Bradley C. Kuszmaul 6c211758b1 Merge 1767 into main line (including 1768 and 1627 fixes) and delete 1767 branch. Fixes . Refs , 1627.
git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@12140 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
2013-04-16 23:57:53 -04:00

565 lines
24 KiB

/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
#ident "$Id$"
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2009 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
#ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it."
/* This file defines the logformat in an executable fashion.
* This code is used to generate
* The code that writes into the log.
* The code that reads the log and prints it to stdout (the log_print utility)
* The code that reads the log for recovery.
* The struct definitions.
* The Latex documentation.
#include <toku_portability.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
typedef struct field {
char *type;
char *name;
char *format; // optional format string
} F;
#define NULLFIELD {0,0,0}
#define FA (F[])
struct logtype {
char *name;
unsigned int command_and_flags;
struct field *fields;
// In the fields, don't mention the command, the LSN, the CRC or the trailing LEN.
int logformat_version_number = 0;
const struct logtype rollbacks[] = {
{"fcreate", 'F', FA{{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0},
// cmdinsert is used to insert a key-value pair into a NODUP DB. For rollback we don't need the data.
{"cmdinsert", 'i', FA{{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"cmdinsertboth", 'I', FA{{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
{"cmddeleteboth", 'D', FA{{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
{"cmddelete", 'd', FA{{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"rollinclude", 'r', FA{{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0},
{"tablelock_on_empty_table", 'L', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
// {"fclose", 'c', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
// {"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0},
// {"deleteatleaf", 'd', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0}, // Note a delete for rollback. The delete takes place in a leaf.
// {"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
// {"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
// {"insertatleaf", 'i', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0}, // Note an insert for rollback. The insert takes place in a leaf.
// {"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
// {"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
// {"xactiontouchednonleaf", 'n', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
// {"DISKOFFARRAY", "parents", 0},
// {"DISKOFF", "diskoff", 0},
const struct logtype logtypes[] = {
// Records produced by checkpoints
{"begin_checkpoint", 'x', FA{NULLFIELD}},
{"end_checkpoint", 'X', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0}, NULLFIELD}}, // TXNID is LSN of begin_checkpoint
{"fassociate", 'f', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0}, // pathname of file
{"xstillopen", 's', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0}, NULLFIELD}}, // only record root transactions
// Reords produced by transactions
{"commit", 'C', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0},NULLFIELD}},
{"xabort", 'q', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0},NULLFIELD}},
{"xbegin", 'b', FA{{"TXNID", "parenttxnid", 0},NULLFIELD}},
#if 0
{"tl_delete", 'D', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0}, // tl logentries can be used, by themselves, to rebuild the whole DB from scratch.
{"BLOCKNUM", "blocknum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
{"fcreate", 'F', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0},
{"u_int32_t", "mode", "0%o"},
{"fheader", 'H', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"LOGGEDBRTHEADER", "header", 0},
{"changeunnamedroot", 'u', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BLOCKNUM", "oldroot", 0},
{"BLOCKNUM", "newroot", 0},
{"changenamedroot", 'n', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "name", 0},
{"BLOCKNUM", "oldroot", 0},
{"BLOCKNUM", "newroot", 0},
{"fopen", 'O', FA{{"TXNID", "txnid", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0},
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"brtclose", 'e', FA{{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0}, // brtclose is logged when a particular brt is closed
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"cfclose", 'o', FA{{"BYTESTRING", "fname", 0}, // cfclose is logged when a cachefile actually closes ("cfclose" means cache file close)
{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"enqrootentry", 'a', FA{{"FILENUM", "filenum", 0},
