, o, t) (m)->memo_push(o, t)
/** Lock an rw-lock in s-mode. */
#define mtr_s_lock(l, m) (m)->s_lock((l), __FILE__, __LINE__)
/** Lock an rw-lock in x-mode. */
#define mtr_x_lock(l, m) (m)->x_lock((l), __FILE__, __LINE__)
/** Lock a tablespace in x-mode. */
#define mtr_x_lock_space(s, m) (m)->x_lock_space((s), __FILE__, __LINE__)
/** Lock an rw-lock in sx-mode. */
#define mtr_sx_lock(l, m) (m)->sx_lock((l), __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define mtr_memo_contains_flagged(m, p, l) \
(m)->memo_contains_flagged((p), (l))
#define mtr_memo_contains_page_flagged(m, p, l) \
(m)->memo_contains_page_flagged((p), (l))
#define mtr_release_block_at_savepoint(m, s, b) \
(m)->release_block_at_savepoint((s), (b))
#define mtr_block_sx_latch_at_savepoint(m, s, b) \
(m)->sx_latch_at_savepoint((s), (b))
#define mtr_block_x_latch_at_savepoint(m, s, b) \
(m)->x_latch_at_savepoint((s), (b))
/** Check if a mini-transaction is dirtying a clean page.
@param b block being x-fixed
@return true if the mtr is dirtying a clean page. */
#define mtr_block_dirtied(b) mtr_t::is_block_dirtied((b))
/** Forward declaration of a tablespace object */
struct fil_space_t;
/** Append records to the system-wide redo log buffer.
@param[in] log redo log records */
const mtr_buf_t* log);
/** Mini-transaction memo stack slot. */
struct mtr_memo_slot_t {
/** pointer to the object */
void* object;
/** type of the stored object (MTR_MEMO_S_LOCK, ...) */
ulint type;
/** Mini-transaction handle and buffer */
struct mtr_t {
/** State variables of the mtr */
struct Impl {
/** memo stack for locks etc. */
mtr_buf_t m_memo;
/** mini-transaction log */
mtr_buf_t m_log;
/** true if mtr has made at least one buffer pool page dirty */
bool m_made_dirty;
/** true if inside ibuf changes */
bool m_inside_ibuf;
/** true if the mini-transaction modified buffer pool pages */
bool m_modifications;
/** Count of how many page initial log records have been
written to the mtr log */
ib_uint32_t m_n_log_recs;
/** specifies which operations should be logged; default
value MTR_LOG_ALL */
mtr_log_t m_log_mode;
/** Persistent user tablespace associated with the
mini-transaction, or 0 (TRX_SYS_SPACE) if none yet */
ulint m_user_space_id;
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
/** User tablespace that is being modified by the
mini-transaction */
fil_space_t* m_user_space;
/** Undo tablespace that is being modified by the
mini-transaction */
fil_space_t* m_undo_space;
/** System tablespace if it is being modified by the
mini-transaction */
fil_space_t* m_sys_space;
/** State of the transaction */
mtr_state_t m_state;
/** Flush Observer */
FlushObserver* m_flush_observer;
/** For checking corruption. */
ulint m_magic_n;
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
/** Owning mini-transaction */
mtr_t* m_mtr;
/* Transaction handle */
trx_t* m_trx;
m_impl.m_state = MTR_STATE_INIT;
~mtr_t() { }
/** Release the free extents that was reserved using
fsp_reserve_free_extents(). This is equivalent to calling
fil_space_release_free_extents(). This is intended for use
with index pages.
@param[in] n_reserved number of reserved extents */
void release_free_extents(ulint n_reserved);
/** Start a mini-transaction.
@param sync true if it is a synchronous mini-transaction
@param read_only true if read only mini-transaction */
void start(bool sync = true, bool read_only = false)
start(NULL, sync, read_only);
/** Start a mini-transaction.
@param sync true if it is a synchronous mini-transaction
@param read_only true if read only mini-transaction */
void start(trx_t* trx, bool sync = true, bool read_only = false);
/** @return whether this is an asynchronous mini-transaction. */
bool is_async() const
/** Request a future commit to be synchronous. */
void set_sync()
m_sync = true;
/** Commit the mini-transaction. */
void commit();
/** Commit a mini-transaction that did not modify any pages,
but generated some redo log on a higher level, such as
MLOG_FILE_NAME records and a MLOG_CHECKPOINT marker.
