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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1999-2002
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
# $Id: recd007.tcl,v 11.60 2002/08/08 15:38:07 bostic Exp $
# TEST recd007
# TEST File create/delete tests.
# TEST This is a recovery test for create/delete of databases. We have
# TEST hooks in the database so that we can abort the process at various
# TEST points and make sure that the transaction doesn't commit. We
# TEST then need to recover and make sure the file is correctly existing
# TEST or not, as the case may be.
proc recd007 { method args} {
global fixed_len
source ./include.tcl
set orig_fixed_len $fixed_len
set opts [convert_args $method $args]
set omethod [convert_method $method]
puts "Recd007: $method operation/transaction tests"
# Create the database and environment.
env_cleanup $testdir
set testfile recd007.db
set flags "-create -txn -home $testdir"
puts "\tRecd007.a: creating environment"
set env_cmd "berkdb_env $flags"
set env [eval $env_cmd]
# We need to create a database to get the pagesize (either
# the default or whatever might have been specified).
# Then remove it so we can compute fixed_len and create the
# real database.
set oflags "-create $omethod -mode 0644 -env $env $opts $testfile"
set db [eval {berkdb_open} $oflags]
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set stat [$db stat]
# Compute the fixed_len based on the pagesize being used.
# We want the fixed_len to be 1/4 the pagesize.
set pg [get_pagesize $stat]
error_check_bad get_pagesize $pg -1
set fixed_len [expr $pg / 4]
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
error_check_good dbremove [berkdb dbremove -env $env $testfile] 0
error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0
# Convert the args again because fixed_len is now real.
set opts [convert_args $method ""]
