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synced 2025-03-08 04:03:30 +01:00
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802 lines
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/************* RelDef CPP Program Source Code File (.CPP) **************/
/* ------------- */
/* Version 1.4 */
/* */
/* ---------- */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2004-2015 */
/* */
/* ----------------------- */
/* This program are the DB definition related routines. */
/* */
/* Include relevant MariaDB header file. */
#include "my_global.h"
#if defined(__WIN__)
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <dlfcn.h> // dlopen(), dlclose(), dlsym() ...
#include "osutil.h"
//#include "sqlext.h"
#include "handler.h"
/* Include application header files */
/* */
/* global.h is header containing all global declarations. */
/* plgdbsem.h is header containing DB application declarations. */
/* catalog.h is header containing DB description declarations. */
#include "global.h"
#include "plgdbsem.h"
#include "reldef.h"
#include "colblk.h"
#include "filamap.h"
#include "filamfix.h"
#include "filamvct.h"
#if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
#include "filamzip.h"
#endif // ZIP_SUPPORT
#include "tabdos.h"
#include "valblk.h"
#include "tabmul.h"
#include "ha_connect.h"
#include "mycat.h"
#if !defined(__WIN__)
extern handlerton *connect_hton;
#endif // !__WIN__
/* External function. */
USETEMP UseTemp(void);
char *GetPluginDir(void);
/* --------------------------- Class RELDEF -------------------------- */
/* RELDEF Constructor. */
Next = NULL;
To_Cols = NULL;
Name = NULL;
Database = NULL;
Cat = NULL;
Hc = NULL;
} // end of RELDEF constructor
/* This function return a pointer to the Table Option Struct. */
PTOS RELDEF::GetTopt(void)
return Hc->GetTableOptionStruct();
} // end of GetTopt
/* This function sets an integer table information. */
bool RELDEF::SetIntCatInfo(PSZ what, int n)
return Hc->SetIntegerOption(what, n);
} // end of SetIntCatInfo
/* This function returns integer table information. */
int RELDEF::GetIntCatInfo(PSZ what, int idef)
int n= Hc->GetIntegerOption(what);
return (n == NO_IVAL) ? idef : n;
} // end of GetIntCatInfo
/* This function returns Boolean table information. */
bool RELDEF::GetBoolCatInfo(PSZ what, bool bdef)
bool b= Hc->GetBooleanOption(what, bdef);
return b;
} // end of GetBoolCatInfo
/* This function returns size catalog information. */
int RELDEF::GetSizeCatInfo(PSZ what, PSZ sdef)
char * s, c;
int i, n= 0;
if (!(s= Hc->GetStringOption(what)))
s= sdef;
if ((i= sscanf(s, " %d %c ", &n, &c)) == 2)
switch (toupper(c)) {
case 'M':
n *= 1024;
case 'K':
n *= 1024;
} // endswitch c
return n;
} // end of GetSizeCatInfo
/* This function sets char table information in buf. */
int RELDEF::GetCharCatInfo(PSZ what, PSZ sdef, char *buf, int size)
char *s= Hc->GetStringOption(what);
strncpy(buf, ((s) ? s : sdef), size);
return size;
} // end of GetCharCatInfo
/* To be used by any TDB's. */
bool RELDEF::Partitioned(void)
return Hc->IsPartitioned();
} // end of Partitioned
/* This function returns string table information. */
/* Default parameter is "*" to get the handler default. */