The caller must invoke log_mutex_enter() and log_mutex_exit().
This is to be used at log_checkpoint().
@param[in] checkpoint_lsn the LSN of the log checkpoint
@param[in] write_mlog_checkpoint Write MLOG_CHECKPOINT marker
if it is enabled. */
void commit_checkpoint(
lsn_t checkpoint_lsn,
bool write_mlog_checkpoint);
/** Return current size of the buffer.
@return savepoint */
ulint get_savepoint() const
ut_ad(m_impl.m_magic_n == MTR_MAGIC_N);
/** Release the (index tree) s-latch stored in an mtr memo after a
@param savepoint value returned by @see set_savepoint.
@param lock latch to release */
inline void release_s_latch_at_savepoint(
ulint savepoint,
rw_lock_t* lock);
/** Release the block in an mtr memo after a savepoint. */
inline void release_block_at_savepoint(
ulint savepoint,
buf_block_t* block);
/** SX-latch a not yet latched block after a savepoint. */
inline void sx_latch_at_savepoint(ulint savepoint, buf_block_t* block);
/** X-latch a not yet latched block after a savepoint. */
inline void x_latch_at_savepoint(ulint savepoint, buf_block_t* block);
/** Get the logging mode.
@return logging mode */
inline mtr_log_t get_log_mode() const
/** Change the logging mode.
@param mode logging mode
@return old mode */
inline mtr_log_t set_log_mode(mtr_log_t mode);
/** Note that the mini-transaction is modifying the system tablespace
(for example, for the change buffer or for undo logs)
@return the system tablespace */
fil_space_t* set_sys_modified()
if (!m_impl.m_sys_space) {
/** Copy the tablespaces associated with the mini-transaction
(needed for generating MLOG_FILE_NAME records)
@param[in] mtr mini-transaction that may modify
the same set of tablespaces as this one */
void set_spaces(const mtr_t& mtr)
ut_ad(m_impl.m_user_space_id == TRX_SYS_SPACE);
ut_d(m_impl.m_user_space_id = mtr.m_impl.m_user_space_id);
m_impl.m_user_space = mtr.m_impl.m_user_space;
m_impl.m_undo_space = mtr.m_impl.m_undo_space;
m_impl.m_sys_space = mtr.m_impl.m_sys_space;
/** Set the tablespace associated with the mini-transaction
(needed for generating a MLOG_FILE_NAME record)
@param[in] space_id user or system tablespace ID
@return the tablespace */
fil_space_t* set_named_space(ulint space_id)
ut_ad(m_impl.m_user_space_id == TRX_SYS_SPACE);
ut_d(m_impl.m_user_space_id = space_id);
if (space_id == TRX_SYS_SPACE) {
} else {
/** Set the tablespace associated with the mini-transaction
(needed for generating a MLOG_FILE_NAME record)
@param[in] space user or system tablespace */
void set_named_space(fil_space_t* space);
/** Check the tablespace associated with the mini-transaction
(needed for generating a MLOG_FILE_NAME record)
@param[in] space tablespace
@return whether the mini-transaction is associated with the space */
bool is_named_space(ulint space) const;
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
/** Read 1 - 4 bytes from a file page buffered in the buffer pool.
@param ptr pointer from where to read
@return value read */
inline ulint read_ulint(const byte* ptr, mlog_id_t type) const
/** Locks a rw-latch in S mode.
NOTE: use mtr_s_lock().
@param lock rw-lock
@param file file name from where called
@param line line number in file */
inline void s_lock(rw_lock_t* lock, const char* file, unsigned line);
/** Locks a rw-latch in X mode.
NOTE: use mtr_x_lock().
@param lock rw-lock
@param file file name from where called
@param line line number in file */
inline void x_lock(rw_lock_t* lock, const char* file, unsigned line);
/** Locks a rw-latch in X mode.
NOTE: use mtr_sx_lock().
@param lock rw-lock
@param file file name from where called
@param line line number in file */
inline void sx_lock(rw_lock_t* lock, const char* file, unsigned line);
/** Acquire a tablespace X-latch.
NOTE: use mtr_x_lock_space().
@param[in] space_id tablespace ID
@param[in] file file name from where called
@param[in] line line number in file
@return the tablespace object (never NULL) */
fil_space_t* x_lock_space(
ulint space_id,
const char* file,
unsigned line);
/** Release an object in the memo stack.
