unknown 14ac59744c Combined fix for
Bug#31481 test suite parts: Many tests fail because of changed server error codes
   Bug#31243 Test "partition_basic_myisam" truncates path names
+ minor cleanup

  - Blow column file_list up to VARBINARY(10000)
     = Fix for Bug#31243 Test "partition_basic_myisam" truncates path names
  - Minor cleanup
    = remove reference to fixed bugs #17455, #19305
  Adjust expected server error codes
  Adjust expected server error codes
  Minor cleanup
  = replace error numbers with error names
  Adjust expected server error codes
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
  Updated results
2007-10-10 22:03:10 +02:00

406 lines
18 KiB

# include/partition.pre #
# #
# Purpose: #
# Auxiliary script creating prerequisites needed by the partitioning tests #
# The name of the toplevel scripts sourcing this one is #
# t/partition_<feature>_<storage engine>.test #
# #
# Several parameters have to be set before this file is sourced. #
# Please refer to the README. #
# #
# The README for the partitioning testcases is at the end of this file. #
# #
# Original Author: mleich #
# Original Date: 2006-03-05 #
# Change Author: mleich #
# Change Date: 2007-10-08 #
# Change: Minor cleanup and fix for #
# Bug#31243 Test "partition_basic_myisam" truncates path names#
# - Blow column file_list up to VARBINARY(10000) #
# - remove reference to fixed bugs #17455, #19305 #
# Set the session storage engine
eval SET @@session.storage_engine = $engine;
##### Disabled/affected testcases, because of open bugs #####
--echo #------------------------------------------------------------------------
--echo # There are several testcases disabled because of the open bugs
--echo # #15890
if (`SELECT @@session.storage_engine IN('ndbcluster')`)
--echo # #18730, Bug#18735
--echo #------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Attention: Only bugs appearing in all storage engines should be mentioned above.
# The top level test wrapper (example: t/partition_basic_ndb.test)
# may set the $fixed_bug<nnnnn> variable to 0 after sourcing
# this file.
# Bug#15890 Partitions: Strange interpretation of partition number
let $fixed_bug15890= 0;
# Bug#18730: Partitions: NDB, crash on SELECT MIN(<unique column>)
# Attention: NDB testcases set this variable later to 0
let $fixed_bug18730= 1;
# Bug#18735: Partitions: NDB, UNIQUE INDEX, UPDATE, strange server response
# Attention: NDB testcases set this variable later to 0
let $fixed_bug18735= 1;
--echo #------------------------------------------------------------------------
--echo # 0. Setting of auxiliary variables + Creation of an auxiliary tables
--echo # needed in many testcases
--echo #------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the variable $no_debug depending on the current value of $debug;
eval SET @aux = $debug;
let $no_debug= `SELECT @aux = 0`;
if ($debug)
--echo # Attention: Script debugging is swiched on.
--echo # - all statements will be protocolled
--echo # - some additional will be executed
--echo # It is to be expected, that we get huge differences.
# Set the variable $engine_other to a storage engine <> $engine
eval SELECT UPPER($engine) = 'MEMORY' INTO @aux;
let $aux= `SELECT @aux`;
if ($aux)
let $engine_other= 'MyISAM';
if (!$aux)
let $engine_other= 'MEMORY';
# Numbers used for
# - partitioning Example: ... PARTITION part1 VALUES LESS THAN ($max_row_div2)
# - INSERT/SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE Example: ... WHERE f_int1 > @max_row_div3
let $max_row= `SELECT @max_row`;
SELECT @max_row DIV 2 INTO @max_row_div2;
let $max_row_div2= `SELECT @max_row_div2`;
SELECT @max_row DIV 3 INTO @max_row_div3;
let $max_row_div3= `SELECT @max_row_div3`;
SELECT @max_row DIV 4 INTO @max_row_div4;
let $max_row_div4= `SELECT @max_row_div4`;
SET @max_int_4 = 2147483647;
let $max_int_4= `SELECT @max_int_4`;
# Three insert statements used in many testcases.
let $insert_first_half= INSERT INTO t1(f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig)
SELECT f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig FROM t0_template
WHERE f_int1 BETWEEN 1 AND @max_row_div2 - 1;
let $insert_second_half= INSERT INTO t1(f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig)
SELECT f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig FROM t0_template
WHERE f_int1 BETWEEN @max_row_div2 AND @max_row;
let $insert_first_third= INSERT INTO t1(f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig)
SELECT f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig FROM t0_template
WHERE f_int1 BETWEEN 1 AND @max_row_div3 - 1;
let $insert_second_third= INSERT INTO t1(f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig)
SELECT f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig FROM t0_template
WHERE f_int1 BETWEEN @max_row_div3 AND 2 * @max_row_div3 - 1;
let $insert_third_third= INSERT INTO t1(f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig)
SELECT f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig FROM t0_template
WHERE f_int1 BETWEEN 2 * @max_row_div3 AND @max_row;
let $insert_all= INSERT INTO t1(f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig)
SELECT f_int1,f_int2,f_char1,f_char2,f_charbig FROM t0_template;
# Column list with definition for all tables to be checked
let $column_list= f_int1 INTEGER,
f_int2 INTEGER,
f_char1 CHAR(20),
f_char2 CHAR(20),
f_charbig VARCHAR(1000);
