mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 18:18:37 +01:00

Remove some warnings Docs/manual.texi: Solaris and gcc include/ft_global.h: Remove warnings include/myisam.h: Query cache include/myisammrg.h: Query cache include/mysql_com.h: Query cache libmysqld/lib_sql.cc: Query cache myisam/ft_boolean_search.c: Remove warnings myisam/ft_dump.c: Remove warnings myisam/ft_parser.c: Remove warnings myisam/ft_static.c: Remove warnings myisam/ft_update.c: Remove warnings myisam/ftdefs.h: Remove warnings myisam/mi_delete.c: Query cache myisam/mi_locking.c: Query cache myisam/mi_update.c: Query cache myisam/myisamdef.h: Optimize for Ia64 myisammrg/myrg_extra.c: Query cache mysys/mf_keycache.c: DBUG statements regex/cclass.h: Remove warnings regex/cname.h: Remove warnings regex/main.c: Remove warnings regex/regcomp.c: Remove warnings regex/regcomp.ih: Remove warnings regex/regerror.c: Remove warnings regex/reginit.c: Remove warnings regex/split.c: Remove warnings sql-bench/test-connect.sh: Make tests query-cache safe. sql-bench/test-transactions.sh: Fix for old perl versions sql/convert.cc: Query cache sql/ha_myisammrg.cc: Query cache sql/ha_myisammrg.h: Query cache sql/handler.cc: Query cache sql/item_create.cc: Query cache sql/item_func.cc: Remove warnings sql/item_func.h: Remove warnings sql/lex.h: Query cache sql/mysql_priv.h: Query cache sql/mysqld.cc: Query cache sql/net_serv.cc: Query cache sql/sql_cache.cc: Query cache sql/sql_class.cc: Query cache sql/sql_class.h: Query cache sql/sql_db.cc: Query cache sql/sql_delete.cc: Query cache sql/sql_insert.cc: Query cache sql/sql_parse.cc: Query cache sql/sql_select.cc: Query cache sql/sql_table.cc: Query cache sql/sql_update.cc: Query cache sql/sql_yacc.yy: Query cache
316 lines
6.9 KiB
316 lines
6.9 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
- split - divide a string into fields, like awk split()
= int split(char *string, char *fields[], int nfields, char *sep);
int /* number of fields, including overflow */
split(string, fields, nfields, sep)
char *string;
char *fields[]; /* list is not NULL-terminated */
int nfields; /* number of entries available in fields[] */
char *sep; /* "" white, "c" single char, "ab" [ab]+ */
register char *p = string;
register char c; /* latest character */
register char sepc = sep[0];
register char sepc2;
register int fn;
register char **fp = fields;
register char *sepp;
register int trimtrail;
/* white space */
if (sepc == '\0') {
while ((c = *p++) == ' ' || c == '\t')
trimtrail = 1;
sep = (char*) " \t"; /* note, code below knows this is 2 long */
sepc = ' ';
} else
trimtrail = 0;
sepc2 = sep[1]; /* now we can safely pick this up */
/* catch empties */
if (*p == '\0')
/* single separator */
if (sepc2 == '\0') {
fn = nfields;
for (;;) {
*fp++ = p;
if (fn == 0)
while ((c = *p++) != sepc)
if (c == '\0')
return(nfields - fn);
*(p-1) = '\0';
/* we have overflowed the fields vector -- just count them */
fn = nfields;
for (;;) {
while ((c = *p++) != sepc)
if (c == '\0')
/* not reached */
/* two separators */
if (sep[2] == '\0') {
fn = nfields;
for (;;) {
*fp++ = p;
while ((c = *p++) != sepc && c != sepc2)
if (c == '\0') {
if (trimtrail && **(fp-1) == '\0')
return(nfields - fn);
if (fn == 0)
*(p-1) = '\0';
while ((c = *p++) == sepc || c == sepc2)
/* we have overflowed the fields vector -- just count them */
fn = nfields;
while (c != '\0') {
while ((c = *p++) == sepc || c == sepc2)
while ((c = *p++) != '\0' && c != sepc && c != sepc2)
/* might have to trim trailing white space */
if (trimtrail) {
while ((c = *--p) == sepc || c == sepc2)
if (*p != '\0') {
if (fn == nfields+1)
*p = '\0';
/* n separators */
fn = 0;
for (;;) {
if (fn < nfields)
*fp++ = p;
for (;;) {
c = *p++;
if (c == '\0')
sepp = sep;
while ((sepc = *sepp++) != '\0' && sepc != c)
if (sepc != '\0') /* it was a separator */
if (fn < nfields)
*(p-1) = '\0';
for (;;) {
c = *p++;
sepp = sep;
while ((sepc = *sepp++) != '\0' && sepc != c)
if (sepc == '\0') /* it wasn't a separator */
/* not reached */
* test program
* pgm runs regression
* pgm sep splits stdin lines by sep
* pgm str sep splits str by sep