# List of recovery tests: {HOOKS MSG} pairs
# Where each HOOK is a list of {COPY ABORT}
set rlist {
{ {"none" "preopen"} "Recd007.b0: none/preopen"}
{ {"none" "postopen"} "Recd007.b1: none/postopen"}
{ {"none" "postlogmeta"} "Recd007.b2: none/postlogmeta"}
{ {"none" "postlog"} "Recd007.b3: none/postlog"}
{ {"none" "postsync"} "Recd007.b4: none/postsync"}
{ {"postopen" "none"} "Recd007.c0: postopen/none"}
{ {"postlogmeta" "none"} "Recd007.c1: postlogmeta/none"}
{ {"postlog" "none"} "Recd007.c2: postlog/none"}
{ {"postsync" "none"} "Recd007.c3: postsync/none"}
{ {"postopen" "postopen"} "Recd007.d: postopen/postopen"}
{ {"postopen" "postlogmeta"} "Recd007.e: postopen/postlogmeta"}
{ {"postopen" "postlog"} "Recd007.f: postopen/postlog"}
{ {"postlog" "postlog"} "Recd007.g: postlog/postlog"}
{ {"postlogmeta" "postlogmeta"} "Recd007.h: postlogmeta/postlogmeta"}
{ {"postlogmeta" "postlog"} "Recd007.i: postlogmeta/postlog"}
{ {"postlog" "postsync"} "Recd007.j: postlog/postsync"}
{ {"postsync" "postsync"} "Recd007.k: postsync/postsync"}
# These are all the data values that we're going to need to read
# through the operation table and run the recovery tests.
foreach pair $rlist {
set cmd [lindex $pair 0]
set msg [lindex $pair 1]
file_recover_create $testdir $env_cmd $omethod \
$opts $testfile $cmd $msg
set rlist {
{ {"none" "predestroy"} "Recd007.l0: none/predestroy"}
{ {"none" "postdestroy"} "Recd007.l1: none/postdestroy"}
{ {"predestroy" "none"} "Recd007.m0: predestroy/none"}
{ {"postdestroy" "none"} "Recd007.m1: postdestroy/none"}
{ {"predestroy" "predestroy"} "Recd007.n: predestroy/predestroy"}
{ {"predestroy" "postdestroy"} "Recd007.o: predestroy/postdestroy"}
{ {"postdestroy" "postdestroy"} "Recd007.p: postdestroy/postdestroy"}
foreach op { dbremove dbrename dbtruncate } {
foreach pair $rlist {
set cmd [lindex $pair 0]
set msg [lindex $pair 1]
file_recover_delete $testdir $env_cmd $omethod \
$opts $testfile $cmd $msg $op
if { $is_windows_test != 1 } {
set env_cmd "berkdb_env_noerr $flags"
do_file_recover_delmk $testdir $env_cmd $method $opts $testfile
puts "\tRecd007.r: Verify db_printlog can read logfile"
set tmpfile $testdir/printlog.out
set stat [catch {exec $util_path/db_printlog -h $testdir \
> $tmpfile} ret]
error_check_good db_printlog $stat 0
fileremove $tmpfile
proc file_recover_create { dir env_cmd method opts dbfile cmd msg } {
# We run this test on each of these scenarios:
# 1. Creating just a database
# 2. Creating a database with a subdb
# 3. Creating a 2nd subdb in a database
puts "\t$msg create with a database"
do_file_recover_create $dir $env_cmd $method $opts $dbfile \
0 $cmd $msg
if { [is_queue $method] == 1 } {
puts "\tSkipping subdatabase tests for method $method"
puts "\t$msg create with a database and subdb"
do_file_recover_create $dir $env_cmd $method $opts $dbfile \
1 $cmd $msg
puts "\t$msg create with a database and 2nd subdb"
do_file_recover_create $dir $env_cmd $method $opts $dbfile \
2 $cmd $msg
proc do_file_recover_create { dir env_cmd method opts dbfile sub cmd msg } {
global log_log_record_types
source ./include.tcl
# Keep track of the log types we've seen
if { $log_log_record_types == 1} {
logtrack_read $dir
env_cleanup $dir
set dflags "-dar"
# Open the environment and set the copy/abort locations
set env [eval $env_cmd]
set copy [lindex $cmd 0]
set abort [lindex $cmd 1]
error_check_good copy_location [is_valid_create_loc $copy] 1
error_check_good abort_location [is_valid_create_loc $abort] 1
if {([string first "logmeta" $copy] != -1 || \
[string first "logmeta" $abort] != -1) && \
[is_btree $method] == 0 } {
puts "\tSkipping for method $method"
$env test copy none
$env test abort none
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
# Basically non-existence is our initial state. When we
# abort, it is also our final state.
switch $sub {
0 {
set oflags "-create $method -auto_commit -mode 0644 \
-env $env $opts $dbfile"
1 {
set oflags "-create $method -auto_commit -mode 0644 \
-env $env $opts $dbfile sub0"
2 {
# If we are aborting here, then we need to
# create a first subdb, then create a second
set oflags "-create $method -auto_commit -mode 0644 \
-env $env $opts $dbfile sub0"
set db [eval {berkdb_open} $oflags]
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
set init_file $dir/$dbfile.init
catch { file copy -force $dir/$dbfile $init_file } res
set oflags "-create $method -auto_commit -mode 0644 \
-env $env $opts $dbfile sub1"
default {
puts "\tBad value $sub for sub"
# Set our locations to copy and abort
set ret [eval $env test copy $copy]
error_check_good test_copy $ret 0
set ret [eval $env test abort $abort]
error_check_good test_abort $ret 0
puts "\t\tExecuting command"
set ret [catch {eval {berkdb_open} $oflags} db]
# Sync the mpool so any changes to the file that are
# in mpool get written to the disk file before the
# diff.
$env mpool_sync
# If we don't abort, then we expect success.
# If we abort, we expect no file created.
if {[string first "none" $abort] == -1} {
# Operation was aborted, verify it does
# not exist.
puts "\t\tCommand executed and aborted."
error_check_bad db_open ret 0
# Check that the file does not exist. Final state.
if { $sub != 2 } {
error_check_good db_open:exists \
[file exists $dir/$dbfile] 0
} else {
error_check_good \
[dbdump_diff $dflags $init_file $dir $dbfile] 0
} else {
# Operation was committed, verify it exists.
puts "\t\tCommand executed and committed."