# Currently (April 2006) the default compiled NDB cannot manage
# no_of_partitions (no subpartitioning) > 8
# no_of_partitions * no_of_subpartitions > 8
# This NDB specific limitation will cause
# 1005: Can't create table 'test.t1' (errno: 1224)
# in partition_methods[1|2].inc and partition_alter_1[1|3].inc
# when $sub_part_no is set to >= 3.
let $sub_part_no= 3;
if (`SELECT @@session.storage_engine = 'ndbcluster'`)
let $sub_part_no= 2;
# Auxiliary table used for many experiments (INSERT INTO t1 ... SELECT ...)
# on the tables to be checked
eval CREATE TABLE t0_template (
$column_list ,
PRIMARY KEY(f_int1))
--echo # Logging of <max_row> INSERTs into t0_template suppressed
let $num= `SELECT @max_row`;
while ($num)
eval INSERT INTO t0_template
SET f_int1 = $num, f_int2 = $num, f_char1 = '$num', f_char2 = '$num',
f_charbig = '===$num===';
dec $num;
# Auxiliary table used for comparisons of table definitions and file lists
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t0_definition;
CREATE TABLE t0_definition (
state CHAR(3),
create_command VARBINARY(5000),
file_list VARBINARY(10000),
# Auxiliary table used for trigger experiments
eval CREATE TABLE t0_aux ( $column_list )
# Prevent that a change of defaults breaks the tests.
SET @@session.sql_mode= '';
--echo # End of basic preparations needed for all tests
--echo #-----------------------------------------------
if (0)