* pgm str sep n splits str by sep n times
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
char buf[512];
register int n;
# define MNF 10
char *fields[MNF];
if (argc > 4)
for (n = atoi(argv[3]); n > 0; n--) {
(void) strcpy(buf, argv[1]);
else if (argc > 3)
for (n = atoi(argv[3]); n > 0; n--) {
(void) strcpy(buf, argv[1]);
(void) split(buf, fields, MNF, argv[2]);
else if (argc > 2)
dosplit(argv[1], argv[2]);
else if (argc > 1)
while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL) {
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; /* stomp newline */
dosplit(buf, argv[1]);
dosplit(string, seps)
char *string;
char *seps;
# define NF 5
char *fields[NF];
register int nf;
nf = split(string, fields, NF, seps);
print(nf, NF, fields);
print(nf, nfp, fields)
int nf;
int nfp;
char *fields[];
register int fn;
register int bound;
bound = (nf > nfp) ? nfp : nf;
printf("%d:\t", nf);
for (fn = 0; fn < bound; fn++)
printf("\"%s\"%s", fields[fn], (fn+1 < nf) ? ", " : "\n");
#define RNF 5 /* some table entries know this */
struct {
char *str;
char *seps;
int nf;
char *fi[RNF];
} tests[] = {
"", " ", 0, { "" },
" ", " ", 2, { "", "" },
"x", " ", 1, { "x" },
"xy", " ", 1, { "xy" },
"x y", " ", 2, { "x", "y" },
"abc def g ", " ", 5, { "abc", "def", "", "g", "" },
" a bcd", " ", 4, { "", "", "a", "bcd" },
"a b c d e f", " ", 6, { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e f" },
" a b c d ", " ", 6, { "", "a", "b", "c", "d " },
"", " _", 0, { "" },
" ", " _", 2, { "", "" },
"x", " _", 1, { "x" },
"x y", " _", 2, { "x", "y" },
"ab _ cd", " _", 2, { "ab", "cd" },
" a_b c ", " _", 5, { "", "a", "b", "c", "" },
"a b c_d e f", " _", 6, { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e f" },
" a b c d ", " _", 6, { "", "a", "b", "c", "d " },
"", " _~", 0, { "" },
" ", " _~", 2, { "", "" },
"x", " _~", 1, { "x" },
"x y", " _~", 2, { "x", "y" },
"ab _~ cd", " _~", 2, { "ab", "cd" },
" a_b c~", " _~", 5, { "", "a", "b", "c", "" },
"a b_c d~e f", " _~", 6, { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e f" },
"~a b c d ", " _~", 6, { "", "a", "b", "c", "d " },
"", " _~-", 0, { "" },
" ", " _~-", 2, { "", "" },
"x", " _~-", 1, { "x" },
"x y", " _~-", 2, { "x", "y" },
"ab _~- cd", " _~-", 2, { "ab", "cd" },
" a_b c~", " _~-", 5, { "", "a", "b", "c", "" },
"a b_c-d~e f", " _~-", 6, { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e f" },
"~a-b c d ", " _~-", 6, { "", "a", "b", "c", "d " },
"", " ", 0, { "" },
" ", " ", 2, { "", "" },
"x", " ", 1, { "x" },
"xy", " ", 1, { "xy" },
"x y", " ", 2, { "x", "y" },
"abc def g ", " ", 4, { "abc", "def", "g", "" },
" a bcd", " ", 3, { "", "a", "bcd" },
"a b c d e f", " ", 6, { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e f" },
" a b c d ", " ", 6, { "", "a", "b", "c", "d " },
"", "", 0, { "" },
" ", "", 0, { "" },
"x", "", 1, { "x" },
"xy", "", 1, { "xy" },
"x y", "", 2, { "x", "y" },
"abc def g ", "", 3, { "abc", "def", "g" },
"\t a bcd", "", 2, { "a", "bcd" },
" a \tb\t c ", "", 3, { "a", "b", "c" },
"a b c d e ", "", 5, { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" },
"a b\tc d e f", "", 6, { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e f" },
" a b c d e f ", "", 6, { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e f " },
NULL, NULL, 0, { NULL },
char buf[512];
register int n;
char *fields[RNF+1];
register int nf;
register int i;
register int printit;
register char *f;
for (n = 0; tests[n].str != NULL; n++) {
(void) strcpy(buf, tests[n].str);
fields[RNF] = NULL;
nf = split(buf, fields, RNF, tests[n].seps);
printit = 0;
if (nf != tests[n].nf) {
printf("split `%s' by `%s' gave %d fields, not %d\n",
tests[n].str, tests[n].seps, nf, tests[n].nf);
printit = 1;
} else if (fields[RNF] != NULL) {
printf("split() went beyond array end\n");
printit = 1;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < nf && i < RNF; i++) {
f = fields[i];
if (f == NULL)
f = "(NULL)";
if (strcmp(f, tests[n].fi[i]) != 0) {
printf("split `%s' by `%s', field %d is `%s', not `%s'\n",
tests[n].str, tests[n].seps,
i, fields[i], tests[n].fi[i]);
printit = 1;
if (printit)
print(nf, RNF, fields);