mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 12:01:42 +01:00
using crashes server When the server is configured to use a RSA key, and when the client sends a cipher-suite list that contains a non-RSA key as acceptable, the server would try to process that key even though it was impossible. Now, yaSSL sets its own acceptable-cipher list according to what kind of key the server is started with, and will never explore and try to pair impossible combinations. This involves a partial import of the current YaSSL tree, not the whole thing, so as to try to avoid introducing new bugs. (Updated to avoid many whitespace changes and make diff smaller.)
748 lines
22 KiB
748 lines
22 KiB
Copyright (C) 2000-2007 MySQL AB
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301 USA.
/* yaSSL implementation header defines all strucutres from the SSL.v3
* specification "draft-freier-ssl-version3-02.txt"
* all page citations refer to this document unless otherwise noted.
#ifndef yaSSL_IMP_HPP
#define yaSSL_IMP_HPP
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// disable truncated debug symbols
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include "yassl_types.hpp"
#include "factory.hpp"
#include STL_LIST_FILE
namespace STL = STL_NAMESPACE;
namespace yaSSL {
class SSL; // forward decls
class input_buffer;
class output_buffer;
struct ProtocolVersion {
uint8 major_;
uint8 minor_; // major and minor SSL/TLS version numbers
ProtocolVersion(uint8 maj = 3, uint8 min = 0);
// Record Layer Header for PlainText, Compressed, and CipherText
struct RecordLayerHeader {
ContentType type_;
ProtocolVersion version_;
uint16 length_; // should not exceed 2^14
// base for all messages
struct Message : public virtual_base {
virtual input_buffer& set(input_buffer&) =0;
virtual output_buffer& get(output_buffer&) const =0;
virtual void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&) =0;
virtual ContentType get_type() const =0;
virtual uint16 get_length() const =0;
virtual ~Message() {}
class ChangeCipherSpec : public Message {
CipherChoice type_;
friend input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer&, ChangeCipherSpec&);
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const ChangeCipherSpec&);
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
ContentType get_type() const;
uint16 get_length() const;
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
ChangeCipherSpec(const ChangeCipherSpec&); // hide copy
ChangeCipherSpec& operator=(const ChangeCipherSpec&); // and assign
class Alert : public Message {
AlertLevel level_;
AlertDescription description_;
Alert() {}
Alert(AlertLevel al, AlertDescription ad);
ContentType get_type() const;
uint16 get_length() const;
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
friend input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer&, Alert&);
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const Alert&);
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
Alert(const Alert&); // hide copy
Alert& operator=(const Alert&); // and assign
class Data : public Message {
uint16 length_;
opaque* buffer_; // read buffer used by fillData input
const opaque* write_buffer_; // write buffer used by output operator
Data(uint16 len, opaque* b);
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const Data&);
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
ContentType get_type() const;
uint16 get_length() const;
void set_length(uint16 l);
opaque* set_buffer();
void SetData(uint16, const opaque*);
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
Data(const Data&); // hide copy
Data& operator=(const Data&); // and assign
uint32 c24to32(const uint24); // forward form internal header
void c32to24(uint32, uint24&);
// HandShake header, same for each message type from page 20/21
class HandShakeHeader : public Message {
HandShakeType type_;
uint24 length_; // length of message
HandShakeHeader() {}
ContentType get_type() const;
uint16 get_length() const;
HandShakeType get_handshakeType() const;
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
void set_type(HandShakeType hst);
void set_length(uint32 u32);
friend input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer&, HandShakeHeader&);
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const HandShakeHeader&);
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
HandShakeHeader(const HandShakeHeader&); // hide copy
HandShakeHeader& operator=(const HandShakeHeader&); // and assign
// Base Class for all handshake messages
class HandShakeBase : public virtual_base {
int length_;
int get_length() const;
void set_length(int);
// for building buffer's type field
virtual HandShakeType get_type() const =0;
// handles dispactch of proper >>
virtual input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in) =0;
virtual output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const =0;
virtual void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&) =0;