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
# Check that the file exists.
error_check_good db_open [file exists $dir/$dbfile] 1
set init_file $dir/$dbfile.init
catch { file copy -force $dir/$dbfile $init_file } res
if { [is_queue $method] == 1 } {
copy_extent_file $dir $dbfile init
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
# Run recovery here. Should be a no-op. Verify that
# the file still doesn't exist or change (depending on sub)
# when we are done.
berkdb debug_check
puts -nonewline "\t\tAbout to run recovery ... "
flush stdout
set stat [catch {exec $util_path/db_recover -h $dir -c} result]
if { $stat == 1 } {
error "FAIL: Recovery error: $result."
puts "complete"
if { $sub != 2 && [string first "none" $abort] == -1} {
# Operation was aborted, verify it still does
# not exist. Only done with file creations.
error_check_good after_recover1 [file exists $dir/$dbfile] 0
} else {
# Operation was committed or just a subdb was aborted.
# Verify it did not change.
error_check_good \
diff(initial,post-recover1):diff($init_file,$dir/$dbfile) \
[dbdump_diff $dflags $init_file $dir $dbfile] 0
# Need a new copy to get the right LSN into the file.
catch { file copy -force $dir/$dbfile $init_file } res
if { [is_queue $method] == 1 } {
copy_extent_file $dir $dbfile init
# If we didn't make a copy, then we are done.
if {[string first "none" $copy] != -1} {
# Now move the .afterop file to $dbfile. Run recovery again.
copy_afterop $dir
berkdb debug_check
puts -nonewline "\t\tAbout to run recovery ... "
flush stdout
set stat [catch {exec $util_path/db_recover -h $dir -c} result]
if { $stat == 1 } {
error "FAIL: Recovery error: $result."
puts "complete"
if { $sub != 2 && [string first "none" $abort] == -1} {
# Operation was aborted, verify it still does
# not exist. Only done with file creations.
error_check_good after_recover2 [file exists $dir/$dbfile] 0
} else {
# Operation was committed or just a subdb was aborted.
# Verify it did not change.
error_check_good \
diff(initial,post-recover2):diff($init_file,$dir/$dbfile) \
[dbdump_diff $dflags $init_file $dir $dbfile] 0
proc file_recover_delete { dir env_cmd method opts dbfile cmd msg op } {
# We run this test on each of these scenarios:
# 1. Deleting/Renaming just a database
# 2. Deleting/Renaming a database with a subdb
# 3. Deleting/Renaming a 2nd subdb in a database
puts "\t$msg $op with a database"
do_file_recover_delete $dir $env_cmd $method $opts $dbfile \
0 $cmd $msg $op
if { [is_queue $method] == 1 } {
puts "\tSkipping subdatabase tests for method $method"
puts "\t$msg $op with a database and subdb"
do_file_recover_delete $dir $env_cmd $method $opts $dbfile \
1 $cmd $msg $op
puts "\t$msg $op with a database and 2nd subdb"
do_file_recover_delete $dir $env_cmd $method $opts $dbfile \
2 $cmd $msg $op
proc do_file_recover_delete { dir env_cmd method opts dbfile sub cmd msg op } {
global log_log_record_types
source ./include.tcl
# Keep track of the log types we've seen
if { $log_log_record_types == 1} {
logtrack_read $dir
env_cleanup $dir
# Open the environment and set the copy/abort locations
set env [eval $env_cmd]
set copy [lindex $cmd 0]
set abort [lindex $cmd 1]