char *RELDEF::GetStringCatInfo(PGLOBAL g, PSZ what, PSZ sdef)
char *name, *sval= NULL, *s= Hc->GetStringOption(what, sdef);
if (s) {
if (!Hc->IsPartitioned() ||
(stricmp(what, "filename") && stricmp(what, "tabname")
&& stricmp(what, "connect")))
sval= PlugDup(g, s);
sval= s;
} else if (!stricmp(what, "filename")) {
// Return default file name
char *ftype= Hc->GetStringOption("Type", "*");
int i, n;
if (IsFileType(GetTypeID(ftype))) {
name= Hc->GetPartName();
sval= (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(name) + 12);
strcat(strcpy(sval, name), ".");
n= strlen(sval);
// Fold ftype to lower case
for (i= 0; i < 12; i++)
if (!ftype[i]) {
sval[n+i]= 0;
} else
sval[n+i]= tolower(ftype[i]);
} // endif FileType
} // endif s
return sval;
} // end of GetStringCatInfo
/* --------------------------- Class TABDEF -------------------------- */
/* TABDEF Constructor. */
Schema = NULL;
Desc = NULL;
Catfunc = FNC_NO;
Card = 0;
Elemt = 0;
Sort = 0;
Multiple = 0;
Degree = 0;
Pseudo = 0;
Read_Only = false;
m_data_charset = NULL;
csname = NULL;
} // end of TABDEF constructor
/* Define: initialize the table definition block from XDB file. */
bool TABDEF::Define(PGLOBAL g, PCATLG cat, LPCSTR name, LPCSTR am)
int poff = 0;
Name = (PSZ)PlugDup(g, name);
Cat = cat;
Hc = ((MYCAT*)cat)->GetHandler();
Catfunc = GetFuncID(GetStringCatInfo(g, "Catfunc", NULL));
Elemt = GetIntCatInfo("Elements", 0);
Multiple = GetIntCatInfo("Multiple", 0);
Degree = GetIntCatInfo("Degree", 0);
Read_Only = GetBoolCatInfo("ReadOnly", false);
const char *data_charset_name= GetStringCatInfo(g, "Data_charset", NULL);
m_data_charset= data_charset_name ?
get_charset_by_csname(data_charset_name, MY_CS_PRIMARY, 0):
csname = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Table_charset", NULL);
// Get The column definitions
if ((poff = GetColCatInfo(g)) < 0)
return true;
// Do the definition of AM specific fields
return DefineAM(g, am, poff);
} // end of Define
/* This function returns the database data path. */
PSZ TABDEF::GetPath(void)
return (Database) ? (PSZ)Database : (Hc) ? Hc->GetDataPath() : NULL;
} // end of GetPath
/* This function returns column table information. */
int TABDEF::GetColCatInfo(PGLOBAL g)
char *type= GetStringCatInfo(g, "Type", "*");
char c, fty, eds;
int i, n, loff, poff, nof, nlg;
void *field= NULL;
PCOLDEF cdp, lcdp= NULL, tocols= NULL;
PCOLINFO pcf= (PCOLINFO)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(COLINFO));
memset(pcf, 0, sizeof(COLINFO));
// Get a unique char identifier for type
tc= (Catfunc == FNC_NO) ? GetTypeID(type) : TAB_PRX;
// Take care of the column definitions
i= poff= nof= nlg= 0;
// Offsets of HTML and DIR tables start from 0, DBF at 1
loff= (tc == TAB_DBF) ? 1 : (tc == TAB_XML || tc == TAB_DIR) ? -1 : 0;
while (true) {
// Default Offset depends on table type
switch (tc) {
case TAB_DOS:
case TAB_FIX:
case TAB_BIN:
case TAB_VEC:
case TAB_DBF:
poff= loff + nof; // Default next offset
nlg= MY_MAX(nlg, poff); // Default lrecl
case TAB_CSV:
case TAB_FMT:
nlg+= nof;
case TAB_DIR:
case TAB_XML:
poff= loff + 1;
case TAB_INI:
case TAB_MAC:
case TAB_TBL:
case TAB_XCL:
case TAB_PRX:
case TAB_OEM:
poff = 0; // Offset represents an independant flag
default: // VCT PLG ODBC MYSQL WMI...