virtual ~HandShakeBase() {}
struct HelloRequest : public HandShakeBase {
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
HandShakeType get_type() const;
// The Client's Hello Message from page 23
class ClientHello : public HandShakeBase {
ProtocolVersion client_version_;
Random random_;
uint8 id_len_; // session id length
opaque session_id_[ID_LEN];
uint16 suite_len_; // cipher suite length
opaque cipher_suites_[MAX_SUITE_SZ];
uint8 comp_len_; // compression length
CompressionMethod compression_methods_;
friend input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer&, ClientHello&);
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const ClientHello&);
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
HandShakeType get_type() const;
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
const opaque* get_random() const;
friend void buildClientHello(SSL&, ClientHello&);
friend void ProcessOldClientHello(input_buffer& input, SSL& ssl);
ClientHello(ProtocolVersion pv, bool useCompression);
ClientHello(const ClientHello&); // hide copy
ClientHello& operator=(const ClientHello&); // and assign
// The Server's Hello Message from page 24
class ServerHello : public HandShakeBase {
ProtocolVersion server_version_;
Random random_;
uint8 id_len_; // session id length
opaque session_id_[ID_LEN];
opaque cipher_suite_[SUITE_LEN];
CompressionMethod compression_method_;
ServerHello(ProtocolVersion pv, bool useCompression);
friend input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer&, ServerHello&);
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const ServerHello&);
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
HandShakeType get_type() const;
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
const opaque* get_random() const;
friend void buildServerHello(SSL&, ServerHello&);
ServerHello(const ServerHello&); // hide copy
ServerHello& operator=(const ServerHello&); // and assign
class x509;
// Certificate could be a chain
class Certificate : public HandShakeBase {
const x509* cert_;
explicit Certificate(const x509* cert);
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const Certificate&);
const opaque* get_buffer() const;
// Process handles input, needs SSL
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
HandShakeType get_type() const;
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
Certificate(const Certificate&); // hide copy
Certificate& operator=(const Certificate&); // and assign
// RSA Public Key
struct ServerRSAParams {
opaque* rsa_modulus_;
opaque* rsa_exponent_;
// Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Parameters
class ServerDHParams {
int pSz_;
int gSz_;
int pubSz_;
opaque* p_;
opaque* g_;
opaque* Ys_;
int get_pSize() const;
int get_gSize() const;
int get_pubSize() const;
const opaque* get_p() const;
const opaque* get_g() const;
const opaque* get_pub() const;
opaque* alloc_p(int sz);
opaque* alloc_g(int sz);
opaque* alloc_pub(int sz);
ServerDHParams(const ServerDHParams&); // hide copy
ServerDHParams& operator=(const ServerDHParams&); // and assign
struct ServerKeyBase : public virtual_base {
virtual ~ServerKeyBase() {}
virtual void build(SSL&) {}
virtual void read(SSL&, input_buffer&) {}
virtual int get_length() const;
virtual opaque* get_serverKey() const;
// Server random number for FORTEZZA KEA
struct Fortezza_Server : public ServerKeyBase {
opaque r_s_[FORTEZZA_MAX];
struct SignatureBase : public virtual_base {
virtual ~SignatureBase() {}
struct anonymous_sa : public SignatureBase {};
struct Hashes {
uint8 md5_[MD5_LEN];
uint8 sha_[SHA_LEN];
struct rsa_sa : public SignatureBase {
Hashes hashes_;
struct dsa_sa : public SignatureBase {
uint8 sha_[SHA_LEN];
// Server's Diffie-Hellman exchange
class DH_Server : public ServerKeyBase {
ServerDHParams parms_;
opaque* signature_;
int length_; // total length of message
opaque* keyMessage_; // total exchange message
void build(SSL&);
void read(SSL&, input_buffer&);
int get_length() const;
opaque* get_serverKey() const;
DH_Server(const DH_Server&); // hide copy
DH_Server& operator=(const DH_Server&); // and assign
// Server's RSA exchange
struct RSA_Server : public ServerKeyBase {
ServerRSAParams params_;
opaque* signature_; // signed rsa_sa hashes
class ServerKeyExchange : public HandShakeBase {
ServerKeyBase* server_key_;
explicit ServerKeyExchange(SSL&);
void createKey(SSL&);
void build(SSL& ssl);
const opaque* getKey() const;
int getKeyLength() const;
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const ServerKeyExchange&);
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
HandShakeType get_type() const;
ServerKeyExchange(const ServerKeyExchange&); // hide copy
ServerKeyExchange& operator=(const ServerKeyExchange&); // and assign
class CertificateRequest : public HandShakeBase {
ClientCertificateType certificate_types_[CERT_TYPES];
int typeTotal_;
STL::list<DistinguishedName> certificate_authorities_;
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
