marko 4856b4ba61 branches/zip: Remove update-in-place-in-select from the internal SQL
interpreter.  It was only used for updating the InnoDB internal data
dictionary when renaming or dropping tables.  It could have caused
deadlocks after acquiring latches on insert buffer bitmap pages.
This and r3544 should fix Issue .

Furthermore, the update-in-place-in-select does not account for
compression failure.  That was not a problem yet, since the InnoDB SQL
interpreter has so far assumed ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT.

rb://63 approved by Heikki Tuuri
2008-12-17 12:40:59 +00:00

385 lines
14 KiB

(c) 1997 Innobase Oy
Created 12/19/1997 Heikki Tuuri
#ifndef row0sel_h
#define row0sel_h
#include "univ.i"
#include "data0data.h"
#include "que0types.h"
#include "dict0types.h"
#include "trx0types.h"
#include "row0types.h"
#include "que0types.h"
#include "pars0sym.h"
#include "btr0pcur.h"
#include "read0read.h"
#include "row0mysql.h"
Creates a select node struct. */
/* out, own: select node struct */
mem_heap_t* heap); /* in: memory heap where created */
Frees the memory private to a select node when a query graph is freed,
does not free the heap where the node was originally created. */
sel_node_t* node); /* in: select node struct */
Frees a prefetch buffer for a column, including the dynamically allocated
memory for data stored there. */
sel_buf_t* prefetch_buf); /* in, own: prefetch buffer */
Gets the plan node for the nth table in a join. */
sel_node_t* node,
ulint i);
Performs a select step. This is a high-level function used in SQL execution
graphs. */
/* out: query thread to run next or NULL */
que_thr_t* thr); /* in: query thread */
Performs an execution step of an open or close cursor statement node. */
/* out: query thread to run next or NULL */
que_thr_t* thr); /* in: query thread */
Performs a fetch for a cursor. */
/* out: query thread to run next or NULL */
que_thr_t* thr); /* in: query thread */
Sample callback function for fetch that prints each row.*/
/* out: always returns non-NULL */
void* row, /* in: sel_node_t* */
void* user_arg); /* in: not used */
Callback function for fetch that stores an unsigned 4 byte integer to the
location pointed. The column's type must be DATA_INT, DATA_UNSIGNED, length
= 4. */
/* out: always returns NULL */
void* row, /* in: sel_node_t* */
void* user_arg); /* in: data pointer */
Prints a row in a select result. */
/* out: query thread to run next or NULL */
que_thr_t* thr); /* in: query thread */
Converts a key value stored in MySQL format to an Innobase dtuple. The last
field of the key value may be just a prefix of a fixed length field: hence
the parameter key_len. But currently we do not allow search keys where the
last field is only a prefix of the full key field len and print a warning if
such appears. */
dtuple_t* tuple, /* in/out: tuple where to build;
NOTE: we assume that the type info
in the tuple is already according
to index! */
byte* buf, /* in: buffer to use in field
conversions */
ulint buf_len, /* in: buffer length */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index of the key value */
const byte* key_ptr, /* in: MySQL key value */
ulint key_len, /* in: MySQL key value length */
trx_t* trx); /* in: transaction */
Searches for rows in the database. This is used in the interface to
MySQL. This function opens a cursor, and also implements fetch next
and fetch prev. NOTE that if we do a search with a full key value
from a unique index (ROW_SEL_EXACT), then we will not store the cursor
position and fetch next or fetch prev must not be tried to the cursor! */
/* out: DB_SUCCESS,
byte* buf, /* in/out: buffer for the fetched
row in the MySQL format */
ulint mode, /* in: search mode PAGE_CUR_L, ... */
row_prebuilt_t* prebuilt, /* in: prebuilt struct for the
table handle; this contains the info
of search_tuple, index; if search
tuple contains 0 fields then we
position the cursor at the start or
the end of the index, depending on
'mode' */
ulint match_mode, /* in: 0 or ROW_SEL_EXACT or
ulint direction); /* in: 0 or ROW_SEL_NEXT or
ROW_SEL_PREV; NOTE: if this is != 0,
then prebuilt must have a pcur
with stored position! In opening of a
cursor 'direction' should be 0. */
Checks if MySQL at the moment is allowed for this table to retrieve a
consistent read result, or store it to the query cache. */
/* out: TRUE if storing or retrieving
from the query cache is permitted */
trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction object */
const char* norm_name); /* in: concatenation of database name,
'/' char, table name */
Read the max AUTOINC value from an index. */
/* out: DB_SUCCESS if all OK else
error code */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index to search */
const char* col_name, /* in: autoinc column name */
ib_uint64_t* value); /* out: AUTOINC value read */
/* A structure for caching column values for prefetched rows */
struct sel_buf_struct{
byte* data; /* data, or NULL; if not NULL, this field
has allocated memory which must be explicitly
freed; can be != NULL even when len is
ulint len; /* data length or UNIV_SQL_NULL */
ulint val_buf_size;
/* size of memory buffer allocated for data:
this can be more than len; this is defined
when data != NULL */
struct plan_struct{
dict_table_t* table; /* table struct in the dictionary
cache */
dict_index_t* index; /* table index used in the search */
btr_pcur_t pcur; /* persistent cursor used to search
the index */
ibool asc; /* TRUE if cursor traveling upwards */
ibool pcur_is_open; /* TRUE if pcur has been positioned
and we can try to fetch new rows */
ibool cursor_at_end; /* TRUE if the cursor is open but
we know that there are no more