error_check_good copy_location [is_valid_delete_loc $copy] 1
error_check_good abort_location [is_valid_delete_loc $abort] 1
if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } {
set key1 1
set key2 2
} else {
set key1 recd007_key1
set key2 recd007_key2
set data1 recd007_data0
set data2 recd007_data1
set data3 NEWrecd007_data2
# Depending on what sort of subdb we want, if any, our
# args to the open call will be different (and if we
# want a 2nd subdb, we create the first here.
# For dbtruncate, we want oflags to have "$env" in it,
# not have the value currently in 'env'. That is why
# the '$' is protected below. Later on we use oflags
# but with a new $env we just opened.
switch $sub {
0 {
set subdb ""
set new $dbfile.new
set dflags "-dar"
set oflags "-create $method -auto_commit -mode 0644 \
-env \$env $opts $dbfile"
1 {
set subdb sub0
set new $subdb.new
set dflags ""
set oflags "-create $method -auto_commit -mode 0644 \
-env \$env $opts $dbfile $subdb"
2 {
# If we are aborting here, then we need to
# create a first subdb, then create a second
set subdb sub1
set new $subdb.new
set dflags ""
set oflags "-create $method -auto_commit -mode 0644 \
-env \$env $opts $dbfile sub0"
set db [eval {berkdb_open} $oflags]
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set txn [$env txn]
set ret [$db put -txn $txn $key1 $data1]
error_check_good db_put $ret 0
error_check_good commit [$txn commit] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
set oflags "-create $method -auto_commit -mode 0644 \
-env \$env $opts $dbfile $subdb"
default {
puts "\tBad value $sub for sub"
# Set our locations to copy and abort
set ret [eval $env test copy $copy]
error_check_good test_copy $ret 0
set ret [eval $env test abort $abort]
error_check_good test_abort $ret 0
# Open our db, add some data, close and copy as our
# init file.
set db [eval {berkdb_open} $oflags]
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set txn [$env txn]
set ret [$db put -txn $txn $key1 $data1]
error_check_good db_put $ret 0
set ret [$db put -txn $txn $key2 $data2]
error_check_good db_put $ret 0
error_check_good commit [$txn commit] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
$env mpool_sync
set init_file $dir/$dbfile.init
catch { file copy -force $dir/$dbfile $init_file } res
if { [is_queue $method] == 1} {
copy_extent_file $dir $dbfile init
# If we don't abort, then we expect success.
# If we abort, we expect no file removed.
switch $op {
"dbrename" {
set ret [catch { eval {berkdb} $op -env $env -auto_commit \
$dbfile $subdb $new } remret]
"dbremove" {
set ret [catch { eval {berkdb} $op -env $env -auto_commit \
$dbfile $subdb } remret]
"dbtruncate" {
set txn [$env txn]
set db [eval {berkdb_open_noerr -env} \
$env -auto_commit $dbfile $subdb]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
error_check_good txnbegin [is_valid_txn $txn $env] TRUE
set ret [catch {$db truncate -txn $txn} remret]
$env mpool_sync
if { $abort == "none" } {
if { $op == "dbtruncate" } {
error_check_good txncommit [$txn commit] 0
error_check_good dbclose [$db close] 0
# Operation was committed, verify it.
puts "\t\tCommand executed and committed."
error_check_good $op $ret 0
# If a dbtruncate, check that truncate returned the number
# of items previously in the database.
if { [string compare $op "dbtruncate"] == 0 } {
error_check_good remret $remret 2
recd007_check $op $sub $dir $dbfile $subdb $new $env $oflags
} else {
# Operation was aborted, verify it did not change.
if { $op == "dbtruncate" } {
error_check_good txnabort [$txn abort] 0
error_check_good dbclose [$db close] 0
puts "\t\tCommand executed and aborted."
error_check_good $op $ret 1
# Check that the file exists. Final state.
# Compare against initial file.
error_check_good post$op.1 [file exists $dir/$dbfile] 1
error_check_good \
[dbdump_diff $dflags $init_file $dir $dbfile] 0
$env mpool_sync
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
catch { file copy -force $dir/$dbfile $init_file } res
if { [is_queue $method] == 1} {
copy_extent_file $dir $dbfile init
# Run recovery here. Should be a no-op. Verify that
# the file still doesn't exist or change (depending on abort)
# when we are done.
berkdb debug_check
puts -nonewline "\t\tAbout to run recovery ... "
flush stdout
set stat [catch {exec $util_path/db_recover -h $dir -c} result]
if { $stat == 1 } {
error "FAIL: Recovery error: $result."
puts "complete"
if { $abort == "none" } {
# Operate was committed.
set env [eval $env_cmd]
recd007_check $op $sub $dir $dbfile $subdb $new $env $oflags
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
} else {
# Operation was aborted, verify it did not change.
berkdb debug_check
error_check_good \
diff(initial,post-recover1):diff($init_file,$dir/$dbfile) \
[dbdump_diff $dflags $init_file $dir $dbfile] 0
# If we didn't make a copy, then we are done.
if {[string first "none" $copy] != -1} {
# Now restore the .afterop file(s) to their original name.
# Run recovery again.
copy_afterop $dir
berkdb debug_check
puts -nonewline "\t\tAbout to run recovery ... "
flush stdout
set stat [catch {exec $util_path/db_recover -h $dir -c} result]
if { $stat == 1 } {
error "FAIL: Recovery error: $result."
