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synced 2025-02-02 03:51:50 +01:00
The following is an excerption from the WL. 1. Change so that MIXED is default format 1.1 to change the default for command line --binlog-format 1.2 to alter global_system_variables.binlog_format calculation basing on command line --binlog-format parameter and its default. 2. Change test suite so that more testing is done by MIXED format. 2.1 to check if there are test cases requiring --binlog-foramt=statement via `source include/have_binlog_format_statement.inc' and affected by altering the latter to be "mixed". 2.2 to check the content of such vulnerable cases to find if extending to the mixed does not modify results. In that case simply substitute source arguments as explained. 2.3 if a test in mixed mode deals with features triggering row-binlogging then if necessary we can switch explicitly to statement mode or create another test to run with non-recommended STATEMENT mode Particullarily, extracting INSERT DELAYED binlogging subtest for statement mode is performed, and the snippet is moved into a separate test file. Note that since now all three modes verify this use case through 3 different tests. No changes in item 3 of HLD appeared to be needed.
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332 lines
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# Test of date format functions
drop table if exists t1;
--replace_result ROW <format> STATEMENT <format> MIXED <format>
--replace_result ROW <format> STATEMENT <format> MIXED <format>
# Test setting a lot of different formats to see which formats are accepted and
# which aren't
SET time_format='%H%i%s';
SET time_format='%H:%i:%s.%f';
SET time_format='%h-%i-%s.%f%p';
SET time_format='%h:%i:%s.%f %p';
SET time_format='%h:%i:%s%p';
SET date_format='%Y%m%d';
SET date_format='%Y.%m.%d';
SET date_format='%d.%m.%Y';
SET date_format='%m-%d-%Y';
set datetime_format= '%Y%m%d%H%i%s';
set datetime_format= '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s';
set datetime_format= '%m-%d-%y %H:%i:%s.%f';
set datetime_format= '%d-%m-%Y %h:%i:%s%p';
set datetime_format= '%H:%i:%s %Y-%m-%d';
set datetime_format= '%H:%i:%s.%f %m-%d-%Y';
set datetime_format= '%h:%i:%s %p %Y-%m-%d';
set datetime_format= '%h:%i:%s.%f %p %Y-%m-%d';
--replace_result ROW <format> STATEMENT <format> MIXED <format>
--error 1231
SET time_format='%h:%i:%s';
--error 1231
SET time_format='%H %i:%s';
--error 1231
SET time_format='%H::%i:%s';
--error 1231
SET time_format='%H:%i:%s%f';
--error 1231
SET time_format='%H:%i.%f:%s';
--error 1231
SET time_format='%H:%i:%s%p';
--error 1231
SET time_format='%h:%i:%s.%f %p %Y-%m-%d';
--error 1231
SET time_format='%H%i%s.%f';
--error 1231
SET time_format='%H:%i-%s.%f';
--error 1231
SET date_format='%d.%m.%d';
--error 1231
SET datetime_format='%h.%m.%y %d.%i.%s';
--error 1231
set datetime_format= '%H:%i:%s.%f %p %Y-%m-%d';
# Test GLOBAL values
set GLOBAL datetime_format= '%H:%i:%s %Y-%m-%d';
SET SESSION datetime_format=default;
select @@global.datetime_format, @@session.datetime_format;
SET GLOBAL datetime_format=default;
SET SESSION datetime_format=default;
select @@global.datetime_format, @@session.datetime_format;
SET GLOBAL date_format=default;
SET GLOBAL time_format=default;
SET GLOBAL datetime_format=default;
SET time_format=default;
SET date_format=default;
SET datetime_format=default;
# The following tests will work only when we at some point will enable
# dynamic changing of formats
# SET date_format='%d.%m.%Y';
# select CAST('01.01.2001' as DATE) as a;
# SET datetime_format='%d.%m.%Y %H.%i.%s';
# select CAST('01.01.2001 05.12.06' as DATETIME) as a;
# SET time_format='%H.%i.%s';
# select CAST('05.12.06' as TIME) as a;
# SET datetime_format='%d.%m.%Y %h:%i:%s %p';
# select CAST('01.01.2001 05:12:06AM' as DATETIME) as a;
# select CAST('01.01.2001 05:12:06 PM' as DATETIME) as a;
# SET time_format='%h:%i:%s %p';
# select CAST('05:12:06 AM' as TIME) as a;
# select CAST('05:12:06.1234PM' as TIME) as a;
# SET time_format='%h.%i.%s %p';
# SET date_format='%d.%m.%y';
# SET datetime_format='%d.%m.%y %h.%i.%s %p';
# select CAST('12-12-06' as DATE) as a;
# select adddate('01.01.97 PM', 10);
# select datediff('31.12.97 11.59:59.000001 PM','01.01.98');
# select weekofyear('31.11.97 11:59:59.000001 PM');
# select makedate(1997,1);
# select addtime('31.12.97 PM', '1');
# select maketime(23,11,12);
# select timediff('01.01.97 11:59:59.000001 PM','31.12.95 11:59:59.000002 PM');
# SET time_format='%i:%s:%H';
# select cast(str_to_date('15-01-2001 12:59:59', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%S') as TIME);
# Test of str_to_date
# PS doesn't support fraction of a seconds
select str_to_date(concat('15-01-2001',' 2:59:58.999'),
