mariadb/bdb/tcl/docs/mpool.html 5e09392faa BDB 4.1.24
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<A NAME="Memory Pool Commands"></A>Memory Pool Commands</H2>
Memory pools are used in a manner similar to the other subsystems.&nbsp;
We create a handle to the pool and&nbsp; then use it for a variety of operations.&nbsp;
Some of the memory pool commands use the environment instead. Those are
presented first.
<P><B>> &lt;env> mpool_stat</B>
<P>This command returns&nbsp; the statistics associated with the memory
pool subsystem.&nbsp; It is a direct call to the <A HREF="../../docs/api_c/memp_stat.html">memp_stat</A>
function.&nbsp; It returns a list of name/value pairs of the DB_MPOOL_STAT
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<BR><B>> &lt;env> mpool_sync <I>lsn</I></B>
<P>This command flushes the memory pool for all pages with a log sequence
number less than <B><I>lsn</I></B>.&nbsp; It is a direct call to the <A HREF="../../docs/api_c/memp_sync.html">memp_sync&nbsp;</A>
function.&nbsp; It returns either a 0 (for success), a DB error message
or it throws a Tcl error with a system message.
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<BR><B>> &lt;env> mpool_trickle <I>percent</I></B>
<P>This command tells DB to ensure that at least <B><I>percent</I></B>
percent of the pages are clean by writing out enough to dirty pages to
achieve that percentage.&nbsp; It is a direct call to the <A HREF="../../docs/api_c/memp_trickle.html">memp_trickle</A>
function.&nbsp; The command will return the number of pages actually written.&nbsp;
It returns either the number of pages on success, or it throws a Tcl error
with a system message.
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<P><B>> &lt;env> mpool [-create] [-nommap] [-rdonly] [-mode <I>mode</I>]
-pagesize <I>size</I> [<I>file</I>]</B>
<P>This command creates a new memory pool.&nbsp; It invokes the <A HREF="../../docs/api_c/memp_fopen.html">memp_fopen</A>
function.&nbsp; After it successfully gets a handle to a memory pool, we
bind it to a new Tcl command of the form <B><I>$env.mpX</I></B>, where
X is an integer starting at&nbsp; 0 (e.g. <B>$env.mp0, $env.mp1, </B>etc).&nbsp;
We use the <I>Tcl_CreateObjCommand()</I> to create the top level memory
pool functions.&nbsp; It is through this handle that the user can manipulate
the pool.&nbsp; Internally, the handle we get back from DB will be stored
as the <I>ClientData</I> portion of the new command set so that future
memory pool calls will have that handle readily available.&nbsp; Additionally,
we need to maintain this handle in relation to the environment so that
if the user calls <A HREF="../../docs/api_tcl/env_close.html">&lt;env> close</A> without closing
the memory pool we can properly clean up.&nbsp; The arguments are:
<B><I>file</I></B> is the name of the file to open</LI>
<B>-create </B>selects the DB_CREATE flag to create underlying file</LI>
<B>-mode <I>mode </I></B>sets the permissions of created file to <B><I>mode</I></B></LI>
<B>-nommap</B> selects the DB_NOMMAP flag to disallow using mmap'ed files</LI>
<B>-pagesize</B> sets the underlying file page size to <B><I>size</I></B></LI>
<B>-rdonly </B>selects the DB_RDONLY flag for read only access</LI>
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<BR><B>> &lt;mp> close</B>
<P>This command closes the memory pool.&nbsp; It is a direct call to the
<A HREF="../../docs/api_c/memp_fclose.html">memp_close</A>
function.&nbsp; It returns either a 0 (for success), a DB error message
or it throws a Tcl error with a system message.
<P>Additionally, since the handle is no longer valid, we will call
that further uses of the handle will be dealt with properly by Tcl itself.&nbsp;
We must also remove the reference to this handle from the environment.&nbsp;
We will go through the list of pinned pages that were acquired by the <A HREF="#> <mp> get">get</A>
command and
<A HREF="#> <pg> put">put</A> them back.
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<BR><B>> &lt;mp> fsync</B>
<P>This command flushes all of the file's dirty pages to disk.&nbsp; It
is a direct call to the <A HREF="../../docs/api_c/memp_fsync.html">memp_fsync</A>
function.&nbsp; It returns either a 0 (for success), a DB error message
or it throws a Tcl error with a system message.