puts "complete"
if { [string first "none" $abort] != -1} {
set env [eval $env_cmd]
recd007_check $op $sub $dir $dbfile $subdb $new $env $oflags
error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
} else {
# Operation was aborted, verify it did not change.
error_check_good \
diff(initial,post-recover2):diff($init_file,$dir/$dbfile) \
[dbdump_diff $dflags $init_file $dir $dbfile] 0
# This function tests a specific case of recovering after a db removal.
# This is for SR #2538. Basically we want to test that:
# - Make an env.
# - Make/close a db.
# - Remove the db.
# - Create another db of same name.
# - Sync db but leave open.
# - Run recovery.
# - Verify no recovery errors and that new db is there.
proc do_file_recover_delmk { dir env_cmd method opts dbfile } {
global log_log_record_types
source ./include.tcl
# Keep track of the log types we've seen
if { $log_log_record_types == 1} {
logtrack_read $dir
set omethod [convert_method $method]
puts "\tRecd007.q: Delete and recreate a database"
env_cleanup $dir
# Open the environment and set the copy/abort locations
set env [eval $env_cmd]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
if { [is_record_based $method] == 1 } {
set key 1
} else {
set key recd007_key
set data1 recd007_data
set data2 NEWrecd007_data2
set oflags \
"-create $omethod -auto_commit -mode 0644 $opts $dbfile"
# Open our db, add some data, close and copy as our
# init file.
set db [eval {berkdb_open_noerr} -env $env $oflags]
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set txn [$env txn]
set ret [$db put -txn $txn $key $data1]
error_check_good db_put $ret 0
error_check_good commit [$txn commit] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
set ret \
[catch { berkdb dbremove -env $env -auto_commit $dbfile } remret]
# Operation was committed, verify it does
# not exist.
puts "\t\tCommand executed and committed."
error_check_good dbremove $ret 0
error_check_good dbremove.1 [file exists $dir/$dbfile] 0
# Now create a new db with the same name.
set db [eval {berkdb_open_noerr} -env $env $oflags]
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set txn [$env txn]
set ret [$db put -txn $txn $key [chop_data $method $data2]]
error_check_good db_put $ret 0
error_check_good commit [$txn commit] 0
error_check_good db_sync [$db sync] 0
berkdb debug_check
puts -nonewline "\t\tAbout to run recovery ... "
flush stdout
set stat [catch {exec $util_path/db_recover -h $dir -c} result]
if { $stat == 1 } {
error "FAIL: Recovery error: $result."
puts "complete"
error_check_good db_recover $stat 0
error_check_good db_recover.1 [file exists $dir/$dbfile] 1
# Since we ran recovery on the open db/env, we need to
# catch these calls. Basically they are there to clean
# up the Tcl widgets.
set stat [catch {$db close} ret]
error_check_bad dbclose_after_remove $stat 0
error_check_good dbclose_after_remove [is_substr $ret recovery] 1
set stat [catch {$env close} ret]
error_check_bad envclose_after_remove $stat 0
error_check_good envclose_after_remove [is_substr $ret recovery] 1
# Reopen env and db and verify 2nd database is there.
set env [eval $env_cmd]
error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
set db [eval {berkdb_open} -env $env $oflags]
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set ret [$db get $key]
error_check_good dbget [llength $ret] 1
set kd [lindex $ret 0]
error_check_good key [lindex $kd 0] $key
error_check_good data2 [lindex $kd 1] [pad_data $method $data2]
