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synced 2025-03-08 04:03:30 +01:00

columns data types The "SELECT @lastId, @lastId := Id FROM t" query returns different result sets depending on the type of the Id column (INT or BIGINT). Note: this fix doesn't cover the case when a select query references an user variable and stored function that updates a value of that variable, in this case a result is indeterminate. The server uses incorrect assumption about a constantness of an user variable value as a select list item: The server caches a last query number where that variable was changed and compares this number with a current query number. If these numbers are different, the server guesses, that the variable is not updating in the current query, so a respective select list item is a constant. However, in some common cases the server updates cached query number too late. The server has been modified to memorize user variable assignments during the parse phase to take them into account on the next (query preparation) phase independently of the order of user variable references/assignments in a select item list.
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# Initialise
drop table if exists t1,t2;
--error 1054
set @a := foo;
set @a := connection_id() + 3;
select @a - connection_id();
set @b := 1;
select @b;
# Check using and setting variables with SELECT DISTINCT
CREATE TABLE t1 ( i int not null, v int not null,index (i));
insert into t1 values (1,1),(1,3),(2,1);
create table t2 (i int not null, unique (i));
insert into t2 select distinct i from t1;
select * from t2;
select distinct t2.i,@vv1:=if(sv1.i,1,0),@vv2:=if(sv2.i,1,0),@vv3:=if(sv3.i,1,0), @vv1+@vv2+@vv3 from t2 left join t1 as sv1 on sv1.i=t2.i and sv1.v=1 left join t1 as sv2 on sv2.i=t2.i and sv2.v=2 left join t1 as sv3 on sv3.i=t2.i and sv3.v=3;
explain select * from t1 where i=@vv1;
select @vv1,i,v from t1 where i=@vv1;
explain select * from t1 where @vv1:=@vv1+1 and i=@vv1;
explain select @vv1:=i from t1 where i=@vv1;
explain select * from t1 where i=@vv1;
drop table t1,t2;
# Check types of variables
set @a=0,@b=0;
select @a:=10, @b:=1, @a > @b, @a < @b;
# Note that here a and b will be avaluated as number
select @a:="10", @b:="1", @a > @b, @a < @b;
# Note that here a and b will be avaluated as strings
select @a:=10, @b:=2, @a > @b, @a < @b;
select @a:="10", @b:="2", @a > @b, @a < @b;
# Fixed bug #1194
select @a:=1;
select @a, @a:=1;
create table t1 (id int, d double, c char(10));
insert into t1 values (1,2.0, "test");
select @c:=0;
update t1 SET id=(@c:=@c+1);
select @c;
select @c:=0;
update t1 set id=(@c:=@c+1);
select @c;
select @c:=0;
select @c:=@c+1;
select @d,(@d:=id),@d from t1;
select @e,(@e:=d),@e from t1;
select @f,(@f:=c),@f from t1;
set @g=1;
select @g,(@g:=c),@g from t1;
select @c, @d, @e, @f;
select @d:=id, @e:=id, @f:=id, @g:=@id from t1;
select @c, @d, @e, @f, @g;
drop table t1;
# just for fun :)
select @a:=10, @b:=2, @a>@b, @a:="10", @b:="2", @a>@b, @a:=10, @b:=2, @a>@b, @a:="10", @b:="2", @a>@b;
# bug#1739
# Item_func_set_user_var sets update_query_id, Item_func_get_user_var checks it
create table t1 (i int not null);
insert t1 values (1),(2),(2),(3),(3),(3);
select @a:=0; select @a, @a:=@a+count(*), count(*), @a from t1 group by i;
select @a:=0; select @a+0, @a:=@a+0+count(*), count(*), @a+0 from t1 group by i;
set @a=0;
select @a,@a:="hello",@a,@a:=3,@a,@a:="hello again" from t1 group by i;
select @a,@a:="hello",@a,@a:=3,@a,@a:="hello again" from t1 group by i;
drop table t1;
# Bug #2244: User variables didn't copy collation and derivation
# attributes from values they were initialized to.
set @a=_latin2'test';
select charset(@a),collation(@a),coercibility(@a);
select @a=_latin2'TEST';
select @a=_latin2'TEST' collate latin2_bin;
set @a=_latin2'test' collate latin2_general_ci;
select charset(@a),collation(@a),coercibility(@a);
select @a=_latin2'TEST';
select @a=_latin2'TEST' collate latin2_bin;
# Check the same invoking Item_set_user_var
select charset(@a:=_latin2'test');
select collation(@a:=_latin2'test');
select coercibility(@a:=_latin2'test');
select collation(@a:=_latin2'test' collate latin2_bin);
select coercibility(@a:=_latin2'test' collate latin2_bin);
select (@a:=_latin2'test' collate latin2_bin) = _latin2'TEST';
select charset(@a),collation(@a),coercibility(@a);
select (@a:=_latin2'test' collate latin2_bin) = _latin2'TEST' collate latin2_general_ci;