@param object object
@param type object type: MTR_MEMO_S_LOCK, ...
@return bool if lock released */
bool memo_release(const void* object, ulint type);
/** Release a page latch.
@param[in] ptr pointer to within a page frame
@param[in] type object type: MTR_MEMO_PAGE_X_FIX, ... */
void release_page(const void* ptr, mtr_memo_type_t type);
/** Note that the mini-transaction has modified data. */
void set_modified()
m_impl.m_modifications = true;
/** Set the state to not-modified. This will not log the
changes. This is only used during redo log apply, to avoid
logging the changes. */
void discard_modifications()
m_impl.m_modifications = false;
/** Get the LSN of commit().
@return the commit LSN
@retval 0 if the transaction only modified temporary tablespaces */
lsn_t commit_lsn() const
/** Note that we are inside the change buffer code. */
void enter_ibuf()
m_impl.m_inside_ibuf = true;
/** Note that we have exited from the change buffer code. */
void exit_ibuf()
m_impl.m_inside_ibuf = false;
/** @return true if we are inside the change buffer code */
bool is_inside_ibuf() const
@return true if the mini-transaction is active */
bool is_active() const
return(m_impl.m_state == MTR_STATE_ACTIVE);
/** Get flush observer
@return flush observer */
FlushObserver* get_flush_observer() const
/** Set flush observer
@param[in] observer flush observer */
void set_flush_observer(FlushObserver* observer)
ut_ad(observer == NULL
|| m_impl.m_log_mode == MTR_LOG_NO_REDO);
m_impl.m_flush_observer = observer;
/** Check if memo contains the given item.
@param memo memo stack
@param object, object to search
@param type type of object
@return true if contains */
static bool memo_contains(
const mtr_buf_t* memo,
const void* object,
ulint type)
/** Check if memo contains the given item.
@param object object to search
@param flags specify types of object (can be ORred) of
MTR_MEMO_PAGE_S_FIX ... values
@return true if contains */
bool memo_contains_flagged(const void* ptr, ulint flags) const;
/** Check if memo contains the given page.
@param[in] ptr pointer to within buffer frame
@param[in] flags specify types of object with OR of
@return the block
@retval NULL if not found */
buf_block_t* memo_contains_page_flagged(
const byte* ptr,
ulint flags) const;
/** Mark the given latched page as modified.
@param[in] ptr pointer to within buffer frame */
void memo_modify_page(const byte* ptr);
/** Print info of an mtr handle. */
void print() const;
/** @return true if the mini-transaction has committed */
bool has_committed() const
return(m_impl.m_state == MTR_STATE_COMMITTED);
/** @return true if the mini-transaction is committing */
bool is_committing() const
return(m_impl.m_state == MTR_STATE_COMMITTING);
/** @return true if mini-transaction contains modifications. */
bool has_modifications() const
/** @return the memo stack */
const mtr_buf_t* get_memo() const
/** @return the memo stack */
mtr_buf_t* get_memo()
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
/** @return true if a record was added to the mini-transaction */
bool is_dirty() const
/** Note that a record has been added to the log */
void added_rec()
/** Get the buffered redo log of this mini-transaction.
@return redo log */
const mtr_buf_t* get_log() const
ut_ad(m_impl.m_magic_n == MTR_MAGIC_N);
/** Get the buffered redo log of this mini-transaction.
@return redo log */
mtr_buf_t* get_log()
ut_ad(m_impl.m_magic_n == MTR_MAGIC_N);
/** Push an object to an mtr memo stack.
@param object object
@param type object type: MTR_MEMO_S_LOCK, ... */
inline void memo_push(void* object, mtr_memo_type_t type);
/** Check if this mini-transaction is dirtying a clean page.
@param block block being x-fixed
@return true if the mtr is dirtying a clean page. */
static bool is_block_dirtied(const buf_block_t* block)
/** Look up the system tablespace. */
void lookup_sys_space();
/** Look up the user tablespace.
@param[in] space_id tablespace ID */
void lookup_user_space(ulint space_id);
class Command;
friend class Command;
Impl m_impl;
/** LSN at commit time */
volatile lsn_t m_commit_lsn;
/** true if it is synchronous mini-transaction */
bool m_sync;
#include "mtr0mtr.ic"
#endif /* mtr0mtr_h */