poff = 0; // NA
} // endswitch tc
// do {
field= Hc->GetColumnOption(g, field, pcf);
// } while (field && (*pcf->Name =='*' /*|| pcf->Flags & U_VIRTUAL*/));
if (tc == TAB_DBF && pcf->Type == TYPE_DATE && !pcf->Datefmt) {
// DBF date format defaults to 'YYYMMDD'
pcf->Datefmt= "YYYYMMDD";
pcf->Length= 8;
} // endif tc
if (!field)
// Allocate the column description block
cdp= new(g) COLDEF;
if ((nof= cdp->Define(g, NULL, pcf, poff)) < 0)
return -1; // Error, probably unhandled type
loff= cdp->GetOffset();
switch (tc) {
case TAB_VEC:
cdp->SetOffset(0); // Not to have shift
case TAB_BIN:
// BIN/VEC are packed by default
if (nof) {
// Field width is the internal representation width
// that can also depend on the column format
fty = cdp->Decode ? 'C' : 'X';
eds = 0;
n = 0;
if (cdp->Fmt && !cdp->Decode) {
for (i = 0; cdp->Fmt[i]; i++) {
c = toupper(cdp->Fmt[i]);
if (isdigit(c))
n = (n * 10 + (c - '0'));
else if (c == 'L' || c == 'B' || c == 'H')
eds = c;
fty = c;
} // endfor i
} // endif Fmt
if (n)
nof = n;
else switch (fty) {
case 'X':
if (eds && IsTypeChar(cdp->Buf_Type))
nof = sizeof(longlong);
nof= cdp->Clen;
case 'C': break;
case 'R':
case 'F': nof = sizeof(float); break;
case 'I': nof = sizeof(int); break;
case 'D': nof = sizeof(double); break;
case 'S': nof = sizeof(short); break;
case 'T': nof = sizeof(char); break;
case 'G': nof = sizeof(longlong); break;
default: /* Wrong format */
sprintf(g->Message, "Invalid format %c", fty);
return -1;
} // endswitch fty
} // endif nof
} // endswitch tc
if (lcdp)
tocols= cdp;
lcdp= cdp;
} // endwhile
// Degree is the the number of defined columns (informational)
if (i != GetDegree())
if (GetDefType() == TYPE_AM_DOS) {
int ending, recln= 0;
// Was commented because sometimes ending is 0 even when
// not specified (for instance if quoted is specified)
// if ((ending= Hc->GetIntegerOption("Ending")) < 0) {
if ((ending= Hc->GetIntegerOption("Ending")) <= 0) {
ending= (tc == TAB_BIN || tc == TAB_VEC) ? 0 : CRLF;
Hc->SetIntegerOption("Ending", ending);
} // endif ending
// Calculate the default record size
switch (tc) {
case TAB_FIX:
case TAB_BIN:
recln= nlg + ending; // + length of line ending
case TAB_VEC:
recln= nlg;
// if ((k= (pak < 0) ? 8 : pak) > 1)
// See above for detailed comment
// Round up lrecl to multiple of 8 or pak
// recln= ((recln + k - 1) / k) * k;
case TAB_DOS:
case TAB_DBF:
recln= nlg;
case TAB_CSV:
case TAB_FMT:
// The number of separators (assuming an extra one can exist)
// recln= poff * ((qotd) ? 3 : 1); to be investigated
recln= nlg + poff * 3; // To be safe
} // endswitch tc
// lrecl must be at least recln to avoid buffer overflow
recln= MY_MAX(recln, Hc->GetIntegerOption("Lrecl"));
Hc->SetIntegerOption("Lrecl", recln);
} // endif Lrecl
// Attach the column definition to the tabdef
return poff;
} // end of GetColCatInfo
/* SetIndexInfo: retrieve index description from the table structure. */
void TABDEF::SetIndexInfo(void)
// Attach new index(es)
} // end of SetIndexInfo
/* --------------------------- Class OEMDEF -------------------------- */
/* GetXdef: get the external TABDEF from OEM module. */
typedef PTABDEF (__stdcall *XGETDEF) (PGLOBAL, void *);
char c, soname[_MAX_PATH], getname[40] = "Get";
PTABDEF xdefp;
XGETDEF getdef = NULL;
PCATLG cat = Cat;
/* Ensure that the .dll doesn't have a path. */
/* This is done to ensure that only approved dll from the system */
/* directories are used (to make this even remotely secure). */
if (check_valid_path(Module, strlen(Module))) {
strcpy(g->Message, "Module cannot contain a path");
return NULL;
} else
PlugSetPath(soname, Module, GetPluginDir());
#if defined(__WIN__)
// Is the DLL already loaded?