qualifying rows left to retrieve from
the index tree; NOTE though, that
there may still be unprocessed rows in
the prefetch stack; always FALSE when
pcur_is_open is FALSE */
ibool stored_cursor_rec_processed;
/* TRUE if the pcur position has been
stored and the record it is positioned
on has already been processed */
que_node_t** tuple_exps; /* array of expressions which are used
to calculate the field values in the
search tuple: there is one expression
for each field in the search tuple */
dtuple_t* tuple; /* search tuple */
ulint mode; /* search mode: PAGE_CUR_G, ... */
ulint n_exact_match; /* number of first fields in the search
tuple which must be exactly matched */
ibool unique_search; /* TRUE if we are searching an
index record with a unique key */
ulint n_rows_fetched; /* number of rows fetched using pcur
after it was opened */
ulint n_rows_prefetched;/* number of prefetched rows cached
for fetch: fetching several rows in
the same mtr saves CPU time */
ulint first_prefetched;/* index of the first cached row in
select buffer arrays for each column */
ibool no_prefetch; /* no prefetch for this table */
sym_node_list_t columns; /* symbol table nodes for the columns
to retrieve from the table */
end_conds; /* conditions which determine the
fetch limit of the index segment we
have to look at: when one of these
fails, the result set has been
exhausted for the cursor in this
index; these conditions are normalized
so that in a comparison the column
for this table is the first argument */
other_conds; /* the rest of search conditions we can
test at this table in a join */
ibool must_get_clust; /* TRUE if index is a non-clustered
index and we must also fetch the
clustered index record; this is the
case if the non-clustered record does
not contain all the needed columns, or
if this is a single-table explicit
cursor, or a searched update or
delete */
ulint* clust_map; /* map telling how clust_ref is built
from the fields of a non-clustered
record */
dtuple_t* clust_ref; /* the reference to the clustered
index entry is built here if index is
a non-clustered index */
btr_pcur_t clust_pcur; /* if index is non-clustered, we use
this pcur to search the clustered
index */
mem_heap_t* old_vers_heap; /* memory heap used in building an old
version of a row, or NULL */
struct sel_node_struct{
que_common_t common; /* node type: QUE_NODE_SELECT */
ulint state; /* node state */
que_node_t* select_list; /* select list */
sym_node_t* into_list; /* variables list or NULL */
sym_node_t* table_list; /* table list */
ibool asc; /* TRUE if the rows should be fetched
in an ascending order */
ibool set_x_locks; /* TRUE if the cursor is for update or
delete, which means that a row x-lock
should be placed on the cursor row */
ulint row_lock_mode; /* LOCK_X or LOCK_S */
ulint n_tables; /* number of tables */
ulint fetch_table; /* number of the next table to access
in the join */
plan_t* plans; /* array of n_tables many plan nodes
containing the search plan and the
search data structures */
que_node_t* search_cond; /* search condition */
read_view_t* read_view; /* if the query is a non-locking
consistent read, its read view is
placed here, otherwise NULL */
ibool consistent_read;/* TRUE if the select is a consistent,
non-locking read */
order_node_t* order_by; /* order by column definition, or
ibool is_aggregate; /* TRUE if the select list consists of
aggregate functions */
ibool aggregate_already_fetched;
/* TRUE if the aggregate row has
already been fetched for the current
cursor */
ibool can_get_updated;/* this is TRUE if the select
is in a single-table explicit
cursor which can get updated
within the stored procedure,
or in a searched update or
delete; NOTE that to determine
of an explicit cursor if it
can get updated, the parser
checks from a stored procedure
if it contains positioned
update or delete statements */
sym_node_t* explicit_cursor;/* not NULL if an explicit cursor */
copy_variables; /* variables whose values we have to
copy when an explicit cursor is opened,
so that they do not change between
fetches */
/* Select node states */
#define SEL_NODE_CLOSED 0 /* it is a declared cursor which is not
currently open */
#define SEL_NODE_OPEN 1 /* intention locks not yet set on
tables */
#define SEL_NODE_FETCH 2 /* intention locks have been set */
#define SEL_NODE_NO_MORE_ROWS 3 /* cursor has reached the result set
end */
/* Fetch statement node */
struct fetch_node_struct{
que_common_t common; /* type: QUE_NODE_FETCH */
sel_node_t* cursor_def; /* cursor definition */
sym_node_t* into_list; /* variables to set */
func; /* User callback function or NULL.
The first argument to the function
is a sel_node_t*, containing the
results of the SELECT operation for
one row. If the function returns
NULL, it is not interested in
further rows and the cursor is
modified so (cursor % NOTFOUND) is
true. If it returns not-NULL,
continue normally. See
row_fetch_print() for an example
(and a useful debugging tool). */
/* Open or close cursor statement node */
struct open_node_struct{
que_common_t common; /* type: QUE_NODE_OPEN */
ulint op_type; /* ROW_SEL_OPEN_CURSOR or
sel_node_t* cursor_def; /* cursor definition */
/* Row printf statement node */
struct row_printf_node_struct{
que_common_t common; /* type: QUE_NODE_ROW_PRINTF */
sel_node_t* sel_node; /* select */
/* Flags for the MySQL interface */
#define ROW_SEL_NEXT 1
#define ROW_SEL_PREV 2
#define ROW_SEL_EXACT 1 /* search using a complete key value */
#define ROW_SEL_EXACT_PREFIX 2 /* search using a key prefix which
must match to rows: the prefix may
contain an incomplete field (the
last field in prefix may be just
a prefix of a fixed length column) */
#include "row0sel.ic"