{"TXNID", "xid", 0},
{"u_int32_t", "typ", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "key", 0},
{"BYTESTRING", "data", 0},
#define DO_STRUCTS(lt, array, body) do { \
const struct logtype *lt; \
for (lt=&array[0]; lt->name; lt++) { \
body; \
} } while (0)
#define DO_ROLLBACKS(lt, body) DO_STRUCTS(lt, rollbacks, body)
#define DO_LOGTYPES(lt, body) DO_STRUCTS(lt, logtypes, body)
#define DO_LOGTYPES_AND_ROLLBACKS(lt, body) (DO_ROLLBACKS(lt,body), DO_LOGTYPES(lt, body))
#define DO_FIELDS(fld, lt, body) do { \
struct field *fld; \
for (fld=lt->fields; fld->type; fld++) { \
body; \
} } while (0)
static void __attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4))) fprintf2 (FILE *f1, FILE *f2, const char *format, ...) {
va_list ap;
int r;
va_start(ap, format);
r=vfprintf(f1, format, ap); assert(r>=0);
va_start(ap, format);
r=vfprintf(f2, format, ap); assert(r>=0);
FILE *hf=0, *cf=0;
static void
generate_enum_internal (char *enum_name, char *enum_prefix, const struct logtype *lts) {
char used_cmds[256];
int count=0;
memset(used_cmds, 0, 256);
fprintf(hf, "enum %s {", enum_name);
DO_STRUCTS(lt, lts,
unsigned char cmd = (unsigned char)(lt->command_and_flags&0xff);
if (count!=0) fprintf(hf, ",");
fprintf(hf, "\n");
fprintf(hf," %s_%-16s = '%c'", enum_prefix, lt->name, cmd);
if (used_cmds[cmd]!=0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: error: Command %d (%c) was used twice (second time for %s)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, cmd, cmd, lt->name); abort(); }
fprintf(hf, "\n};\n\n");
static void
generate_enum (void) {
generate_enum_internal("lt_cmd", "LT", logtypes);
generate_enum_internal("rt_cmd", "RT", rollbacks);
static void
generate_log_struct (void) {
{ fprintf(hf, "struct logtype_%s {\n", lt->name);
fprintf(hf, " %-16s lsn;\n", "LSN");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(hf, " %-16s %s;\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, " %-16s crc;\n", "u_int32_t");
fprintf(hf, " %-16s len;\n", "u_int32_t");
fprintf(hf, "};\n");
//fprintf(hf, "void toku_recover_%s (LSN lsn", lt->name);
//DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(hf, ", %s %s", ft->type, ft->name));
//fprintf(hf, ");\n");
{ fprintf(hf, "struct rolltype_%s {\n", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(hf, " %-16s %s;\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, "};\n");
fprintf(hf, "int toku_rollback_%s (", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(hf, "%s %s,", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, "TOKUTXN txn, YIELDF yield, void*yield_v);\n");
fprintf(hf, "int toku_commit_%s (", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(hf, "%s %s,", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, "TOKUTXN txn, YIELDF yield, void*yield_v);\n");
fprintf(hf, "struct log_entry {\n");
fprintf(hf, " enum lt_cmd cmd;\n");
fprintf(hf, " union {\n");
DO_LOGTYPES(lt, fprintf(hf," struct logtype_%s %s;\n", lt->name, lt->name));
fprintf(hf, " } u;\n");
fprintf(hf, "};\n");
fprintf(hf, "struct roll_entry {\n");
fprintf(hf, " enum rt_cmd cmd;\n");
fprintf(hf, " union {\n");
DO_ROLLBACKS(lt, fprintf(hf," struct rolltype_%s %s;\n", lt->name, lt->name));
fprintf(hf, " } u;\n");
fprintf(hf, " struct roll_entry *prev; /* for in-memory list of log entries. Threads from newest to oldest. */\n");
fprintf(hf, " struct roll_entry *next; /* Points to a newer logentry. Needed for flushing to disk, since we want to write the oldest one first. */\n");
fprintf(hf, "};\n");
static void
generate_dispatch (void) {
fprintf(hf, "#define rolltype_dispatch(s, funprefix) ({ switch((s)->cmd) {\\\n");
DO_ROLLBACKS(lt, fprintf(hf, " case RT_%s: funprefix ## %s (&(s)->u.%s); break;\\\n", lt->name, lt->name, lt->name));
fprintf(hf, " }})\n");
fprintf(hf, "#define logtype_dispatch_assign(s, funprefix, var, ...) do { switch((s)->cmd) {\\\n");
DO_LOGTYPES(lt, fprintf(hf, " case LT_%s: var = funprefix ## %s (&(s)->u.%s, __VA_ARGS__); break;\\\n", lt->name, lt->name, lt->name));
fprintf(hf, " }} while (0)\n");
fprintf(hf, "#define rolltype_dispatch_assign(s, funprefix, var, ...) do { \\\n");
fprintf(hf, " switch((s)->cmd) {\\\n");
fprintf(hf, " case RT_%s: var = funprefix ## %s (", lt->name, lt->name);
int fieldcount=0;
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, {
if (fieldcount>0) fprintf(hf, ",");
fprintf(hf, "(s)->u.%s.%s", lt->name, ft->name);
fprintf(hf, ", __VA_ARGS__); break;\\\n");
fprintf(hf, " default: assert(0);} } while (0)\n");
fprintf(hf, "#define logtype_dispatch_args(s, funprefix) do { switch((s)->cmd) {\\\n");
fprintf(hf, " case LT_%s: funprefix ## %s ((s)->u.%s.lsn", lt->name, lt->name, lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(hf, ",(s)->u.%s.%s", lt->name, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, "); break;\\\n");