concat('%d-%m-%Y',' ','%H:%i:%s.%f'));
select STR_TO_DATE('2004.12.12 22.30.61','%Y.%m.%d %T');
create table t1 (date char(30), format char(30) not null);
insert into t1 values
('2003-01-02 10:11:12', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S'),
('03-01-02 8:11:2.123456', '%y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S.%#'),
('2003-01-02 10:11:12 PM', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S %p'),
('2003-01-02 01:11:12.12345AM', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S.%f%p'),
('2003-01-02 02:11:12.12345AM', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S.%f %p'),
('2003-01-02 12:11:12.12345 am', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S.%f%p'),
('2003-01-02 11:11:12Pm', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S%p'),
('10:20:10', '%H:%i:%s'),
('10:20:10', '%h:%i:%s.%f'),
('10:20:10', '%T'),
('10:20:10AM', '%h:%i:%s%p'),
('10:20:10AM', '%r'),
('10:20:10.44AM', '%h:%i:%s.%f%p'),
('15-01-2001 12:59:58', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%S'),
('15 September 2001', '%d %M %Y'),
('15 SEPTEMB 2001', '%d %M %Y'),
('15 MAY 2001', '%d %b %Y'),
('15th May 2001', '%D %b %Y'),
('Sunday 15 MAY 2001', '%W %d %b %Y'),
('Sund 15 MAY 2001', '%W %d %b %Y'),
('Tuesday 00 2002', '%W %U %Y'),
('Thursday 53 1998', '%W %u %Y'),
('Sunday 01 2001', '%W %v %x'),
('Tuesday 52 2001', '%W %V %X'),
('060 2004', '%j %Y'),
('4 53 1998', '%w %u %Y'),
('15-01-2001', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%S'),
('15-01-20', '%d-%m-%y'),
('15-2001-1', '%d-%Y-%c');
# PS doesn't support fractional seconds
select date,format,str_to_date(date, format) as str_to_date from t1;
# Use as a string
select date,format,concat('',str_to_date(date, format)) as con from t1;
# Use as datetime
select date,format,cast(str_to_date(date, format) as datetime) as datetime from t1;
select date,format,DATE(str_to_date(date, format)) as date2 from t1;
select date,format,TIME(str_to_date(date, format)) as time from t1;
select date,format,concat(TIME(str_to_date(date, format))) as time2 from t1;
# Test small bug in %f handling
select concat('',str_to_date('8:11:2.123456 03-01-02','%H:%i:%S.%f %y-%m-%d'));
# Test wrong dates or converion specifiers
truncate table t1;
insert into t1 values
('2003-01-02 10:11:12 PM', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S %p'),
('2003-01-02 10:11:12.123456', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S %p'),
('2003-01-02 10:11:12AM', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S.%f %p'),
('2003-01-02 10:11:12AN', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S%p'),
('2003-01-02 10:11:12 PM', '%y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S %p'),
('10:20:10AM', '%H:%i:%s%p'),
('15 Septembei 2001', '%d %M %Y'),
('15 Ju 2001', '%d %M %Y'),
('Sund 15 MA', '%W %d %b %Y'),
('Thursdai 12 1998', '%W %u %Y'),
('Sunday 01 2001', '%W %v %X'),
('Tuesday 52 2001', '%W %V %x'),
('Tuesday 52 2001', '%W %V %Y'),
('Tuesday 52 2001', '%W %u %x'),
('7 53 1998', '%w %u %Y'),
(NULL, get_format(DATE,'USA'));
select date,format,str_to_date(date, format) as str_to_date from t1;
select date,format,concat(str_to_date(date, format),'') as con from t1;
# Test 'maybe' date formats and 'strange but correct' results
truncate table t1;
insert into t1 values
('10:20:10AM', '%h:%i:%s'),
('2003-01-02 10:11:12', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S'),
('03-01-02 10:11:12 PM', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%S %p');
select date,format,str_to_date(date, format) as str_to_date from t1;
select date,format,concat(str_to_date(date, format),'') as con from t1;
drop table t1;
# Test of get_format
select get_format(DATE, 'USA') as a;
select get_format(TIME, 'internal') as a;
select get_format(DATETIME, 'eur') as a;