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<BR><A NAME="> <mp> get"></A><B>> &lt;mp> get [-create] [-last] [-new]
<P>This command gets the&nbsp; <B><I>pgno </I></B>page from the memory
pool.&nbsp; It invokes the <A HREF="../../docs/api_c/memp_fget.html">memp_fget</A>
function and possibly the <A HREF="../../docs/api_c/memp_fset.html">memp_fset</A>
function if any options are chosen to set the page characteristics.&nbsp;
After it successfully gets a handle to a page,&nbsp; we bind it to and
return a new Tcl command of the form <B><I>$env.mpN.pX</I></B>, where X
is an integer starting at&nbsp; 0 (e.g. <B>$env.mp0.p0, $env.mp1.p0, </B>etc).&nbsp;
We use the <I>Tcl_CreateObjCommand()</I> to create the top level page functions.&nbsp;
It is through this handle that the user can manipulate the page.&nbsp;
Internally, the handle we get back from DB will be stored as the <I>ClientData</I>
portion of the new command set.&nbsp; We need to store this handle in&nbsp;
relation to the memory pool handle so that if the memory pool is closed,
we will <A HREF="#> <pg> put">put</A> back the pages (setting the discard
flag) and delete that set of commands.
<P>The arguments are:
<B>-create </B>selects the DB_MPOOL_CREATE flag&nbsp; to create the page
if it does not exist.</LI>
<B>-last</B> selects the DB_MPOOL_LAST flag to return the last page in
the file</LI>
<B>-new</B> selects the DB_MPOOL_NEW flag to create a new page</LI>
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<BR><B>> &lt;pg> pgnum</B>
<P>This command returns the page number associated with this memory pool
page.&nbsp; Primarily it will be used after an <A HREF="#> <mp> get">&lt;mp>
get</A> call.
<HR WIDTH="100%"><B>> &lt;pg> pgsize</B>
<P>This command returns the page size associated with this memory pool
page.&nbsp; Primarily it will be used after an <A HREF="#> <mp> get">&lt;mp>
get</A> call.
<HR WIDTH="100%"><B>> &lt;pg> set [-clean] [-dirty] [-discard]</B>
<P>This command sets the characteristics of the page.&nbsp; It is a direct
call to the <A HREF="../../docs/api_c/memp_fset.html">memp_fset</A> function.&nbsp;
It returns either a 0 (for success), a DB error message or it throws a
Tcl error with a system message.&nbsp; The arguments are:
<B>-clean</B> selects the DB_MPOOL_CLEAN flag to indicate this is a clean
<B>-dirty</B> selects the DB_MPOOL_DIRTY flag to indicate this page should
be flushed before eviction</LI>
<B>-discard</B> selects the DB_MPOOL_DISCARD flag to indicate this page
is unimportant</LI>
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<BR><A NAME="> <pg> put"></A><B>> &lt;pg> put [-clean] [-dirty] [-discard]</B>
<P>This command will put back the page to the memory pool.&nbsp; It is
a direct call to the <A HREF="../../docs/api_c/memp_fput.html">memp_fput</A>
function.&nbsp; It returns either a 0 (for success), a DB error message
or it throws a Tcl error with a system message. Additionally, since the
handle is no longer valid, we will call
</I>so that
further uses of the handle will be dealt with properly by Tcl itself.&nbsp;
We must also remove the reference to this handle from the memory pool.
<P>The arguments are:
<B>-clean</B> selects the DB_MPOOL_CLEAN flag to indicate this is a clean
<B>-dirty</B> selects the DB_MPOOL_DIRTY flag to indicate this page should
be flushed before eviction</LI>
<B>-discard</B> selects the DB_MPOOL_DISCARD flag to indicate this page
is unimportant</LI>
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<BR><B>> &lt;pg> init <I>val|string</I></B>
<P>This command initializes the page to the <B><I>val</I></B> given or
places the <B><I>string</I></B> given at the beginning of the page.&nbsp;
It returns a 0 for success or it throws a Tcl error with an error message.
<HR WIDTH="100%">
<BR><B>> &lt;pg> is_setto <I>val|string</I></B>
<P>This command verifies the page contains the <B><I>val</I></B> given
or checks that the <B>string</B> given is at the beginning of the page.&nbsp;
It returns a 1 if the page is correctly set to the value and a 0 otherwise.