# Bug #6321 strange error:
# string function FIELD(<uservariable content NULL>, ...)
set @var= NULL ;
select FIELD( @var,'1it','Hit') as my_column;
# Bug#9425 A user variable doesn't always have implicit coercibility
select @v, coercibility(@v);
set @v1=null, @v2=1, @v3=1.1, @v4=now();
select coercibility(@v1),coercibility(@v2),coercibility(@v3),coercibility(@v4);
# Bug #9286 SESSION/GLOBAL should be disallowed for user variables
--error 1064
set session @honk=99;
--error 1382
set one_shot @honk=99;
# Bug #10724 @@local not preserved in column name of select
# The value doesn't actually matter, we just care about the column name
--replace_column 1 #
select @@local.max_allowed_packet;
--replace_column 1 #
select @@session.max_allowed_packet;
--replace_column 1 #
select @@global.max_allowed_packet;
--replace_column 1 #
select @@max_allowed_packet;
--replace_column 1 #
select @@Max_Allowed_Packet;
--replace_column 1 #
select @@version;
--replace_column 1 #
select @@global.version;
--echo End of 4.1 tests
# Bug #6598: problem with cast(NULL as signed integer);
set @first_var= NULL;
create table t1 select @first_var;
show create table t1;
drop table t1;
set @first_var= cast(NULL as signed integer);
create table t1 select @first_var;
show create table t1;
drop table t1;
set @first_var= NULL;
create table t1 select @first_var;
show create table t1;
drop table t1;
set @first_var= concat(NULL);
create table t1 select @first_var;
show create table t1;
drop table t1;
set @first_var=1;
set @first_var= cast(NULL as CHAR);
create table t1 select @first_var;
show create table t1;
drop table t1;
# Bug #7498 User variable SET saves SIGNED BIGINT as UNSIGNED BIGINT
# First part, set user var to large number and select it
set @a=18446744071710965857;
select @a;
# Second part, set user var from large number in table
# then select it
CREATE TABLE `bigfailure` (
INSERT INTO `bigfailure` VALUES (18446744071710965857);
SELECT * FROM bigfailure;
select * from (SELECT afield FROM bigfailure) as b;
select * from bigfailure where afield = (SELECT afield FROM bigfailure);
select * from bigfailure where afield = 18446744071710965857;
# This is fixed in 5.0, to be uncommented there
#select * from bigfailure where afield = '18446744071710965857';
select * from bigfailure where afield = 18446744071710965856+1;
SET @a := (SELECT afield FROM bigfailure);
SET @a := (select afield from (SELECT afield FROM bigfailure) as b);
SET @a := (select * from bigfailure where afield = (SELECT afield FROM bigfailure));
drop table bigfailure;
# Bug#16861: User defined variable can have a wrong value if a tmp table was
# used.
create table t1(f1 int, f2 int);
insert into t1 values (1,2),(2,3),(3,1);
select @var:=f2 from t1 group by f1 order by f2 desc limit 1;
select @var;
create table t2 as select @var:=f2 from t1 group by f1 order by f2 desc limit 1;
select * from t2;
select @var;
drop table t1,t2;
# Bug#19024 - SHOW COUNT(*) WARNINGS not return Errors
--error 1064
insert into city 'blah';
# Bug#28494: Grouping by Item_func_set_user_var produces incorrect result.
create table t1(f1 int, f2 varchar(2), f3 float, f4 decimal(2,1));
insert into t1 values
(1, "a", 1.5, 1.6), (1, "a", 1.5, 1.6), (2, "b", 2.5, 2.6),
(3, "c", 3.5, 3.6), (4, "d", 4.5, 4.6), (1, "a", 1.5, 1.6),
(3, "c", 3.5, 3.6), (1, "a", 1.5, 1.6);
select @a:=f1, count(f1) from t1 group by 1 desc;
select @a:=f1, count(f1) from t1 group by 1 asc;
select @a:=f2, count(f2) from t1 group by 1 desc;
select @a:=f3, count(f3) from t1 group by 1 desc;
select @a:=f4, count(f4) from t1 group by 1 desc;
drop table t1;
# Bug#32482: Crash for a query with ORDER BY a user variable.
create table t1 (f1 int);
insert into t1 values (2), (1);
select @i := f1 as j from t1 order by 1;
drop table t1;
# Bug #32260: User variables in query cause server crash
create table t1(a int);
insert into t1 values(5),(4),(4),(3),(2),(2),(2),(1);
set @rownum := 0;
set @rank := 0;
set @prev_score := NULL;
# Disable the result log as we assign a value to a user variable in one part
# of a statement and use the same variable in other part of the same statement,
# so we can get unexpected results.
select @rownum := @rownum + 1 as row,
@rank := IF(@prev_score!=a, @rownum, @rank) as rank,
@prev_score := a as score
from t1 order by score desc;
drop table t1;
# Bug#26020: User-Defined Variables are not consistent with columns data types
create table t1(b bigint);
insert into t1 (b) values (10), (30), (10);
set @var := 0;
select if(b=@var, 999, b) , @var := b from t1 order by b;
drop table t1;
create temporary table t1 (id int);
insert into t1 values (2), (3), (3), (4);
set @lastid=-1;
select @lastid != id, @lastid, @lastid := id from t1;
drop table t1;
create temporary table t1 (id bigint);
insert into t1 values (2), (3), (3), (4);
set @lastid=-1;
select @lastid != id, @lastid, @lastid := id from t1;
drop table t1;
--echo End of 5.1 tests