fprintf(hf, " }} while (0)\n");
static void
generate_log_writer (void) {
fprintf(cf, "static u_int64_t toku_lsn_increment=1;\nvoid toku_set_lsn_increment (uint64_t incr) { assert(incr>0 && incr< (16LL<<32)); toku_lsn_increment=incr; }\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "int toku_log_%s (TOKULOGGER logger, LSN *lsnp, int do_fsync", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf2(cf, hf, ", %s %s", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, ");\n");
fprintf(cf, ") {\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (logger==0) return 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (!logger->write_log_files) {\n");
fprintf(cf, " ml_lock(&logger->input_lock);\n");
fprintf(cf, " logger->lsn.lsn += toku_lsn_increment;\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (lsnp) *lsnp=logger->lsn;\n");
fprintf(cf, " ml_unlock(&logger->input_lock);\n");
fprintf(cf, " return 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " }\n");
fprintf(cf, " const unsigned int buflen= (+4 // len at the beginning\n");
fprintf(cf, " +1 // log command\n");
fprintf(cf, " +8 // lsn\n");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(cf, " +toku_logsizeof_%s(%s)\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " +8 // crc + len\n");
fprintf(cf, " );\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct wbuf wbuf;\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct logbytes *lbytes = MALLOC_LOGBYTES(buflen);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (lbytes==0) return errno;\n");
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_init(&wbuf, &lbytes->bytes[0], buflen);\n");
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_int(&wbuf, buflen);\n");
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_char(&wbuf, '%c');\n", (char)(0xff&lt->command_and_flags));
fprintf(cf, " ml_lock(&logger->input_lock);\n");
fprintf(cf, " logger->lsn.lsn += toku_lsn_increment;\n");
fprintf(cf, " LSN lsn = logger->lsn;\n");
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_LSN(&wbuf, lsn);\n");
fprintf(cf, " lbytes->lsn = lsn;\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (lsnp) *lsnp=logger->lsn;\n");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_%s(&wbuf, %s);\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " int r= toku_logger_finish(logger, lbytes, &wbuf, do_fsync);\n");
fprintf(cf, " assert(wbuf.ndone==buflen);\n");
fprintf(cf, " return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n\n");
static void
generate_log_reader (void) {
fprintf(cf, "static int toku_log_fread_%s (FILE *infile, struct logtype_%s *data, struct x1764 *checksum)", lt->name, lt->name);
fprintf(cf, " {\n");
fprintf(cf, " int r=0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t actual_len=5; // 1 for the command, 4 for the first len.\n");
fprintf(cf, " r=toku_fread_%-16s(infile, &data->%-16s, checksum, &actual_len); if (r!=0) return r;\n", "LSN", "lsn");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(cf, " r=toku_fread_%-16s(infile, &data->%-16s, checksum, &actual_len); if (r!=0) return r;\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t checksum_in_file, len_in_file;\n");
fprintf(cf, " r=toku_fread_u_int32_t_nocrclen(infile, &checksum_in_file); actual_len+=4; if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " r=toku_fread_u_int32_t_nocrclen(infile, &len_in_file); actual_len+=4; if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (checksum_in_file!=x1764_finish(checksum) || len_in_file!=actual_len) return DB_BADFORMAT;\n");
fprintf(cf, " return 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "int toku_log_fread (FILE *infile, struct log_entry *le)");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t len1; int r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t ignorelen=0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct x1764 checksum;\n");
fprintf(cf, " x1764_init(&checksum);\n");
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_fread_u_int32_t(infile, &len1, &checksum, &ignorelen); if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " int cmd=fgetc(infile);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (cmd==EOF) return EOF;\n");
fprintf(cf, " char cmdchar = (char)cmd;\n");
fprintf(cf, " x1764_add(&checksum, &cmdchar, 1);\n");
fprintf(cf, " le->cmd=(enum lt_cmd)cmd;\n");
fprintf(cf, " switch ((enum lt_cmd)cmd) {\n");
fprintf(cf, " case LT_%s:\n", lt->name);
fprintf(cf, " return toku_log_fread_%s (infile, &le->u.%s, &checksum);\n", lt->name, lt->name);
fprintf(cf, " };\n");
fprintf(cf, " return DB_BADFORMAT;\n"); // Should read past the record using the len field.
