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synced 2025-02-02 12:01:42 +01:00
without trying to re-run autotools. (Backport from 4.1.7 for 4.0.22) Build-tools/mysql-copyright: The top level Makefile will try to re-run the autotools unless the timestamps of the relevant files are in truly ascending order. Ensure this order! (Backport from 4.1.7 for 4.0.22)
372 lines
9.3 KiB
Executable file
372 lines
9.3 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/perl -wi
# Untar a MySQL distribution, change the copyright texts,
# pack it up again to a given directory
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use Getopt::Long;
$opt_help = 0;
$opt_version = 0;
$opt_verbose = 0;
$opt_target = "mysql-copyright-target-";
$opt_target .= `date +%d%m%y-%H%M%S`;
chop $opt_target;
GetOptions("help","version","target=s", "verbose") || error();
# fix the directory prefix for target dir
$WD= cwd();
my $win_flag = 0;
$opt_target= $WD . '/' . $opt_target;
#### main
sub main
my $REG_BASENAME = '[a-z0-9A-Z\-\_\+]+';
my $REG_VERSION = '[0-9\.\-]+[a-z]?[0-9\.\-]+?(.alpha|.beta|.gamma|pre\d|[0-9\.\-a-z])?';
my $target;
if ($opt_version)
print "$0 version $VER by Jani Tolonen\n";
usage() if ($opt_help);
print error() if ($#ARGV == -1);
`mkdir -p $opt_target`;
$pec= $? >> 8;
die "Couldn't make the target directory!\n" if ($pec);
for ($i=0; $ARGV[$i]; $i++)
my $distfile= $ARGV[$i];
$win_flag = ($distfile =~ /win-src/) ? 1 : 0;
my $dir;
$dir= "mysql-copyright-";
$dir.= `date +%d%m%y-%H%M%S`;
chop $dir;
if (!(mkdir "$dir", 0700))
die "Couldn't make directory $dir!";
if (!(chdir "$dir"))
abort($dir, "Couldn't cd to $dir!");
# if the distfile is mysql-3.22.22-alpha.tar.gz, then
# distname is 'mysql-3.22.22-alpha' and suffix '.tar.gz'
if ($distfile =~
$distname= $1.$2.$3;
$suffix= $5;
$fileext = $6;
$newdistname= $1."com".$2.$3;
$newdistname .= $suffix if $win_flag;
# find out the extract path (should be same as distname!)
chomp($destdir= `tar ztf ../$distfile | head -1`);
# remove slash from the end
$destdir= substr($destdir, 0, -1);
if ("$destdir" ne "$distname")
print "Destination directory (the directory that will be extracted\n";
print "from the original distribution file) differs from the\n";
print "distribution name! Are you sure you want to continue? (Y/N) [N]:";
$ans= my_read(1);
abort($dir, "Aborted!") if ("$ans" ne "Y" && "$ans" ne "y");
# everything should be ok, continue with extracting..
`tar xfz ../$distfile`;
$pec= $? >> 8;
abort($dir, "Extracting from tar failed!\n") if ($pec);
# remove the 'PUBLIC' file from distribution and copy MySQLEULA.txt
# on the toplevel of the directory instead. file 'PUBLIC' shouldn't
# exist in the new mysql distributions, but let's be sure..
unlink("$destdir/PUBLIC", "$destdir/README");
unlink("$destdir/COPYING", "$destdir/EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT");
copy("$WD/Docs/MySQLEULA.txt", "$destdir");
# remove subdirectories 'bdb', 'cmd-line-utils/readline'
my @extra_fat= ('bdb', 'cmd-line-utils/readline');
foreach my $fat (@extra_fat)
# fix file copyrights
# fix LICENSE tag in include/mysql_version.h
# apply "autotools" - must be last to ensure proper timestamps
# rename the directory with new distribution name
print "renaming $destdir $newdistname\n" if $opt_verbose;
rename($destdir, $newdistname);
# tar the new distribution
`tar cz -f $WD/$newdistname.tar.gz $newdistname`;
$pec= $? >> 8;
abort($dir, "Making new tar archive failed!\n") if ($pec);
# remove temporary directory
chdir($WD) or print "$! Unable to move up one dir\n";
my $cwd = getcwd();
print "current dir is $cwd\n" if $opt_verbose ;
if (-e $dir) {
print "Trying to delete $dir\n" if $opt_verbose;
if ( system("rm -rf $dir")){
print "$! Unable to delete $dir!\n";