if (!Hdll && !(Hdll = GetModuleHandle(soname)))
// No, load the Dll implementing the function
if (!(Hdll = LoadLibrary(soname))) {
char buf[256];
DWORD rc = GetLastError();
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(DLL_LOAD_ERROR), rc, soname);
(LPTSTR)buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
strcat(strcat(g->Message, ": "), buf);
return NULL;
} // endif hDll
// The exported name is always in uppercase
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
c = Subtype[i];
getname[i + 3] = toupper(c);
if (!c) break;
} // endfor i
// Get the function returning an instance of the external DEF class
if (!(getdef = (XGETDEF)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)Hdll, getname))) {
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(PROCADD_ERROR), GetLastError(), getname);
return NULL;
} // endif getdef
#else // !__WIN__
const char *error = NULL;
Dl_info dl_info;
#if 0 // Don't know what all this stuff does
// The OEM lib must retrieve exported CONNECT variables
if (dladdr(&connect_hton, &dl_info)) {
if (dlopen(dl_info.dli_fname, RTLD_NOLOAD | RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL) == 0) {
error = dlerror();
sprintf(g->Message, "dlopen failed: %s, OEM not supported", SVP(error));
return NULL;
} // endif dlopen
} else {
error = dlerror();
sprintf(g->Message, "dladdr failed: %s, OEM not supported", SVP(error));
return NULL;
} // endif dladdr
#endif // 0
// Is the library already loaded?
if (!Hdll && !(Hdll = dlopen(soname, RTLD_NOLOAD)))
// Load the desired shared library
if (!(Hdll = dlopen(soname, RTLD_LAZY))) {
error = dlerror();
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(SHARED_LIB_ERR), soname, SVP(error));
return NULL;
} // endif Hdll
// The exported name is always in uppercase
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
c = Subtype[i];
getname[i + 3] = toupper(c);
if (!c) break;
} // endfor i
// Get the function returning an instance of the external DEF class
if (!(getdef = (XGETDEF)dlsym(Hdll, getname))) {
error = dlerror();
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(GET_FUNC_ERR), getname, SVP(error));
return NULL;
} // endif getdef
#endif // !__WIN__
// Just in case the external Get function does not set error messages
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(DEF_ALLOC_ERROR), Subtype);
// Get the table definition block
if (!(xdefp = getdef(g, NULL)))
return NULL;
// Have the external class do its complete definition
if (!cat->Cbuf) {
// Suballocate a temporary buffer for the entire column section
cat->Cblen = GetSizeCatInfo("Colsize", "8K");
cat->Cbuf = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, cat->Cblen);
} // endif Cbuf
// Here "OEM" should be replace by a more useful value
if (xdefp->Define(g, cat, Name, "OEM"))
return NULL;
// Ok, return external block
return xdefp;
} // end of GetXdef
#if 0
/* DeleteTableFile: Delete an OEM table file if applicable. */
bool OEMDEF::DeleteTableFile(PGLOBAL g)
if (!Pxdef)
Pxdef = GetXdef(g);
return (Pxdef) ? Pxdef->DeleteTableFile(g) : true;
} // end of DeleteTableFile
#endif // 0
/* Define: initialize the table definition block from XDB file. */
bool OEMDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR, int)
Module = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Module", "");
Subtype = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Subtype", Module);
if (!*Module)
Module = Subtype;
Desc = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(Module)
+ strlen(Subtype) + 3);
sprintf(Desc, "%s(%s)", Module, Subtype);
return false;
} // end of DefineAM