fprintf(cf, "}\n\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "// Return 0 if there is something to read, return -1 if nothing to read, abort if an error.\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "int toku_log_fread_backward (FILE *infile, struct log_entry *le)");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, "{\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n long pos = ftell(infile);\n if (pos<=12) return -1;\n }\n");
fprintf(cf, " int r = fseek(infile, -4, SEEK_CUR); assert(r==0);\n");
//fprintf(cf, " if (r!=0) return errno;\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t len;\n");
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_fread_u_int32_t_nocrclen(infile, &len); assert(r==0);\n");
//fprintf(cf, " if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " r = fseek(infile, -(int)len, SEEK_CUR) ; assert(r==0);\n");
//fprintf(cf, " if (r!=0) return errno;\n");
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_log_fread(infile, le); assert(r==0);\n");
//fprintf(cf, " if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " r = fseek(infile, -(int)len, SEEK_CUR); assert(r==0);\n");
//fprintf(cf, " if (r!=0) return errno;\n");
fprintf(cf, " return 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n");
static void
generate_logprint (void) {
unsigned maxnamelen=0;
fprintf2(cf, hf, "int toku_logprint_one_record(FILE *outf, FILE *f)");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n");
fprintf(cf, " int cmd, r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t len1, crc_in_file;\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t ignorelen=0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct x1764 checksum;\n");
fprintf(cf, " x1764_init(&checksum);\n");
fprintf(cf, " r=toku_fread_u_int32_t(f, &len1, &checksum, &ignorelen);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (r==EOF) return EOF;\n");
fprintf(cf, " cmd=fgetc(f);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (cmd==EOF) return DB_BADFORMAT;\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t len_in_file, len=1+4; // cmd + len1\n");
fprintf(cf, " char charcmd = (char)cmd;\n");
fprintf(cf, " x1764_add(&checksum, &charcmd, 1);\n");
fprintf(cf, " switch ((enum lt_cmd)cmd) {\n");
DO_LOGTYPES(lt, { if (strlen(lt->name)>maxnamelen) maxnamelen=strlen(lt->name); });
unsigned char cmd = (unsigned char)(0xff&lt->command_and_flags);
fprintf(cf, " case LT_%s: \n", lt->name);
// We aren't using the log reader here because we want better diagnostics as soon as things go wrong.
fprintf(cf, " fprintf(outf, \"%%-%us \", \"%s\");\n", maxnamelen, lt->name);
if (isprint(cmd)) fprintf(cf," fprintf(outf, \" '%c':\");\n", cmd);
else fprintf(cf," fprintf(outf, \"0%03o:\");\n", cmd);
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_logprint_%-16s(outf, f, \"lsn\", &checksum, &len, 0); if (r!=0) return r;\n", "LSN");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, {
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_logprint_%-16s(outf, f, \"%s\", &checksum, &len,", ft->type, ft->name);
if (ft->format) fprintf(cf, "\"%s\"", ft->format);
else fprintf(cf, "0");
fprintf(cf, "); if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t actual_murmur = x1764_finish(&checksum);\n");
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_fread_u_int32_t_nocrclen (f, &crc_in_file); len+=4; if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " fprintf(outf, \" crc=%%08x\", crc_in_file);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (crc_in_file!=actual_murmur) fprintf(outf, \" actual_fingerprint=%%08x\", actual_murmur);\n");
fprintf(cf, " r = toku_fread_u_int32_t_nocrclen (f, &len_in_file); len+=4; if (r!=0) return r;\n");
fprintf(cf, " fprintf(outf, \" len=%%u\", len_in_file);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (len_in_file!=len) fprintf(outf, \" actual_len=%%u\", len);\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (len_in_file!=len || crc_in_file!=actual_murmur) return DB_BADFORMAT;\n");
fprintf(cf, " };\n");
fprintf(cf, " fprintf(outf, \"\\n\");\n");
fprintf(cf, " return 0;;\n\n");
fprintf(cf, " }\n");
fprintf(cf, " fprintf(outf, \"Unknown command %%d ('%%c')\", cmd, cmd);\n");
fprintf(cf, " return DB_BADFORMAT;\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n\n");
static void
generate_rollbacks (void) {
fprintf2(cf, hf, "int toku_logger_save_rollback_%s (TOKUTXN txn", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf2(cf, hf, ", %s %s", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, ");\n");
fprintf(cf, ") {\n");
int count=0;
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t rollback_fsize = toku_logger_rollback_fsize_%s(", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, "%s%s", (count++>0)?", ":"", ft->name));
fprintf(cf, ");\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct roll_entry *v = toku_malloc_in_rollback(txn, sizeof(*v));\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (v==0) return errno;\n");