error_check_good dbclose [$db close] 0
error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0
proc is_valid_create_loc { loc } {
switch $loc {
none -
preopen -
postopen -
postlogmeta -
postlog -
{ return 1 }
{ return 0 }
proc is_valid_delete_loc { loc } {
switch $loc {
none -
predestroy -
postdestroy -
{ return 1 }
{ return 0 }
# Do a logical diff on the db dump files. We expect that either
# the files are identical, or if they differ, that it is exactly
# just a free/invalid page.
# Return 1 if they are different, 0 if logically the same (or identical).
proc dbdump_diff { flags initfile dir dbfile } {
source ./include.tcl
set initdump $initfile.dump
set dbdump $dbfile.dump
set stat [catch {eval {exec $util_path/db_dump} $flags -f $initdump \
$initfile} ret]
error_check_good dbdump.init $stat 0
# Do a dump without the freelist which should eliminate any
# recovery differences.
set stat [catch {eval {exec $util_path/db_dump} $flags -f $dir/$dbdump \
$dir/$dbfile} ret]
error_check_good dbdump.db $stat 0
set stat [filecmp $dir/$dbdump $initdump]
if {$stat == 0} {
return 0
puts "diff: $dbdump $initdump gives:\n$ret"
return 1
proc recd007_check { op sub dir dbfile subdb new env oflags } {
# No matter how many subdbs we have, dbtruncate will always
# have a file, and if we open our particular db, it should
# have no entries.
if { $sub == 0 } {
if { $op == "dbremove" } {
error_check_good $op:not-exist \
[file exists $dir/$dbfile] 0
} elseif { $op == "dbrename"} {
error_check_good $op:exist \
[file exists $dir/$dbfile] 0
error_check_good $op:exist2 \
[file exists $dir/$dbfile.new] 1
} else {
error_check_good $op:exist \
[file exists $dir/$dbfile] 1
set db [eval {berkdb_open} $oflags]
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set dbc [$db cursor]
error_check_good dbc_open \
[is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
set ret [$dbc get -first]
error_check_good dbget1 [llength $ret] 0
error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
} else {
set t1 $dir/t1
# If we have subdbs, check that all but the last one
# are there, and the last one is correctly operated on.
set db [berkdb_open -rdonly -env $env $dbfile]
error_check_good dbopen [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
set c [eval {$db cursor}]
error_check_good db_cursor [is_valid_cursor $c $db] TRUE
set d [$c get -last]
if { $op == "dbremove" } {
if { $sub == 1 } {
error_check_good subdb:rem [llength $d] 0
} else {
error_check_bad subdb:rem [llength $d] 0
set sdb [lindex [lindex $d 0] 0]
error_check_bad subdb:rem1 $sdb $subdb
} elseif { $op == "dbrename"} {
set sdb [lindex [lindex $d 0] 0]
error_check_good subdb:ren $sdb $new
if { $sub != 1 } {
set d [$c get -prev]
error_check_bad subdb:ren [llength $d] 0
set sdb [lindex [lindex $d 0] 0]
error_check_good subdb:ren1 \
[is_substr "new" $sdb] 0
} else {
set sdb [lindex [lindex $d 0] 0]
set dbt [berkdb_open -rdonly -env $env $dbfile $sdb]
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $dbt] TRUE
set dbc [$dbt cursor]
error_check_good dbc_open \
[is_valid_cursor $dbc $dbt] TRUE
set ret [$dbc get -first]
error_check_good dbget2 [llength $ret] 0
error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0
error_check_good db_close [$dbt close] 0
if { $sub != 1 } {
set d [$c get -prev]
error_check_bad subdb:ren [llength $d] 0
set sdb [lindex [lindex $d 0] 0]
set dbt [berkdb_open -rdonly -env $env \
$dbfile $sdb]
error_check_good db_open [is_valid_db $dbt] TRUE
set dbc [$db cursor]
error_check_good dbc_open \
[is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
set ret [$dbc get -first]
error_check_bad dbget3 [llength $ret] 0
error_check_good dbc_close [$dbc close] 0
error_check_good db_close [$dbt close] 0
error_check_good dbcclose [$c close] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
proc copy_afterop { dir } {
set r [catch { set filecopy [glob $dir/*.afterop] } res]
if { $r == 1 } {
foreach f $filecopy {
set orig [string range $f 0 \
[expr [string last "." $f] - 1]]
catch { file rename -force $f $orig} res