friend input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer&, CertificateRequest&);
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&,
const CertificateRequest&);
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
HandShakeType get_type() const;
void Build();
CertificateRequest(const CertificateRequest&); // hide copy
CertificateRequest& operator=(const CertificateRequest&); // and assign
struct ServerHelloDone : public HandShakeBase {
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
void Process(input_buffer& input, SSL& ssl);
HandShakeType get_type() const;
struct PreMasterSecret {
opaque random_[SECRET_LEN]; // first two bytes Protocol Version
struct ClientKeyBase : public virtual_base {
virtual ~ClientKeyBase() {}
virtual void build(SSL&) {}
virtual void read(SSL&, input_buffer&) {}
virtual int get_length() const;
virtual opaque* get_clientKey() const;
class EncryptedPreMasterSecret : public ClientKeyBase {
opaque* secret_;
int length_;
void build(SSL&);
void read(SSL&, input_buffer&);
int get_length() const;
opaque* get_clientKey() const;
void alloc(int sz);
// hide copy and assign
EncryptedPreMasterSecret(const EncryptedPreMasterSecret&);
EncryptedPreMasterSecret& operator=(const EncryptedPreMasterSecret&);
// Fortezza Key Parameters from page 29
// hard code lengths cause only used here
struct FortezzaKeys : public ClientKeyBase {
opaque y_c_ [128]; // client's Yc, public value
opaque r_c_ [128]; // client's Rc
opaque y_signature_ [40]; // DSS signed public key
opaque wrapped_client_write_key_ [12]; // wrapped by the TEK
opaque wrapped_server_write_key_ [12]; // wrapped by the TEK
opaque client_write_iv_ [24];
opaque server_write_iv_ [24];
opaque master_secret_iv_ [24]; // IV used to encrypt preMaster
opaque encrypted_preMasterSecret_[48]; // random & crypted by the TEK
// Diffie-Hellman public key from page 40/41
class ClientDiffieHellmanPublic : public ClientKeyBase {
PublicValueEncoding public_value_encoding_;
int length_; // includes two byte length for message
opaque* Yc_; // length + Yc_
// dh_Yc only if explicit, otherwise sent in certificate
enum { KEY_OFFSET = 2 };
void build(SSL&);
void read(SSL&, input_buffer&);
int get_length() const;
opaque* get_clientKey() const;
void alloc(int sz, bool offset = false);
// hide copy and assign
ClientDiffieHellmanPublic(const ClientDiffieHellmanPublic&);
ClientDiffieHellmanPublic& operator=(const ClientDiffieHellmanPublic&);
class ClientKeyExchange : public HandShakeBase {
ClientKeyBase* client_key_;
explicit ClientKeyExchange(SSL& ssl);
void createKey(SSL&);
void build(SSL& ssl);
const opaque* getKey() const;
int getKeyLength() const;
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const ClientKeyExchange&);
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
HandShakeType get_type() const;
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
ClientKeyExchange(const ClientKeyExchange&); // hide copy
ClientKeyExchange& operator=(const ClientKeyExchange&); // and assign
class CertificateVerify : public HandShakeBase {
Hashes hashes_;
byte* signature_; // owns
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
friend input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer&, CertificateVerify&);
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const CertificateVerify&);
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
HandShakeType get_type() const;
void Build(SSL&);
CertificateVerify(const CertificateVerify&); // hide copy
CertificateVerify& operator=(const CertificateVerify&); // and assign
class Finished : public HandShakeBase {
Hashes hashes_;
uint8* set_md5();
uint8* set_sha();
friend input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer&, Finished&);
friend output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const Finished&);
input_buffer& set(input_buffer& in);
output_buffer& get(output_buffer& out) const;
void Process(input_buffer&, SSL&);
HandShakeType get_type() const;
Finished(const Finished&); // hide copy
Finished& operator=(const Finished&); // and assign
class RandomPool; // forward for connection
// SSL Connection defined on page 11
struct Connection {
opaque *pre_master_secret_;
opaque master_secret_[SECRET_LEN];
opaque client_random_[RAN_LEN];
opaque server_random_[RAN_LEN];
opaque sessionID_[ID_LEN];
opaque client_write_MAC_secret_[SHA_LEN]; // sha is max size
opaque server_write_MAC_secret_[SHA_LEN];
opaque client_write_key_[AES_256_KEY_SZ]; // aes 256bit is max sz
opaque server_write_key_[AES_256_KEY_SZ];
opaque client_write_IV_[AES_IV_SZ]; // aes is max size
opaque server_write_IV_[AES_IV_SZ];
uint32 sequence_number_;
uint32 peer_sequence_number_;
uint32 pre_secret_len_; // pre master length
bool send_server_key_; // server key exchange?
bool master_clean_; // master secret clean?
bool TLS_; // TLSv1 or greater
bool TLSv1_1_; // TLSv1.1 or greater
bool sessionID_Set_; // do we have a session
bool compression_; // zlib compression?