/* GetTable: makes a new Table Description Block. */
RECFM rfm;
// If define block not here yet, get it now
if (!Pxdef && !(Pxdef = GetXdef(g)))
return NULL; // Error
/* Allocate a TDB of the proper type. */
/* Column blocks will be allocated only when needed. */
if (!(tdbp = (PTDBASE)Pxdef->GetTable(g, mode)))
return NULL;
rfm = tdbp->GetFtype();
if (rfm == RECFM_NAF)
return tdbp;
else if (rfm == RECFM_OEM) {
if (Multiple)
tdbp = new(g) TDBMUL(tdbp); // No block optimization yet
return tdbp;
} // endif OEM
/* The OEM table is based on a file type (currently DOS+ only) */
assert (rfm == RECFM_VAR || rfm == RECFM_FIX ||
rfm == RECFM_BIN || rfm == RECFM_VCT);
PTXF txfp = NULL;
PDOSDEF defp = (PDOSDEF)Pxdef;
bool map = defp->Mapped && mode != MODE_INSERT &&
!(UseTemp() == TMP_FORCE &&
(mode == MODE_UPDATE || mode == MODE_DELETE));
int cmpr = defp->Compressed;
/* Allocate table and file processing class of the proper type. */
/* Column blocks will be allocated only when needed. */
if (!((PTDBDOS)tdbp)->GetTxfp()) {
if (cmpr) {
#if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
if (cmpr == 1)
txfp = new(g) ZIPFAM(defp);
txfp = new(g) ZLBFAM(defp);
#else // !ZIP_SUPPORT
strcpy(g->Message, "Compress not supported");
return NULL;
#endif // !ZIP_SUPPORT
} else if (rfm == RECFM_VAR) {
if (map)
txfp = new(g) MAPFAM(defp);
txfp = new(g) DOSFAM(defp);
} else if (rfm == RECFM_FIX || rfm == RECFM_BIN) {
if (map)
txfp = new(g) MPXFAM(defp);
txfp = new(g) FIXFAM(defp);
} else if (rfm == RECFM_VCT) {
assert (Pxdef->GetDefType() == TYPE_AM_VCT);
if (map)
txfp = new(g) VCMFAM((PVCTDEF)defp);
txfp = new(g) VCTFAM((PVCTDEF)defp);
} // endif's
} // endif Txfp
if (Multiple)
tdbp = new(g) TDBMUL(tdbp);
return tdbp;
} // end of GetTable
/* --------------------------- Class COLCRT -------------------------- */
/* COLCRT Constructors. */
Next = NULL;
Name = name;
Desc = NULL;
Decode = NULL;
Fmt = NULL;
Offset = -1;
Long = -1;
Precision = -1;
Freq = -1;
Key = -1;
Scale = -1;
Opt = -1;
DataType = '*';
} // end of COLCRT constructor for table creation
Next = NULL;
Name = NULL;
Desc = NULL;
Decode = NULL;
Fmt = NULL;
Offset = 0;
Long = 0;
Precision = 0;
Freq = 0;
Key = 0;
Scale = 0;
Opt = 0;
DataType = '*';
} // end of COLCRT constructor for table & view definition
/* --------------------------- Class COLDEF -------------------------- */
/* COLDEF Constructor. */
To_Min = NULL;
To_Max = NULL;
To_Pos = NULL;
Xdb2 = FALSE;
To_Bmap = NULL;
To_Dval = NULL;
Ndv = 0;
Nbm = 0;
Buf_Type = TYPE_ERROR;
Clen = 0;
Poff = 0;
memset(&F, 0, sizeof(FORMAT));
Flags = 0;
} // end of COLDEF constructor
/* Define: initialize a column definition from a COLINFO structure. */
int COLDEF::Define(PGLOBAL g, void *, PCOLINFO cfp, int poff)
Name = (PSZ)PlugDup(g, cfp->Name);
if (!(cfp->Flags & U_SPECIAL)) {
Poff = poff;
Buf_Type = cfp->Type;
if ((Clen = GetTypeSize(Buf_Type, cfp->Length)) <= 0) {
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_COL_TYPE), GetTypeName(Buf_Type), Name);
return -1;
} // endswitch
strcpy(F.Type, GetFormatType(Buf_Type));
F.Length = cfp->Length;
F.Prec = cfp->Scale;
Offset = (cfp->Offset < 0) ? poff : cfp->Offset;
Precision = cfp->Precision;
Scale = cfp->Scale;
Long = cfp->Length;
Opt = cfp->Opt;
Key = cfp->Key;
Freq = cfp->Freq;
if (cfp->Remark && *cfp->Remark)
Desc = (PSZ)PlugDup(g, cfp->Remark);
if (cfp->Datefmt)
Decode = (PSZ)PlugDup(g, cfp->Datefmt);
} else
Offset = poff;
if (cfp->Fieldfmt)
Fmt = (PSZ)PlugDup(g, cfp->Fieldfmt);
Flags = cfp->Flags;
return (Flags & (U_VIRTUAL|U_SPECIAL)) ? 0 : Long;
} // end of Define
/* ------------------------- End of RelDef --------------------------- */