# README for the partioning tests (t/partition_<feature>_<engine>.test)
# ========================================================================
# 1. Explanation of the variables to be assigned in the top-level storage engine
# specific scripts
# Options, for mostly test(script+logic+result) debugging support:
# $debug= 0 (default)
# --> The protocolling of auxiliary stuff is suppressed.
# The file with expected results fits to this setting.
# $debug= 1
# --> All executed statements will be printed into the protocol.
# That means statements which
# - are most time of low interest and do auxiliary stuff
# like generating the next SQL statement to be executed
# - additional statements giving informations about table
# contents or the value of some variables
# You will get huge differences, because the file with the
# expected results was created with $debug = 0 .
# $with_partitioning= 1 (default)
# --> Do the test with really partitioned tables.
# $with_partitioning= 0
# --> Do not use partitioned tables. This means omit the
# statement. This setting has only an effect on tests where
# and/or are sourced.
# You will get differences when the CREATE TABLE statements
# and table related files are printed or testcases check
# partition borders, but most server responses and result
# sets should be usable as reference for the test with the
# partioned tables.
# Please make a run with $with_partitioning= 0, whenever
# - you do not trust the scripts (routines checking server codes/
# result sets)
# - fear that there is a new bug affecting partitioned and non
# partitioned tables
# Execute the test of "table" files
# $do_file_tests= 1 (default for
# - all storage engines within the extended QA test
# - only MyISAM within the main regression tests)
# --> Collect the file list and compare the file list before and after
# $do_file_tests= 0 (default for non MyISAM storage engines within the
# main regression tests)
# --> Do not collect the file list.
# There is a low probability that this tests detects bugs when used in
# connection with other storage engines.
# Option, for displaying files:
# $ls= 1 (default)
# --> Display the table related directory content via
# "ls $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/test/t1*"
# if these informations were collected.
# This is probably not portable to some OS.
# $ls= 0
# --> Omit displaying the directory
# Number of rows for the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT experiments
# on partitioned tables:
# @max_row is the number of rows which will be filled into the auxiliary
# MEMORY table t0_template. This table is used for INSERT ... SELECT
# experiments. The typical test table t1 contains most of the time
# about @max_row DIV 2 rows.
# Too small values of @max_row should be avoided, because some statements
# should affect several rows and partitions.
# Too big values of @max_row should be avoided, because of runtime issues.
# @max_row= 20 (default for the main regression tests)
# The file with expected results fits to this amount of rows.
# @max_row= 300 (default for extended QA test)
# --> Use <number rows>.
# There should be only a few systematic differences to the file
# with expected results, because most SQL statements use @max_row and
# variables like max_row_div2 instead of a constant with the actual
# number of rows.
# I assume a value of 300 rows should be
# Perform the variant with extended tests:
# $more_trigger_tests, $more_pk_ui_tests(PK=PRIMARY KEY,UI=UNIQUE INDEX),
# =0 (default for the main regression tests)
# - There is a very low probability, that the omitted tests reveal a
# bug which cannot be detected with the other tests.
# - Limiting the partitioning tests solves issues with runtime and
# protocol size.
# =1 (default for extended QA test)
# Perform PRIMARY KEY specific tests:
# $do_pk_tests= 0;
# --> Do not execute the PRIMARY KEY related tests.
# $do_pk_tests= 1 (default for extended QA test)
# --> Execute the PRIMARY KEY related tests.
# The default setting for the main regression tests depends on the
# storage engine. The PRIMARY KEY tests must be executed for every storage
# engine, where the existence of a PRIMARY KEY affects the kind how the
# table rows are stored.
# Examples for the main rgression tests:
# InnoDB - The PRIMARY KEY is a clustered index where the data for the
# rows are stored. $do_pk_tests= 1
# NDB - The PRIMARY KEY is used for implicit partitioning (NDB).
# $do_pk_tests= 1
# MyISAM - AFAIK there is no effect on the tree containing the rows.
# $do_pk_tests= 0
# Assign a big number smaller than the maximum value for partitions
# and smaller than the maximum value of SIGNED INTEGER
# The NDB handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUES
# 2147483647 seems to be too big.
# $MAX_VALUE= (2147483646);
# 2. Typical architecture of a test:
# 2.1. storage engine specific script on top level
# (t/partition_<feature>_<engine>.test)
# a) General not engine specific settings and requirements
# $debug, $ls, @max_row, $more_trigger_tests, .....
# --source include/
# b) Engine specific settings and requirements
# $do_pk_tests, $MAX_VALUE, $engine
# SET SESSION storage_engine
# $engine_other
# c) Generate the prerequisites ($variables, @variables, tables) needed
# via
# --source include/partition.pre
# d) Set "fixed_bug<number>" variables to 1 if there are open engine
# specific bugs which need worarounds.
# e) Execute the feature specific testscript via
# --source include/partition_<feature>.inc
# f) Perform a cleanup by removing all objects created within the tests
# --source include/
# 2.2. script generating the prerequisites needed in all tests
# (include/partition.pre)
# a) Message about open bugs causing that
# - some testcases are disabled
# - it cannot be avoided that the file with expected results suffers
# from open bugs
# This should not occur often !
# Example: There is extreme often an auxiliary testscript sourced,
# but the the conditions vary. We get under a certain combination
# of conditions a wrong result set or server response.
# b) Set "fixed_bug<number>" variables to 0 if there are open engine
# specific bugs. They are later set to 1 within the toplevel script.
# Set "fixed_bug<number>" variables to 1 if there are open NOT engine
# specific bugs.
# c) Setting of auxiliary variables
# d) Creation of auxiliary tables ....
# 3. script checking a feature
# (include/partition_<>.inc)
# Example:
# a) "set/compute" a CREATE TABLE t1 .. and an ALTER TABLE ... statement
# b) CREATE TABLE t1 ...
# c) INSERT INTO t1 (.....) SELECT .... FROM t0_template WHERE ...
# The first 50 % of all t0_template rows will be inserted into t1.
# e) INSERT INTO t1 (.....) SELECT .... FROM t0_template WHERE ...
# The second 50 % of all t0_template rows will be inserted into t1.
# Now t1 and t0_template should have the same content.
# f) Check the "usability" of the current table t1
# via
# --source include/partition_check.pre
# g) DROP TABLE t1
# Switch to other CREATE and ALTER statements and run sequence a)-g) again
# ...
# 4. script checking if a certain table shows the expected behaviour
# ("usability" check): include/
# - SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE affecting single and multiple records
# - check of values of special interest like NULL etc.
# - violations of UNIQUE constraints, if there are any defined
# - transactions ...
# - ...
# 3. How to analyze a partitioning bug revealed with these tests/ How to build
# a small replay script from the monstrous protocols ?
# a) crash -- use the file var/master-data/mysql/general_log.CSV
# b) no crash, but unexpected server response (there is no "reject file)
# -- use the file r/<testcase>.log
# Please be aware that the option $debug= 0 suppresses the
# protocolling of some queries.
# c) no crash, but unexpected result set
# -- use the file r/<testcase>.reject
# Please be aware that the option $debug= 0 suppresses the
# protocolling of some queries.
# In most cases you will find that the r/<testcase>.<log/reject> contains at
# least a line "# # check <something>: 0".
# That means that a check within include/partition_check did not got the
# expected result.
# A good start for a replay script would be
# 1. Copy t/partition_<feature>_<engine>.test to t/my_test.test
# 2. Edit t/my_test.test
# - set $debug to 1
# - replace the line
# "--source include/partition_<feature>.inc"
# with all statements between the last
# CREATE TABLE t1 statement (included this)
# and the line
# "# Start usability test (include/"
# - add the content of include/ at the end.
# Please excuse that the partitioning tests generate such huge protocols which
# and are not very handy when it comes to bug analysis. I tried to squeez out
# as much test coverage as possible by writing some hopefully smart routines
# and reusing them in various combinations.
# Matthias