#### This function will s/GPL/Commercial/ in include/mysql_version.h for the
#### LICENSE tag.
sub fix_mysql_version
my $cwd= getcwd();
my $header_file= (-f 'include/mysql_version.h.in')? 'include/mysql_version.h.in' : 'include/mysql_version.h';
open(MYSQL_VERSION,"<$header_file") or die "Unable to open $header_file for read: $!\n";
undef $/;
my $mysql_version= <MYSQL_VERSION>;
$mysql_version=~ s/\#define LICENSE[\s\t]+GPL/#define LICENSE Commercial/;
open(MYSQL_VERSION,">$header_file") or die "Unable to open $header_file for write: $!\n";
print MYSQL_VERSION $mysql_version;
#### This function will remove unwanted parts of a src tree for the mysqlcom
#### distributions.
sub trim_the_fat
my $the_fat= shift;
my $cwd= getcwd();
if ( -d "${the_fat}" )
system("rm -rf ${the_fat}");
if (!$win_flag)
open(CONFIG_IN,"<configure.in") or die "Unable to open configure.in for read: $!\n";
undef $/;
my $config_in= <CONFIG_IN>;
# If $the_fat Makefile line closes the parenthesis, then
# replace that line with just the closing parenthesis.
if ($config_in=~ m|${the_fat}/Makefile\)\n?|)
$config_in=~ s|${the_fat}/Makefile(\)\n?)|$1|;
# Else just delete the line
$config_in=~ s|${the_fat}/Makefile dnl\n?||;
open(CONFIG_IN,">configure.in") or die "Unable to open configure.in for write: $!\n";
print CONFIG_IN $config_in;
#### This function will run the autotools on the reduced source tree.
sub run_autotools
my $cwd= getcwd();
if (!$win_flag)
unlink ("configure") or die "Can't delete $destdir/configure: $!\n";
# File "configure.in" has already been modified by "trim_the_fat()"
# It must be ensured that the timestamps of the relevant files are really
# ascending, for otherwise the Makefile may cause a re-run of these
# autotools. Experience shows that deletion is the only safe way.
unlink ("config.h.in") or die "Can't delete $destdir/config.h.in: $!\n";
unlink ("aclocal.m4") or die "Can't delete $destdir/aclocal.m4: $!\n";
# These sleep commands also ensure the ascending order.
`aclocal && sleep 2 && autoheader && sleep 2 && automake && sleep 2 && autoconf`;
die "'./configure' was not produced!" unless (-f "configure");
if (-d "autom4te.cache") {
print "Trying to delete autom4te.cache dir\n" if $opt_verbose;
system("rm -rf autom4te.cache") or print "Unable to delete autom4te.cache dir: $!\n";
#### mysqld and MySQL client programs have a usage printed with --help.
#### This usage includes a copyright, which needs to be modified
sub fix_usage_copyright
my $findlist = `find . -type f -name \"*.c*\"`;
my @files = split("\n", $findlist);
my $cwd = getcwd();
foreach my $file (@files)
next if ! -f $file;
print "processing file $file in cwd $cwd\n" if $opt_verbose;
`replace "This is free software," "This is commercial software," "and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license" "please see the file MySQLEULA.txt for details" -- "$file"` ;
#### change the copyright text in the beginning of the files
sub add_copyright
my $findlist = `find . -type f -name "*"`;
my @files = split("\n", $findlist);
my $cwd = getcwd();
foreach my $file (@files)
next if ! -f $file;
next if -B $file;
print "processing file $file in cwd $cwd\n" if $opt_verbose;
`$WD/Build-tools/mysql-copyright-2 "$file"`;
#### read stdin
sub my_read
($length)= @_; # Max allowed length for the string.
$input= getc(STDIN);
if($input eq "\n")
return "\n";
for($new_input= getc(STDIN); $new_input ne "\n" ;)
if(length($input) < $length)
$input.= $new_input;
$new_input= getc(STDIN);
return $input;
#### abort
sub abort
my ($dir, $errstr)= @_;
# remove newly made directory and it's contents
print "$errstr\n";
chdir "..";
print "Removing directory $dir...\n";
`rm -rf $dir`;
#### usage
sub usage
print <<EOF;
$0 version $VER by Jani Tolonen
Description: The program takes one or more MySQL distributions as an
argument(s), extracts them, changes the copyright text in the
distribution files and makes a new distribution with suffix "com" in
the basename to directory mysql-copyright-target-DATE, where the
command was issued. For example: mysql-3.23.18-beta.tar.gz ->
mysqlcom-3.23.18-beta.tar.gz. DATE is of form DDMMYY-HHMMSS. The
target directory can be changed with option
--target=... mysql-copyright consists of two perl programs, this one
and another, mysql-copyright-2. Make sure the second part of the
script is available to the main script.
$0 [options] file1 [file2 file3...]
--help Show this help and exit.
--target Target directory for new distribution files.
'.' can be used for the current directory.
(Default: $opt_target)
#### error
sub error
if ($#ARGV == -1)
print "Too few arguments to $0!\n";