iggy@recycle.(none) 08ea692a7f - Resolved conflict between fixes for bugs 25141 and 26074.
- Use the 25141 fix.
- 26074 is duplicate, as 25141 has more comprehensive test
2007-04-24 16:07:52 -04:00

51 lines
1 KiB

# Windows-specific tests
--source include/
# Bug 9148: Denial of service
--error 1049
use lpt1;
--error 1049
use com1;
--error 1049
use prn;
# Bug #12325: Can't create table named 'nu'
create table nu (a int);
drop table nu;
# Bug17489: ailed to put data file in custom directory use "data directory" option
drop table if exists t1;
CREATE TABLE t1 ( `ID` int(6) ) data directory 'c:/tmp/' index directory 'c:/tmp/' engine=MyISAM;
drop table t1;
# End of 4.1 tests
# Bug #20665: All commands supported in Stored Procedures should work in
# Prepared Statements
create procedure proc_1() install plugin my_plug soname '\\root\\some_plugin.dll';
call proc_1();
call proc_1();
call proc_1();
drop procedure proc_1;
prepare abc from "install plugin my_plug soname '\\\\root\\\\some_plugin.dll'";
execute abc;
execute abc;
deallocate prepare abc;