fprintf(cf, " v->cmd = (enum rt_cmd)%u;\n", lt->command_and_flags&0xff);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, " v->u.%s.%s = %s;\n", lt->name, ft->name, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " v->prev = txn->newest_logentry;\n");
fprintf(cf, " v->next = 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " if (txn->oldest_logentry==0) txn->oldest_logentry=v;\n");
fprintf(cf, " else txn->newest_logentry->next = v;\n");
fprintf(cf, " txn->newest_logentry = v;\n");
fprintf(cf, " txn->rollentry_resident_bytecount += rollback_fsize;\n");
fprintf(cf, " txn->rollentry_raw_count += rollback_fsize;\n");
fprintf(cf, " return toku_maybe_spill_rollbacks(txn);\n}\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "void toku_logger_rollback_wbufwrite_%s (struct wbuf *wbuf", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf2(cf, hf, ", %s %s", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf2(cf, hf, ")");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n");
fprintf(cf, " u_int32_t ndone_at_start = wbuf->ndone;\n");
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_char(wbuf, '%c');\n", (char)(0xff&lt->command_and_flags));
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, " wbuf_%s(wbuf, %s);\n", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " wbuf_int(wbuf, 4+wbuf->ndone - ndone_at_start);\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "void toku_logger_rollback_wbufwrite (struct wbuf *wbuf, struct roll_entry *r)");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n switch (r->cmd) {\n");
fprintf(cf, " case RT_%s: toku_logger_rollback_wbufwrite_%s(wbuf", lt->name, lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, ", r->u.%s.%s", lt->name, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, "); return;\n");
fprintf(cf, " }\n assert(0);\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "u_int32_t toku_logger_rollback_fsize_%s (", lt->name);
int count=0;
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf2(cf, hf, "%s%s %s", (count++>0)?", ":"", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(hf, ");\n");
fprintf(cf, ") {\n");
fprintf(cf, " return 1 /* the cmd*/\n");
fprintf(cf, " + 4 /* the int at the end saying the size */");
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt,
fprintf(cf, "\n + toku_logsizeof_%s(%s)", ft->type, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, ";\n}\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "u_int32_t toku_logger_rollback_fsize(struct roll_entry *item)");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, "{\n switch(item->cmd) {\n");
fprintf(cf, " case RT_%s: return toku_logger_rollback_fsize_%s(", lt->name, lt->name);
int count=0;
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, "%sitem->u.%s.%s", (count++>0)?", ":"", lt->name, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, ");\n");
fprintf(cf, " }\n assert(0);\n return 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, "}\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "int toku_parse_rollback(unsigned char *buf, u_int32_t n_bytes, struct roll_entry **itemp, MEMARENA ma)");
fprintf(hf, ";\n");
fprintf(cf, " {\n assert(n_bytes>0);\n struct roll_entry *item = malloc_in_memarena(ma, sizeof(*item));\n item->cmd=(enum rt_cmd)(buf[0]);\n");
fprintf(cf, " struct rbuf rc = {buf, n_bytes, 1};\n");
fprintf(cf, " switch(item->cmd) {\n");
fprintf(cf, " case RT_%s:\n", lt->name);
DO_FIELDS(ft, lt, fprintf(cf, " rbuf_ma_%s(&rc, ma, &item->u.%s.%s);\n", ft->type, lt->name, ft->name));
fprintf(cf, " *itemp = item;\n");
fprintf(cf, " return 0;\n");
fprintf(cf, " }\n return EINVAL;\n}\n");
const char *codepath = "log_code.c";
const char *headerpath = "log_header.h";
int main (int argc __attribute__((__unused__)), char *argv[] __attribute__((__unused__))) {
chmod(codepath, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
chmod(headerpath, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
cf = fopen(codepath, "w");
if (cf==0) { int r = errno; printf("fopen of %s failed because of errno=%d (%s)\n", codepath, r, strerror(r)); } // sometimes this is failing, so let's make a better diagnostic
hf = fopen(headerpath, "w"); assert(hf!=0);
fprintf(hf, "#ifndef LOG_HEADER_H\n");
fprintf(hf, "#define LOG_HEADER_H\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "/* Do not edit this file. This code generated by logformat.c. Copyright 2007, 2008 Tokutek. */\n");
fprintf2(cf, hf, "#ident \"Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved.\"\n");
fprintf(cf, "#include \"includes.h\"\n");
fprintf(hf, "#include \"brt-internal.h\"\n");
fprintf(hf, "#include \"memarena.h\"\n");
fprintf(hf, "#endif\n");
int r=fclose(hf);
// Make it tougher to modify by mistake
chmod(codepath, S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
chmod(headerpath, S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
return 0;