select get_format(TIMESTAMP, 'eur') as a;
select get_format(DATE, 'TEST') as a;
select str_to_date('15-01-2001 12:59:59', GET_FORMAT(DATE,'USA'));
explain extended select makedate(1997,1), addtime("31.12.97 PM", "1"),subtime("31.12.97 PM", "1"),timediff("01.01.97 11:59:59.000001 PM","31.12.95 11:59:59.000002 PM"),cast(str_to_date("15-01-2001 12:59:59", "%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%S") as TIME), maketime(23,11,12),microsecond("1997-12-31 23:59:59.000001");
# Test of date_format()
create table t1 (d date);
insert into t1 values ('2004-07-14'),('2005-07-14');
select date_format(d,"%d") from t1 order by 1;
drop table t1;
# PS doesn't support fractional seconds
select str_to_date("2003-....01ABCD-02 10:11:12.0012", "%Y-%.%m%@-%d %H:%i:%S.%f") as a;
create table t1 select str_to_date("2003-01-02 10:11:12.0012", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S.%f") as f1,
str_to_date("10:11:12.0012", "%H:%i:%S.%f") as f2,
str_to_date("2003-01-02", "%Y-%m-%d") as f3,
str_to_date("02", "%d") as f4, str_to_date("02 10", "%d %H") as f5;
describe t1;
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
create table t1 select "02 10" as a, "%d %H" as b;
select str_to_date(a,b) from t1;
create table t2 select str_to_date(a,b) from t1;
describe t2;
select str_to_date("2003-01-02 10:11:12.0012", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S.%f") as f1,
str_to_date("2003-01-02 10:11:12.0012", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S") as f2,
str_to_date("2003-01-02", "%Y-%m-%d") as f3,
str_to_date("02 10:11:12", "%d %H:%i:%S.%f") as f4,
str_to_date("02 10:11:12", "%d %H:%i:%S") as f5,
str_to_date("02 10", "%d %f") as f6;
drop table t1, t2;
select str_to_date("2003-01-02 10:11:12.0012ABCD", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S.%f") as f1,
addtime("-01:01:01.01 GGG", "-23:59:59.1") as f2,
microsecond("1997-12-31 23:59:59.01XXXX") as f3;
select str_to_date("2003-04-05 g", "%Y-%m-%d") as f1,
str_to_date("2003-04-05 10:11:12.101010234567", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S.%f") as f2;
# Test of locale dependent date format (WL#2928 Date Translation NRE)
set names latin1;
select date_format('2004-01-01','%W (%a), %e %M (%b) %Y');
set lc_time_names=ru_RU;
set names koi8r;
select date_format('2004-01-01','%W (%a), %e %M (%b) %Y');
set lc_time_names=de_DE;
set names latin1;
select date_format('2004-01-01','%W (%a), %e %M (%b) %Y');
set names latin1;
set lc_time_names=en_US;
# Bug #14016
create table t1 (f1 datetime);
insert into t1 (f1) values ("2005-01-01");
insert into t1 (f1) values ("2005-02-01");
select date_format(f1, "%m") as d1, date_format(f1, "%M") as d2 from t1 order by date_format(f1, "%M");
drop table t1;
# Bug #15828
select str_to_date( 1, NULL );
select str_to_date( NULL, 1 );
select str_to_date( 1, IF(1=1,NULL,NULL) );
# Bug#11326
# TIME_FORMAT using "%r" returns wrong hour using 24:00:00 in TIME column
# This tests that 24:00:00 does not return PM, when it should be AM.
# Some other values are being tested same time.
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("24:00:00", '%r');
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("00:00:00", '%r');
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("12:00:00", '%r');
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("15:00:00", '%r');
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("01:00:00", '%r');
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("25:00:00", '%r');
# Bug#11324
# TIME_FORMAT using "%l:%i" returns 36:00 with 24:00:00 in TIME column
# This tests that 24:00:00 does not change to "36:00 AM". Testing
# some other values same time.
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("00:00:00", '%l %p');
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("01:00:00", '%l %p');
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("12:00:00", '%l %p');
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("23:00:00", '%l %p');
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("24:00:00", '%l %p');
SELECT TIME_FORMAT("25:00:00", '%l %p');
# Bug#20729: Bad date_format() call makes mysql server crash
SELECT DATE_FORMAT('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', 1151414896);
--echo "End of 4.1 tests"