ProtocolVersion version_; // negotiated version
ProtocolVersion chVersion_; // client hello version
RandomPool& random_;
Connection(ProtocolVersion v, RandomPool& ran);
void AllocPreSecret(uint sz);
void CleanPreMaster();
void CleanMaster();
void TurnOffTLS();
void TurnOffTLS1_1();
Connection(const Connection&); // hide copy
Connection& operator=(const Connection&); // and assign
struct Ciphers; // forward
// TLSv1 Security Spec, defined on page 56 of RFC 2246
struct Parameters {
ConnectionEnd entity_;
BulkCipherAlgorithm bulk_cipher_algorithm_;
CipherType cipher_type_;
uint8 key_size_;
uint8 iv_size_;
IsExportable is_exportable_;
MACAlgorithm mac_algorithm_;
uint8 hash_size_;
CompressionMethod compression_algorithm_;
KeyExchangeAlgorithm kea_; // yassl additions
SignatureAlgorithm sig_algo_; // signature auth type
SignatureAlgorithm verify_algo_; // cert verify auth type
bool pending_;
bool resumable_; // new conns by session
uint16 encrypt_size_; // current msg encrypt sz
Cipher suite_[SUITE_LEN]; // choosen suite
uint8 suites_size_;
Cipher suites_[MAX_SUITE_SZ];
char cipher_name_[MAX_SUITE_NAME];
char cipher_list_[MAX_CIPHERS][MAX_SUITE_NAME];
bool removeDH_; // for server's later use
Parameters(ConnectionEnd, const Ciphers&, ProtocolVersion, bool haveDH);
void SetSuites(ProtocolVersion pv, bool removeDH = false,
bool removeRSA = false, bool removeDSA = false);
void SetCipherNames();
Parameters(const Parameters&); // hide copy
Parameters& operator=(const Parameters&); // and assing
input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer&, RecordLayerHeader&);
output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const RecordLayerHeader&);
input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer&, Message&);
output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const Message&);
input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer&, HandShakeBase&);
output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer&, const HandShakeBase&);
// Message Factory definition
// uses the ContentType enumeration for unique id
typedef Factory<Message> MessageFactory;
void InitMessageFactory(MessageFactory&); // registers derived classes
// HandShake Factory definition
// uses the HandShakeType enumeration for unique id
typedef Factory<HandShakeBase> HandShakeFactory;
void InitHandShakeFactory(HandShakeFactory&); // registers derived classes
// ServerKey Factory definition
// uses KeyExchangeAlgorithm enumeration for unique id
typedef Factory<ServerKeyBase> ServerKeyFactory;
void InitServerKeyFactory(ServerKeyFactory&);
// ClientKey Factory definition
// uses KeyExchangeAlgorithm enumeration for unique id
typedef Factory<ClientKeyBase> ClientKeyFactory;
void InitClientKeyFactory(ClientKeyFactory&);
// Message Creators
Message* CreateHandShake();
Message* CreateCipherSpec();
Message* CreateAlert();
Message* CreateData();
// HandShake Creators
HandShakeBase* CreateCertificate();
HandShakeBase* CreateHelloRequest();
HandShakeBase* CreateClientHello();
HandShakeBase* CreateServerHello();
HandShakeBase* CreateServerKeyExchange();
HandShakeBase* CreateCertificateRequest();
HandShakeBase* CreateServerHelloDone();
HandShakeBase* CreateClientKeyExchange();
HandShakeBase* CreateCertificateVerify();
HandShakeBase* CreateFinished();
// ServerKey Exchange Creators
ServerKeyBase* CreateRSAServerKEA();
ServerKeyBase* CreateDHServerKEA();
ServerKeyBase* CreateFortezzaServerKEA();
// ClientKey Exchange Creators
ClientKeyBase* CreateRSAClient();
ClientKeyBase* CreateDHClient();
ClientKeyBase* CreateFortezzaClient();
} // naemspace
#endif // yaSSL_IMP_HPP